1 ACTIVATING THE UNEMPLOYED : WHAT COUNTRIES DO : FURTHER MATERIAL Compendium of National Replies to the OECD Questionnaire on Interventions in the Unemployment Spell The following tables show the replies received in response to the OECD questionnaire on "Interventions in the Unemployment Spell" sent to member countries in November 2004. They are shown here as background to Chapter 5 of the 2007 OECD Employment Outlook, entitled "Activating the Unemployed: What Countries Do?". A total of 29 countries replied to the questionnaire, and a number of them provided updated information in late 2006 or early 2007. Responses to the questionnaire by Mexico are included in the tables, although the country has no unemployment benefit system. Entries for Belgium reflect responses by the federal benefit agency, ONEM, and the regional placement agencies from Flanders and Wallonia, VDAB and FOREM. The responses from the placement agencies from Brussels and the German-speaking community can be obtained from the OECD upon request. Where countries provided updates after the print deadline for Chapter 5 of the June 2007 OECD Employment Outlook, some statements may deviate from descriptions in that chapter. The questions are listed at the head of each table. Below each question, a description of the principles used to attribute scores to the replies is given. The cells list the edited text of the replies, country by country. * Some material was omitted for space reasons (the original replies varied greatly in length), and remaining material was often paraphrased to shorten it. * Where relevant, information from other sources and the Secretariat's own estimates and calculations are added. These additions appear within square brackets and are not part of the original response from the country. Scores are shown in cells to the right of text entries, and are usually approximate. References to sources of information, other than the country's official response to the questionnaire, are listed in a bibliography at the end of this document. The original instructions to questionnaire respondents and notes to the question are attached in the Annex. Situation at 1st July 2007 2 L'ACTIVATION DES CHOMEURS TELLE QUE LA PRATIQUENT LES PAYS : DOCUMENTATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE Réponses nationales au questionnaire du Secrétariat portant sur les interventions au cours de la période du chômage Les tableaux suivants reproduisent les réponses au questionnaire de l'OCDE sur Les interventions au cours de la période du chômage envoyé aux pays membres en novembre 2004. Ces réponses représentent un document de référence au chapitre 5 de l'édition 2007 des Perspectives de l'Emploi de l'OCDE, intitulé L'Activation des chômeurs telle que la pratiquent les pays . Vingt-neuf pays au total ont répondu au questionnaire, dont certains ont envoyé des informations mises jour fin 2006 ou début 2007. Les réponses du Mexique sont incluses dans les tableaux mme si ce pays n'a pas de systme d'assurance-chômage. Les réponses pour la Belgique correspondent celles de l'agence fédérale de l'assurance-chômage, l'ONEM, et des agences régionales de placement de Flandres et de Wallonie, du VDAB et du FOREM. Les réponses des agences de placement de Bruxelles et de la communauté germanophone peuvent tre obtenues sur demande l'OCDE. Lorsque les pays ont fourni des mises jour au-del de la date limite d'impression du chapitre 5 des Perspectives de l'emploi de l'OCDE, certaines spécifications pourraient tre légrement différentes des descriptions au sein de ce chapitre. Les questions figurent en tte de chaque tableau. En dessous de chaque question apparaît l'exposé des principes suivis pour l'attribution des scores aux réponses. Les cellules contiennent le texte des réponses par pays. * Certains textes ont été omis en raison de leur longueur (les réponses originales variaient beaucoup en longueur). En plus, les réponses ont souvent été paraphrasées pour les raccourcir. * Quand ceci a été jugé utile, le Secrétariat a ajouté des informations provenant d'autres sources ainsi que ses propres estimations et calculs. Ces ajouts figurent entre crochés et ne font pas partie de la réponse originale du pays. Les scores figurent dans les cellules en marge du texte ; ils sont en général approximatifs. Les références aux sources d'information autres que la réponse officielle du pays figurent dans une bibliographie la fin de ce document. Les lignes directrices destinées aux auteurs des réponses au questionnaire, et les notes relatives au questionnaire, sont fournies en annexe. Situation au 1er juillet 2007 3 Initial registration/1.a. Describe benefit application and registration-for-placement procedures. Does the unemployed person register for placement before applying for benefit, or must he or she register for placement within a given time after the application for benefit? Is unemployment benefit paid retrospectively (for unemployment-days before the benefit application and/or registration) or only after a waiting period (some days after the start of unemployment or after benefit application and/or registration)? Premire inscription/1.a. Indiquez les procédures mises en oeuvre pour l'inscription en vue d'un placement et pour la demande de prestations. Le chômeur s'inscrit-il d'abord en vue d'un placement avant de faire valoir ses droits prestations pour recevoir des allocations chômage ou, dispose-t-il d'un délai imparti pour s'inscrire en vue d'un placement, aprs la demande de prestations ? Les allocations chômage sont-elles versées rétrospectivement (pour les journées de chômage qui ont précédé la demande de prestations et/ou l'inscription auprs du service de placement) ou seulement au-del d'un délai (quelques jours aprs l'entrée au chômage ou aprs la demande de prestations et/ou l'inscription auprs du service de placement) ? Country Score as 0 if benefits can be received without registration-for-placement, 0.5 if registration is obligatory but unemployment prior to initial registration can be compensated, 1 if payment is not made in respect of unemployment that occurred prior to initial registration for placement and 1.5 if payment is not made until some days after initial registration for placement. "Initial registration for placement" occurs when the individual supplies data on occupation, etc. that could allow referral to a suitable job vacancy. The waiting period mentioned refers to cases of involuntary lay-off. Score Pays Marquer 0 si les allocations sont octroyées sans inscription pour le placement, 0.5 si l'inscription est obligatoire mais le chômage antérieur l'inscription initiale peut tre indemnisé, 1 si le paiement n'est pas effectué en ce qui concerne le chômage antérieur l'inscription initiale pour le placement et 1.5 si le paiement n'est effectué que quelques jours aprs l'inscription initiale pour le placement. L'inscription initiale pour le placement se produit quand l'individu fournit des informations sur son occupation, etc. qui pourraient permettre la référence une offre d'emploi appropriée. La période d'attente mentionnée se rapporte des cas de licenciement involontaire. Australia Benefit is payable from the date that jobseekers make contact with Centrelink, if they lodge a claim and meet with an employment service provider, i.e. a Job Network (JN) member) within 14 days of that contact (unless they are exempt from this requirement). Otherwise it starts from the date a claim is lodged or when the person meets with a JN member. Claimants are given an appointment with their chosen Job Network members within 48 hours. Waiting period: an ordinary waiting period of 1 week applies, unless the person has been receiving an income support payment in the previous 13 weeks. 1 Austria Registration for placement and application for unemployment benefit take place at the same time. It is not possible to apply for benefit without registering for placement. 1 4 Belgique ONEM : Pour bénéficier des allocations, le chômeur complet a l'obligation de se faire inscrire comme demandeur d'emploi auprs du service régional de l'emploi compétent. Pour s'inscrire, le demandeur d'emploi dispose d'un délai de huit jours calendrier prenant cours le lendemain de la demande d'allocations. La preuve de l'inscription comme demandeur d'emploi doit tre fournie l'organisme fédéral (ONEM) qui gre l'assurance-chômage Si le chômeur complet s'inscrit comme demandeur d'emploi dans le délai précité, les allocations sont versées partir de la date de la demande d'allocations. En cas d'inscription tardive, les allocations sont payées partir de la date de l'inscription. 0.5 Canada Clients have four weeks after their last day of work to apply for Employment Insurance (EI) ­ preferably via Internet ­ or they may lose benefits which otherwise would have been paid. Waiting period: two weeks, or zero if reopening an EI claim in which the jobseeker has already served a two-week waiting period. There is no "registration-for-placement" requirement. When clients apply for benefits, they are informed of their rights and responsibilities and of the next steps required. Some regions may contact clients to attend a group information session; other regions may refer clients individually to employment agencies. 0 Czech Republic/ République tchque Le chômeur qui dépose sa demande écrite en vue d'un placement dans le bureau du travail peut en mme temps déposer sa demande de prestations. Au cas o il remplit les conditions légales, les allocations de chômage lui sont versées mensuellement avec un retard d'un mois. [Le score suppose que le droit aux prestations commence avec la situation légale de chômage, pas avec l'inscription]. 0.5 Denmark Unemployed persons are required to register on the first day of unemployment at the PES. Almost two-thirds do this on-line. They also need to register at the UI Fund in which they are a member as quickly as possible; a non-insured person can register at the municipality or the PES. 1 Finland Unemployed persons need to register as jobseekers at the PES. The local PES office subsequently informs the Social Insurance Institution or the competent Trade Union UI Fund of the jobseeker's unemployment status. Unemployment benefit can be paid starting from the date of registration-for-placement, not retroactively. Waiting period: seven days for unemployment benefit; five days for labour market support (social assistance). 1.5 France Inscription et demande d'allocation se font en remplissant un dossier qui est soumis l'Assédic dans le cadre de l'inscription comme demandeur d'emploi. Au cours de cet entretien liminaire, la distance l'emploi ainsi que le risque de chômage de longue durée du demandeur d'emploi font l'objet d'un calcul statistique dont le résultat est communiqué l'ANPE. Le premier entretien avec un conseiller de l'ANPE est réalisé au maximum huit jours aprs le contact avec l'Assédic. La date permettant de déterminer le début de versement des allocations est la date d'inscription. Le délai minimum avant la perception des allocations est de 7 jours (délai d'attente). Ce délai ne s'applique pas si la nouvelle admission au régime d'assurance chômage intervient dans les 12 mois suivant la précédente admission. 1 Germany The registration as unemployed is tantamount to the application for the unemployment benefit and separate application is not required. The benefit is paid from the date of the registration, while retroactive payment is not possible. Employees need to register immediately after receiving notice; otherwise they can be sanctioned. 1 5 Greece The unemployed person needs to register for placement before applying for benefit. The unemployment benefit is paid from the day of applying for the benefit. 1 Hungary Registration and application for benefit are part of the same procedure. 1 Ireland Unemployed persons make claims for Jobseekers Benefit (JB) and Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) at their local social welfare offices. If they have not registered with FÁS at the time of making the application, they are advised not to do so for at least a month. This is done for operational reasons as many claimants sign off within a month. There is a three-day waiting period for all new claims. There is provision for the backdating of applications, but claimants must convince Deciding Officers that there are good reasons for doing so. 0 Italy For ordinary unemployment benefit, registration at the PES is a condition for payment. Waiting period: seven days for ordinary unemployment benefit. In the construction sector, registration is a condition both for payment and for the start of entitlement. Benefit with reduced requirements and special agricultural benefit are conditional on the number of days worked in the previous year (not on unemployment status). 1.5 Japan The unemployed need to submit a report on their separation from employment and register for placement with the PES. Benefit payment starts upon expiration of the waiting period (seven days following registration). 1.5 Korea Unemployed persons can apply for unemployment benefits when they register for placement at a Job Center (PES). Waiting period: seven days from the date of application for benefit. 1.5 Luxembourg Pour bénéficier de l'indemnisation, le travailleur sans emploi est tenu de s'inscrire comme demandeur d'emploi auprs des bureaux de placement publics. En cas d'inscription tardive, l'indemnisation est accordée avec effet rétroactif sur 14 jours de calendrier au maximum. 0.5 Mexico After registration, the job counsellor immediately sends the jobseeker to several (1 to 3) vacancies or advises him that he will be called when vacancies become available. There is no benefit payment in Mexico. Not applicable Netherlands The unemployed person needs to register both for placement and benefit at the local Centre for Work and Income (CWI). Payment of benefits does not depend on the date of registration or application, but is possible retroactively (up to one week). 0.5 New Zealand On notifying the PES (Work and Income) of their intention to apply for financial assistance, clients are encouraged to attend a work-focussed pre-assessment (legislation currently before Parliament seeks to make participation compulsory). Clients who are available for work attend a pre-benefit (WRK4U) seminar, then if still not employed they meet with a case manager both for placement and to take the benefit claim. Benefit is paid either from the date of first contact or from the end of the waiting (stand down) period, whichever is the later. Waiting period: 1 to 10 weeks after separation from previous job, depending on income over the previous 26 or 52 weeks, any payments from the employer at the time of separation, and reason for leaving previous employer. However, legislation currently before Parliament seeks to reduce the maximum waiting period to 2 weeks. 1 6 Norway After registering unemployed, the completed application for benefit can be sent up to four weeks later. An initial interview providing guidance on opportunities in the labour market takes place up to three weeks after registration. Waiting period: four days since January 2007 (previously five days). 1.5 Poland Jobseekers register at local employment offices by submitting the documents necessary for determining their status and their entitlements. Waiting period: seven days as from the day of registration (introduced in 1997). 1.5 Portugal The applicant for unemployment benefits must register at the Employment Centre within 90 days from the beginning of the unemployment so that their ability and availability may be evaluated, and then apply for unemployment benefits at the Social Security Centre. Unemployment benefits are paid as from the date of the application for benefit. 1 Slovak Republic Registration for placement at the PES is a prerequisite for the award of unemployment benefit by the Social Insurance Agency. If the person has satisfied the contribution conditions for UI, benefit entitlement arises from the date the person was placed on the Jobseeker Register. 1 Spain For contributory benefit (UI), the application for benefit must be made within 15 working days of the start of the legal state of unemployment (S.L.D). The person must register as a jobseeker at the same time or earlier, but not before the S.L.D The benefit is paid from the first day of the legal state of unemployment and with no waiting period. 0.5 Sweden The unemployed person applies for unemployment benefit when registering at the PES, while the actual decision on the award of benefit is made by the competent UI fund. Unemployment benefit is not paid retroactively. Waiting period: five days (in regular cases). 1.5 Suisse Le demandeur d'emploi s'inscrit la commune au plus tard le premier jour o il se trouve sans emploi et prétend des allocations de chômage. La commune lui remet les documents d'annonce l'Office Régional de Placement (ORP). Délai d'attente : le droit aux indemnités commence courir cinq jours aprs l'inscription la commune. 1 Turkey Newly unemployed need to register both for benefit and for placement. The delay time for application is 30 days. Any delay beyond 30 days is deducted from benefit entitlement. 0 United Kingdom At initial registration (usually by telephone) a benefit claimant provides basic personal information and reports availability for work. Payment is conditional on attending scheduled interviews about benefit and about placement. Once the claim has been approved, benefits will be paid retroactive to the date of "first (telephone) contact". 1 United States An individual usually applies for benefits in the first week of unemployment. Application can be in-person, by phone or by Internet. Registration for job-search assistance is automatic and happens at the time of application for benefits in many states. In some states, UI claimants are required to report in person to register for employment services. Benefits are not paid retrospectively. In most states, workers on temporary lay-off who have a return to work date from their employer are not required to register for placement. Waiting period: in most states a "waiting week". 1.5 7 Initial registration/1.b. Does the placement service evaluate at initial registration whether applicants are available for work and whether they can be placed immediately in a vacant job? How often is an application for unemployment benefit delayed or refused because the placement service asks the applicant to apply for one or more job vacancies first? Premire inscription/1.b. Le service de placement tente-t-il de déterminer, ds la premire inscription, si les demandeurs d'emploi sont disponibles pour travailler et si un emploi vacant peut leur tre attribué immédiatement ? quelle fréquence une demande de prestation pour des allocations chômage serait-elle différée ou refusée, parce que le candidat est tenu par le service de placement de postuler préalablement une offre d'emploi au moins ? Country Score as 1 if placement is sometimes attempted at the time of initial registration and benefit may be denied (or be subject to a later sanction if the job is refused) when suitable work is available. Score 0.5 if placement attempts occur but are unlikely to have consequences for benefit and 0 if placement is never attempted at the time of initial registration. Score Pays Marquer 1 s'il y a tentative de placement au moment de l'inscription initiale et si les allocations sont bloquées quand un travail convenable est disponible. Marquer 0.5 si les tentatives de placement ont lieu mais n'ont pas d'incidence sur les allocations et 0 si le placement n'est pas tenté au moment de l'inscription initiale. Australia Centrelink assesses whether the person is "work ready" through a series of pro-forma questions at the time they claim an unemployment payment, and makes this information available to the Job Network member to assess potential barriers to employment. Payment of an unemployment benefit is not delayed while a person seeks a set number of job vacancies. However, payment may be delayed if the person does not meet with a Job Network member within the required time frame. 0 Austria At initial registration, applicants have to confirm (in written form) that they are available for work. The benefits could be cancelled if the PES offers vacancies (immediately after registration or during the period of registration), but the person cannot take up employment because of non-availability. 1 Belgique VDAB : Le but de l'inscription est toujours d'établir un dossier médiable . Au moment de l'inscription le demandeur d'emploi est tenu de choisir au minimum une offre de la liste auto générée, laquelle il s'engage de réagir. FOREM : L'appréciation de la disponibilité du demandeur d'emploi n'est pas de la compétence du FOREM. En mme temps, le but de l'inscription est d'établir un dossier de qualité pour procéder l'intermédiation entre l'offre et la demande d'emplois. 1 0 Canada There is no registration-for-placement requirement that takes place at the time of benefit application. Therefore the approval of benefit application is independent of any placement activities. 0 Czech Republic/ République tchque Si un emploi vacant est déclaré, il peut tre offert au chômeur immédiatement. Si le demandeur remplit les conditions légales, sa demande de prestations ne peut pas tre refusée. Le demandeur est rayé du registre s'il refuse, sans raisons valables, d'accepter un emploi approprié. 1 Denmark Within 30 days from the initial registration, the unemployed has to fill in a CV for use by the PES and its Internet service. The CV is discussed at the first intensive interview, one month after initial registration. At this first interview the PES puts the person into one of five degrees of labour market match using the so-called employability profiling toolbox. [No reference to job offers at first contact.] 0 8 Finland At initial registration, the PES informs the jobseeker of his rights and obligations considering unemployment benefits and active job search. The jobseeker is supposed to apply for every vacancy and training possibility that is advised by the PES. In 2007, the PES has started to profile jobseekers as to their risk of prolonged unemployment .. France Le premier entretien professionnel (PEP) du demandeur d'emploi avec un conseiller pour l'emploi de l'ANPE est réalisé au maximum huit jours aprs l'entretien préliminaire (cinq jours partir du 1er juillet 2007). La disponibilité du DE au regard de l'emploi (recherche d'emploi temps complet ou temps partiel, disponibilité immédiate ou non, etc.) font l'objet d'un examen l'occasion de ce premier entretien, qui permet notamment d'identifier avec précision la nature de l'emploi recherché. L' ANPE établit le projet personnalisé d'accs l'emploi (PPAE) aprs avoir confirmé ou modifié la premire évaluation réalisée par l'Assédic. A l'issue de cet entretien, elle peut proposer immédiatement des offres d'emploi. Le projet personnalisé d'accs l'emploi formalise, pour chaque demandeur d'emploi, les services, conseils et prescriptions nécessaires son retour l'emploi. 1 Germany Efforts to place the jobless person in a job are made immediately after registration as unemployed, provided that vacancies are available. When unemployed clients are placed in a job the same day that they register, they are not eligible for benefit payment. An application for benefit is not refused or delayed when a job is immediately offered, but a benefit sanction can be applied if the person does not accept a reasonable job offer. 1 Greece At registration or during the first interview, in addition to the self-service instruments available to the jobseeker, the counselor will try to match his/her profile with available vacancies. When an unemployed person is referred to a vacancy at initial registration, his/her benefit application will not be delayed or suspended. Application for vacancies are not a prerequisite for benefit payment. However, if during the benefit period the jobseeker refuses a placement within his/her professional sector, the provision of the benefit is interrupted by virtue of Act 1545/85. 1 Hungary Detailed evaluation of applicants [i.e. jobseeker classification] has not been common, but it is now intended to introduce a profiling model throughout PES offices. By law, benefit can be terminated anytime during the registration period if the unemployed person does not fully cooperate with the PES. .. Ireland Deciding Officers will only award payment of Jobseekers Benefit or Jobseekers Allowance in cases where they are satisfied that the customer is available for, capable of and genuinely seeking work. A spot check on claims decided during one week in November 2006 showed that 3% were disallowed. [No reference to job offers at first contact.] .. Italy [Decree No. 297/2002 includes, in addition to previous requirements of "joblessness" and "immediate availability for work", the requirement for the unemployed person to engage in "the search for gainful employment in ways agreed with the relevant services" (EEOR, 2003, p. 19).] However, the bulk of people previously registered were transferred to the new status with no evidence of implementation of the job-search plans agreed by the individual and the PES. This may now be slowly changing, but the situation remains very different across regions. For ordinary unemployment benefit, there are no data about how frequently people lose unemployment status as a consequence of the refusal of a job offer or lack of cooperation with the PES, but the Ministry of Labour feels that this situation is not frequent and sanctions are applied only rarely. .. 9 Japan When applicants for unemployment benefit registers for placement, the PES confirms they will and ability to work. Placements may sometimes be attempted at initial registration, but this will not delay a benefit application. A refusal to take up a PES job offer (including one made at initial registration) will be met by a benefit sanction. 0.5 Korea When jobseekers register for placement and apply for benefit, their work readiness, abilities and skill levels are assessed by means of an interview and of a jobseeking form that applicants fill out. The Job Center will not delay or decline a benefit application if it has referred the applicant to a job vacancy, but refusal of employment with no justifiable reason in this case is sanctioned by non-payment of benefit for two weeks. 0.5 Luxembourg Le Service de Placement vérifie la disponibilité des demandeurs d'emploi au moment de leur inscription. Le refus par le demandeur d'emploi d'un emploi approprié proposé par le Service Placement de l'ADEM entraîne le retrait de l'indemnité de chômage complet. .. Mexico Practically all jobseekers that visit the PES are disposed to be sent to vacancies immediately. There is no benefit payment in Mexico. .. Netherlands Since work availability (distance to the labour market) and active job search are the main aspects of the conditionality of benefits, the PES (CWI) assesses these aspects at the beginning of the process. However, the CWI cannot refuse to support the process of applying for benefits. The UWV and municipalities make the final assessment of entitlement to benefits. .. New Zealand Clients are canvassed at the first point of contact regarding their availability for work, prior to being referred to a WRK4U seminar. These seminars are held within a day or two of a person contacting us and clients are able to access available vacancies from this time. In some cases a Work Broker will be able to match a client to a vacancy at the seminar. A large amount of persons coming out of WRK4U seminars do not go on to receive a benefit (46% in the period from June 2006 to February 2007). Legislation currently before Parliament seeks to make attendance at the seminar mandatory for applicants of unemployment benefit. 0.5 Norway All interviews and contacts which jobseekers have with the PES (NAV) have a strong focus on jobs. Jobseekers are encouraged to apply for jobs and can be placed in vacant positions from day one of unemployment. The application for benefit is never interrupted in the starting phase. 1 Poland While determining the rights to benefit, the PES has an obligation to check whether there are not any suitable vacancies, apprenticeships, appropriate training slots or other active labour market programmes available for the jobseeker. 0.5 Portugal The applicant's ability and availability are evaluated during registration at the Employment Centre. At that time, it is possible that applicants are immediately confronted with a job offer, but they continue to be entitled to benefit payable between their initial benefit application and the start-up of new employment. 1 Slovak Republic All unemployed fulfilling the legal requirements are entitled to the benefit, which is therefore not made conditional upon their application for job vacancies. However, during initial registration the availability of applicants is checked by the PES, and vacancies may also be offered. 0.5 10 Spain When applying for benefits the unemployed must subscribe to an activity agreement undertaking (inter alia) to actively seek work, accept "adequate" job vacancies and return proof of application to the PES within five days of referral. [No reference to job offers at first contact.] .. Sweden There is no requirement to apply for jobs or perform other activities before an application for benefits is decided upon. However, if the PES at registration or later finds reasons to question the availability of the applicant, the PES informs the unemployment insurance fund and the fund decides whether the benefit should be stopped or not. 0 Suisse L'ORP vérifie si le demandeur d'emploi est disponible immédiatement ou non et peut proposer un emploi vacant ds le premier entretien avec l'un de ses conseillers. Chaque demandeur doit remettre lors de son annonce l'ORP les offres d'emploi qu'il a faites auparavant. L'ORP suspend le droit aux indemnités si le nombre d'offres est jugé trop bas. 1 Turkey Work availability is checked at registration. [No reference to job offers at first contact.] .. United Kingdom At the first (telephone) contact, the Jobcentre gathers details about the client's availability for work along with other client's registration details. 12% of first contacts result in a submission for a job and 0.9% result in a job entry. The call centre books the time and date of the initial WFI (work focused interview) at the first contact. 1 United States In some states, a quick assessment of employability in the local labour market is done at the time of registration. An application for unemployment benefits is not delayed or refused because the placement service asks the applicants to apply for one or more job vacancies, but if the claimant fails to apply for these vacancies benefits may be affected. 