DRUG-RELATED RISK & HARM RISK (A) The probability that a type of drug use will result in harm (B) Drug use (consumption behaviour) with a high probability of causing harm Drug consumption has 7 risk components, and risk also arises from its causes & effects HARM/BENEFIT A negative/positive consequence (long-term effect or outcome) of drug use 3 types: health damage, socio-legal problems, & economic costs 3 levels: individual, community or society RISK Drug consumption has seven core risk components, with 2 key indicators for each PRODUCT Purity & Adulterants ACCESS Sources & Availability AMOUNTS per Dose & per Period PATTERNS Frequency & Stages of use MIXTURES Poly-use & Multi-use METHODS Route of use & Care CONTEXT Set & Setting R. Newcombe (1992). The reduction of drug-related harm. IN P. O’Hare et al. (eds), The Reduction of Drug-Related Harm. London: Routledge. HARMS & BENEFITS Mental & Physical SOCIO- HEALTH LEGAL ECONOMIC DAMAGE PROBLEMS COSTS INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITY SOCIETAL RISK ESTIMATION CALCULATING RATES OF DRUG-RELATED HARM EXPOSURE DRUG USE Example PREVALENCE Number of people 1M users of E FREQUENCY Mean no. of occasions 12 times a year LEVEL Mean amount used 2 tablets per occasion NUMERATOR: number of cases of harm (eg. death, heatstroke, psychosis) DENOMINATOR: number of cases of exposure to risk (1) number of people, eg. one million users (2) number of occasions, eg. 12 million occasions (3) number of doses, eg. 24 million doses WHAT IS BEING NEGLECTED BY HARM REDUCTION POLICY & SERVICES? RISKS DRUG PRODUCTS – variable purity (overdose) - toxic adulterants (ecstasy) - toxic additives (cannabis) - bacterial contaminants (heroin) ACCESS TO DRUGS – substitute prescribing (99% methadone) - cultivation of cannabis (possible imprisonment) - forensic data on seized drugs (distribution to drug users) HARMS INDIVIDUAL HARM - TO DRUG DEALERS - many/most users are user-dealers - need dealers to cooperate on safer drug products (since government will not provide quality supply) - distinguish social supply from commercial supply - end imprisonment for cannabis trafficking CAUSES DRUG LAWS - decriminalisation as first step then legalisation Effects (1) reduction in criminalisation & discrimination (2) users more willing to come forward for help (3) talk to young experimenters directly (4) clean hygienic measured controlled products (5) point of sale information and advice ENDPOINT WOULD YOU WANT TO EAT IN A RESTAURANT WHICH GAVE YOU: (1) AN INFORMATIVE MENU – WITH ADVICE ON INGREDIENTS, CALORIES, etc. (2) A SUITABLE SETTING FOR DINERS ONLY (3) CLEAN CROCKERY & CUTTLERY BUT SERVES BAD FOOD AT HIGH PRICES? – THAT IS, * INGREDIENTS IN VARIABLE, UNKNOWN AMOUNTS * FOOD ADULTERATED WITH TOXIC CHEMICALS * FOOD CONTAMINATED WITH BACTERIA BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT HARM REDUCTION MAINLY OFFERS DRUG USERS. FOR EXAMPLE, IDUs ARE GIVEN ADVICE ON SAFER INJECTING, INJECTING ROOMS, AND CLEAN NEEDLES & PARAPHERNALIA – BUT HAVE TO INJECT ILLICIT DRUGS (HIGH PRICES, VARIABLE DOSES, ADULTERATED, IMPURE & CONTAMINATED) For harm reductionists, pressing for a legal supply of drugs should neither be (a) irrelevant, nor (b) a hidden agenda – it should be their explicit, formal agenda MAIN 2 EXAMPLES OF HARM REDUCTION IN OTHER FIELDS An intervention can be classed as harm reduction if its objective is less risky behaviour (safer use/sex), instead of, or as well as, prevention of the behaviour (abstinence) ALCOHOL Information/advice on unsafe, safe and beneficial amounts of alcohol per week, by gender Products with a range of potencies available, with information on labels about %ABV Quality-controlled production and delivery by breweries, and sale by off-licenses and licensed bars Most bars sell food and non-alcoholic drinks Law permits sale to (a) adults only, (b) sober people only Drink-driving is an offence, detected by breathalyser Public drunkenness (with or without disorder) is an offence Local by-laws prohibit alcohol use in public places Giving alcohol to child under 5 years is an offence Laws gradually introduce young people to alcohol (enter bars at 14, drink with meal at 16, buy alcohol at 18) Alcohol use is prohibited by many organisations in the workplace and/or during working hours (eg. transport, security, medical), and may be monitored by drug tests Alcohol units and helping agencies for problem drinkers SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR Information/advice/education on safer sex – activities (esp. non-penetrative), protection (esp. condoms), lifestyles (esp. monogamy and fidelity), etc. Free condoms provided from health agencies, and on sale at pharmacies and in vending machines (eg. pub toilets) Other contraception also available from health agencies and pharmacies, eg. the pill, dam, coil, vasecectomy, etc. Legalisation of prostitution (medical monitoring, etc.) Chemical/physical castration of repeated serious sexual offenders – esp. child abusers and rapists STD clinics and HIV/hepatitis units for treatment DRUG-RELATED RISK AND HARM <- - - - - - - - - - - - R I S K - - - - - - - - - - - -> < - - - H A R M - - -> CAUSES DRUG CON- SHORT-TERM LONGER-TERM SUMPTION EFFECTS EFFECTS (INGESTION) (INTOXICATION) (OUTCOMES) laws/policy product, access, physical effects health damage soc. exclusion amount, pattern, mental effects sociolegal problems genes/traits method, context, economic costs etc. mixtures ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | - - R I S K R E D U C T I O N - - HARM REDUCTION I N T E R V E N T I O N S RISK-HARM RELATIONSHIPS RISK HALLMARK HARMS Specific causes PRODUCT POISONING/ODs Variable purity INFECTIONS & additives etc. ACCESS CRIMINALISATION Drug offences DEALING, ACQ. CRIME Funding habit PATTERNS DEPENDENCE Daily use MENTAL DISORDERS Regular use AMOUNTS POISONING/ODs/DEATHS High doses METHODS INFECTIONS Sharing needles MIXTURES POISONING/ODs/DEATHS Drug cocktails CONTEXT ACCIDENTS/INJURIES Driving, work etc. EXPOSURE & DISORDER Public places etc. RISKS REDUCED BY MAIN TYPES OF HARM REDUCTION INTERVENTION MAIN TYPES OF H-R INTERVENTION TYPE OF RISK INFO TEST | PRES EXCH ROOM LAWS | PRODUCT * * | * * ACCESS * | * * AMOUNT * | * * PATTERN * | * METHOD * | * * * MIXTURE * | SETTING * | * * __________________________________________________________________________ INDIRECT INFO INFORMATION & ADVICE on all drugs and all risks/harms –leaflets, software, websites, etc. TEST DRUG TESTING FACILITIES: mainly for ecstasy (on-site in clubs, and take-home kits) DIRECT PRES SUBSTITUTE PRESCRIBING: mainly oral methadone; also other opiates, stimulants, and injectables & reefers EXCH NEEDLE EXCHANGE for IDUs, including new-for-old syringes, and injecting paraphernalia DRUG CONSUMPTION ROOMS/AREAS: mainly for IDUs (also: tobacco smokers) LAWS LEGALISING USE &/OR SUPPLY: mainly for cannabis use (Europe), but also cannabis supply (Holland, Switz.) PRINCIPLES OF HARM REDUCTION INTERVENTION STAGES KEY PRINCIPLES MAKING & MAINTAINING USER-FRIENDLINESS (accessible, flexible, CONTACT drop-in & outreach, suitable/friendly staff, relevant client-led services, etc.) DELIVERING SERVICES MULTI-LEVEL DELIVERY: direct & indirect interventions into drug use and its causes/effects CHANGING BEHAVIOUR HIERARCHY OF OBJECTIVES – based on the 7 components of risk, and its key sub-types ACHIEVING AIMS TARGET EVALUATION: 3 types of outcome (REDUCING HARMS AND at 3 levels, with targets: performance indicators INCREASING BENEFITS) with specified levels of change and deadlines