0.5 11 Regular confirmation/2.a. How does an unemployed person regularly report how much work he or she has done in the last benefit period, and apply for continued payment of benefit in the next period? How frequently does this reporting and confirmation of unemployment status occur? Pointage ou actualisation de la situation de demandeur d'emploi de façon périodique/2.a. Comment les chômeurs doivent-ils procéder pour rendre compte régulirement du travail qu'ils ont effectué au cours de la dernire période, ou pour demander la poursuite du versement de leurs indemnités ? quelle fréquence les chômeurs doivent-ils déclarer ou actualiser leur situation de demandeur d'emploi ? Country Not scored. Pays Pas noté. Australia The majority of unemployed people are required to have face to face contact with Centrelink every fortnight to provide evidence on a standard form of paid work and of their participation activities (job search, mutual obligation, voluntary work etc), and to discuss their progress toward employment. A minority reports less frequently, but under a new "contact model" it is expected that this proportion will decrease to 10%. Some benefit recipients may also be allowed to mail the forms to the local benefit office, or to report by phone or fax. Austria Clients have to report in person, normally every week, at the local employment office, for control of their unemployment status. Belgique ONEM : Le gouvernement fédéral a supprimé totalement le pointage communal en 2005 et l'a remplacé par une déclaration personnelle obligatoire (normalement envoyé par courrier) par laquelle le chômeur atteste mensuellement qu'il est toujours chômeur et mentionne les événements qui font obstacle son indemnisation. L'introduction de cette déclaration auprs de l'organisme de paiement conditionne le versement des allocations pour le mois écoulé. VDAB : Le demandeur d'emploi doit régulirement rendre compte de sa situation et l'actualiser en se présentant directement au bureau de placement. Dans chaque contact avec un conseiller (soit par le call centre soit dans un bureau) le chômeur reçoit des questions sur ce qu'il a fait pour chercher du travail. FOREM : Le demandeur d'emploi doit, lors de tout contact avec le service de l'emploi, rendre compte de sa situation afin d'actualiser son dossier. Il doit faire part de ses expériences de travail et des actions entreprises pour s'insérer sur le marché de l'emploi. Canada The client has to report every two weeks, using either a personal access code via Internet or an automated telephone reporting service or, alternatively, (if neither of these methods are possible) by mail. Czech Republic/ République tchque Les demandeurs d'emploi doivent informer le bureau du travail sur leurs propres initiatives pendant le pointage périodique au bureau du travail, dont la périodicité est en général de 15 jours, dans certains cas il peut tre d'un mois. Denmark The unemployed person applies for benefit (to the Unemployment Fund) by filling in a solemn declaration on a monthly basis. The declaration can be done on-line or sent by post. Finland Jobseekers need to report regularly to the Social Insurance Institute or to the UI Fund on how much work they have done during last four weeks. The reporting is done by standardised forms, usually by mail. They also report to the placement service, according to an agreed schedule (usually from a couple of weeks up to a few months). 12 France La mise jour de la situation mensuelle est obligatoire : le chômeur doit actualiser sa situation chaque mois auprs de son antenne Assédic locale, afin de demeurer inscrit sur la liste des demandeurs d'emploi. Cette actualisation peut se faire par Internet (recommandé par l'Unédic), par téléphone, ou directement en se présentant physiquement l'Assédic. Elle permet au demandeur d'emploi de déclarer qu'il recherche toujours un emploi et sinon, depuis quelle date et pour quel motif, il n'en recherche plus ainsi que les événements survenus au cours du mois écoulé, susceptibles d'affecter sa disponibilité la recherche d'un emploi ou ses droits aux allocations. Germany With the initial registration, the unemployed person declares his/her obligations to notify changes in the unemployment status. There are no regular set intervals at which an unemployed person must report, but the PES can at any time ask clients to come for an interview in person and review whether the preconditions for the benefits still exist. Greece After initial registration the unemployed person reports once a month to the employment office in order to sign in and declare any changes to the unemployment status. There is no obligation to report in detail activities undertaken during the previous month. Hungary Jobseekers must report in person at a local branch office at least once every three months, and those applying for unemployment benefits must report monthly. Ireland Recipients of JB and JSA who reside within 16 km of their local social welfare office are required to attend in person every month to declare that they continue to satisfy the qualifying conditions for payment. Recipients of JB and JSA who reside more than 16 km away from the office are notified by letter to attend in person once every three months and are permitted to mail a written declaration in respect of the other two months. Control reviews regularly check whether recipients continue to satisfy all the conditions for receipt of payments. Italy Each unemployed must be contacted within three months after registration. The Italian legislation does not provide for automatic benefit continuation after a work spell of six days or more. Workers who find a job and subsequently lose it need to re-apply for benefit. Japan As a general rule, the unemployed person must report in person to the PES every four weeks for confirmation of unemployment, and submit a declaration form that includes the number of days he or she worked or was employed during the period. Korea Up to 2006, the unemployed visited the Job Center in person on average every two weeks and submitted the unemployment report form to receive a confirmation of unemployment. After a revision to the Employment Insurance Act, report intervals are now handled more flexibly: between one and four weeks, depending on the jobseeker's work abilities and skills. Luxembourg L'actualisation de la situation du demandeur d'emploi s'effectue l'occasion des présentations régulires auprs des services compétents, en principe tous les 15 jours. Le demandeur peut tre dispensé pour une durée maximale de 25 jours ouvrables par an de l'obligation de se présenter au service de l'emploi. Mexico Not applicable. Netherlands Continuation of unemployment status is discussed in the context of regular interviews at CWI which, however, does not confirm the entitlement to the benefits. [De Mooij (2004, p. 30) states that "benefit recipients have to keep the local UI agency informed about everything that is relevant to payment of the unemployment benefits." This is usually done through a monthly status report (Werkbriefje), submitted to UWV; see also Tergeist and Grubb (2006).] 13 New Zealand Meetings with case managers are determined individually as set out in a Jobseeker Agreement. Clients who have had some earnings are required to declare these to either their case manager or via a voice recognition telephone service. Reporting of earnings is on an "as needs" basis and earnings by clients will be confirmed via data matching with the Inland Revenue Department. Norway The unemployed person must fill in an employment status form and send it by mail or e-mail every fortnight. Poland Unemployed clients are obliged to submit or send to the local PES a written declaration of incomes and other documents necessary for ascertaining their right to benefit. This declaration needs to be made once a month in the case of clients with the right to unemployment benefit or within 7 days from the day of receiving income in the case of clients without the right to the unemployment benefit. Benefits can be suspended in case of non-compliance and will be resumed from the day of submitting the declaration and other required documents. Portugal In the past, the placement service required samples of benefit recipients to return a control postcard on a monthly basis. The placement service then informed the social security institution of any situation considered as irregular. [According to OECD (1998, p. 100), guidelines specified that 20% of the monthly controls should be a summons to an in-person interview.] As from January 2007, benefit recipients need to present themselves in person every fortnight either at the placement service, the benefit office or another specified administrative office. Slovak Republic The Social Insurance Agency branch pays benefit to the applicant during the period he or she is kept on the Jobseekers Register. The jobseeker is obliged to report any facts influencing entitlement, including withdrawal from the Register, to the Social Insurance Agency. The Social Insurance Agency verifies changes in the Jobseekers Register through a weekly data match. Spain Unemployment benefit recipients are obliged to personally communicate situations that suspend their entitlement, including placement. Regular controls are made via personal visits to PES offices once every three months. Entitlement can be suspended when the PES learns through a data match of a placement. Benefits cease at the same time as cancellation of jobseeker registration. Following cessation of employment, the worker must reapply for jobseeker registration and request restoration of benefit entitlement within 15 working days. Sweden The report is, at the choice of the applicant, made either by a written declaration or by Internet every two weeks. The benefit is paid in arrears when the UI fund has received the declaration. Suisse Mensuellement et vers la fin du mois, les demandeurs d'emploi se rendent l'ORP. Ils y reçoivent une feuille sur laquelle ils attestent les jour chômés. Turkey The unemployed are required to inform the employment service about a new job start. United Kingdom The unemployed person claiming Jobseeker's Allowance must take part in fortnightly job signings. These signings take place at the same time every fortnight at the Jobcentre Plus office of the claimant. United States In most states, individuals report bi-weekly by mail, telephone, or the Internet, with periodic face-to-face eligibility reviews. Some states may require weekly reporting. 14 Independent job search/3.a. How do unemployed people usually report or prove their independent applications for work or other job-search activity? How often are job-search actions reported or reviewed? Efforts personnels de recherche d'emploi/3.a. Comment les chômeurs doivent-ils procéder pour faire connaître ou donner la preuve des efforts personnels et autres démarches entrepris pour obtenir un emploi ? Avec quelle fréquence les actes de recherche d'emploi doivent-ils tre déclarés ou contrôlés ? Country Define procedures: i) The person must regularly produce declarations by employers that he or she has applied for work; ii) The person must regularly supply the name and address (or equivalent documentation) for employers who have been approached for work; iii) The person must regularly affirm that he or she has undertaken some actions to find work and specify what these were; iv) The person must regularly affirm that he or she has undertaken some actions to find work, without specifying what these were; v) Job search over the preceding period is reviewed via dedicated personal interviews that take place at intervals of several months or more, and the person is required where possible to show documentary evidence of job-search efforts; vi) Job search over the preceding period is reviewed via dedicated interviews that take place at intervals of several months or more, but a verbal account is usually all that is required; vii) Job search is reviewed in the context of general intensive interviews described under Q.5. Procedures i)-vi) are given weights of 1/4, 3/16, 1/8, 1/16, 2 and 1 respectively, per verification event. Procedure vii) is scored by analogy assuming that only a fraction of the intensive interview is related to job search. The overall score is the procedure score times the annual frequency of verification events. Score (Procedure score x frequency) Pays Définir les procédures : i) Le chômeur doit régulirement présenter des documents sur lesquels des employeurs ont déclaré qu'il s'est adressé eux pour solliciter un emploi ; ii) Le chômeur doit régulirement fournir le nom et l'adresse (ou des renseignements équivalents) des employeurs auxquels il s'est adressé pour solliciter un emploi ; iii) Le chômeur doit régulirement déclarer qu'il a fait des démarches pour trouver du travail et en préciser la nature ; iv) Le chômeur doit régulirement déclarer qu'il a fait des démarches pour trouver du travail sans avoir en préciser la nature ; v) Les actes de recherche d'emploi accomplis sur une longue période sont passés en revue l'occasion d'entretiens individuels qui ont lieu des intervalles de plusieurs mois ou plus, le chômeur étant tenu de fournir, chaque fois que c'est possible, des preuves matérielles de ses efforts, comme les lettres qu'il a envoyées aux employeurs ou les réponses qu'il a reçues d'eux ; vi) Les actes de recherche d'emploi accomplis au cours de la période précédente sont passés en revue l'occasion d'entretiens qui ont lieu des intervalles de plusieurs mois ou plus, mais il n'est généralement rien demandé d'autre l'intéressé que de rendre compte verbalement de ses efforts (ou peut-tre de présenter un carnet personnel o figurent les demandes d'emploi qu'il a faites) ; vii) Les actes de recherche d'emploi sont passés en revue l'occasion d'entretiens approfondis tels qu'ils sont définis Q.5. 15 Les procédures i)-vi) ont un poids de 1/4, 3/16, 1/8, 1/16, 2 et 1 respectivement, par acte de contrôle. Marquer la procédure vii) par analogie, en supposant qu'une partie seulement de l'entretien approfondi se rapporte la recherche d'emploi. Marquer le poids de la procédure, multiplié par la fréquence annuelle des actes de contrôle. Australia Centrelink is responsible for monitoring job-search requirements of the unemployed, based on an Activity Agreement outlining the activity test obligations. The majority of unemployed are required to contact Centrelink on a fortnightly basis, and provide information on their job-search efforts. In addition, the unemployed must maintain and submit on request a Jobseeker Diary, which is used to record job-search efforts over a 12-week period. [Scored as procedure ii).] 3/16 x 26 = 4.9 Austria Unemployed persons need to report their job-search efforts in person to the PES counsellors (AMS) every month on average (this may vary depending on the labour market situation or their previously concluded activity agreement). In most cases, the unemployed person must supply the name and address of employers contacted, and/or supply written proofs of applications. [Scored as procedure ii).] 3/16 x 12 = 2.25 Belgique ONEM : Depuis 2004, la réglementation chômage mentionne explicitement l'obligation pour le chômeur complet de rechercher activement un emploi. Aussi, le Gouvernement fédéral a chargé l'ONEM de la mise en oeuvre d'un nouveau dispositif : l'activation du comportement de recherche d'emploi du chômeur complet. Le chômeur cherche lui-mme activement un emploi (par exemple, en consultant régulirement les offres d'emploi et en répondant aux offres qui se présentent, en posant spontanément sa candidature auprs d'employeurs potentiels, en s'inscrivant auprs de bureaux de recrutement ou auprs d'agences d'intérim, etc.). L'évaluation s'effectue lors de différents entretiens individuels avec le chômeur (le premier aprs 15/21 mois de chômage et ensuite aprs 4, 12 ou 16 mois de chômage, selon les résultats de l'entretien précédent). [Marqué comme la procédure v).] VDAB : En Flandre, la preuve des efforts d'une recherche active d'un emploi est en grande partie assumée par le VDAB. Les demandeurs d'emploi faisant partie du groupe-cible sont invités par les services du VDAB et reçoivent une offre de médiation ou de formation préalable leur (éventuelle) convocation par les services de contrôle (ONEM). Les efforts ainsi faits (réponses aux offres d'emploi, inscription une formation, engagement d'un trajet) ou le manque d'efforts sont enregistrés dans le dossier du demandeur d'emploi comme étapes dans la recherche d'un emploi. Les données relatives ces étapes sont transmises l'ONEM lors d'un échange électronique bimensuel. FOREM : Les entretiens d'accompagnement menés par les conseillers visent la qualité et la pertinence de leurs initiatives d'insertion. Toutes les démarches d'accompagnement, d'aide la recherche d'emploi, d'orientation professionnelle, etc., déployées par les demandeurs d'emploi en synergie avec le FOREM, sont enregistrées dans leurs dossiers informatisés. 2 x 1 = 2 .. .. Canada The client must specify the actions taken to find work only when we ask for that information, which may be in person (interview), by mail, asking the client to complete an active job-search statement or by phone. The person must supply the name and address of the employer and other details for each contact [no information on frequency]. .. 16 Czech Republic/ République tchque Les bureaux du travail discutent les efforts personnels du demandeur individuellement. Les preuves sont des soi-disant pices recommandatives pour des emplois ponctuels avec la réaction de l'employeur, ou les déclarations sur l'honneur sur les activités entreprises, qui sont contrôlées de manire aléatoire. [Marqué comme les procédures i) et iii) 20 fois par an, cf. réponses sous Q.2.a et Q.5.b]. (1/4 + 1/8)/2 x 20 = 3.75 Denmark The unemployed person must report and document relevant job-search activities to the PES at the regular three-monthly counselling interviews, but there are no specific documentation requirements. In addition, jobseekers are required to visit the electronic PES vacancy database once a week. Visits to the database are recorded and show availability for the labour market. [Scored as procedure vii) assuming a review analogous to v) taking up one quarter of each intensive interview.] 2 x 4 x = 2 Finland According to the individual action plan (job-seeking plan), jobseekers needs to report their job-search actions on a weekly or monthly basis. (See Q.7.a ­ At the latest, an action plan is created after five months of unemployment.) [Scored as procedure iii) and iv), applying to half of the unemployed]. (1/8 +1/16)/2 x [(52+12)/2 x 0.5] = 1.5 France Les efforts personnels du demandeur d'emploi, mais également ses besoins en termes d'accompagnement et de formation sont évalués au cours d'entretiens réguliers (au moins une fois par mois) réalisés par les conseillers de l'ANPE, dans le cadre du Projet Personnel d'Accs l'Emploi. En plus, l'Assédic procde un entretien au cours des 8e et 14e mois suivant la prise en charge de l'allocataire, permettant de faire le point sur sa situation de recherche d'emploi. [Marqué comme la procédure vii) supposant des entretiens par analogie la procédure v).] 1 x 15 x = 3.75 Germany Upon the request of the employment agency, unemployed clients must provide evidence of their independent job-search activities. In addition, independent activities are discussed during each counselling interview [on average six times a year, see Q.5.b] with the placement officer and evidence, if requested, is reviewed. [Scored as procedure vii) assuming a review analogous to v) taking up one quarter of each intensive interview.] 2 x 6 x = 3 Greece Unemployed clients do not need to prove or confirm any personal job search efforts. All activities are discussed during the interviews (in the framework of the "personalised approach") and are agreed in the client's individual action plan. 0 Hungary Unemployed persons must report in person at a local branch office at least once every three months, and those who receive regular job search benefit must report monthly. The job search activity is evaluated by the local employment office, together with the jobseeker. In the framework of the evaluation procedure the jobseeker needs to specify the actions which have been undertaken to find work. [Scored as procedure iii).] 1/8 x 12 = 1.5 Ireland Unemployed benefit recipients are required to submit evidence of looking for work when they make claims for JB or JSA. All recipients are reviewed at the discretion of local management during the lifetime of their JB or JSA claims. This may take the form of written communication and or face to face interviews with local office staff. The level of evidence required will vary according to the client's employment history. .. Italy According to Decree No. 297/2002, the unemployed person must regularly affirm that he/she has undertaken some actions to find work without specifying what these were, but there is no evidence that this principle has been enforced. 0 17 Japan As a general rule, the unemployed person must declare details of his/her job-search activities in a declaration form for confirmation of unemployment to be submitted every four weeks. He/she may list the names of private placement agencies used, or in case of independent job search, declare name, department and phone number of employers solicited. [Scored as procedure ii).] 3/16 x 13 = 2.4 Korea The unemployed person receives appointments to visit the employment office in person between once every week and once every four weeks and report his job-search activity (date of activity, contact information of company, job-search methods) to a PES counsellor. [These meetings combine verification of status as under Q.2.a above and of job search.] [Scored as procedure ii), assuming an average interval of two weeks.] 3/16 x 26 = 4.9 Luxembourg La législation actuellement en vigueur ne retient pas la possibilité pour le Service de l'Emploi d'exiger de la part du demandeur d'emploi l'apport de preuve de leurs démarches personnelles. Lors de l'actualisation de la situation du demandeur de l'emploi tous les 15 jours, il est cependant possible que le conseiller demande au demandeur d'emploi de spécifier sa recherche d'emploi. Une nouvelle loi dont la mise en oeuvre se fera au cours de la seconde moitié de l'année 2007 retient cette exigence pour le demandeur d'emploi de justifier, preuves l'appui, ses efforts propres en matire de recherche d'emploi. (cf. Q.5.b: le demandeur d'emploi est soumis un entretien approfondi tous les deux mois). 0 2 x 6 x = 3 Mexico No requirements. 0 Netherlands Situation up to 2006: UI regulations specify that UI recipients should apply for a minimum of four jobs every four weeks, and proof of applications is to be supplied to the unemployment insurance agency (UWV). [Scored as procedure ii).] In addition, job-search activities of the unemployed are reviewed by CWI in special interviews (see Q.5.b) where the person is usually not expected to show documents. The frequency of these interviews for each individual is determined by the job counsellor. [Scored as procedure vi) twice a year.] Situation as from 2007: An agreement on job-search activities is normally concluded between the jobseeker and the counsellor/case manager of CWI. This agreement sets the framework for monitoring and assessing the efforts of the jobseeker, and specific requirements depend on the capabilities of the individual jobseeker. 3/16 x 13 + 1 x 2 = 4.4 .. New Zealand Intensive interviews that include job-search reporting are held every six weeks. Activities which have been negotiated between the case manager and the client must be verifiable in some way, e.g. the plan may require the client to keep a job log diary, provide evidence of having attended job interviews or pre-employment training. [Scored as procedure vii) assuming a review analogous to v) taking up one quarter of each intensive interview, eight times per year.] 2 x 8 x = 4 Norway Jobseekers claiming unemployment benefit must report their independent job-search activities either by showing copies of job applications or by filling in a "job-log" which lists the jobs and employers contacted. Job-search activities are reviewed every three months in the intensive interviews. [Scored as procedure vii) assuming a review analogous to v) taking up one quarter of each intensive interview.] 2 x 4 x = 2 18 Poland There are no such requirements. 0 Portugal Since January 2007, independent job search is obligatory by law, but the terms and frequency of the required proofs vary from one beneficiary to another, depending mainly on their Personal Employment Plan. .. Slovak Republic The unemployed must prove their job-search actions in person to the PES by means of employer statements that the jobseeker applied, job applications countersigned by the employer, copies of mailed job applications and similar documents, depending on the particular requests by the PES office. Long-term unemployed must report on their job-search activities once in seven calendar days (i.e. four times a month), other groups of registered unemployed every two weeks, (once a month if participating in an activation measure). [Scored as procedures i) and ii), 26 times a year.] (1/4 + 3/16)/2 x 26 = 5.7 Spain There is a general requirement of active job search, and relevant job-search actions are reported and discussed during intensive interviews (estimated average six times per year). There are no specific documentation requirements. [Scored as procedure vii) assuming a review analogous to vi) taking up one quarter of each intensive interview.] 1 x 6 x = 1.5 Sweden Job search is reviewed, along with other issues, in intensive interviews (every six to eight weeks on average for adults; every two to three weeks for youth. [Scored as procedure vii) assuming one interview every six weeks and a quarter of each interview is allocated to the review of job search.] The use of a diary of job applications is common, but verbal accounts are also used. 1 x 8 x = 2.0 Suisse Les chômeurs doivent présenter leur ORP leurs offres de services spontanées, leurs réponses des postes publiés, etc. (récapitulation sur une feuille) chaque mois. [Marqué comme la procédure ii)]. 3/16 x 12 = 2.25 Turkey The unemployed do not need to report independent job search. If their registration is active, the employment service assumes that they are looking actively for work. 0 United Kingdom The unemployed person must regularly affirm that they have undertaken some work-search activities, and specify what these were. At the fortnightly meeting, the claimant presents an "Actively seeking employment" form. This details what job-search activities were undertaken in the previous two weeks, and on what dates these occurred. [Scored as procedure ii).] 3/16 x 26 = 4.9 United States Some states require individuals to keep a written log of employer contacts, which must be submitted upon request of the UI agency, while other states require a written statement on a signed continued-claim form to be submitted to the agency. [Secretariat research: nearly two-thirds of continued claims for UI during 2004 were filed by telephone: see http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov//unemploy/bam/2004/bam-overpay.asp, and some of these require only a statement that jobs were sought or employers were contacted, without details.] [Scored as procedure ii) and iv) every two weeks.] [In addition, an individual may be directed to participate in periodic eligibility review interviews where the individual's (documented) work search efforts are reviewed.] [Scored as equivalent to procedure v) one interview per year, half dedicated to job-search verification.] (3/16 + 1/16)/2 x 26 + 2 x 0.5 = 4.25 19 Independent job search/3.b. What is the minimum acceptable frequency of applications for work or other acts of job search (e.g. is the person expected to affirm or to provide evidence of ten job applications per month, or two job-search actions of some kind per month, for example)? Efforts personnels de recherche d'emploi/3.b. Quelle est la fréquence minimum acceptable des demandes d'emploi et autres actes de recherche d'emploi (autrement dit, le chômeur doit-il normalement déclarer ou fournir la preuve, par exemple, qu'il dépose dix candidatures par mois ou effectue deux démarches de recherche d'emploi par mois) ? Country Score the frequency of employer contacts or equivalent actions per month or four-week period. If the minimum is defined in an individual plan with no further information, score "missing". If there is no defined minimum but job search is verified, score 1 job-search action required per verification event (or 0.5 as in case iv) under Q.3.a above). Score Pays Marquer la fréquence mensuelle des candidatures ou des autres actes. Si le minimum est défini sur un plan individuel sans de plus amples informations, marquer manquant . S'il n'y a pas de minimum défini mais que la recherche d'emploi est vérifiée, marquer 1 acte exigé par acte de contrôle (ou 0.5 pour le cas iv) dans la Q.3.a ci-dessus). Australia A jobseeker is expected to provide evidence of job searches as outlined in their Activity Agreement (AA) each fortnight. Although the maximum or default number of job applications required is 10 per fortnight, each AA is tailored by Centrelink and/or the Job Network member to each jobseeker's situation and local labour market conditions. Job contacts should not fall below 4 unless special circumstances can be demonstrated. The default number is usually applied to adult jobseekers in large urban labour markets. [Scored as 6 per fortnight.] 12 Austria There are no minimum standards set. 1 Belgique Une fréquence minimale n'est pas fixée (ONEM, VDAB, FOREM). .. Canada There is no minimum acceptable frequency for work applications or other job-search activity. Clients need to provide enough information to prove that they are undertaking reasonable job search. Taking into consideration the labour market and the type of work sought, the agent will judge what is reasonable. .. Czech Republic/ République tchque Un nombre obligatoire d'employeurs contactés ou rencontrés n'est pas prévu. 2 Denmark Variable requirements (laid down in the individual action plan). [Scored, on the basis of sequence of counselling interviews, as one every three months.] 1x 1/3 = 0.33 Finland The minimum acceptable frequency of job applications and other activities appears in the individual jobseeking plan. .. France Les obligations du demandeur d'emploi sont définies en collaboration avec son conseiller référent et évoluent dans le temps en fonction de sa situation. .. Germany There is no general minimum acceptable frequency of job-search activities. Requirements rather depend on the assessment of the individual placement officer. [Scored one every two months.] 1 x 1/2 = 0.5 Greece There are no provisions on (the frequency of) job applications. 0 20 Hungary Every person receiving job-search assistance is supposed to have a job-search agreement (individual action plan) with the relevant branch office. This job-search agreement should include details about the jobseeker's independent job-search activity (including its frequency). .. Ireland Not specified. .. Italy There are no provisions on the frequency of job applications. 0 Japan In principle, having undertaken two or more job-search activities during the last four weeks is recognised as meeting eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits. 2 Korea The minimum acceptable frequency of job-search activity is one per office visit (between once a week and once every four weeks). 2 Luxembourg Sans objet. 0 Mexico Not applicable/no requirements. 0 Netherlands Situation in 2006: UI regulations specify that UI recipients should apply for a minimum of four jobs every four weeks. Situation as from 2007: In accordance with individual possibilities, periodic targets for job search are set on an individual basis (and controlled by case managers). The periodicity of the monitoring depends on the capabilities of the individual jobseeker. 4 New Zealand There is no minimum or maximum job-search frequency. [Scored as one every six weeks] 0.66 Norway While there is no defined minimum acceptable frequency of job-search activity, the jobseeker should be able to report at least some effort. [Scored one every three months.] 1 x 1/3 = 0.33 Poland There are no such requirements. 0 Portugal There is no minimum number of acceptable job-search activities set by legislation. The Employment Centre and the beneficiary jointly define in the Personal Employment Plan the job-search activities to be undertaken in a specified period. .. Slovak Republic Where the PES has asked jobseekers to prove their job-search activities at their next visit to the Office, one action per contact is considered sufficient (see Q.3.a for contact periods). 2 Spain No specific requirements. 0.33 Sweden There is no such minimum frequency. The labour market situation sets the pre-conditions of what can be required. [Scored as one every six weeks.] 0.66 Suisse Le demandeur d'emploi doit déposer chaque mois le nombre de recherches d'emploi fixé avec son conseiller ORP. [Les recherches doivent tre variées quant leur mode, les quartiers visés, etc.; la jurisprudence considre que trois recherches par mois sont insuffisantes; les exigences vont jusqu' 10 www.polyreg.ch/bgeunpubliziert/Jahr_2003/Entscheide_C_2003/C_63__2003.html, www.guidesocial.ch/fr/fiche/53/1, www.ge.ch/emploi/formulaires/divers/preuves_recherche.pdf]. 5 21 Turkey The unemployed do not need to report independent job search. 0 United Kingdom The minimum requirement is to meet the requirements of the Jobseeker's Agreement (JSAg). [In Jobcentre Plus practice, two steps seem to be quite common. In 2004 the Jobseeker's Allowance (Amendment) Regulations raised the usual requirement from two to three per week, "unless one or two steps are all that is reasonable for a person to take in a particular week", www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2004/20041008.htm, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200405/cmhansrd/cm050110/text/50110w31.htm.] 10 United States Regular employer contacts are required in many states, and the actual number of required contacts per week varies between one and five. The most common requirement is called "customary for the occupation". Some states require a minimum of one contact per week. [A Secretariat web search located information for eight states, of which three require three contacts per week, one requires "several" contacts per week, one requires two contacts per week, two require an individually-assigned minimum, one (Montana) requires at least one contact per week.] 10 22 Direct referrals/4.a. What proportion of notified vacancies are handled using a procedure of direct referral ("closed" vacancies)? What proportions of notified vacancies are advertised, but also receive candidates by direct referral? How many candidates on average does the PES send for each vacant job? On the basis of the previous answers, or otherwise, estimate the average number of direct referrals per registered unemployed person per year. Orientation directe/4.a. Quelle part des postes déclarés vacants est pourvue par l'orientation directe des chômeurs vers ces postes (offres d'emploi diffusion restreinte) ? Combien d'avis d'offres d'emploi sont publiés, mais font également l'objet d'orientations directes vers ces postes ? Combien de candidats le SPE oriente-t-il en moyenne vers chacun des emplois vacants ? A partir des réponses aux questions précédentes ou d'autres éléments, donnez une estimation du nombre moyen d'orientations directes par chômeur inscrit et par an. Country Score the estimated total number of direct referrals per year, relative to the stock of unemployed, for the registered unemployed as a whole or beneficiary unemployed only as appropriate. Score Pays Marquer l'estimation du nombre annuel d'orientations directes, par rapport au stock de chômeurs, pour les chômeurs inscrits ou les chômeurs indemnisés selon le cas. Australia To claim job placement service fees, Employment Service providers are required to place their vacancies on the public JobSearch web page. The vast majority of the vacancies they place are semi-open. The JobSearch database matches automatically active resumes to new vacancies daily. Jobseekers are notified of these job leads by a variety of methods including messages on their Personal Page on JobSearch, e-mail or SMS. At present, vacancies advertised by service providers result in an average referral to vacancy notified ratio of 2 / 1. There are over 77 000 new vacancies lodged per month by Job Network members and other Job Placement organisations. .. Austria About 9% of the notified vacancies are handled using a procedure of direct referral to "closed" vacancies. Other notified vacancies are usually advertised and receive also candidates by direct referral. On average 5.6 candidates are sent by the PES for each vacancy. In 2006, the employment service handled 1.947 million direct referrals and there was an average annual stock of 239 000 registered unemployed. Thus, the average number of direct referrals per registered unemployed person per year was 8.1. 8.1 Belgique VDAB : Toutes les offres d'emploi sont publiées, celles diffusion restreinte ne contenant que les coordonnées du conseiller VDAB qui se référer. En 2004 le VDAB a reçu 153 765 offres d'emploi pour lesquelles il y a eu 257 673 orientations directes. Les mmes offres d'emplois ont été transmises 766 003 demandeurs d'emploi titre informatif. Le nombre moyen d'orientations directes par chômeur et par an est difficile dénombrer, vu que celui-ci dépend de la conjoncture, du profil des demandeurs d'emploi et de la durée de chômage de ceux-ci. [258 000 orientations en 2004 pour 180 000 chômeurs complets indemnisés = 1.4]. FOREM : Toutes les offres d'emploi sont publiées. Environ 10 % font également l'objet d'orientations directes. Pour ceux-ci, le nombre moyen de demandeurs d'emploi est de 10. 1.4 .. Canada All notified vacancies in the Job Bank are displayed via Internet. They are "open" or "display" vacancies: our department has not used the system of "closed" vacancies or "managed referrals" since the early 1990s. We are not able to calculate with much accuracy how many referrals an employer may receive for his/her vacancy. 0 23 Czech Republic/ République tchque Malgré l'obligation légale d'annoncer dans les dix jours, au bureau du travail, les emplois vacants y compris leur description, on estime que les employeurs ne déclarent qu'une minorité des postes vacants. Les employeurs autorisent leur publication dans peu prs 80 % des cas et pour le reste ils demandent la sélection du demandeur. A peu prs huit demandeurs sont orientés vers un emploi vacant. [Pas de données sur le nombre de nouvelles offres inscrites par an]. .. Denmark Out of registered vacancies at PES (280 000) in 2005, 63 000 were "closed" vacancies and 217 000 were open vacancies. Out of the 63 000 closed vacancies, 46 000 or 73% were filled by PES by a referral to the vacant job. On average, the PES sent 1.5 persons for each vacant job. [So the number of direct referrals in 2005 was 1.5 x 280 000 = 370 000, for about 157 000 registered unemployed.] 2.4 Finland Most vacancies are advertised on the open Internet service by the PES, and most employers do not ask for direct referrals. About 20% of the vacancies might be handled using only direct referrals, if such a procedure is agreed with the employer. Compared to a decade ago, the amount of direct referrals has declined due to the well-functioning PES e-services. In 2006 new registered vacancies averaged 39 000 per month, the average stock of registered jobseekers was 506 000 of which half were unemployed (The referral rate is estimated assuming three persons per vacancy are referred to 20% of the vacancies divided across unemployed jobseekers). 1.1 France En 2006, l'ANPE a recueilli 3 511 000 nouvelles offres d'emploi et plus de 3 000 000 d'offres ont été satisfaites. 13 789 057 mises en relation ont été effectuées (certaines mises en relation portent sur des offres recueillies auparavant). [En 2006, il y avait en moyenne 2.9 millions de demandeurs d'emploi (catégories 1, 2 et 3) inscrits l'ANPE. Par conséquent, on peut estimer le nombre moyen d'orientations 4.8 unités par demandeur d'emploi inscrit]. 4.8 Germany In early 2007, about 48% of all vacancies registered with BA were closed vacancies, while 52% had been advertised (48% with full contact details) via the Internet platform, and an additional 12% were registered directly by companies. The number of applicants to be referred to a vacancy can be agreed with the company. If there is no agreement on the number, there is no restriction on the referrals. As a consequence, it is not possible to estimate the average number of direct referrals. .. Greece The great majority of PES-advertised vacancies are published on the internet and posted on notice-boards and are semi-open. Jobseekers interested in a specific vacancy need to address a job counselor for contact details and specific vacancy characteristics. On average, ten candidates are referred per vacancy, unless otherwise agreed with the enterprise. It is not possible to calculate accurately the number of annual referrals per registered unemployed. .. Hungary The PES advertises vacancies in regional and national newspapers. It also has an Internet website and a wireless connection service. Most branch offices collect vacancies from the media as well as from their own network. Data on the proportion of closed vacancies and on the number of direct referrals per registered unemployed are not available. .. Italy No data are available on this topic. .. Ireland Practically all vacancies notified to the PES (FÁS) are advertised and are available for direct referral to employers and to PES clients who wish to self-refer. During 2006, 154 000 vacancies were notified to the PES and 163 000 direct submissions were made; in addition, a further 140 000 clients were matched against vacancies notified. The average stock of unemployed persons (based on the ILO definition) was 93 000 in 2006. 1.8 24 Japan It is not possible to calculate the ratio of closed vacancies (to which only applicants selected by the PES are referred) because such a number is not recorded. Neither is it possible to calculate the ratio of vacancies which are openly advertised but also receive candidates by direct referrals. The total number of referrals in 2006 was about 9.18 million, while the average stock of registered unemployed ("active applications") was 2.164 million, so total referrals (including self-referrals to semi-open vacancies) averaged 4.2 per registered unemployed person per year. 4.2 Korea In 2006, 769 796 vacancies and 1 607 454 jobseekers were registered with PES offices. The average annual stock of unemployed was 813 000. The number of direct referrals was 2 198 956. Thus, there were 2.9 direct referrals per vacancy and 2.4 referrals per unemployed. 2.4 Luxembourg l'Administration de l'Emploi, les offres d'emploi ne sont pas publiques, mais peuvent tre toutes consultées par les demandeurs d'emploi sur des bornes interactives sous forme anonyme. En moyenne entre 5 et 20 candidats s'orientent vers chaque emploi vacant consulté sur ces bornes. En 2004, on peut estimer le nombre moyen d'orientations directes cinq unités par chômeur inscrit par an. ADEM (2006) signale autour de 69 000 "assignations" (mises en contact d'un demandeur d'emploi et d'un employeur) pour un stock moyen au total de 14 000 personnes inscrites auprs des différents services de l'administration. 5 Mexico Direct referrals occur frequently, but there is no information on proportions. Between one and five jobseekers are sent to each vacancy. .. Netherlands Quantitative data on direct referrals are not available. Employers can request a particular number of jobseekers to be referred to a vacancy. In the case of both "closed" and "semi-open" vacancies, the adviser may send jobseekers a letter drawing their attention to suitable vacancies. .. New Zealand Work and Income encourages clients to access employment opportunities without the need for referral. However, a number of direct referrals are based on the Jobz4u matching tool. The search returns a number of jobseekers ranked by their `match' to the employer's requirements. Jobseekers are contacted and if suitable have an appointment made for them with the employer. On average around 1.6 referrals are made per vacancy (in 2005). Clients are referred to an average of around 1.8 vacancies per year. (This figure does not include clients referred through the Industry Partnership programme, where placements into work occur through a pre-employment training programme.) 1.8 Norway In 2005 (2006) there was an inflow of 43 548 (46 008) vacancies directly notified to the PES. A jobseeker referral was made for 88% (84%) of these. Normally 3-5 candidates selected by a PES caseworker are referred per vacancy. In addition, 40 536 (68 856) vacancies were self-registered by employers via Internet and 154 049 (217 443) publicly-advertised vacancies (which first appeared in newspapers, etc.) were registered on the system by PES staff. In 2005 and 2006, 8 361 (10 099) referrals were made to publicly-advertised vacancies, 134 125 (112 459) referrals to directly-notified positions and 8 099 (4 080) referrals to positions which had been self-registered by employers via Internet. Jobseekers are informed by e-mail, letter, phone, or through their private web on www.nav.no, and encouraged to apply for vacant positions. The annual average stock of registered unemployed was 83 479 in 2005 and 62 923 in 2006. [The number of direct referrals per registered unemployed in 2006 was 2.0.] 2.0 25 Poland There are no data available on the share of closed vacancies. Portugal For each workplace, the PES proposes, on average, four candidates except when the workplace has very specific characteristics. There were over 632 000 direct referrals in 2006, for an annual average stock of 448 000 registered unemployed = 1.4 referrals per unemployed on average. 1.4 Slovak Republic Most vacancies are advertised within the Office. The majority are handled using the procedure of direct referrals, i.e. the jobseeker is selected for a particular vacancy and must directly apply to the employer. The average number of direct referrals to vacant jobs depends on many factors. There can be up to 24 direct referrals per registered unemployed person, depending on personal and local labour market characteristics. .. Spain The majority of vacancies are managed through referrals; they are only published openly in the case of "poor-quality" or hard-to-fill jobs. In principle six candidates with the required characteristics are sent and if none of them are accepted another six are sent, although the enterprise can request a different procedure. There were 2.258 million managed placements ("gestionadas") in 2004 for about 2.1 million unemployed [the calculation assumes six referrals per placement.] 6.5 Sweden The total number of direct referrals during 2006 was 592 000, and the average stock of registered unemployed was 211 000. [592 000 / 211 000 = 2.8.] 2.8 Suisse Chaque demandeur d'emploi est orienté vers sept emplois vacants en moyenne par an. 7.0 Turkey Direct referrals (seem to) occur frequently, after matching of jobseekers with vacancies. However, no information on proportions is provided. The reply to Q.4.c implies that direct referrals are the norm. .. United Kingdom All vacancies in Jobcentre Plus are advertised, and all vacancies that are advertised under Jobcentre Plus operate under direct-referral and are accessed through the use of job-points. For each vacancy, an average of eight notifications is made. In the year to November 2004, there were 26 600 600 submissions for notified vacancies, giving an average of 6 submissions per client annually. [This figure apparently refers to all types of JCP clients, i.e. mainly incapacity benefit, lone parent and jobseeker allowance recipients. If only the latter were included, the figure could easily rise to 20 or above.] 6 United States This information is not collected at the national level. .. 26 Direct referrals/4.b. When a direct referral occurs, is the jobseeker first called in for a pre-selection interview with a counsellor at the local employment office before being referred to the employer? Orientation directe/4.b. Lorsqu'il y a orientation directe vers un poste vacant, le demandeur d'emploi est-il préalablement convoqué un entretien de présélection avec un conseiller du bureau local de l'emploi avant d'tre envoyé auprs de l'employeur concerné ? Country Score 0 if no, 1 if yes. Score Pays Marquer 0 si non, 1 si oui. Australia No, but a discussion about the referral may occur between the job seeker and service provider. Job Network members have an initial assessment of the jobseeker's readiness to enter employment and many Job Placement Organisations conduct a general "pre-screening" interview at registration, in which they determine the jobseeker's suitability for positions. 0 Austria The PES may undertake pre-selection interviews by phone or personally. This special service is offered in 8.7% of direct referrals. 0.1 Belgique VDAB : L'intensité du suivi de l'offre d'emploi par les services du VDAB dépend du niveau accordé l'offre. Ainsi, une offre d'emploi level 3 requiert-elle un suivi plus intensif qu'une offre d'emploi qualifié level 1 . Toutes les offres d'emploi level 3 font l'objet d'orientations directes vers ces postes. Cette orientation directe consiste inviter le demandeur d'emploi valable un entretien avec le conseiller afin de soumettre l'offre au jugement du demandeur d'emploi et d'éclaircir le contenu du poste. Lorsque le demandeur d'emploi s'intéresse l'offre, le conseiller transmet ses coordonnées l'employeur. FOREM : Un nombre moins important d'offres sont domiciliées auprs du service public (entre 5 et 10 %). Cette prestation permet aux employeurs d'obtenir l'appui du service public pour la présélection des candidatures. Selon des critres objectivables déterminés au préalable, le FOREM effectue des tris et classements de curriculum vitae. Dans le cas de remise d'offre en entretien, le conseiller soumet l'offre au demandeur d'emploi et discute le contenu du poste avec lui. 0.3 0.1 Canada There are no direct referrals and therefore no pre-selection interviews. In 2004, Job Bank launched a new feature called Job Match which allows the employer and jobseeker to fill out identical skills-based templates to allow the system to perform an automatic match. 0 Czech Republic/ République tchque Si l'employeur le demande, ce qui arrive rarement, le bureau du travail organise un concours ­ il convoque les intéressés potentiels des demandeurs d'emploi inscrits. Ce concours peut se dérouler au bureau du travail ou chez l'employeur. 0.1 Denmark In general, the jobseeker is first called in for a pre-selection interview at the PES office. The interview can also be done by telephone. 1 Finland If it is not clear whether the qualifications of the jobseeker are suitable, he/she is called by phone or called in for an interview. If a thorough pre-selection of candidates is required by the employer, it is usually a charged service, to be paid for by the employer. 0.1 27 France Le choix d'une présélection ou non se fait aprs une négociation entre l'employeur déposant l'offre et le conseiller. Cette présélection s'opre selon des critres définis entre le conseiller et cet employeur. Le conseiller ANPE se charge ensuite de mettre en relation l'employeur et les candidats présélectionnés. 0.1 Germany A job offer is supposed to be discussed with the jobseeker in person or by telephone before a direct referral takes place. Upon the request of an employer pre-selection interviews are possible; this, however, usually is not the case. 0.1 Greece There is no pre-selection procedure. The employment counsellor refers the unemployed person to relevant vacancies, provided the person has a clear occupational goal and is suitable for the job. 0 Hungary Generally not. However, upon special request of the employers, group selections are used in branch offices. 0.1 Ireland When clients are contacted by the PES because they have been matched against incoming vacancies, no pre-selection interview is necessary. When clients approach an employment counsellor to find out contact details in case of semi-open vacancies, they are screened by the counsellor against the respective job characteristics and client suitability. Employers ask for genuine pre-selection interviews only occasionally. 0.1 Italy There is no established rule on this issue. .. Japan Job applicants may sometimes be called in to the PES for a pre-selection interview, but they are usually referred without such interviews. 0.1 Korea Jobseekers are not required to take a pre-selection interview at the PES before a job interview with an employer. 0 Luxembourg Pour certaines offres, les demandeurs d'emploi présélectionnés sont convoqués des entretiens individuels préalables avant d'tre envoyé auprs de l'employeur concerné. 0.1 Mexico No practice of pre-selection interviews is identified. 0 Netherlands Pre-selection interviews may take place if this is agreed with the employers. 0.1 New Zealand Candidates may be required to attend a pre-selection interview with the employment office i) to help them prepare for the job interview and address any potential barriers to employment (e.g. suitable attire, availability of childcare, etc.); ii) in cases where the employer has specific candidate requirements; or iii) where the client is not yet well known to PES staff. 0.5 Norway Pre-selection interviews are normally not needed, and carried out only in some cases. 0.1 Poland There is no regular pre-selection procedure, although local office counsellors may use pre-selection interviews on occasion. 0.1 Portugal Yes. In general, candidates are called to the Employment Centre or another office in order to be given information on the job offer in question and to verify qualifications, experience and personal abilities in relation to the job requirements. When agreement between the candidate and the employment counsellor to accept the offer is confirmed, the candidate is referred to the employer. 1 28 Slovak Republic In most cases, jobseekers are not called in for a pre-selection interview with a counsellor, but are rather referred to the employer directly upon their visit to the Employment Office. The PES counsellor matches vacancies to jobseekers based on his personal knowledge of them and on standard criteria used by the office. 0 Spain In general the PES sends pre-selected candidates apt for the vacancy after consultation of its data bank. However, it can also carry out interviews and skill or psycho-technical tests, or do further pre-selection at the Employment Office. 0.1 Sweden Jobseekers are not called in for pre-selection interviews. 0 Suisse Non, normalement le demandeur d'emploi reçoit une lettre lui ordonnant d'offrir ses services ou de se présenter pour un poste. 0 Turkey There are no pre-selection interviews. United Kingdom If a submission takes place, there is no obligation for the client to attend a pre-selection interview. Although the claimant may actually arrange a voluntary meeting to discuss matters relating to the interview, it is not obligatory. 0.1 United States This action is dependent on the employer's requirements and instructions for the specific job listings. If employers specify that pre-screening of candidates must be done before referral, in-person and telephone screening interviews may be conducted. 0.1 29 Direct referrals/4.c. When a jobseeker wants to apply for an advertised vacancy, are the employer's contact details usually available directly ("open" vacancies), or does the jobseeker need to ask a PES counsellor for the employer's contact details ("semi-open" vacancies)? In the case of semi-open vacancies, in what ways do PES counsellors manage the referral of jobseekers to the employer? Orientation directe/4.c. Lorsqu'un demandeur d'emploi souhaite postuler une offre d'emploi publiée, les références détaillées concernant l'employeur sont elles habituellement disponibles (offres d'emploi nominatives), ou le candidat est-il tenu de demander un conseiller du SPE les références détaillées de l'employeur (offres d'emploi semi-publique ) ? Concernant les offres d'emploi semi-publiques , comment les conseillers du SPE encadrent-ils les orientations des demandeurs d'emploi vers les employeurs ? Country Score as 1 if "open" vacancies are almost always used, 0.8 where employer contact details are usually displayed, 0.5 if both "open" vacancies and "semi-open" vacancies are used, more or less, equally, and 0 if "semi-open" vacancies are used in most cases. Score Pays Marquer 1 dans le cas d'offres d'emploi nominatives, 0.8 lorsque les références détaillées de l'employeur sont habituellement publiées, 0.5 s'il s'agit approximativement autant d'offres d'emploi nominatives que d'offres d'emploi semi-publiques , et 0 lorsqu'il s'agit d'offres d'emploi semi-publiques dans la plupart des cas. Australia Vacancies advertised on the JobSearch website can fall into both open vacancies and semi-open vacancies. There is a facility for employers to directly lodge jobs for display with their contact details available for all interested jobseekers. About 40% of vacancies are lodged by Job Network members or JPLOs and the vast majority of these are semi-open. The vast majority of the other 60% are jobs placed by private job boards/private job agencies. Job Network providers can initiate referrals using electronic matching tools; and jobseekers with active resumes (currently over 870 000) receive automatic notifications through JobSearch (see above Q.4.a). 0 Austria Advertised vacancies usually contain employers' contact details. In case of semi-open vacancies, the PES counsellors manage the referrals of jobseekers to employers by checking whether a jobseeker is qualified for the job. The selected jobseeker gets a personalised letter and is obliged to apply for the job. 0.8 Belgique VDAB : 97 % des offres sont nominatives. FOREM : 90-95 % des offres sont nominatives. 1 1 Canada All job vacancies contain the employer's contact information or (in about 3% of the cases) the name of the placement/employment agency who is recruiting on the employer's behalf. 1 Czech Republic/ République tchque En déclarant son poste vacant l'employeur indique s'il veut que cet emploi soit publié (dans 80 % des cas, voir Q.4.a) ou s'il veut un candidat sélectionné par le bureau du travail. Chaque bureau du travail affiche des postes dont la publication est autorisée par l'employeur ou des postes disponibles tirés des annonces dans les revues. En général, les co-ordonnées de l'employeur sont publiées. En cas d'exigences particulires qui ne sont pas publiées, une note dit chez quel conseiller l'intéressé peut obtenir ces renseignements. 0.8 Denmark Both "open" and "semi-open" vacancies are used (no data available on their respective shares in the total). In case of "semi-open" vacancies, the PES officer selects the best qualified applications after interviews and an assessment of the candidate. 0.5 30 Finland Most vacancies are advertised on the open Internet service operated by the PES, and they contain all information a jobseeker needs to apply for the vacancy. Where semi-open vacancies are advertised, the contact information is available from the local PES office. Before referral, the PES decides whether the jobseeker has the qualifications needed for the job. 0.8 France Deux catégories d'offres sont distinguer : * les offres nominatives qui sont immédiatement mises disposition des demandeurs d'emploi avec les coordonnées de l'employeur pour un rapprochement sans qu'il y ait obligatoirement une action du conseiller ANPE. Ces offres font notamment l'objet d'une diffusion sur www.anpe.fr qui leur offre une forte visibilité (141 millions de consultations en 2006, 160 000 310 000 offres quotidiennes sur le site). * les offres anonymes, dites avec présélection la demande de l'employeur. Pour ces offres, le contact entre le demandeur d'emploi et l'employeur se fera obligatoirement par une mise en relation par le conseiller ANPE. Il n'existe pas d'information exacte sur la distribution des offres par type (nominatives, semi-publiques , restreintes). 0.5 Germany Of all advertised vacancies, 9 out of 10 are completely open, where applicants can directly contact the employer concerned (48% of all PES vacancies). If the employer's contact details are not announced publicly, they are given to the applicant after consultation with the placement officer in charge. 0.9 Greece Advertised vacancies usually provide information only about the characteristics of the vacancy and the qualifications required (semi-open vacancies). The employer's contact details need to be requested. The PES counsellor, after checking the jobseeker's qualification, calls the employer to confirm whether the job vacancy is still available, and provides the jobseeker with a personalised letter of introduction. 0 Hungary Both "open" and "semi-open" vacancies are used. In case of semi-open vacancies, jobseekers must apply for an interview with the competent job counsellor. 0.5 Ireland Advertised vacancies usually contain employers' contact details, only a minority are semi-open. 0.9 Italy There are few completely open vacancies, and jobseekers usually need to ask a PES counsellor for the employer's contact details. The counsellor sends the applicant's CV to the employer who will then call the person for a first contact. In some areas of Northern Italy, as Internet-based job matching is being implemented, an evolution towards a kind of "open-vacancies model" can be observed. 0.2 Japan The PES provides vacancy information online, if and to the extent approved by the employer. In the case of semi-open vacancies, a job applicant is asked to visit the PES for further information and is referred to the vacancy by the PES. 0.5 Korea Employers can choose to register vacancies as open or semi-open. [Recent information received from PES offices shows a relation of about 95% open and 5% semi-open vacancies.] 0.9 Luxembourg En rgle générale, les offres sont semi-publiques. Ainsi, les demandeurs d'emploi sont tenus de prendre contact avec leur conseiller-placeur. 0 31 Mexico No information given on proportions of "completely open", "semi-open", and closed vacancies. .. Netherlands Both "open" vacancies and "semi-open" vacancies are available. In case of semi-open vacancies, the counsellor/advisor of CWI assesses the suitability of the vacancy for the jobseeker before giving employer details. [Field visits and information by the SZW Ministry show a preponderance of open vacancies.] 0.6 New Zealand Employer details are in most cases only available from a Work and Income representative. This ensures that clients are assessed as to their suitability for a vacancy. 0 Norway The employer contact details are normally available for all publicly advertised positions. Employers have an option to hide the contact details, but do this very rarely. Employment offices can also refer jobseekers to such vacancies. 1 Poland Both types of vacancies exist, but no information is available on their respective share. .. Portugal The employer's contact details are generally not made public. Further information is provided by the Employment Counsellor in a personal meeting with the jobseeker, and the counsellor evaluates whether the candidate meets the job requirements. The PES is currently working at increasing the degree of "openness" of vacancies by expanding available on-line services. 0 Slovak Republic Both open and semi-open vacancy types are available. As a rule, however, the employer's full contact details are not publicised unless he wishes potential jobseekers to contact him directly. In most cases, employers want the PES to make a pre-selection for them and send the profiles of suitable candidates. 0 Spain Fully open vacancies (the minority) allow direct contact with the employer. Sometimes an interview with a counsellor is required. In this case the professional profile and availability of the jobseeker is evaluated. 0.2 Sweden The employer's contact details are usually available directly which means that the vacancies are "open"; only 7% have some kind of restriction. 0.9 Suisse Les employeurs qui annoncent un poste vacant peuvent choisir de rester anonymes et donc le demandeur d'emploi devra demander son conseiller s'il peut se présenter ou non. L'employeur peut aussi demander un nombre maximal de candidatures. Dans ces cas, les conseillers du SPE définissent souvent les profiles exigés de manire plus rigoureuse. 0.5 Turkey The reply makes no reference to open or semi-open vacancies. .. United Kingdom Job vacancies in Jobcentre Plus operate under a system of being both open (46%) and semi-open (54%). In the case of semi-open vacancies, eligibility criteria are sometimes set when the employer agrees the levels of skills/experience that are required. The advisor will not submit a client to a vacancy that he/she is not quite sufficiently qualified for. 0.5 United States Some states only offer the option of open job orders, while most states continue to offer the option of suppressed job orders. At the time the employer lists the job opportunity, it is indicated whether or not contact information may be published or suppressed. [Internet research suggests that the suppressed share in PES vacancy listings has fallen since the 1990s, and may now be half in some states but lower in some others.] 0.8 32 Direct referrals/4.d. When the PES makes a direct referral or a managed referral to a job vacancy, is the employer asked to report the outcome of the job application, including the reason that each applicant for the job was not hired? Does the PES ask the jobseeker to report the outcome of his or her job application, including the reason that he or she was not hired? Orientation directe/4.d. Lorsque le SPE procde une orientation directe ou encadrée du chômeur vers une offre d'emploi, est-il demandé l'employeur de faire connaître les résultats de l'entretien de recrutement, ainsi que le motif pour lequel chaque candidat au poste n'a pas été engagé ? Le SPE s'enquiert-il auprs du demandeur d'emploi du résultat de son entretien de recrutement, ainsi que du motif pour lequel il n'a pas été engagé ? Country Score 0 if no feedback is obtained and 1 if a report on the reasons is usually obtained rapidly (e.g. within one or two weeks) from the employer. If detailed information is obtained "quite often" or less, or if information relates only to whether a hire took place (e.g. through social security tax mechanisms), score 0.5. If the unemployed person also provides a report rapidly, score an additional 0.5. Information obtained only after a delay of several weeks or more should be discounted. Score Pays Marquer 0 s'il n'y a pas de retour d'informations et 1 si l'employeur rend compte du motif rapidement (habituellement dans un délai d'une deux semaines). Si ces informations sont obtenus assez fréquemment ou moins souvent, ou bien si l'on apprend seulement si une embauche s'est produite (par exemple en fonction des cotisations de sécurité sociale), marquer 0.5. Si le chômeur fournit également un compte-rendu, marquer 0.5 en supplément. Ne pas tenir compte des informations reçues seulement plusieurs semaines plus tard. Australia The employer is under no legal obligation to provide this information, however it is considered best practice to obtain feedback regarding the outcome of the interview and any reasons for hire or non-hire of a jobseeker. Referrals recorded on the Job Network IT system can be updated by providers with results and comments. Jobseekers in receipt of income support are required to report a successful outcome as this may affect their entitlement. 0 Austria Employers are asked to report on the outcome of an application, and to list the reasons for not employing a particular candidate on a form to be sent back to the PES. Jobseekers are asked by the PES to report on the outcome of the applications as well. 1.5 Belgique VDAB : Le VDAB demande l'employeur de faire connaître les résultats d'un entretien de recrutement ainsi que le motif pour lequel le candidat proposé n'a pas été engagé. Le VDAB a conçu un formulaire standard cet effet que le candidat remet l'employeur lors de l'entretien d'embauche. Le demandeur d'emploi est prié de mettre le conseiller au courant du résultat de l'entretien d'embauche. FOREM : Non, l'objectif du FOREM est de maximiser les opportunités de se faire rencontrer l'offre et la demande d'emploi, ceci au sein d'un marché ouvert dans lequel interviennent également des opérateurs privés. A ce titre, Le FOREM vise travailler autant avec les entreprises qu'avec les intermédiaires (agences de travail temporaire, bureaux de sélection privés). De plus, une entreprise qui recrute ne doit pas faire le choix exclusif du FOREM pour bénéficier de nos prestations. 1.5 0 Canada There are no direct or managed referrals. 0 33 Czech Republic/ République tchque Les bureaux du travail exigent le résultat de l'entretien de recrutement de la part du demandeur d'emploi. Quand il s'agit d'un demandeur avec lequel un plan d'action individuel a été établi, le bureau demande aussi les motifs pour lesquels le candidat n'a pas été engagé. 0.5 Denmark Both the employer and the jobseeker are asked to report the outcome of the job application. As of August 2007, when an unemployed person has had a job offer from the PES, but the offer has not been successful, the PES will continuously give that person job offers over a period of three months. 1.5 Finland The employer is asked to report to the local PES when the vacancy is filled and asked to report the name of the accepted person. If the local PES has made direct referrals, the outcome of each referral will be checked. The referred jobseeker will also be asked about the outcome of the referral and the application. 1.5 France Dans le cadre du suivi de son portefeuille de demandeurs d'emploi, le conseiller ANPE doit s'informer du résultat de la mise en relation effectuée. Ce point est notamment abordé lors de l'éventuel entretien mensuel (en cas de non reprise d'emploi) suivant la mise en relation. Les employeurs doivent tre systématiquement contactés dans le cadre du suivi de l'offre d'emploi et un conseiller référent est affecté chaque offre d'emploi. Toutefois, une telle collecte d'informations demeure un travail trs complexe. 1.5 Germany Both employers and applicants of direct referrals are always asked in writing (on a standard form) to report the outcome of the job application including the reasons for it. If the outcome is not reported immediately, the employer's feedback is requested by the agency's "employer service" team at a reasonable time after the direct referral, and the jobseekers' feedback is requested at the next scheduled interview. [PES officials tend to note that there is insufficient cooperation by employers in communicating the reasons for not hiring.] 1.5 Greece Employers are asked to report the outcome of the job application within eight days after the referral by filling in a specific report which is attached to the jobseeker's personalised letter of introduction. The jobseeker is also asked to report the outcome. 1.5 Hungary Employers are generally required to give a summary, and the jobseeker must report the outcome of the application. 1.5 Ireland There are no formal requirements, but employers are normally asked to inform the office once a vacancy is filled. However, even a feedback on a successful referral (i.e. placement) is extremely difficult to obtain from the employer. Information from jobseekers would normally be obtained at the next regular interview, any other feedback is also extremely difficult to obtain. 0.5 Italy There is no strict rule on this topic although employers are sometimes asked to give information about the outcome of the job application. Only if the employer takes on the jobseeker, he/she sends to PES a declaration which contains relevant information on the contract of employment, the place of work and the salary. 0.5 Japan Employers are required to report the outcome of a job referral by sending a "Decision Notice" back to the PES, which either confirms that the applicant has been hired or states the reason for not hiring. Job applicants are not required to report application outcomes. 1.0 34 Korea Employers are obliged to report to the PES the outcome of referrals by using a standard form. Jobseekers are also required to report the outcome of the job application. 1.5 Luxembourg Il est demandé l'employeur de retourner la carte d'assignation au service de placement concerné en signifiant le résultat de l'opération. Des informations sont demandées au demandeur de l'emploi l'occasion des contacts réguliers avec le service. 1.0 Mexico Employers are asked to report the outcome of the job interviews. The jobseekers are also asked to inform the PES of the outcome of the application. 1.5 Netherlands In case of direct referral, advisors ask employers about the outcome of referrals. Outcomes are discussed with the unemployed jobseeker in the regular interview. 1.0 New Zealand The counsellor usually contacts the employer to find out how the interview(s) went. He will enquire details both about successful and unsuccessful referrals. He will also discuss the interview with unsuccessful applicants. 1.0 Norway In case of direct referrals, the employer is asked to report back as to which candidate obtained the job. The PES will often follow up by asking about the reason why certain jobseekers were not hired. Referred jobseekers are also asked to report the outcome. 1.5 Poland The employer needs to notify the PES within five days of the referral whether he has hired the person. The employer also needs to inform the PES about an unsuccessful referral, by sending in a standard form indicating the reasons for not hiring the person in question. Jobseekers also need to inform the PES about a successful referral outcome. 1 Portugal The PES always tries to know the result of a referral, and the employer is asked to fill out and return a standard form to that effect. The Employment Counsellor tries to be informed about the results within five working days. The information may also be obtained from the employer by telephone, fax, e-mail or through a special visit. Applicants only need to inform the office if they have been hired. 1 Slovak Republic The employer usually states the result of the referral on paper (often a standard form, but other statements are also accepted) which the referred jobseeker is asked either to deliver to the PES office within three working days, or to present at his/her next visit to the PES. 1.5 Spain The employer is, in principle, invited to give the reasons why the candidate was not selected. In addition, employers are required to send the PES copies of any new contracts or extensions of existing ones. [No reference to jobseeker reporting.] 1.0 Sweden The employer is not asked to report the outcome of the job application. The jobseeker, however, needs to do so, if the PES demands a report. 0.5 Suisse L'employeur reçoit un formulaire de réponse, et le SPE enquiert aussi auprs du demandeur d'emploi du résultat de son entretien de recrutement. 1.5 Turkey Employers need to inform the PES about the results of referral within 15 days. 1.0 United Kingdom The claimant is asked to fill in an "Actively Seeking Employment" form at every fortnightly signing. This form asks for details of each application, and the outcome. 0.5 United States Variable follow-up procedures. States may require jobseekers to return a post card or call the referring office. Other states may rely on the UI wage information collected quarterly from employers on all employees to determine if the jobseeker has gained employment. 0.5 35 Intensive interviews/5.a. After an unemployed person has registered for placement, when does a first intensive interview take place? Are newly-registered unemployed required to participate in other events (e.g. a collective information session)? Entretiens approfondis/5.a. A la suite de l'inscription d'un chômeur en vue d'un placement, quel moment intervient un premier entretien approfondi ? Les chômeurs récemment inscrits sont-ils tenus de participer d'autres réunions (séances d'information collectives, par exemple) ? Country Score as 0 if it is often not obtained within one month or so, 0.5 if it is usually obtained through interview before one month but later than a week, and 1 if detailed information is obtained at initial registration or through a separate detailed interview within a week or so. Score Pays Marquer 0 si les informations détaillées ne sont souvent pas enregistrées plus ou moins dans le mois, 0.5 si les informations sont habituellement obtenues travers un entretien avant un mois mais plus tard qu'une semaine, et 1 si elles sont enregistrées l'inscription initial ou bien grâce un entretien détaillé part dans une semaine environ. Australia When a jobseeker registers with Centrelink, Centrelink provides information about the services available from Job Network members and Job Placement organisations. Centrelink also interviews jobseekers to assess their eligibility for Job Network services and other appropriate services, and negotiates their initial Activity Agreement. Jobsekers eligible for Job Network must usually meet with a Job Network member within 14 days of their contact with Centrelink. 1 Austria The first interview takes place either at registration (about 60%) or within a period of one month (40%), and an action plan is created at the interview. In most of the regional employment offices (90%), newly-registered unemployed take place in collective information session. (1+0.5) / 2 = 0.75 Belgique VDAB: The first step is the registration as unemployed which can be done through three channels (online, call centre and face-to-face) leading to an immediate employable file. From the first week the file is weekly matched with new vacancies. The second step is a telephonic screening done by the VDAB call centre: i) for the low-educated after three months of unemployment; ii) for the high-schooled unemployed below 25 years of age after four months of unemployment; iii) for the high-schooled unemployed above 25 years of age after six months of unemployment. If the person is still unemployed three months after the telephonic screening, they are invited for an intensive interview, the "intake" (the third step). FOREM : Lors d'une premire inscription chaque demandeur d'emploi peut bénéficier d'un entretien de primo analyse des besoins d'une durée de 10 15 minutes. En fonction du besoin identifié, le demandeur d'emploi est ensuite orienté soit vers des services en libre accs soit vers des services spécialisés tel que l'accompagnement professionnel. Dans ce cas, un entretien d'analyse approfondie de la demande d'une durée de 45 60 minutes est programmé dans le mois. Dans le cadre du nouvel accompagnement des chômeurs, il est proposé un service de base comprenant une séance collective de deux heures et un entretien de diagnostic d'une heure. Ce service de base est planifié avant le 2e mois de l'inscription pour les moins de 25 ans et avant le 7e mois pour les 25 ans et plus. 0 0.5 Canada There is no registration for placement. Clients are recommended to contact an Employment Assistance Services provider for a needs assessment interview 0 36 Czech Republic/ République tchque Le bureau de travail organise l'entretien avec chaque nouveau demandeur en général dans une semaine aprs son inscription. 1 Denmark The first meeting with the PES takes places within one month. At the meeting, employability of the unemployed is profiled and his/her CV is discussed. 0.5 Finland The first intensive interview with the PES is supposed to take place within a month starting from the initial registration. The newly registered are also invited to a collective information session. 0.5 France Le premier entretien approfondi intervient dans les huit jours suivant l'inscription (délai raccourci cinq jours compter du 01/07/07). Fin février 2007, le délai moyen de réception entre l'inscription Assédic et le premier entretien a l'ANPE était de cinq jours et demi. Au moment de l'inscription, les demandeurs d'emploi bénéficient de deux entretiens individuels successifs (qui permettent le profilage statistique par l'Assédic et le placement au sein d'un parcours par le conseiller ANPE, déclenchant une offre de service adaptée). Ils peuvent dans un second temps, sur prescription du conseiller de l'ANPE, participer des réunions d'information collectives. Germany The intensive interview takes place as early as possible ­ the current target being ten working days ­ after the first contact with the employment agency. Customers are always advised to participate in collective information sessions. 0.75 Greece After initial registration, an intensive interview takes place immediately or within two or three days. Employment counselors tend to conduct intensive interviews with at most four jobseekers in a day, to guarantee the quality of the interview. The newly registered unemployed are not obliged to participate in any other specific events, but they are encouraged to engage in activities (such as collective information sessions) agreed within the framework of the Personal Action Plan. 1 Hungary By law, the first interview must be conducted as soon as possible after registration. [See Q.7.a ­ An action plan is created right after registration.] 1 Ireland The first intensive guidance interview takes place at registration with FÁS, often after at least one month following registration for benefit. Jobseekers are then identified as to whether they are directed to self service facilities or whether they require additional supports. 0 Italy In some PES offices the intensive interview takes place together with the registration, while in other PES offices it may take place within three months (the maximum statutory delay) of registration as unemployed. .. Japan At initial registration, the unemployed person is given guidance in conducting job-search activities and handling job interviews along with information on services provided by the PES. In addition, following their initial registration, a briefing is provided for all recipients of unemployment benefits on a designated day. 1 37 Korea Answer in 2005: An initial interview with the jobseeker takes place at registration-forplacement, and the person who is estimated to have low job-finding abilities at the initial interview will be urged to take an intensive interview separately. After the 2006 PES reform, the first intensive interview takes place after two weeks, when a profiling instrument is applied and an action plan is set up. 0.5 Luxembourg Un premier contact approfondi a lieu au plus tard 15 jours aprs l'inscription. 0.5 Mexico A jobseeker is interviewed at the PES by a job counsellor at registration for placement. 1 Netherlands At the initial registration, the jobseeker's distance from the labour market is assessed by CWI. Those who are job-ready may be asked to attend collective information sessions (workshops). Those who are not job-ready receive another intensive interview ("qualifying intake") to determine an advice with regard to reintegration activities, after which they are transferred to the UWV or municipalities for a "reintegration trajectory". 1 New Zealand At initial contact clients take part in a work-focussed pre-assessment meeting. Following this, clients are referred to a WRK4U seminar, a collective information seminar which provides information on general techniques for finding jobs as well as information about benefit eligibility and obligations (see Q.1.a and Q.1.b). Following the WRK4U seminar, clients have an interview with a case manager which includes client profiling, discussion of job-search activities and the development of an individual action plan. This interview usually takes place within a week of initial contact with the PES. Depending on the clients' level of need, they are then referred into activities designed to support them back into employment. 1 Norway An intensive interview takes place within three weeks after preliminary registration. 0.5 Poland There are no specific guidelines on this matter. .. Portugal Whenever possible, the first interview takes place during the initial registration for placement, when the client's occupational profile and life history are identified, and his/her employability is assessed. 1 Slovak Republic The first interview is conducted at initial registration at the PES, where basic information on the jobseeker's rights and obligations, available options and individual active labour market tools is provided. Intensive counselling interviews are conducted by vocational counsellors within six months, when an individual action plan is established. 1 Spain Usually, a first intensive interview takes place either at registration or within a maximum of 15 days. Newly-registered unemployed are asked to participate in collective information sessions only in certain regions. 0.75 Sweden The first intensive interview takes place within thirty days after official registration, and the action plan is created. Some obligatory information is given the jobseeker in connection with the registration either individually or in a collective information session. 0.5 38 Suisse En général, le deuxime entretien est un entretien approfondi ; il a lieu en moyenne 16 jours aprs l'inscription. Normalement les chômeurs récemment inscrits participent aussi des séances d'information collectives quelques jours aprs leur inscription. 0.5 Turkey Although intensive interview practice has been set out in institutional regulation, from time to time local offices organise some information meetings [response unclear]. .. United Kingdom After the initial registration, an initial WFI (work focussed interview) is undertaken and the action plan (Jobseeker Agreement) is completed. 60% of these meetings occur within the four-day target, whilst 74% are attended within two weeks. (1+0.5) /2 = 0.75 United States Generally, unemployed claimants are required to participate in special job-search assistance programs only if they have been identified through the worker Profiling and Reemployment Services (WPRS) programme as likely to exhaust UI benefits. [OECD (1999; p. 113f) notes that, in both Connecticut and Wisconsin, jobseekers profiled as such are invited to attend an orientation session, usually within one to three weeks. At these meetings, an individual action plan (service plan) is usually established.] 0.25 39 Intensive interviews/5.b. How often are unemployed people required to attend intensive interviews later in the unemployment spell? Entretiens approfondis/5.b. Quelle est la fréquence des entretiens approfondis auxquels les chômeurs sont soumis au cours de leur période de chômage ? Country Score as the number of intensive interviews per year of unemployment or during the first year of unemployment. Do not include initial registration interviews; avoid doublecounting interview time scored as job-search verification interviews (Q.3.a) and action plan interviews (Q.7.b, Q.7.c). Interviews lasting less than 30 minutes should be counted equivalent to less than one full intensive interview. Score Pays Marquer le nombre d'entretiens approfondis par année de chômage ou pendant la premire année de chômage. L'entretien approfondi d'inscription est exclu ; ne pas marquer deux fois le temps d'entretien marqué comme contrôle de la recherche d'emploi (Q.3.a) ou attribué au plan d'action (Q.7.b, Q.7c). Les entretiens de moins de 30 minutes sont marqués moins qu'un entretien approfondi entier. Australia Job seekers generally commence structured job search assistance at approximately three months of unemployment unless they are identified as Highly Disadvantaged (the latter commence Intensive Support customised assistance when they first meet with their Job Network member). Following three months of unemployment, a jobseeker meets with their JNM to further develop their activity agreement. Subsequently, jobseekers are required to attend interviews with their JNMs regularly, although the frequency varies widely by specific programme. For example, under Intensive Support customised assistance (ISca, applicable after a job seeker has been unemployed for 12 months) job seekers are required to attend up to one interview every two weeks. Job seekers commencing ISca (used for scoring) will have had four intensive interviews in the first year, and have up to 14 in the second year of unemployment. If they are parents, carers or mature age people participating in Employment Preparation they will have an additional three contacts with their JNM for practical assistance. Further, jobseekers identified as Highly Disadvantaged can have up to 15 intensive interviews already in the first year of unemployment. [Overlap with action plan (Q.7.c) and job-search verification (Q.3.a) interviews.] 4 (up to 18 in two-year period) Austria The interview takes place every three months as a minimum, based on the client's individual action plan. [Overlap with action plan interviews).] 4 Belgique VDAB: During the pathway guidance (starting at six to nine months) jobseekers have at least a monthly interview with their pathway counsellor, unless they follow an intensive action (e.g. training) at that time. FOREM : La fréquence des entretiens approfondis est variable en fonction des besoins, du rythme et de la spécificité du parcours de la personne. Toutefois, dans le cadre du plan d'accompagnement des chômeurs de 25 50 ans (qui commence au plus tard le 7e mois de leur inscription), il est prévu, en rgle générale, soit une action spécifique soit un entretien individuel par mois. 4 5 Canada Interviews with an Employment Assistance Service provider are voluntary. The frequency is not pre-determined. Interventions are planned based upon individual client needs. .. 40 Czech Republic/ République tchque Les entretiens ont en général lieu deux fois par mois, dans certains cas une fois par mois. [Score réduit du fait de la courte durée des entretiens]. [Overlap with job-search verification interviews.] 10 Denmark The contact interview with the PES takes place every three months and includes systematic assessment of availability for work. 4 Finland Intensive interviews take place according to a mutual agreement between the PES and the jobseeker. They take place more frequently for younger jobseekers and for those in risk of long-term unemployment, and less so for older jobseekers. [See Q.7.c: There can be several action plan interviews in a year depending on the individual situation ­ from 3 up to 10.] [Overlap with action plan interviews.] .. France Au cours de trois premiers mois, le demandeur d'emploi classé en parcours de recherche accélérée (dont le risque statistique de distance l'emploi a été jugé faible) est en contact avec l'ANPE et l'Unédic en moyenne tous les quinze jours. L'ANPE assure quatre cinq contacts compter de l'inscription et ce, jusqu'au 4e mois. Ils sont intercalés et coordonnés avec le suivi réalisé par l'Assédic. Les examens de suivi de la recherche d'emploi réalisés par l'Assédic ont lieu, minima, compter de l'IDE (inscription du demandeur d'emploi) j+30 et j+60. partir du quatrime mois, un suivi mensuel personnalisé ( minima) est mis en place par l'ANPE, ou encore, sur prescription de l'ANPE, par un organisme co-traitant (organisme spécialisé dans le suivi et l'accompagnent des jeunes, des travailleurs handicapés, ou des cadres et personnels d'encadrement). Enfin, les demandeurs d'emploi rencontrant en marge de leur recherche d'emploi des difficultés particulires, peuvent tre confiés par l'ANPE des organismes tiers, chargés de favoriser l'insertion sociale du chômeur et de l'accompagner socialement. chaque contact avec le demandeur d'emploi, l'ANPE procde l'actualisation du PPAE au cours d'un entretien approfondi. [Score réduit du fait de la courte durée des entretiens.] 7.5 Germany The placement officer in charge decides whether and when intensive interviews take place, depending on the individual case (and the "action programmes" laid down by the Federal Employment Agency). [Overlap with action plan and job-search verification interviews.] [The currently (February 2007) valid "action programmes" of the Federal Employment Agency, targeting regular unemployment insurance benefit recipients (ALGI), envisage a minimum standard of between three and seven interviews annually, depending on jobseeker category. Finn et al. (2005, p. 34) estimated earlier that clients are contacted on average once every eight weeks.] 6 Greece The frequency of intensive interviews is decided by agreement between the jobseeker and the job counselor and depends upon the needs of the jobseeker. There is no set minimum or maximum number of interviews, but the individual action plan is monitored every 3, 6 and 12 months. [Overlap with action plan interviews.] .. Hungary In general, counsellors hold intensive interviews with jobseekers every three months (based on the initial action plan). [Overlap with action plan and job-search verification interviews.] 4 41 Ireland Under the Irish National Employment Plan, there is a commitment to a more systematic engagement by the employment services with the (longer-term) unemployed. At an unemployment duration of three months, an intensive intervention schedule sets in. Clients receive on average 11 interventions while they are on caseload and up until they have either been placed in employment or have completed a labour market programme and are considered to be job-ready. It is up to the counsellor how many of these are interviews [estimated at 3 to 4], letters, phone calls, etc. 3-4 Italy There is usually no schedule of intensive interviews, except for certain PES offices with specific career guidance services. .. Japan There are no strict rules about the frequency of intensive interviews. A consultation is provided for job applicants either at their own request, or whenever the PES deems it necessary. .. Korea In case benefit recipients have not found a job at 14 weeks after registration, they are given an intensive interview, with a review of their individual action plan. 1 Luxembourg En principe, le demandeur d'emploi est soumis un entretien approfondi tous les deux mois. [Score réduit du fait de la courte durée des entretiens.] 3 Mexico Jobseekers are interviewed just once at initial registration. 0 Netherlands The frequency and intensity of interviews depend on the circumstances of the individual jobseeker. In general, the support becomes more intensive as the unemployment spell increases in duration. [Overlap with job-search verification interviews.] [Tergeist and Grubb (2006) report that practices vary widely between CWI offices, from fortnightly interviews to a restart interview after six months.] .. New Zealand Clients in receipt of unemployment benefit attend an intensive interview every six weeks. [Overlap with action plan and job-search verification interviews.] 3 Norway Jobseekers on unemployment benefit are required to attend intensive interviews at least every three months, unless they are attending labour market programmes. [Overlap with action plan and job-search verification interviews.] 4 Poland There are no specific guidelines on this matter. .. Portugal Jobseekers are asked for an interview as often as it is necessary to comply with the various stages defined in their personal employment plan. In other words, the number of interviews/office visits depends on the client's employability profile and the degree of distance from the labour market. [See also Q.7.a and Q.7.c about action plan interviews.] .. Slovak Republic The unemployed are asked to attend the PES for intensive interviews (i.e. longer than 30 minutes) with employment counsellors at least once a month; the frequency may be higher where necessary and/or upon a request of an unemployed. [Overlap with action plan and job-search verification interviews.] 12 Spain Other intensive interviews take place later in the unemployment spell, depending on participation in programmes, and with an average of six interviews per year. 6 42 Sweden Normally, there is a follow-up dialog concerning an adult's job-seeking activities within the framework of their individual action plan every six to eight weeks, including a decision as to whether the present service is adequate or some other service is needed. The average for long-term unemployed is approximately every four weeks. [Overlap with action plan and job-search verification interviews.] 7 Suisse La fréquence dépend des besoins de chaque demandeur d'emploi ; elle est en moyenne de 1.03 par mois. [Pas de référence faite aux rapports mensuels relatifs la recherche d'emploi, tel que noté sous Q.3.a]. 11 Turkey There is no such obligation. 0 United Kingdom Jobseekers must attend a fortnightly jobseeker review which involves confirmation of continued signing and details what job search the jobseeker has undertaken. More intensive interviews (the 13-Week Review) are attended on a quarterly basis, where inter alia the content of the action plan is reviewed. [For scoring, four fortnightly reviews were considered equivalent to one intensive interview.] [Overlap with action plan and job-search verification interviews.] 4 + 6=10 United States The referred unemployed to services through the Worker Profiling and Reemployment Service (WPRS) systems are required to participate in special job-search assistance programmes. In addition, some states have eligibility review programmes that involve scheduled counselling. There are variations in the number of interviews and services offered across the states. .. 43 Intensive interviews/5.c. How long do intensive interviews later in the spell typically last (e.g. 15, 30 minutes) and what topics do they focus upon? Entretiens approfondis/5.c. Quelle est la durée habituelle des entretiens approfondis la suite d'une période de chômage (par exemple, 15 minutes, 30 minutes), et sur quels sujets portent-ils ? Country Not scored directly, but responses should be taken into account when scoring Q.5.b above. Pays A ne pas marquer directement, mais les réponses contribuent aux scores pour Q.5.b ci-dessus. Australia Interviews with Job Network providers last approximately 30 minutes on average (from 20 to 45 minutes). At these interviews, registration details are updated, Activity Agreements are reviewed, job-search activities are discussed, and if necessary, ob search assistance or referral to a complementary programme is provided. Austria About 30 minutes. The topics discussed are: results of job search, analysis of problems, discussion of available job opportunities, elaboration of solutions, offers of support and agreement on further steps. Belgique VDAB : The intake takes 1 hours. The issues handled are general problems of the jobseeker, mapping the competencies of the client, determining the distance to the labour market, following-up the client's job search during the first months of his unemployment. The consultations with the counsellor during the pathway take hour. The issues handled are the follow-up of the actions agreed during the intake, arranging new actions, motivating clients, etc. FOREM : La durée moyenne d'un entretien approfondi est de 60 minutes. Ces entretiens peuvent tre des prestations d'analyse des besoins, de bilans professionnels, d'orientation professionnelle, d'actions d'aide la recherche d'emploi, etc. Canada Interview length varies depending on client needs (15 to 60 minutes). Czech Republic/ République tchque La durée habituelle de l'entretien approfondi découle surtout du besoin du demandeur d'emploi, elle est en général de 15 minutes. Si on négocie ou évalue le plan d'action individuel, la durée peut atteindre 30 minutes. Cet entretien, lorsque le conseiller connaît le dossier du client et le demandeur d'emploi connaît ses droits et ses obligations, porte sur l'orientation des idées du participant vu la situation réelle sur le marché du travail. Il s'agit surtout de savoir dans quelles conditions le demandeur serait prt accepter un autre emploi qui ne correspond pas tout fait sa formation d'origine, de lui offrir la création du plan d'action individuel, la possibilité de participer aux activités d'orientation et de conseil ou de se servir des instruments de la politique active de l'emploi. Denmark Personal interviews with employment counsellors typically last 30 minutes. The basic idea of the intensive interview is to assist the unemployed to manage their own job search in a successful way, so the focus is on the jobseeker's activities since the previous meeting and on further education and training activities. 44 Finland Interviews take usually from 30 to 45 minutes. They may take longer if arranged together with other specialist services (such as municipal social assistance) and may go up to 1.5 hours, depending on the matters under discussion. The interviews focus upon drawing out realistic job-search plans, including the jobseeker's own ideas, service needs, job-search skills, existing job offers, training possibilities, plans for the near future, active labour market measures offered by the PES, etc. France Tout entretien de suivi mensuel personnalisé donne lieu une actualisation du PPAE et dure environ 20 minutes. Le PPAE détermine : * les types d'emploi qui correspondent effectivement aux qualifications validées du client et ses capacités professionnelles ; * les types d'emploi vers lesquels il souhaiterait éventuellement se reconvertir ; * les prestations ou formations qualifiantes, diplômantes, d'adaptation ou de réorientation qui se révleraient nécessaires pour qu'il accde un emploi conforme ce projet. Germany 30 to 45 minutes for recipients of regular unemployment insurance benefit. The topics discussed during the interview depend on individual characteristics and placement requirements. Greece Intensive interviews vary from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the specific characteristics of each case. Topics include the monitoring of the jobseeker's individual action plan, the person's specific job-search efforts, and the possible obstacles he/she encountered in the effort to obtain employment. Hungary Typically 30 minutes. The intensive interview focuses on the socio-economic status of the jobseeker, the vocational qualifications, main motivations on the labour market and previous work experiences. Ireland Usually about 60 minutes Italy There is no information on the average length of interviews. The interview focuses on personal information, education and training background, language capacities, previous work experiences, job aspirations, available jobs, and job-search methods. Japan Varies according to individual jobseeker characteristics. Interview topics can differ widely, from writing job resumes to job-search activities. When job applicants are keen to find employment rapidly, they are generally interviewed weekly by dedicated early employment support staff (reemployment assistance navigators). Korea Intensive interviews last 30 minutes in general, but can vary depending on jobseeker characteristics. Topics include increasing job-search skills, suitability of job offers and how to overcome psychological barriers. Luxembourg La durée moyenne est d'une quinzaine de minutes, avec une grande variation en fonction de l'avancement du chômeur dans ses démarches et raisonnements. Mexico Interviews last about 15 minutes. The basic questions are about personal identification, schooling, labour experience, as well as work preference if the client has an interest in a certain training program. 45 Netherlands The frequency and intensity of interviews depend on the circumstances of the individual jobseeker. In general, the support becomes more intensive as the unemployment spell increases in duration. The focus is on the difficulties that the jobseeker has experienced (see Q.5.b). New Zealand Appointments between a client and a case manager where the client is already in receipt of benefit are scheduled for between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the circumstances of the jobseeker. Interviews may include updating a client's CV; discussing job-search activities the client has been undertaking; searching through current vacancies and helping the client apply for them; addressing particular barriers to employment via referral to third parties; looking at ways the client might be able to up-skill in particular areas; as well as ensuring full and correct benefit entitlement. Norway Approximately 30 minutes. Topics covered include review of job-search activities, updating the client's CV, information on the labour market, information on labour market programmes, and discussion of individual action plan. Poland There are no specific guidelines on this matter. Portugal 20 minutes on average, but varying by client profile. Interviews may deal with re-registration, the candidate's suitability to a specific job offer, or they may result from data revision following convocations by the Employment Centre. Slovak Republic The initial interview which aims to draw up an Individual Action Plan lasts approximately one hour. The vocational counsellor explains the purpose and significance of the IAP, identifies the needs of the jobseeker, and explores the possible assistance. Subsequent interviews last usually around 30 minutes, but can also vary by personal jobseeker characteristics. Spain Intensive interviews last one hour maximum and include general information issues, job-search experience, individualised guidance, and (if necessary) enterprise-creation advice. Sweden Approximately 30 to 60 minutes. Interviews focus on the needs of the unemployed, elaboration of an action plan, the labour market situation, recommendation of suitable jobs, and job-search activities and assistance by the PES. Suisse Selon un sondage réalisé en 2004 : 32 minutes en moyenne tous types d'entretiens confondus. Pour les entretiens approfondis, cela dépend du demandeur d'emploi mais environ 90 minutes pour le premier. Turkey No information given. United Kingdom While the fortnightly signings are approximately 10 minutes in length, the 13-Week Reviews last about 45 minutes. The topics covered include training/education courses, benefits or financial assistance when starting work, assistance relating to health or disability, services available at PES offices, and childcare arrangements/support. United States The length of the interviews varies by state. Oftentimes, an individual requests services on their own and the topics covered are at their discretion. Group orientation and eligibility review sessions may take up to one hour. 46 Intensive interviews/5.d. If a significant proportion of intensive interviews take place at the request of unemployed people, how many such voluntary interviews occur and what topics do they focus upon? Entretiens approfondis/5.d. Si une part importante des entretiens approfondis a lieu la demande des chômeurs, quel est le nombre de ces entretiens volontaires, et sur quels sujets portent-ils ? Country Not scored. Pays Pas noté. Australia Not applicable. Austria There is no significant proportion of such interviews. Belgique VDAB: Most of these spontaneous actions by the jobseeker are aimed at a place on a training programme. FOREM : Pour l'ensemble des services du FOREM, 20 % des actions sont réservées pour répondre des demandes spontanées ou volontaires. Canada All interviews are voluntary. Usually, the EAS provider and the client agree on the need for additional intensive interviews. Czech Republic/ République tchque Il n'y a pas d'information sur l'incidence de ce type de rencontres. Denmark There is no information on the frequency of this type of interviews. Finland No information is collected on whether the interview is requested by the unemployed client or offered by the local PES office. France La mise en place du Suivi mensuel personnalisé a rendu la part des entretiens l'initiative du demandeur d'emploi tout fait marginale. Toutefois, de tels entretiens existent et peuvent porter sur tous les sujets possibles entre un demandeur d'emploi et son conseiller référent : aide la préparation d'un entretien d'embauche, avis sur une offre d'emploi, etc. Germany No information available. Greece There is no minimum or maximum number of interviews. The counselor is always at the jobseeker's disposal to provide information. Jobseekers can request an interview with the counselor if there is a specific need such as when information is sought on job vacancies, employment service procedures, or specific labour market or training programmes. Hungary There are no specific rules on this issue and no information is available. Ireland The number of interviews under NEAP is generally based on the person's needs, and appointments can be made by the PES Officer or the client. In addition, persons may request a meeting with Department of Social and Family Affairs facilitators with a view to participating on Back to Work or Back to Education schemes. No statistics are available on the number of meetings held. 47 Italy No information available. Japan Interviews with job applicants will be conducted at their own request as frequently as deemed appropriate. Interview topics also vary, depending upon what is sought by the applicant. Some of the topics likely to come up include explanations of the state of the labour market, how to conduct job-search activities, CV writing, and how to handle interviews. Korea Voluntary intensive interviews occur on average five times during an unemployment spell, although this varies according to the client's employability. The topics include information on vacancies, how to enhance job-search skills, and resume writing. Luxembourg Il y a environ 200 demandes spontanées par an. Les thmes abordés incluent l'aide la formation dans une langue usuelle du pays (30 %), les techniques de recherche de travail (40 %) ou d'autres problmes d'insertion professionnelle. Il y a aussi des demandes d'aide psychologique de la part de personnes qui ont vécu des bouleversements dans leur vie privée (15 %). Mexico No information available. Netherlands This is usually small proportion of the interviews (figures are not available). New Zealand The PES booking system does not distinguish between voluntary and non-voluntary interviews. Norway Only a small portion of interview takes place at the request of the client. Poland There are no specific rules on this issue and no information is available. Portugal Interviews are usually scheduled by the PES counsellor. However, whenever candidates come to the Centre to look for a job, to update their personal file or to get information about other issues, a meeting can be set up on the spot or for a later date (no information on frequency). Slovak Republic Information on frequency or occurrence of voluntary interviews is not available. Topics discussed during these interviews focus on issues like job search strategies and skills, overview of available and appropriate ALMP measures, vacancies, clarification of the client's personal situation, etc. Spain There is a wide offer of guidance services, including those of non-profit organisations collaborating with the PES, and there is a large number of intensive interviews at these services requested by the jobseeker. Sweden No information available, but client needs are taken up in scheduled interviews. Suisse Non précisé. Turkey No information given. United Kingdom 54% of Job Search Allowance clients arrange a voluntary meeting (time frame unclear). United States This information is not collected at the national level. [OECD (1999) notes that in Programme Year 1997, almost 3 million services were delivered by local ES offices, with 52% of the services identified as interviews, 33% as counselling and 15% as testing.] 48 Collective information session/6.a. How many collective information sessions held in PES offices (on topics such as job-search methods, rights and duties of the unemployed, information about reemployment benefits, self-employment promotion and other labour market programmes) would an unemployed person be required to attend during the first 12 months of an unemployment spell? Séances d'information collectives/6.a. A combien de séances d'information collectives (sur des sujets tels que les techniques de recherche d'emploi, les droits et les obligations du chômeur, les primes de retour l'emploi, les aides au travail indépendant et autres programmes du marché du travail) les chômeurs devraient-ils assister dans les locaux du SPE au cours des 12 premiers mois de chômage ? Country Score as 1 if jobseekers are required to attend one or two collective sessions during the first 12 months of unemployment. Score as 1.5 if collective information sessions are used more widely than above; 0.5 if jobseekers are in general not required to attend any collective sessions, while a certain proportion attends voluntarily; and 0 if the PES does not hold such collective information sessions. Score Pays Marquer 1 si les demandeurs d'emploi sont tenus d'assister une ou deux séances d'information collectives au cours des 12 premiers mois de chômage. Marquer 1.5 si les séances d'information collectives sont encore plus largement utilisées ; 0.5 si les demandeurs d'emploi ne sont tenus d'assister aucune séance d'information collective bien qu'une certaine proportion y assiste volontairement ; et marquer 0 si le Service public de l'Emploi n'organise aucune séance d'information collective. Australia Job Network providers are contracted to provide immediate Job Search Training to eligible jobseekers aged 15 to 24 years, and to other jobseekers once they have been registered for three months. The government does not specify how the Job Network Members deliver the Job Search Training, but most Job Network providers conduct at least part of it in group sessions. It is not possible to quantify the number of collective sessions that a jobseeker may attend. 1.5 Austria One collective information session is obligatory. 1 Belgique VDAB: Once an unemployed has engaged himself to come to an information session they are obliged to attend them. Collective sessions are organised on i) information about specific training programmes; ii) how to use the VDAB self service instruments; iii) what to do after a collective redundancy; and iv) specific labour market programmes and trainings for 50+. FOREM : Dans le cadre du nouvel accompagnement des chômeurs, tous les demandeurs d'emploi ciblés par le dispositif sont convoqués une séance d'information et de sensibilisation aux démarches de recherche d'emploi de deux heures soit au 4e mois de l'inscription pour les moins de 25 ans, soit au 7e pour les 25 ans et plus. La participation aux autres séances collectives est prescrite au demandeur d'emploi par le conseiller en fonction de ses besoins et de son parcours. Ces séances portent sur des thmes divers tels que la recherche d'emploi, le marché, les métiers, etc. La durée de ces séances est variable et peut aller de deux quatre heures selon les thématiques. 0.5 1 Canada Clients may participate in voluntary group sessions offered by on job search methods if it is part of his or her return to work action plan. Usually, clients that are deemed to be job ready (i.e. that do not require long-term interventions) access self serve resources or participate in group sessions (e.g. job finding clubs). Clients with higher employment needs may apply to participate in employment benefit programs as identified in their return to work action plan. 0.5 49 Czech Republic/ République tchque La premire séance d'information collective, informant sur les droits et les obligations des demandeurs d'emploi et sur la façon de la coopération réciproque, est d'habitude obligatoire pour les demandeurs d'emploi récemment inscrits. On les informe en mme temps sur l'offre des activités d'orientation et de reconversion et sur les instruments de la politique active de l'emploi et les aides matérielles qui y sont liées. Les séances d'information collectives suivantes portent sur les techniques de recherche d'emploi et les autres programmes pour les chômeurs et ont la forme appelée Job club. Les clients y sont envoyés, souvent ou assez souvent, aprs trois ou six mois de chômage. 1.5 Denmark During the first 12 months of an unemployment spell, the unemployed is bound to attend the contact programme and collective information sessions can be part of the programme, but participation in a specific number is not demanded. 1 Finland There is no minimum requirement on information sessions to be attended during the first 12 months of unemployment. However, most first-time jobseekers attend information sessions dealing with jobseekers' rights and obligations (these sessions are obligatory), PES services, useful job-seeking channels and the labour market situation. Most jobseekers also attend job-search clubs or groups during their first 5-12 months of unemployment. 1.5 France Le nombre de séances d'information collectives auxquelles les chômeurs devraient assister dans les locaux des acteurs concourrant l'action du SPE au cours des 12 premiers mois de chômage n'est pas explicitement défini. Les obligations du demandeur d'emploi son définies conjointement par le demandeur d'emploi et son conseiller référent et dépendent du parcours dans lequel le conseiller ANPE l'a affecté. Selon ce parcours, le demandeur d'emploi est invité un ou plusieurs ateliers collectifs. Ds lors que le conseiller et le demandeur d'emploi ont construit le plan d'action, les prescriptions sont obligatoires. Germany Collective information sessions take place for specific situations and topics. There is no practice of collective sessions where everybody automatically needs to attend, but if jobseekers are invited to participate in events that are relevant for them, participation is obligatory and any absence will be sanctioned. 1 Greece OAED has launched collective sessions directed at specific target groups, such as: * Techniques on independent job search (offered in almost all local offices); duration: about two weeks. * Vocational Guidance; duration: about three weeks. * Counseling on taking entrepreneurial initiatives (creation of new enterprises); duration: four weeks. There is no minimum requirement on sessions to be attended. Depending on the needs of the jobseekers, they are strongly encouraged by job counselors to attend one of the above courses; however, attendance is not obligatory. 0.5 Hungary There is no general obligation for the unemployed or other jobseekers to attend group sessions. However, some offices with a high number of registered unemployed hold group sessions while other offices do not. 0.5 Ireland Joint information sessions involving DSFA and FÁS staff are held from time to time to encourage those customers who are furthest from the labour market to participate in High Support Programmes. These sessions are designed to provide information and encouragement and while attendance may be good, the overall numbers opting to participate in programmes tends to be low. Clients may also be referred to a Job Club or Pathways Guidance Programme which provides support in a group context. 0.5 Italy There are no collective information sessions held in PES offices. 0 50 Japan Following their initial registration as job applicants, a briefing is provided for all recipients of unemployment benefits. Furthermore, individual PES offices invite job applicants to take advantage of briefings about job-search activities, although attendance at such briefings is not obligatory. 1.25 Korea The unemployed is obliged to attend one collective information session (around 50 minutes) just after initial registration-for-placement and application for unemployment benefits. They are further advised to attend other collective briefings. 1.25 Luxembourg Chaque chômeur est convoqué pour prendre connaissance de diverses aides auxquelles il a droit. Ensuite, c'est au chômeur de décider de s'inscrire un atelier ou un séminaire donné. Une fois inscrit, le chômeur sera convoqué pour la mesure en question. 0.5 Mexico The PES will sometimes invite jobseekers to collective information sessions, but there is no obligation to participate in them. 0.5 Netherlands CWI may offer information sessions and/or workshops. These sessions will take place in general in the beginning of the unemployment spell and some are compulsory. 0.5 New Zealand At a national level, the collective sessions run by Work and Income include the WRK4U pre-benefit application seminars and IN2WRK. While these are not compulsory, benefit applicants are strongly encouraged to attend (and a large majority attend particularly the WRK4U seminars). Legislation currently before Parliament seeks to make attendance at a WRK4U seminar mandatory for applicants for unemployment benefit. Regions have a reasonable amount of flexibility in the services they provide: for example, some regions hold information sessions to meet specific (local) industry needs, for example to recruit clients for seasonal industries like fruit-picking. 1.25 Norway Not all employment offices offer collective information sessions. If they do, the jobseeker is obliged to attend one or two each year. 1 Poland There are no specific rules on this matter. Various information meetings may be organised in accordance with client needs. 0.5 Portugal Each candidate is convoked to participate at least in one information session, where they can get all types of information about available PES services. Afterwards candidates may be convoked to participate in other sessions, depending on the programme or measure they are enrolled in. 1.25 Slovak Republic During the first 12 months of the unemployment spell, a number of information meetings are organised, and participation of jobseekers is obligatory. Participation at information meetings is usually agreed in the individual action plan and there are approximately 3­4 meetings during a year, which an unemployed person needs to attend. 1.5 Spain Participation in such collective sessions is decided during individual interviews. On average, 50% of those who undertake individual interviews participate in collective sessions. 0.5 Sweden The unemployed is requested to participate in at least one information session organised by the PES. 1 Suisse Une seule séance au début du chômage. 1 Turkey Information sessions are not organised. However, these meetings can be conducted when unemployed people ask for it. 0 United Kingdom The United Kingdom does not undertake such sessions. 0 United States Group information sessions and One-Stop Career Center Orientations sessions are voluntary unless an individual has been identified as likely to exhaust benefits through the WPRS worker profiling program. The number and type of activities which are directed to the identified persons is determined by the state. .. 51 Collective information session/6.b. If many collective information sessions take place by advertising and voluntary participation without an obligation to attend, describe these sessions and the level of participation in them. Séances d'information collectives/6.b. Si un grand nombre de séances d'information collectives sont portées la connaissance des chômeurs par voie d'affiches et si la participation y est volontaire (c'est--dire s'il n'est pas obligatoire d'y assister), veuillez décrire ces séances et en estimer le taux de participation. Country Not scored. Pays Pas noté. Australia Not applicable. Austria One example of collective information sessions, offered in many regional employment services, are the information sessions for women after a break due to childcare. Compatibility of job and childcare, issues of the clients' job-orientation and personal situation are the topics considered. The level of participation depends on the absolute quantity of women after a break due to childcare. About 30% of the target group attend these sessions. Belgique VDAB: These types of sessions are more specific and include mostly special training programmes and precise actions for certain target groups. FOREM : Les demandeurs d'emploi sont toujours convoqués aux séances collectives. Pour ce qui est de la participation aux séances collectives organisées dans le cadre du nouvel accompagnement des chômeurs, le taux de participation est de 45 55 %. Il est constaté que lorsque l'information aux séances thématiques se fait via un mailing ciblé (courrier transmis différents publics) le taux de réponse est de 15 20 %. Par contre, lorsque les personnes sont informées directement par le ou les services organisateurs lors d'un contact direct, le taux de participation est alors de 80 90 % car le thme proposé est une réponse une réelle attente ou besoin des personnes. Canada There are two types of voluntary group sessions provided by Employment Assistance Services providers. Employment Group Services: Short-term interventions that are designed to assist unemployed individuals search for and return to work as quickly as possible. Topics addressed in these sessions include job-search techniques, job application processes, job interviews, and career and occupational choices. The length of these sessions varies, but the minimum is 2.5 hours. Workshop Group Services: When there is a need, group services are provided in workshop format. Typically, these sessions are more interactive than employment group sessions, may be longer than one day and often include follow-up with the participant. Czech Republic/ République tchque La participation aux séances d'information collectives est volontaire dans le cas o le diagnostic de bilan ou de travail (B.D.G.) est proposé aux chômeurs. La condition pour la participation â cette activité est justement la volonté de faire quelque chose avec soi-mme. Cette séance d'information est organisée pour 10 15 personnes et on y explique le principe du procédé d'orientation B.D.G. (comment il se déroule, quels sont les buts, ce que le client y participant acquiert). Aprs cette séance, chacun peut librement décider s'il veut respecter le procédé B.D.G. ou pas. Il s'agit d'un instrument d'orientation relativement récent et peu prs 10 % de demandeurs d'emploi participent ses différentes formes. 52 Denmark Many of the collective information sessions will have both voluntary participants and participants with an obligation to attend, e.g. as part of a contact concept or part of a job plan. Finland There are collective information sessions where a jobseeker is obliged to attend ­ for example, the sessions dealing with jobseekers' rights and obligations, useful job search channels, and the labour market situation, while other sessions are usually voluntary ­ for example, the sessions dealing with further education and training, enterprise start-ups, @-literacy, etc. France Parmi les accompagnements des chômeurs, ceux intitulés Objectif Projet et Objectif Emploi permettent aux demandeurs d'emploi pour l'un d'élaborer un projet professionnel réalisable et de le mettre en oeuvre, ou pour l'autre d'accéder un emploi durable correspondant leurs compétences et aux besoins en recrutement des entreprises, soit avec l'appui individuel du prestataire, soit en alternant des temps de travail en groupe et des actions menées individuellement. D'autres prestations d'accompagnement sont adaptées des publics ciblés, par exemple le Club de chercheurs d'emplois (jeunes primo-DE), le Marketing Emploi (cadres) ou l'atelier Du Diplôme l'Emploi (jeunes primo-DE diplômés de niveau bac+2 et plus) Germany Sessions are usually advertised on a notice board or in the daily papers. Greece Although it is not obligatory to participate in collective sessions, once a jobseeker attends one of the courses under Q.6.a, he/she has to attend regularly and participate actively, so as to receive all necessary information. The level of jobseeker participation is usually very high. Hungary These voluntary sessions are usually requested by the employers for group selection. Branch offices also hold voluntary group sessions for the long-term unemployed and for disabled persons. Ireland Almost 6000 clients participated in Job Club programmes during 2005. These programmes involved group information sessions on social welfare entitlements, job-search techniques and one-to-one support in career planning. In addition, during 2005 and 2006, 446 and 113 NEAP clients, respectively, participated on Pathways (Group Guidance) Programmes and had collective information sessions on social welfare, training and employment supports. Italy There are no collective information sessions held in PES offices. Japan Each PES office organizes employment assistance seminars at the request of interested recipients of unemployment benefits, and provides them with guidance on how to write job resumes, how to handle interviews, etc. During 2005, over 34 000 such seminars took place. Korea Various collective (interview) sessions are operated by advertising and participation is voluntary. One of the main programs is the "Successful Employment Program". Its target group is adult jobseekers including long-term unemployed and its objective is to enhance job-search skill and recover self-confidence. The programme is operated in the form of small group sessions during one week. Another main programme is the "Career Assistance Programme" whose target group is young jobseekers aged between 15 and 29. This programme is also operated in the form of small group sessions for a week with the goal of enhancing job-search and interview skills. Another programme is the "Employment Desire Program" whose objectives include recovery of self-confidence and enhanced communication skills. Participants are recruited by advertising via Internet or advice by job counsellors. 30% of those advised decide to attend the programmes. Luxembourg Au niveau du service de placement, la participation aux ateliers se fait sur convocation et le taux de participation est de l'ordre de 50 %. 53 Mexico The information sessions take place on a voluntary basis, and are organised particularly in those offices where the flow of jobseekers is very important. Level of participation is usually very high. Topics include documents preparation, interview techniques, job-search strategies, training course information. Netherlands Workshops may be organised for special target groups like ethnic minorities, re-entering women and older jobseekers. These workshops are demand-driven and are voluntary. New Zealand In the first week after initial contact with the PES, applicants for unemployment benefit are referred to a WRK4U seminar that gives clients immediate access to a work broker, job opportunities and local labour market information. Large numbers of clients (37 000 between June 2006 and February 2007) participate in WRK4U seminars, which have been extremely successful. All applicants for unemployment benefit who are considered "work ready" enter the Job Search Service. This Service comprises intensive job-search activity and support, regular contact with case managers, and access to more intensive assistance through a person's 13-week involvement in the programme. The entry point into the Job Search Service is the Planning and Assessment Module, a group seminar for work-ready applicants for unemployment benefit. In this module clients complete a self-assessment to help identify the most appropriate level of job search support, apply for financial assistance and develop an individual action plan. From the second week, clients report regularly to case managers and participate in various activities detailed in their individual action plan. These can include attendance at an IN2WRK programme, an intensive one-week course for people who need more intensive job search support. This programme includes help with goal setting, confidence building, compiling a CV, and interviewing skills. Approximately 11 600 clients (over 30%) participate annually in the IN2WRK programme, which has replaced the previous Work Track Programme. Norway Several large employment offices arrange job-fairs. The fairs are advertised and invitations are also sent to jobseekers, participation is voluntary. Poland In 2004, group meetings were attended by over 132 000 unemployed (the equivalent of 4.3% of the average unemployed stock in 2004). Portugal Usually, the PES offers a range of collective information sessions, where the candidate can participate voluntarily, provided the logistics permit it. However, such sessions do not prejudice the convocation of other candidates to these sessions, if the counsellor considers this necessary. Slovak Republic In cases where information sessions for jobseekers are organised, the turn-out is usually high and those jobseekers who are present show genuine interest to learn as much information as possible to help them get into employment. Spain Among the 50% of jobseekers who attend collective sessions, 20% attend job-search groups (maximum of six sessions of four hours each); 10% attend sessions to develop interview skills (maximum of eight sessions of three hours each); 5% enroll in personal development support (maximum of six sessions of three hours each); and 8% enroll in self-employment support (three hours). Sweden This kind of information can concern for example information on planned training courses. The scope and content varies depending on the local situation. Suisse Sans objet, car la participation est obligatoire. Turkey No information on the content and frequency is given. 54 United Kingdom The United Kingdom does not undertake such sessions. United States Most of the One-Stop Career Centers offer job clubs and seminars about a wide range of job-search activities, from how to write a resume and cover letter to practicing job interviews. These sessions are voluntary and are usually conducted on a reservation basis. 55 Action plans/7.a. At what duration of unemployment is an action plan created? Plans d'action individuels/7.a. Au bout de combien de mois de chômage élabore-t-on un plan d'action ? ScoreCountry Score as the month at which the action plan starts (S), and the percentage of unemployed who reach that duration who start the plan then (Cov). S Cov Pays Marquer le mois o commence le plan d'action (S), et le pourcentage des chômeurs atteignant cette durée qui commence alors le plan (Cov). S Cov Australia The Activity Agreement (AA) is created at the initial registration with Centrelink. The jobseeker meets with their Job Network member and starts receiving Job Search Support service within 14 days. The Activity Agreement is continuously reviewed and updated by the jobseeker and the Job Network member and/or Centrelink as required. The AA is a legally binding document. 0 100% Austria At the latest one month after initial registration (at the first intensive interview). 1 100% Belgique VDAB: The action plan is established during the intake (after six to nine months of unemployment). FOREM : Lors d'une 1re inscription, chaque DE peut bénéficier d'un entretien de primo analyse des besoins d'une durée de 10 15 minutes. Les personnes ciblées dans le cadre du plan d'accompagnement des chômeurs (de 25 ans 50 ans) sont prises en charge au plus tard le 7e mois de leur inscription. 6 - 9 7 100% 100% Canada There is no set time frame. Usually the appointment to meet with the client to do a needs assessment and develop the return to work action plan is set-up when the client makes first contact with the EAS provider. .. .. Czech Republic/ République tchque Les bureaux du travail proposent obligatoirement l'élaboration du plan d'action individuel aux demandeurs d'emploi de moins de 25 ans et aux jeunes chômeurs dans la période de deux ans aprs l'achvement des études. Ce plan est élaboré dans deux-trois mois aprs l'inscription. Il peut tre proposé aussi aux autres groupes auxquels les bureaux du travail prtent une attention élevée, ou le chômeur lui-mme, appartenant ces groupes, peut le demander. Pour ce groupe, le plan d'action individuel est élaboré entre le 4e et le 6e mois de l'inscription. [Score is based on i) 2005 share of youths in total unemployment; ii) assuming that half of adults participate in a plan.] 3 6 24% 38% Denmark In general, an action plan (job plan) is made after nine months (up to 2006, 12 months) of unemployment for people in the age group 30-59 years, while for young people below the age of 30 and for elderly workers above the age of 60 the action plan is set up after six months unemployment. However, for persons belonging to so-called risk groups an action plan can be set up at an earlier stage. [Score is based on 2005 shares of unemployed by duration and age group.] 6 9 34% 66% 56 Finland At the latest, an action plan is created after five months of unemployment. Since 2005, the target deadline is one month and in 2006, almost half of those who reached three months of unemployment had received an individual action plan (scored as three months on average). Action plans may be delayed since extra motivation is often necessary to help jobseekers see their added value. 3 100% France Le plan d'action, dénommé PPAE, est réalisé par le conseiller de l'ANPE au maximum dans les huit jours suivant l'inscription comme demandeur d'emploi (IDE). 0.5 100% Germany Basically, an action plan is established in the first interview after initial registration. Under the 2001 Job-AQTIV Act, PES offices are required to draw up, together with the unemployed, an action plan (reintegration agreement or goal agreement), that details the office's placement support and the client's own placement efforts. (See Social Code III, article 35). [Evaluation results in WZB/infas (2005; 2006) and an unpublished review by the Federal Audit Office show that offices found it difficult in 2005/06 to sign reintegration agreements with all new jobseekers and that they are often not tailored to the individual, but coverage has been extended in accordance with existing employment legislation.] 0.5 100% Greece The Personal Action Plan is discussed between the counselor and the jobseeker and established as soon as possible after registration with the employment service. A thorough analysis of the jobseeker's situation and occupational profile is conducted in order to build a realistic action plan. [The situation has now considerably improved vis--vis a couple of years ago, when the Greek National Action Plan for Employment (EC, 2004) reported that a majority of the adult registered unemployed who remained unemployed for 12 months in 2003/04, had not completed an individual action plan.] 0.5 100% Hungary An action plan is created right after registration. Every benefit recipient is supposed to have a job-search agreement (individual action plan) with the relevant branch office. [After the Hungarian National Action Plan (2004) reported that the proportion of unemployed receiving action plans needed to be further extended, the establishment of action plans was made obligatory.] 1 100% Ireland An action plan is prepared for NEAP clients after three months of unemployment (previously after six months). 3 100 Italy The action plan is created at initial PES registration or during the first intensive interview (which may take place within a maximum delay of three months, see Q.5.a). 1 100% Japan The PES draws up (voluntary) job-search plans for interested recipients of unemployment benefits as early as possible following unemployment. Special job-search plans (Reemployment Realization Plan) are drawn up for a duration of three months for those who are judged to be in greater need of re-employment: i) involuntarily unemployed benefit recipients and ii) job applicants who have given up self-owned businesses. 1 .. 57 Korea Individual action plans are set up via an intensive interview two weeks after registration for placement. Based on the action plan, customised employment services are provided 0.5 100% Luxembourg Un service spécial (le Service d'accompagnement personnalisé des demandeurs d'emploi ­ SAPDE) offre a tout chômeur âgé de moins de 26 ans, dans les trois mois suivant son inscription, un premier entretien individuel approfondi. Pour les chômeurs de plus de 26 ans, ce droit est donné dans les six mois aprs l'inscription. Sur cette base, un plan d'action individuel peut tre établi. [ADEM (2005): 1 200 parmi 6 107 convoqués (= 1/5) ... ont demandé un accompagnement personnalisé ]. Un changement de législation en 2006 exige l'établissement, partir du deuxime semestre 2007, d'une convention d'activation individualisée trois mois/six mois de chômage]. 3/6 3/6 20 % 100 % Mexico No action plan is elaborated for jobseekers. - 0% Netherlands The CWI does not create action plans for its own (job-ready) clients, but provides reintegration advices to UWV and municipalities after the "qualifying intake" interview for clients that are not considered job-ready. These advices on reintegration activities could be understood as an action plan. [According to the "Comprehensive Approach", after one year of unemployment, clients aged 25 and over are supposed to receive an activity offer ­ youths already after six months. The Netherlands National Action Plan (2004, p. 40f) notes that in 2003 22% of the unemployed reached 12 months duration, and a bit less than half of them received an activity offer.] [Score is based on the percentage of registered unemployed who are profiled into groups ("phases") 2 to 4, and therefore transferred to reintegration providers soon after registration (between 30 and 40%).] 0.5 6 30-40% 60-70% New Zealand Usually within a week (i.e. much more rapidly than required in legislation). 0.5 100% Norway All jobseekers in need of qualifying measures or measures to assess work capacity must have an action plan. It is obligatory for all vocationally disabled jobseekers from the time they are entitled to active measures. By the end of April 2007, 77% of vocationally disabled jobseekers had an action plan and 8% of all unemployed. All registered unemployed should also have an "individual service declaration" after their first interview, which outlines the need for individual jobseeker activities and PES services. .. 8% 100% Poland Individual action plans are a standard procedure for youths (school leavers), although they are not legally binding. .. 10% Portugal Unemployed persons are convoked to define their Personal Employment Plan, three months (in case of youth) or six months (in case of adults) at the maximum after the registration for a job. 3 6 25% 75% Slovak Republic The action plan (Individual Action Plan) for the promotion of employment must be drawn up within six months after registration. 6 100% 58 Spain According to the National Action Plan for Employment, individualised action plans should be offered after six months (youths) or 12 months (adults) of unemployment. 6 12 25% 75% Sweden The action plan is created within thirty days after registration, earlier in the case of youth. 0.5 100% Suisse Un plan d'action est élaboré au bout de trois mois au maximum. 3 100% Turkey No action plans are prepared. - 0% United Kingdom The action plan (Jobseeker's Agreement) is completed at the initial WFI [usually within two weeks]. This involves the Personal Advisor filling in an agreement with the claimant. 0.5 100% United States Neither federal nor state laws require the development of a specific reemployment action plan. However, for those individuals who have been identified through the WPRS programme as likely to exhaust UI benefits, additional requirements apply and may result in the development of an individual employment plan if these funds are available. .. .. 59 Action plans/7.b. How many separate interviews are usually involved in establishing the initial action plan? Plans d'action individuels/7.b. Combien d'entretiens nécessite habituellement l'établissement du plan d'action initial ? Country Score the number of interviews up to and including signature of the action plan document, counting collective information sessions as 0.5. Score Pays Marquer le nombre d'entretiens jusqu' la signature du plan d'action en écrit, avec les séances d'information collectives marquées 0.5. Australia During the first interview at Centrelink at the time of initial registration, the jobseeker is assessed using the Jobseeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) and discusses what to do in order to find work, whether to be referred to specialist programmes to overcome any obstacles, and what his rights and obligations are. At the end of the interview, the jobseeker has an Activity Agreement which incorporates details of each of the agreed activities. 1 Austria The initial action plan is usually established after one interview. 1 Belgique VDAB: On average it takes two interviews with the pathway counsellor to establish an agreed action plan. FOREM : Au minimum aprs un entretien de diagnostic d'une heure, il est convenu une action prioritaire avec la personne. Dans le cadre du nouvel accompagnement des chômeurs, cette action est formalisée par une convention signée entre la personne et le conseiller. 2 1 Canada Usually, the action plan is developed as part of the needs assessment interview described in Q.5.a. However, there may be a need for additional interviews depending on the client's requirements. 1 Czech Republic/ République tchque L'établissement du plan d'action nécessite en moyenne de deux quatre entretiens. 3 Denmark Common practice consists of one or two interviews. 1.5 Finland In most cases one or two interviews are needed. 1.5 France Un entretien est réalisé pour l'établissement du PPAE. Cet entretien dure en moyenne 30 40 minutes. 1 Germany Usually an action plan is established after one lengthy interview. If further information is needed, it is collected and taken into account in a second interview. 1.5 Greece Two or three separate interviews are usually involved in establishing the initial action plan. More specifically, during the first interview within the framework of the Personal Action Plan, the appropriate course and actions to be taken are defined, and during the second interview the progress achieved is monitored and the Personal Action Plan finalized. 2.5 60 Hungary At least one interview must be held. 1 Ireland Usually two interviews. 2 Italy One or two interviews. 1.5 Japan The number of interviews varies depending upon the circumstances of each job applicant. Multiple interviews may be conducted where necessary. .. Korea Although there is no special regulation, one to three intensive interviews will be required, depending on the characteristics of jobseekers. 2 Luxembourg Le service SAPDE travaille cas par cas. Il arrive qu'un seul entretien suffise. 1 Mexico No information given. .. Netherlands No information given. .. New Zealand The initial development of a plan takes one appointment. 1 Norway For some jobseekers one interview can be enough, but for others guidance over several weeks may be necessary. 1.5 Poland No information available. .. Portugal Depending on the individual characteristics of each candidate, the Personal Employment Plan may be defined in two ways: collective or individual. Usually, the action plan is defined in one intervention only. However, whenever necessary, additional individual interviews will be held. (1+0.5) /2 = 0.75 Slovak Republic In most cases one interview. 1 Spain Usually one interview. 1 Sweden Normally there are two meetings. At initial registration, the jobseeker is informed about the Internet-based questionnaire that serves as a basis for the action plan. The second meeting deals with answers given by the unemployed to the questionnaire and the creation of the action plan. The action plan is finalised at this second meeting. 2 Suisse Pas de données disponibles. .. Turkey No action plans are prepared. 0 United Kingdom The action plan (JSAg) is constructed at the initial WFI. 1 United States This information is not collected at the national level. .. 61 Action plans/7.c. How many further interviews, to review progress or revise the plan, will typically occur if the person remains unemployed for a further year? Plans d'action individuels/7.c. Combien d'entretiens supplémentaires y a-t-il d'ordinaire pour apprécier l'évolution du plan d'action ou le modifier, lorsque l'intéressé reste au chômage pendant encore une année ? Country Score the number of interviews after signature of the action plan document, counting collective information sessions as 0.5. Score Pays Marquer le nombre d'entretiens suite la signature du plan d'action écrit, avec les séances d'information collectives marquées 0.5. Australia During a jobseeker's first year of unemployment, the Activity Agreement is reviewed and updated at least four times through negotiation between a jobseeker with their Job Network member. Following three months of unemployment, a jobseeker meets with their Job Network member and further develops the original Activity Agreement. 4 Austria One further interview every three months is a minimum-standard. 4 Belgique VDAB: On average, six interviews. FOREM : Une fois par mois, chaque personne qui entre dans un parcours d'insertion sera convoquée par son conseiller référent afin de faire le point et, le cas échéant, réadapter son plan d'action. Dans le cadre du plan d'accompagnement des chômeurs, ces suivis s'inscrivent dans le cadre des actions mensuelles. La moyenne tourne autour de deux cinq entretiens complémentaires, voire plus pour les publics plus éloignés de l'emploi. 6 4 Canada Once the action plan is agreed upon, a case manager is assigned to follow-up and monitor progress [no number given]. Other follow-ups take place at the end of the action plan period and, if the client is still unemployed at that time, 12 weeks afterwards. .. Czech Republic/ République tchque Le plan d'action individuel comporte habituellement de deux quatre étapes mais vu son caractre individuel, il peut en avoir plus ou moins. Une évaluation résulte de chaque étape et peut ainsi corriger les pas suivants faire. Le plan d'action se termine par une évaluation finale qui propose en général, si le demandeur d'emploi reste sans emploi, l'un des instruments de la politique active de l'emploi. 3 Denmark Interviews take place every three months. 4 Finland Further interviews are mutually agreed between the jobseeker and the PES. There can be several interviews in a year depending on the individual situation of the jobseeker from three up to ten. 6.5 France A chaque entretien avec le demandeur d'emploi (au moins une fois par mois), l'ANPE procde l'actualisation du PPAE. Le PPAE est adapté, au besoin par un changement de parcours pour le demandeur d'emploi et par une accentuation de la recherche d'emploi (atelier, recherche d'offres ciblées, etc.) dans l'objectif de favoriser son insertion professionnelle et de lui faire acquérir l'expérience professionnelle compatible avec son niveau de qualification professionnelle ou son projet de reconversion. 62 Germany Under the Job-AQTIV Act, the action plan (reintegrating agreement) is to be reviewed at the latest after six months for adults and three months for young persons. Basically, however, progress is reviewed during each further contact and the action plan is revised, if necessary. [For current practice in employment offices, see information under Q.5.b to the effect that current PES guidelines envisage intervals varying by jobseeker category (between three and seven times a year).] 6 Greece The unemployment course is monitored every 3, 6 and 12 months after the establishment and acceptance of the initial action plan. However, this is mainly carried out by letter or telephone, and more rarely by means of a personal interview, unless this is requested by the unemployed. 1 Hungary In general, jobseekers are interviewed every three months, based on the initial action plan (see Q.5.b.). 4 Ireland The time spent by a client working with the PES (FÁS) will vary depending on the needs of the clients. The PES will work with a client until they are deemed "job ready" and are in a position to job search using the self-service facilities. In the revised caseload management tracking system, a PES Officer will formally review a client's action plan once. 1 Italy No answer given. .. Japan The (voluntary) job-search plan is revised when it is appropriate to do so in the course of consultation. The Employment Realization Plan targeting special groups of unemployed (see Q.7.a) is expected to serve as a guide for three months following its initial formation and can be revised according to particular circumstances, for which purpose interviews are conducted when deemed appropriate. .. Korea The action plan is reviewed after 14 weeks. 1 Luxembourg Il n'y a pas de cas typique, cela dépend des circonstances individuelles. .. Mexico No information given. .. Netherlands No information given. .. New Zealand Clients attend an intensive interview every six weeks [but unclear whether the Activity Agreement is reviewed or updated on every occasion]. .. Norway At least every third month, but the plan is revised more often if necessary. 4 Poland No information available. .. Portugal The action plan (Personal Employment Plan) can be revised whenever it is object of an evaluation, for example in situations of unemployment persistence at 6 or 12 months. .. Slovak Republic Two to three further interviews are needed to review progress or revise the individual action plan. Between January and September 2006, 3.49 interviews per action plan (including the initial interview) were carried out. 3 Spain Further interviews take place in agreement between the advisor and the client. There is an average of four interviews per individual action plan. 3 63 Sweden This differs from person to person and is agreed upon in the individual action plan. Normally follow-up interviews for adults occur every six to eight weeks for adults (see Q.3.a and Q.5.b). 6 Suisse Pas de données disponibles. .. Turkey No action plans are prepared. 0 United Kingdom The content of the action plan is reviewed in the 13-week intensive interviews. If a claimant's spell becomes prolonged, they will be caseloaded onto a New Deal programme. This will involve an intensive series of meetings that will evaluate/review the action plan, and identify any gap that need to be bridged. 4 United States This information is not collected at the national level. .. 64 Labour market programmes/8.a. Describe any procedures or rules which will make participation in an active labour market programme (ALMP) obligatory for many or most unemployed people if their unemployment continues. Describe arrangements for adults and for young people separately, where relevant. Processus d'entrée dans les programmes du marché du travail/8.a. Décrivez toutes les procédures et dispositifs qui rendront obligatoire la participation des chômeurs (ou de la plupart) dans un programme actif du marché du travail (PAMT), si leur situation de demandeurs d'emploi perdure. Pourriez-vous décrire, dans les cas appropriés, d'éventuelles dispositions spécialement prévues pour les adultes et pour les jeunes, séparément. Country Score as a percentage of the unemployed reaching the month when the obligation to participate in an ALMP take effect. Score Pays Marquer comme le pourcentage de chômeurs qui atteignent le mois o l'obligation de participer une PAMT prend effet. Australia Participation in an approved activity is premised on the principle of "Mutual Obligation". All jobseekers between the ages of 18 and 49 years must meet activity test obligations, such as registering with an employment service provider and looking for work. After having been in receipt of an eligible allowance for six months, job seekers are required to undertake additional activities such as training, Work for the Dole or Community Work for six months of every 12 months of unemployment. Work for the Dole is one of 15 approved activities jobseekers can participate in for their first year of unemployment, and is a key part of the mutual obligation policy. A job seeker's activity test obligations, including their Mutual Obligation requirement, are included in an Activity Agreement. Failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement without good reason can result in loss of benefit payment. [Score is based on the percentage of LFS-unemployment over six months in 2005 (34%); and on the share of unemployed 50 years and over in total unemployment (15%). In comparison, the overall share of unemployed starting to receive benefits in April 2006 and who were still on benefits six months later was 54%.] 29% Austria There is no general rule to attend an ALMP after a certain period of unemployment, but participation is obligatory after a respective counsellor direction. 0 Belgique VDAB: In Flanders there are no obligatory ALMP's, where every jobseeker has to participate at a certain duration of unemployment. It is always within a pathway guidance context, thus after thorough screening, that a jobseeker is engaged in an ALMP. But once an ALMP is decided within the pathway guidance and integrated in the action plan, the jobseeker is obliged to participate. FOREM : Dans le cadre de l'accord de coopération entre l'État fédéral, les Régions et les Communautés relatif l'accompagnement et au suivi actif des chômeurs, le FOREM doit tout mettre en oeuvre pour que soit proposé, un stade précoce, un accompagnement tout demandeur d'emploi, avec l'obligation d'y collaborer de manire active. En 2007, un intért particulier est mis sur les jeunes sortant des études et qui n'ont pas atteint le Certificat d'Études Secondaires Supérieures. Cette action Jeunes a pour objectif de mettre les jeunes le plus rapidement au travail par des actions de recherche active d'emploi, de mise en lien avec le marché via des stages, proposition d'offres d'emploi, etc. 0 0 Canada Participation in ALMPs is voluntary for both youth and adults. 0 65 Czech Republic/ République tchque La réglementation ne prévoit pas l'obligation de s'insérer dans les programmes pour l'emploi pour les demandeurs d'emploi. 0 Denmark Every unemployed person has a statutory duty and a right to get an action plan (job plan) and to participate in an activation programme after nine months (up to 2006, 12 months) of unemployment in general, or after six months of unemployment in case of young people (below the age of 30) and elderly workers (above the age of 60). After the first activity offer, each unemployed is required to participate in repeated programmes every six months. After 2 years of receiving UI benefits, the unemployed person must participate in active programmes for the reminder of the four-year benefit period (full-time activation). [Score is based on 2005 shares of unemployed by duration and age group, weighting age group 0-59 / age groups <30 and 60+ as 2:1.] 32 Finland After being unemployed for 12 months (earlier if considered necessary, and youths below the age of 25 already within the first three months of unemployment), all unemployed jobseekers will be offered subsidised jobs or training possibilities. However, there is no exact unemployment duration at which a person is obliged to take part in active labour market measures (but see special target groups under Q.8.b). In any event, jobseekers are obliged to follow their individual action plan (job seeking plan), to be established after five months of unemployment at the latest. The plan often consists of active labour market measures as well as PES services and active job search. [Score is based on the percentage of youth in total unemployment (20%); the percentage of unemployment over one year (25%); and on the assumption that two-thirds of youths and half of the long-term unemployed participate in a measure]. 27% France Il n'existe pas de procédure ou de dispositif rendant obligatoire la participation des chômeurs dans un programme actif du marché du travail. Toutefois, il convient de préciser que le PPAE implique une obligation pour le demandeur d'emploi de répondre toutes les convocations de l'ANPE et que ce PPAE est défini pour l'ensemble des demandeurs d'emploi s'inscrivant l'ANPE. Germany Whether a jobless person is called upon to participate in ALMPs does not depend on the duration of unemployment but on the discretion of the PES counsellor. ALMPs are mainly used to avoid long-term unemployment and are laid down in an integration agreement with the jobseeker. Refusal to participate entails suspension of benefit. 0 Greece Participation in ALMPs is not obligatory, but decided by agreement between the jobseeker and the job counselor, as laid down in the individual's Personal Action Plan. Jobseekers are strongly encouraged to act as agreed in the Action Plan and be engaged if necessary in an ALMP. .. Hungary Participation in ALMPs is not obligatory for all benefit recipients, although refusal to participate after a PES referral entails suspension of benefit. 0 Ireland Participation in ALMPs is not obligatory for all benefit recipients. However, for persons unemployed over three months [71% of all unemployed in 2006], continued entitlement to an unemployment payment is dependant on them engaging with the PES (FÁS) and following its directives. .. 66 Italy Training and job creation schemes can be part of the strategy agreed in the individual action plan. The participation in an active labour market programme is obligatory, when agreed in the IAP or required by a PES counsellor. [EEOR (2003, p. 19) notes that "The proposal to join vocational integration or training schemes" or initiatives "to obtain new vocational qualifications as well as other vocational integration measures" must be put forward within four months in the case of unemployed teenagers, young people and women, or six months in the case of "other long-term unemployed persons".] .. Japan There is no procedure or rule that requires the long-term unemployed to participate in ALMPs. Participation in training courses is basically voluntary, although clients can be directed by the PES counsellor to participate in a specific vocational training course, if the client has declared his willingness to do so in a prior agreement. 0 Korea There is no special procedure or rule which makes participation in an active labour market programmes obligatory for the long-term unemployed. Most programmes recruit participants by advertising or through advice from job counsellors. [When unemployment persists after termination of the benefit period, the government often proposes participation in ALMPs, for example via a training allowance or enrolment in public works.] 0 Luxembourg La participation aux séances d'information sur les programmes actifs est obligatoire [la participation dans un programme ne l'est pas]. 0 Mexico ALMPs are not obligatory. 0 Netherlands UWV and the municipalities are responsible for reintegration of hard-to-place clients (who tend to be contracted out to private and community providers). Participation in these activities is compulsory and does not depend on the duration of the unemployment spell. [Scored as the percentage of registered unemployed who are profiled into groups ("phases") 2 to 4, and therefore transferred to reintegration providers (between 30 and 40%).] 35% New Zealand While it is not compulsory to attend specific ALMPs, Work and Income has a strong expectation that clients will participate in programmes to address employment barriers. This is supported by our intensive case management approach where clients and case managers work closely together. Once agreed, participation in specific programmes is written into the client's action plan and is then enforceable. 0 Norway There is no general obligation to participate in an ALMP at a certain stage in the unemployment spell. Long-term unemployed persons are normally not obliged to enter a labour market programme. Jobseekers that receive unemployment benefits are, however, obliged to participate in labour market programmes, if the PES decides that this is the best solution for them. The prioritised groups (long-term unemployed over six months, immigrants, youth, disabled persons, etc.) are given priority to labour market programmes. Refusal may affect benefit payment. 0 Poland Participation in ALMPs can be suggested by the unemployed themselves or by the PES. If the PES makes a proposal for participation in an ALMP (involving work or training), then a refusal results in the loss of unemployment benefit for 90 days. Certain categories of unemployed (the long-term unemployed; the disabled; those above 50 years of age; those without vocational qualifications; unemployed single persons who are raising children under seven years of age) may be placed by the local employment office, for a period of up to six months, in vocational training at the workplace or in a 0 67 public works programme. Portugal Participation is required upon direction of the counsellor, and does not depend on unemployment duration. 0 Slovak Republic Many types of ALMPs are proposed, particularly to school leavers and long-term unemployed, but there is no obligatory participation as from a certain unemployment duration. 0 Spain Les allocataires de prestation doivent souscrire un engagement d'activité pour leur participation des actions de politiques actives et sont susceptibles de sanctions pour non respect des engagements. .. Sweden Young people are considered long-term unemployed after 100 days of unemployment. Adults are considered long-term unemployed after six months of unemployment. It is not obligatory for the long-term unemployed to enter a programme but they have priority. The PES officer can decide that an unemployed needs to take part in a programme. In case of refusal, the person can lose his/her benefits. The Activity Guarantee is obligatory for persons whose unemployment benefits are about to expire (at 28 months maximum). [Percentage of unemployed reaching 28 months estimated at 10 to 15% of total unemployment.] 10-15% Suisse La participation des mesures comme le cours de Techniques de recherches d'emploi est décidée rapidement aprs l'inscription. Pour les autres mesures, il n'y a pas de rgle précise, mais une mesure d'occupation est souvent décidée aprs six mois pour les chômeurs les moins qualifiés. Les procédures sont différentes selon les cantons. Il n'y a pas de différences entre catégories sauf les moins de 18 ans, mais par type de mesure. 0 Turkey Participation in ALMPs is not compulsory. 0 United Kingdom Young people (aged 16-24) who have been unemployed for six months are obliged to enter the "New Deal for Young People" ("option" = active measure after ten months). Adults (aged 25-49) who have been unemployed for 18 months are obliged to enter the "New Deal 25+" ("option" = active measure after 22 months). The "New Deal 50+" for older people who have been unemployed for six months is an optional programme. The percentage of the inflow reaching the New Deal "gateway" period is estimated at 11%, and an even smaller share goes on an active measure four months later. < 5% United States Not applicable. Unemployment benefit usually terminates after 26 weeks. 0 68 Labour market programmes/8.b. Do other procedures and rules (e.g. the timing of action plan procedures, or rules which reserve ALMP places for the long-term unemployed) imply that some but not all long-term unemployed are obliged to enter an ALMP? Processus d'entrée dans les programmes du marché du travail/8.b. D'autres procédures ou dispositifs (tels l'étalement des étapes d'un plan d'action ou les dispositifs qui réservent aux chômeurs de longue durée des places au sein des PAMT) impliquent-ils que certains (et non pas tous les) chômeurs de longue durée soient tenus d'intégrer un PAMT ? Country Not scored. Pays Pas noté. Australia All jobseekers aged 18 to 49 years and who are in receipt of an eligible income support allowance must undertake a "Mutual Obligation" activity for six months of every year of unemployment, regardless of the length of unemployment. Austria PES-defined target groups (youth and older people as described in Q.9.a) enter ALMPs more frequently than non-target groups. Belgique VDAB: Due to the fact that every ALMP is engaged from within a pathway guidance, there are no long-term unemployed who can refuse an ALMP or aren't obliged to enter an ALMP. FOREM : Pour les demandeurs d'emploi inscrits partir du 1er juillet 2004 (flux), un accompagnement est proposé aux demandeurs d'emploi ciblés avant le 3e mois d'inscription pour les moins de 25 ans, et avant le 7e mois pour les 25 ans et plus. Canada Provinces and territories target employment insurance exhaustees, who are in receipt of social assistance, for participation in (voluntary) ALMPs. Czech Republic/ République tchque Pour les chômeurs de longue durée il n'y a pas d'emplois spécifiques prévus dans le cadre des programmes actifs pour l'emploi. Mais les instruments (volontaires) comme les clubs de travail, formations pratiques, travaux publiquement utiles, etc., sont destinés avant tout aux chômeurs de longue durée. Denmark The unemployed with a high risk of becoming long-term unemployed can be offered activation at an earlier stage. Such target groups are decided by each Regional Employment Councils (see Q.9.a). Finland When an unemployed person over 25 years of age has received 500 days of labour market support (a flat-rate benefit payable after exhaustion of regular UI benefit) or has been a customer of the municipal social services and received income support (by the local authorities) for 12 months, he/she is entitled and obliged to draw out an activation plan together with the PES and/or the municipality. This activation plan often consists of a variety of ALMPs or rehabilitative work. For an unemployed person under 25 years of age, the time period is reduced to 180 days of labour market support and four months of income support. France La participation un programme actif du marché du travail est obligatoire si elle est inscrite dans le projet personnalisé d'accs l'emploi (PPAE) Germany Whether a jobless person is called upon to participate in ALMPs is in discretion of the PES counsellor. As far as the selection of programmes is concerned, the most appropriate and economical programme or combination of programmes is chosen in each individual case. Young school leavers can be provided by the PES with a place in a vocational training measure or various other measures. 69 Greece No further information beyond that given under Q.8.a. Hungary Not applicable. Ireland No such procedures exist. Italy No. Japan Directions for an applicant to undertake vocational training are issued when such training is considered likely to enhance an applicant's employability. Korea Not applicable. Luxembourg Sans objet. Mexico ALMPs are not obligatory. Netherlands No information provided. New Zealand For clients to remain in receipt of Unemployment Benefit, they must continue to meet the work-test obligations prescribed in the Social Security Act of 1964, which require a minimum level of job-search activity. For the very long-term unemployed, many will have been on a number of ALMPs without successfully attaching to the labour market. We continue to work with these clients, using a range of interventions, to attach them to the labour market, but they may not be required to continue to enter ALMPs. Norway All jobseekers receiving unemployment benefits (about half of the total) are obliged to participate in labour market programmes, if the PES decides that this is the best solution for them. The long-term unemployed are a prioritised group, but have no generalised obligation to enter an AQLMP. Poland There are no such rules. Portugal Jobseekers are required to agree to participate in modalities of active employment policies proposed to them by the PES, regardless of their classification as youths or long-term unemployed. Slovak Republic No rules exist that reserve ALMP places to particular groups or by duration of unemployment. De facto, the overwhelming majority of participants in the largest ALMP category ("activation work") in 2005 were long-term unemployed (89%). Spain No direct reply. Sweden There are no exceptional rules or procedures for any group of unemployed. Suisse Il est généralement difficile de trouver des mesures d'emploi pour les personnes qualifiées, car ce type de mesures (emplois subventionnés) ne doit pas tre destinées remplacer des postes de travail normaux au sein des entreprises. Turkey Participation in ALMPs is not compulsory. United Kingdom The rules of registration are arranged so that all claimants are eventually required to participate in some part of the New Deal programme. United States Not applicable. 70 Labour market programmes/8.c. What proportion of referrals to longer-term (training, job-creation and similar) labour market programmes for the unemployed arise through different routes: i) through procedures or rules making participation obligatory; ii) through individual action plans; iii) through individual decisions by PES counsellors; iv) through applications by unemployed people for programme places; v) other. Processus d'entrée dans les programmes du marché du travail/8.c. Quelle proportion des dispositifs d'orientation des chômeurs vers des programmes du marché du travail plus long terme (formation, création d'emploi et autres) résulte des possibilités suivantes : i) travers les procédures ou les dispositifs qui rendraient obligatoire la participation des demandeurs d'emploi ; ii) travers les plans d'action individuels ; iii) travers les décisions individuelles des conseillers du SPE ; iv) travers les candidatures des chômeurs pour des places au sein des programmes faisant l'objet d'une notification (publiés sur des fiches ou sur le site Internet du SPE, par exemple) ; v) autres. Country Not scored directly. Pays Pas noté directement. Australia All of the above procedures. The Mutual Obligation policy requires jobseekers to participate in an approved activity for six months out of every 12 months of unemployment. The Activity Agreement will typically include the number of job searches required each fortnight, any support services or access to complementary programs to be facilitated by Centrelink, and the Mutual Obligation activities to be taken effective after six months of unemployment. The Activity Agreement can be updated to incorporate new job-search activities including labour market programmes. After three months of unemployment, the jobseeker's Job Network member will usually administer three weeks of full-time job-search training. After 12 months, jobseekers will begin Intensive Support customised assistance (ISca), an intensive six-months work preparation programme that may include work experience or vocational training. Highly disadvantaged jobseekers have immediate access to ISca. A jobseeker may also volunteer to commence immediately in a Work for the Dole programme or Community Work following registration for unemployment benefits, rather than commencing their Mutual Obligation activity after six months of unemployment. Austria Participation in ALMPs is usually laid down in the jobseeker's individual action plans. Participation is either suggested by the counsellor (80%) or requested by the unemployed (20%) who know about programmes (by advertisement, or by world of mouth). Belgique VDAB: Referrals occur generally from within the pathway guidance context. As such these referrals are: * integrated in the action plan, made up during the intake; * these action plans are always written by the PES counsellor after thorough discussion with the jobseeker during one or more intensive interviews; * once put in the action plan, the jobseeker is obliged to participate at the AMLP; Also, in the past the VDAB reserved some 30% of its capacity for the applications by unemployed people for programme and training places. The action plans on request of the jobseeker tend to be a reaction to both VDAB counselling and the more severe control by the federal agency ONEM. Thus, knowing that you will be controlled and checked (after 15 or 21 months depending on your age) causes a sort of indirect push-effect towards the VDAB-supply of ALMP's. FOREM : Dans le cadre du nouvel accord de coopération, les demandeurs d'emploi signent une convention d'accompagnement dans laquelle est définie l'action mettre en oeuvre. 71 Canada Any referral to longer-term training must be identified in the client's return-to-work action plan, established after a needs assessment undertaken at an EAS provider and upon approval of the eligible unemployed individual's application to participate in an employment benefit programme.. Czech Republic/ République tchque La plupart de la participation des chômeurs aux programmes du marché du travail est réalisée par l'intermédiaire des décisions individuelles des conseillers. Denmark The drafting and implementation of an action plan (job plan) is statutory. In this context, procedures i) to iii) above (obligatory rule, action plan, and decision by counsellor) are integrated in the process. Finland No statistics on different referral routes are available. France Non disponible. Germany No information provided. Greece The participation in ALMPs is normally agreed in the individual Action Plan, established after intensive interviews and evaluation of the jobseeker's needs. Hungary Participation occurs via action plans or through agreements with the job counsellor, but no statistics on different referral routes are provided. Ireland No statistics on different referral routes are available. Italy No information available. Japan No statistics on different referral routes are available. Korea No information available. Luxembourg Aucune information reçue. Mexico Participation occurs via agreements with the job counsellor or via jobseeker request, but no statistics on different referral routes are provided. Netherlands No information provided. [For hard-to-place clients, reintegration trajectories managed by private and semi-public providers are compulsory.] New Zealand It is not possible to disaggregate referrals to ALMP's based on the criteria used above. While there are rules to manage access to ALMP's, increasingly access is determined on the basis of need, not on duration of unemployment. Norway Participation occurs via channels ii), iii) and iv), but no statistics on different referral routes are provided. Poland No detailed information available. Portugal No information provided. Slovak Republic Participation occurs mainly via channels ii) and iii). 72 Spain No direct reply. Sweden Different labour market programmes have different designs and target groups. Referrals occur via: * obligatory rules: common, mostly to activate young unemployed; * action plans: the main referral route, most common irrespective of target group; * decisions by PES counsellors: quite common, especially when it comes to training; * applications by jobseekers: fairly common when it comes to training and start-up grants. Other: Training may be developed on initiative by employers or employer organisations, but decisions are taken by the PES. Suisse Non précisé. Turkey The employment service invites candidates considered suitable by sending out a written participation notice. United Kingdom It is not possible to voluntarily join a New Deal programme unless the client is an early entrant. United States Not applicable. 73 Labour market programmes/8.d. If possible, provide statistics showing how the proportion of unemployed people who have participated in an ALMP during their current spell of unemployment increases with the duration of unemployment. Processus d'entrée dans les programmes du marché du travail/8.d. Veuillez fournir, dans la mesure du possible, des données montrant l'augmentation de la part des chômeurs ayant participé un PAMT au cours de leur récente période de privation d'emploi, en fonction de la durée du chômage. Country Not scored directly. Pays Pas noté directement. Australia Under the Active Participation Model, all clients are referred to programme assistance by three months of unemployment. While programme participation is mandatory for those on unemployment benefits, for a range of reasons many clients do not ultimately commence assistance. The proportion of the unemployed who have commenced assistance by duration on benefit, as at November 2006, were; * 26.3% for the unemployed who have received for 3 months; * 41.2% for the unemployed who have received for 6 months; * 49.2% for the unemployed who have received for 12 months; * 63.5% for the unemployed who have received for 24 months; * 70.2% for the unemployed who have received for 36 months; * 73.2% for the unemployed who have received for 48 months; * 72.1% for the unemployed who have received for more than 60 months. Austria Data not currently available. Belgique VDAB: In 2006, target groups for training and work experience places in the "pathway guidance" are those less than 25 years old and at least unemployed for 15 months; and those between 25 and 50 years old and at least unemployed for 21 months. This will lead to an increase of the long-term unemployed in the participation in ALMP's. FOREM : Les publics cibles sont définis par des mesures régionales et fédérales. Exemple : Une action mener en juin 2007 l'attention spécifiquement des jeunes de moins de 25 ans n'ayant pas atteint le niveau secondaire supérieur a été décidée par le gouvernement régional. Canada [No such detailed information available, but:] In fiscal year 2005/06, 79.1% of participants in ALMPs were active EI claimants (within the maximum duration of 45 weeks), and 20.9% were former claimants. Czech Republic/ République tchque Aucune information reçue. 74 Denmark In principle, all unemployed are entitled to action plans (job plans) and an activation offer after nine months (previously one year) of unemployment. The proportion of the unemployed who had participated in an active measure in mid-2006 was; * 8.5% for the unemployed of 0-3 months duration; * 23.8% for the unemployed of 3-6 months; * 49.0% for the unemployed of 6-9 months; * 68.8% for the unemployed of 9-12 months; * 88.9% for the unemployed of 1-2 years; * 95.9% for the unemployed of 2-3 years * 98.5% for the unemployed of 3-4 years * 99.5% for those above 4 years. Finland No such statistics available. France Il existe un lien entre la participation des demandeurs d'emploi certaines prestations et la durée du chômage dans la mesure ou les prestations mobilisables dépendent du parcours du demandeur d'emploi et que ces parcours sont définis partir de la distance l'emploi qui s'accroît avec la durée du chômage. Cependant, il n'y a pas de statistiques exactes sur ce sujet. Germany Integration measures should start as soon as possible. There are no statistics showing a correlation of the use of active measures with unemployment duration. Greece No detailed statistics available. However, it should be mentioned that, in all active employment programmes, 65% of the places are covered by jobseekers who have been unemployed for less than six months; and 35% of the places are covered by those with a duration of over six months. Hungary No such statistics available. Ireland Between January and November 2006, the long-term unemployed constituted 27% of the unemployed completing ALMPs. Italy No such statistics available. Japan No such statistics available. Korea Not applicable. Luxembourg Aucune information reçue. Mexico No such statistics available. Netherlands No information provided. New Zealand Case records are not kept in a form that allows this question to be readily answered. 75 Norway Participation in ALMPs by unemployment duration: * 0-1 month: 0%; * 2-3 months: 4%; * 4-6 months: 7%; * 7-12 months: 16%; * 13-18 months: 29%; * 19-24 months: 37%; * 25 months and over: 44%. Poland No information available. Portugal No information provided. Slovak Republic No information provided. Spain No such statistics available. Sweden Participation in ALMPs by unemployment duration, in December 2006: * 0-3 months: 5.1%; * 3-6 months: 25.2%; * 6-12 months: 34.9%; * Over 1 year: 54.5%. Suisse En 2003, 9.8 % des demandeurs d'emploi ont participé une mesure d'occupation (emploi subventionné, stage en entreprise, apprentissage, etc.) et 35 % ont participé une mesure de formation. Turkey No information provided. United Kingdom No information is available beyond the fact that all youths at six months, and all adults aged 25-49 at 18 months enter the New Deal programme. United States No such information is collected at the national level. 76 Labour market programmes/8.e. To what extent do unemployed participants in training and job creation programmes still have to prove continuing independent job search, or attend interviews with the PES? Processus d'entrée dans les programmes du marché du travail/8.e. Dans quelle mesure les chômeurs participant des programmes de formation et de création d'emploi sont-ils tenus de prouver leurs efforts personnels permanents de recherche d'emploi, ou de participer des entretiens avec le SPE ? Country Score as 1 if unemployed participants have to prove continuing independent job search or attend interviews with the PES; 0.5 if they have a general obligation to search jobs but do not need to visit the PES regularly or prove their job-search activity, and 0 if they are exempted from job-search obligations. Score Pays Marquer 1 si les chômeurs participants doivent toujours prouver une recherche d'emploi indépendante et continue, ou doivent assister des entretiens avec le SPE, 0.5 si les chômeurs participants ont une obligation générale de chercher un emploi mais n'ont pas besoin de se rendre au SPE régulirement ou de prouver leur recherche, et 0 s'ils sont exemptés des obligations de recherche d'emploi. Australia Jobseekers must generally continue to undertake the number of fortnightly job-search contacts designated in their Activity Agreement, although the number of contacts required can be reduced, in some cases to zero, while the job seeker is participating in another activity. 1 Austria Unemployed participants in training and job creation programmes usually do not have to prove continuing independent job search and attend PES interviews. 0 Belgique VDAB: Even during training and job-creation programmes, the jobseeker is expected to continue his job search. A (durable) job always prevails over a training or similar action. FOREM : Le FOREM est tenu de tout mettre en oeuvre pour que soit proposé aux demandeurs d'emploi un accompagnement individualisé. Le contrôle réalisé par rapport aux efforts de recherche d'emploi des chômeurs est du ressort de l'ONEM. ONEM : Les chômeurs qui participent des programmes de formation sous le couvert d'une dispense de l'obligation d'tre disponible pour le marché de l'emploi ne sont pas tenus de prouver leurs efforts personnels permanents de recherche d'emploi pendant la période de dispense précitée. 0.5 0 Canada During participation in an ALMP, clients are exempt from the requirement to prove independent job search. 0 Czech Republic/ République tchque Les participants aux programmes actifs doivent prouver leurs efforts de recherche d'emploi constamment et systématiquement. 1 Denmark Participants in active labour market programmes need to continue active job search, and to accept job referrals. However, no regular contact with the PES is requested. 0.5 Finland Participants in active labour market programmes need to continue active job-search, particularly at the end of the programme, and will receive the appropriate assistance from the PES. 0.75 77 France Le PPAE (projet personnalisé d'accs l'emploi), qui s'applique l'ensemble des demandeurs d'emploi s'inscrivant l'ANPE, implique une obligation pour le demandeur d'emploi de répondre toutes les convocations de l'ANPE. 0.25 Germany There are varying requirements: some participants in ALMPs need to continue active job search; others are rather expected to focus on the successful conclusion of the measure. 0.25 Greece Unemployed clients (including those who participate in an ALMP) are not required to prove independent job search (see Q.3.a). .. Hungary Participants in ALMPs are not required to continue job search or attend interviews with the PES. 0 Ireland There is no requirement on a person to attend with their PES Officer during their training/employment programme. If a person wishes to engage with their PES Officer while on a training programme, this can be facilitated. 0 Italy There is no specific requirement of proving job-search activity. 0 Japan Participants in training measures are not required to engage in job search or attend interviews with the PES. 0 Korea There is no requirement for participants in ALMPs to prove continuing job-search activities during the programmes. 0 Luxembourg Sans objet. .. Mexico No information available. [No general job-search requirement.] 0 Netherlands No information provided. .. New Zealand In general, the level of intervention by staff will depend on how long the client has been unemployed, the type of training or programme they are undertaking and the current labour market. Often a client's participation or attendance in training or job-creation programmes would be proof in itself of the client's availability and willingness to work. This is due to the fact that many training programmes actively engage with employers and move clients into work. Work and Income is working with training and programme providers to link up training to employment so that clients are not finishing training without a job opportunity. 0.5 Norway Participants in labour market programmes are not asked to attend PES interviews and prove continuing job search. However, active job search can be an essential part of the labour market programme itself and may have to be proved there. 0.5 Poland There is no general job-search requirement. 0 Portugal From the moment jobseekers participate in labour market programmes, they are no longer considered available for taking up employment. Consequently, their registration for placement is erased and they no longer have a commitment of any kind to that service. 0 Slovak Republic Participants in any form of active labour market measures need to attend the office once a month. 1 78 Spain Quand un demandeur d'emploi débute une action de formation, la demande d'emploi est suspendue. Dans ce cas l, la participation une action de formation suffit pour démontrer qu'il continue rechercher activement un emploi. 0 Sweden Participants in a labour market programme are required to continue active job search and accept job referrals. 1 Suisse Le nombre d'entretiens mensuels l'ORP et de recherches d'emploi est fixé dans le plan d'action. Normalement pas de changement, car le demandeur d'emploi doit sortir de la mesure s'il a trouvé un travail. 1 Turkey No information provided. [Q.3.a: The unemployed do not need to report independent job search.] 0 United Kingdom During initial registration to the New Deal, a gateway period is undertaken, which involves a period of intensive meetings. Throughout this gateway period, the claimant is required to continue to take part in the fortnightly signings. Once the gateway period is over, the claimant is required to leave JSA (and therefore stop the fortnightly signings). Participants instead receive an allowance, and the claimant will move onto one of four options that are related to employment (such as full-time education, subsidised employment or a job in the voluntary sector). If employment is not sustained after a six month period, the claimant will return to JSA, but with more intensive interviews. 0 United States Varying state provisions about clients' work availability and active job-search requirements when participating in approved training courses. 0.5 79 Targeting/9.a. If a particular subgroup of the unemployed (e.g. youths, workers displaced from long-term jobs, workers in selected cities or regions) is targeted for more intensive intervention by the PES, how are members of this target group defined, and what proportion of the unemployed do they represent? [Do not include the long-term unemployed as a target group here.] Ciblage de catégories particulires de chômeurs en vue d'une intervention plus poussée/9.a. Lorsqu'une catégorie particulire de chômeurs est ciblée (les jeunes, les travailleurs ayant une ancienneté considérable victimes de suppression d'emploi, les travailleurs de certaines villes ou certaines régions, par exemple) par le SPE pour faire l'objet d'une action plus poussée, comment définit-on les personnes qui la composent, et quelle part des chômeurs celle-ci représente-t-elle ? [Ne pas tenir compte ici des chômeurs de longue durée]. Country Score the percentage of unemployed targeted for more intensive intervention. Score Pays Marquer le pourcentage de chômeurs ciblé pour des interventions plus poussées. Australia Through application of the Job Seeker Classification Instrument profiling tool by Centrelink, Job Network Members and Job Capacity Assessors, DEWR identifies highly disadvantaged jobseekers (based on 15 individual factors), who are targeted for immediate access to Intensive Support customised assistance (ISca). Each year, DEWR anticipates that approximately 10% of registrations nationally will be identified through their JSCI score as being highly disadvantaged job seekers for early access to Intensive Support customised assistance. The ISca is the most intensive service available under Job Network. It normally commences after 12 months on unemployment allowance, but for the highly disadvantaged group it starts immediately. Some groups of jobseekers also have early access to Intensive Support job search training (ISjst). Indigenous jobseekers and mature-age jobseekers may volunteer for ISjst as soon as they register with Job Network. Youth aged under 25 years also have early access. Other groups to be targeted for special services include people from non-English-speaking countries and people with disabilities. Altogether, the share of the above-mentioned client groups among all jobseekers participating in Job Network in 2004 is given as 69%. 69% Austria The following are special target groups (apart from the long-term unemployed), as of 2006: 1) Youth <25 (share of all unemployed 16%); 2) Older people >50 (share of all unemployed 19%); 3) Persons after parental leave (unemployed persons who received "child care benefit" and did not work afterwards for more than six months (share of all unemployed 8%). Goals of the intensive follow-up of groups 1) and 2) are to prevent transit into long-term unemployment and to increase employment take-up after training. ~40% Belgique VDAB: Target groups are defined in the VDAB's management contract with the Flemish government. The bottom line in the most recent contract is the overrepresentation of four target groups in its pathway guidance: the "allochtone" (immigrant) jobseekers, the low-educated, the disabled and older jobseekers. Other target groups are only monitored: women, very long-term unemployed, young unemployed, foreign speaking newcomers, persons on social security, part-time students and jobseekers with low literacy. FOREM : cf. réponse Q.8.d ci-dessus. Canada Targeting for specific client groups (e.g. Aboriginal, youth, persons with disabilities) allows the public employment services to offer them specific programmes and services to address their unique needs. Targeting can also be based on socio-economic characteristics (occupation, level of education, age, geographical area, etc.). .. 80 Czech Republic/ République tchque [Pas de réponse directe la question]. En cas de suppression d'emploi, il s'agit en général des catégories de personnes n'ayant que le niveau de scolarité obligatoire, sans qualification ou avec une qualification qui n'est pas demandée sur le marché du travail. Denmark The activation period starts at earlier stage for young unemployed below 30 years of age and older recipients above the age of 60. In addition, the 14 Regional Employment Councils can decide specific target groups. Examples of such target groups are persons with a high risk of becoming long-term unemployed assessed from a regional point of view e.g. immigrants, unskilled workers male or female ­ over 50 years, young newly graduated unemployed, persons hit by a local mass dismissal etc. [No data on proportions provided. The share of LFS unemployed from age groups <30 and >60 in 2004 was 36%. Other target groups mentioned were estimated at around 15%, taking account of overlap.] 50% Finland Young unemployed jobseekers under 25 years of age who have received 180 days of labour market support or have relied on income support paid by the municipalities for four months are a special target group. They are offered a wide range of ALMP services both by the PES and by municipalities. They represent about 20% of the total unemployed within a given year. 20% France Les actions les plus poussées se font en direction des chômeurs les plus éloignés de l'emploi (le troisime parcours en bas). Les parcours d'accompagnement de ce type concernent les allocataires présentant une distance l'emploi longue. L'offre de services est axée sur la recherche d'emploi et sur le projet de l'allocataire. Depuis la mise en place des parcours personnalisés en 2006, tous les demandeurs d'emploi nouvellement inscrits ont été orientés vers un parcours personnalisé ds leur premier entretien professionnel l'ANPE : * 5.4 % en Parcours de recherche accélérée ; * 69.0 % en Parcours de recherche active ; * 22.8 % en Parcours de recherche accompagnée ; * 2.8 % en Parcours créateur/repreneur d'entreprise. .. Germany The Social Code prescribes particular target groups including long-term unemployed, severely disabled persons, elderly who are difficult to place, people re-entering the labour market, low-skilled persons and women. .. Greece Targeting specific client groups entails the activation of specific programmes and services (such as the collective sessions under Q.6.a, special regional programmes or Work Experience Programs for young unemployed). The prioritised target groups include young unemployed, newly graduated unemployed, women, persons with a high risk of becoming long-term unemployed, and those involved in a local mass dismissal. .. Hungary The PES has programmes designed for special groups: for career starters, the handicapped, the Roma, mothers on maternity leave and aging persons. Each office can launch special programmes in the regions. .. Ireland Target groups for more intensive intervention are people with disabilities; employees facing redundancy; travellers; women returners; early school leavers; as well as the clientele of the Local Employment Service (LES). .. 81 Italy Decree No. 181/2000 refers to three particular subgroups of unemployed persons, who should receive more intensive intervention by the PES ­ adolescents (15-18 years), youths 18-25 years (or 18-29 years if the unemployed has a degree), and women who want to re-enter the labour market after a period of absence. Within this principle, every Region must adopt their own targets and operative guidelines. [In 2004, the share of youths up to the age of 24 among total LFS unemployed was 26%.] 30% Japan Each PES provides employment support as needed by the unemployed in different situation, including the elderly and/or the disabled. Another employment support project is a "trial employment (probationary period employment) for young people", targeted at unemployed young persons under the age of 35. The proportion of this target group is about 40% of the stock of unemployed. 50-60% Korea Although the target group can vary by PES office district, general criteria for selecting target groups are 1) age (the young unemployed aged below 30 and the older unemployed aged over 50), 2) disability, and 3) income level (social assistance beneficiaries). Among total unemployment in 2006 (827 000), the young unemployed under the age of 30 represented 41% and the older unemployed aged 50 or above represented another 15%. 60-70% Luxembourg Le service d'emploi propose chaque chômeur indépendant de son origine géographique et indépendant de son âge, un suivi individualisé avec proposition de plan d'action. 0 % Mexico Mexico targets programmes on groups with certain disadvantages in the labour market such as disabled or elderly persons. [The share of older unemployed aged 55+ among total LFS unemployed in 2004 was 4%.] 5-10% Netherlands During 2004 special attention was paid to young unemployed persons under 23 years. [Share estimated at 21% of LFS unemployed.] 21% New Zealand Work and Income have several priority groups who are disadvantaged in the labour market: migrants (including refugees, 2.5%), youth (16-19 years, 6.5%), Maori people (35.8%), Pacific Island people (9.2%) and mature clients (45-59 years, 20.6%). [Figures in brackets denote their share of all unemployment benefit recipients in November 2006.] While Work and Income products and services are tailored to these priority groups, inclusion in a programme is based on a client's needs. 60-70% Norway The prioritised groups include (apart from the long-term unemployed) immigrants, young people under the age of 20, and the occupationally disabled. In 2005 (2006), there was a total of 96 630 (73 062) unemployed registered with the PES. Among these were 83 479 (62 923) open unemployed and 13 151 (10 139) participants in labour market programmes). The average number of unemployed young people under 20 years in 2005 (2006) was 2 834 (2 356), while another 1 977 (1 555) young people under 20 years participated in labour market programmes. On average, 16 864 (13 958) immigrants were registered as unemployed in 2005 (2006), while another 4 072 (3 486) participated in labour market programmes. In addition, there were 93 304 (89 467) registered occupationally disabled in 2005 (2006). Immigrants and young persons are overlapping categories and are estimated to add up to about 23% of all registered unemployed in 2005 and about 25% of all registered unemployed in 2006. 25% 82 Poland Persons in special labour market situation that receive special attention are: Unemployed under 25 year of age (22.6% in 2005); the long-term unemployed (66%); those over 50 years of age (16%) disabled jobseekers (2.8%); those without vocational qualifications (24.4%); and parents with children below seven years of age (3.4%). [In view of overlapping categories, and disregarding the long-term unemployed, the share of targeted categories is estimated at 50 to 60%.] 50-60% Portugal Intervention methodologies and targeting are based on the principle of preventive action; therefore, all young public before reaching six months of unemployment and all adults before reaching 12 months of unemployment are given priority. [In 2004, the share of youths below 25 in total LFS unemployment was 24%, and in total registered unemployment was 14%.] 24% Slovak Republic "Disadvantaged" subgroups as defined in the Act on Employment Services are targeted for more intensive intervention: They include the long-term unemployed, jobseekers older than 50 and younger than 25 years of age (school-leavers and graduates), jobseekers with disabilities, women after maternity leave, lone parents, and some others. The unemployment rate (registered unemployed) in June 2006 was 10,36%, of which: * Unemployed under 25 years of age ­ 18.1%; * School leavers and graduates ­ 5.5%; * Persons over 50 years of age ­ 21.5%; * Persons with disabilities ­ 4.3%; * Persons with duration of unemployment longer than 12 months ­ 51.3%. >50% Spain Sont ciblés les jeunes (11% des chômeurs), les femmes (61%) et les bénéficiaires de plus de 45 ans (>33%). > 80 % Sweden Targeted subgroups of unemployed change over the years. In 2007, they were the disabled (12% of all unemployed) and the foreign-born (26%). 38% Suisse Pas de ciblage particulier des mesures, sauf la mesure destinée aux jeunes en rupture scolaire (SEMO). Nous n'avons pas de statistiques sur la proportion de jeunes qui sont en rupture scolaire et qui ont participé cette mesure. Par contre le nombre de participants a augmenté de 34.5% entre 2003 et 2004. .. Turkey ALMPs are particularly carried out for women having difficulty in the labour market, the young, disabled, ex-convicts and long-term unemployed. [No proportions are given. Share of youth 15-24 among total LFS unemployed was 38% in 2004.] 40-50% United Kingdom In the New Deal programme, young people (aged 18-24) take part in a more rigorous programme. 29% of Jobseeker Allowance Claimants are aged between 18 and 24. There are other targeted programmes such as "employment zones" ­ areas of persistently high unemployment ­ and "action teams". 29% United States Federal law requires that states establish and utilise a system that identifies claimants who are likely to exhaust benefits and who will need job-search assistance services to make a successful transition to new employment. How the group is defined would depend on the state and/or the specific area where the individuals live and expect to work. The criteria for determining these populations, is a local/state responsibility. Clients most likely to exhaust benefits are estimated to be around 35%of those eligible for benefits. [Other information indicates that only half or less of the latter category are actually referred to services (OECD, 1999).] 35% 83 Targeting/9.b. What additional contact takes place with members of this target group? Ciblage de catégories particulires de chômeurs en vue d'une intervention plus poussée/9.b. Quels sont les contacts supplémentaires avec les membres du groupe cible ? Country Not scored directly. Pays Pas noté. Australia Disadvantaged jobseekers referred to Intensive Support customised assistance (ISca) are interviewed every two weeks, with an average duration of 20 to 30 minutes. Austria Additional contact is not regulated, but to reach the target, there is a higher contact density (estimated every two to three weeks, i.e. five times more often than an "average" unemployed). Belgique VDAB: Additional contacts and activities differ per programme. For most programmes, the minimal amount of guidance hours and the number of contacts are stated in the relevant regulations or imposed scenarios. FOREM : Les contacts supplémentaires dépendent des besoins exprimés par les demandeurs d'emploi. Canada This also depends on the client's specific needs based on the return-to-work action plan. Czech Republic/ République tchque Les personnes mentionnées sous Q.9.a ne sont contactées que si elles s'inscrivent au bureau du travail ou, éventuellement, si leur employeur encore existant s'adresse au bureau du travail. On leur propose ensuite des types de formations différents, reconversions ou orientations individuelles. Denmark Initial contacts for particular target groups could be made more intensive ­ e.g. more frequent meetings at the PES with various guidance, training and education courses. Finland Young jobseekers are interviewed within a month from registration. An individual action plan is established and tailored active labour market measures (job training, workshop activity, subsidised job, etc.) are offered within three months of unemployment. France Accompagnement renforcé. Germany There is no general rule on a specific number of additional contacts with the target groups. The agencies can decide within the framework of their obligation to (re)integrate the unemployed persons into working life. Greece The frequency of contacts is laid down in the Personal Action Plan and adjusted for participation in active employment measures. Jobseeker activities are followed up at 3, 6 and 12 months from the creation of the Action Plan and at 3, 6 and 12 months after the completion of the first active measure. Hungary There are wide differences among regions. Generally, employment counselling, rehabilitation counselling, trained psychologist counselling, three-five day group counselling are used. Ireland Additional contact is not regulated, but there is a higher contact density with members of the target groups, as well as a higher probability of them being referred to ALMPs. Italy Most regions have adopted their own master plan to deal with target groups and may set specific minimum standards for the provision of services. Japan Typically, each PES office provides employment support through a separately established consultation desk dedicated to the disabled and the elderly. Furthermore, young persons aged below 35 can be referred to private companies for "trial employment". 84 Korea Detailed procedures vary by PES office. However, in general, the registration of the unemployed who belong to target groups is managed separately, and the job counsellors contact them frequently by phone or SMS (short message service), providing information on collective interview sessions, labour market programmes or job fairs. Luxembourg Sans objet. Mexico Additional communication with disabled and elderly jobseekers is given through the organisations that they represent, private organisations and other government representatives. Netherlands CWI co-operates with the Taskforce Youth Unemployment to enhance the efforts to integrate young people in the labour market. There is a variety of opportunities for young people promoted by CWI, e.g. work experience or training on the job. The targets of the Taskforce (40 000 jobs for youth) was reached in 2007, so the Taskforce has ended recently. New Zealand A range of initiatives are in place across these groups. Work and Income regions have the flexibility to provide initiatives that meet the needs of the clients in each region. More detailed examples given in New Zealand's reply to the questionnaire focus on services to migrants, youths and mature jobseekers, without however quantifying interview contact. Norway Contacts with the target groups do not differ much from contacts that the PES has with "ordinary" jobseekers. However, the target groups are normally given priority access to labour market programmes and need closer and more intensive follow-up. Poland With respect to the groups of unemployed under 25 and above 50 years of age, the PES is obliged to make a proposal for employment, internship or training within six months of registration; for the long-term unemployed within six months after the expiration of their unemployment benefit. Portugal While targeted jobseekers are given priority, the intensity of interventions is rather similar to ordinary unemployed. Slovak Republic Individual activities and contacts with the group of disadvantaged jobseekers are defined in every specific project designed for a given target group. Within the framework of individual action plans, contacts with disadvantaged jobseekers are agreed individually, taking account of the periods stipulated by law and the needs of particular jobseekers. Spain No information available. Sweden To get youths (back) into work, the PES has concentrated its efforts on intensifying job-search activities and on working with individually adapted, work-focused action plans. Suisse Non précisé. Turkey No information provided. United Kingdom Young people (aged 18-24) are eligible for the New Deal for Young People, once they have been unemployed for six months or can gain early entry. Returnees to New Deal for Young People are referred to an "employment zone", provided they live in one of the 15 areas where such zones have been established. United States Depending on the state, there may be additional contacts with the targeted group. Contact may vary depending on services available or in alerting the population to specific programs for which they may be eligible. 85 BIBLIOGRAPHY/BIBLIOGRAPHIE ADEM (2005), Rapport Annuel 2005, Administration de l'Emploi, Luxembourg. ADEM (2006), Rapport Annuel 2006, Administration de l'Emploi, Luxembourg. de Mooij, R. A. (2004), Towards Efficient Unemployment Insurance in the Netherlands, CPB Memorandum, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, 13 October. EC (2003), Basic Information Report, Federal Republic of Germany ­ Institutions, Procedures and Measures, Mutual Information System on Employment Policies (MISEP). EC (2004), Basic Information Report, Greece ­ Institutions, Procedures and Measures, Mutual Information System on Employment Policies (MISEP). EEOR (2003), European Employment Observatory Review, Spring 2003. Finn, D., M. Knuth, O. Schweer and W. Somerville (2005), Reinventing the Public Employment Service: The Changing role of employment assistance in Britain and Germany, Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society/Deutsch-Britische Stiftung für das Studium der Industriegesellschaft. -NAP Greece (2004), National Action Plan for Employment, Greece, 2004, September. NAP Hungary (2004), National Action Plan for Employment, Hungary, 2004, September. NAP Netherlands (2004), National Action Plan for Employment, Netherlands, 2004. NAP Denmark (2004), National Action Plan for Employment Denmark, 2004. OECD (1998), The Public Employment Service: Greece, Ireland, Portugal, OECD, Paris. OECD (1999), The Public Employment Service in the United States, OECD, Paris. OECD (2001), Innovations in Labour Market Policies: The Australian Way, OECD, Paris. Tergeist, P. and D. Grubb (2006), Activation Strategies and the Performance of Employment Services in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 42. WZB/infas (2005), Evaluation der Massnahmen zur Umsetzung der Vorschläge der Hartz-Kommission, Modul 1a, Neuausrichtung der Vermittlungsprozesse, Ergebnisbericht 2005, Bonn-Berlin. WZB/infas (2006), Evaluation der Massnahmen zur Umsetzung der Vorschläge der Hartz-Kommission, Modul 1a, Neuausrichtung der Vermittlungsprozesse, Bericht 2006, Bonn-Berlin. 86 ANNEX/ANNEXE QUESTIONNAIRE GUIDELINES AND NOTES/ LIGNES DIRECTRICES ET NOTES DU QUESTIONNAIRE GUIDELINES FOR QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONDENTS i) Some of the questions are not applicable to all countries. If your country has for example no procedure or requirement for unemployed people to report independent job-search initiatives, pass to the next question. ii) Many of the questions are quantitative in nature. If statistics are available, please provide these: otherwise please describe practices verbally (e.g. usually = 80% of cases or more, often = 60 to 80% of cases; quite often = 30 to 60% of cases; sometimes = 10 to 30% of cases, rarely = less than 10% of cases). iii) Often background information is needed. If a "yes/no" or "usually" answer or a single number could give a misleading impression, please describe the reason. When possible, please provide a summary that does not exceed two paragraphs of text. iv) Questions 1-7 below should be answered in respect of an unemployed person who is receiving or claiming unemployment benefits and is typical or average in terms of age, ability (a person NOT officially considered a "youth", "older worker", "disabled" or "hard to place") and region. However variation in the nature and frequency of contacts according to the DURATION of the individual's unemployment (e.g. rules for the long-term unemployed) should be described in the reply to Questions 1-7. Question 4 should be answered in terms of procedures for standard job vacancies i.e. vacancies for salaried jobs that are expected to last for several months or more. Exceptionally, Question 8.a (referring to rules for obligatory participation in an active labour market programme) should where relevant be answered in respect of unemployed youths as well as adults (this is because in some countries these rules apply particularly to youths). v) Replies should relate to contacts with all PES institutions. In some countries this means that the unemployed person's contacts with the benefit administration, to confirm unemployment status, report on independent job search and participate in intensive interviews, should be included. vi) Please reply in respect of the current situation (in 2004), backed up where appropriate by recent statistics (for 2002, 2003 or 2004). 87 QUESTIONNAIRE NOTES Section: 2. Regular reporting and confirmation of unemployment status Possible replies to Question 2.a. are that regular reporting and confirmation of unemployment status take place: i. In person, at a placement office or a local police station, etc. ii. By mailing a written declaration. iii. By telephone or by Internet. iv. There is no separate procedure, but confirmation of unemployment status occurs in the context of regular interviews (as listed in Section 5). v. Unemployment status is not confirmed at regular intervals (i.e. until the person notifies a change, he or she is assumed to remain unemployed and eligible for benefit). 3. Independent job search Independent job search is search at the initiative of the unemployed person, often for vacant jobs that have not been notified to the PES. Possible replies to Question 3.a. about reporting or proving independent job search are: i. The person must regularly produce declarations by employers that he or she has applied to them for work. ii. The person must regularly supply the name and address (or equivalent documentation) of employers that he or she has contacted. iii. The person must regularly affirm that he or she has undertaken some actions to find work and specify what these were. iv. The person must regularly affirm that he or she has undertaken some actions to find work without specifying what these were (e.g. must tick a box "searched for work" on a claim continuation form). v. Job search over a period of some months is reviewed in special interviews where the person is expected to show documents such a job-search diary or letters to or from employers. vi. As above, but the person is not expected to show documents. vii. Job search is reviewed, along with other issues, in intensive interviews (described in Section 5). 4. Referrals to vacant jobs A direct referral occurs when an unemployed person is selected for a particular job vacancy, and required to either apply directly to the employer or come to the placement office for a preselection interview. Some direct referrals result from the "closed" handling of vacancies (as soon as a new vacancy 88 is registered, the employment service identifies suitable candidates for it from the unemployment register). Direct referrals may also occur during a counselling interview, if the counsellor selects an unfilled vacancy from the register for the person. Vacancies are advertised when they are announced publicly (on a notice board, on internet, in newspapers or on television). Targeted mailings of vacancy notices to unemployed people selected from the register to match the job may be an intermediate procedure (similar to direct referral insofar as the PES checks that the targeted jobseekers do apply for the jobs when appropriate). To answer Question 4.a, it may be helpful to consider whether employers are allowed to specify a "closed" treatment for their vacancy (i.e. pre-selection of candidates by the PES instead of advertising) and how often they do this; and how many vacancies are matched to the unemployment register because have been difficult to fill or are expected to be difficult to fill. It may be useful to check whether any statistics relate to the number of vacancy notifications or to the number of vacant posts notified (an employer may submit one vacancy notification when hiring several workers into similar posts). In Questions 4.c and 4.d, a managed referral occurs in the case of "semi-open" vacancies when the PES counsellor checks whether the jobseekers is qualified for the job, or calls the employer to set up the job interview, or provides the jobseeker with a personalised letter of introduction. 5. Intensive interviews An intensive interview is a one-to-one meeting with an employment counsellor, to discuss issues such as: the outcomes of recent job search initiatives; methods of job search used and how to resolve problems; job aspirations and available jobs; and future participation in short courses or long-term ALMPs. Interviews conducted only in order to refer the person to a job vacancy (see above) and attendance at collective information sessions (see below) should not be included here. If the interviews discussed in this section play a role in an "action plan" or "rules for referral to labour market programmes" procedure (noted below), please specify. Question 5.b may be answered in terms of the maximum or expected time interval allowed between interviews with the unemployed, as specified in legislation or PES management guidelines, supplemented with information on whether interviews are actually more or less frequent. Question 5.b may also be answered by dividing the total number of interviews per month or per year by the stock of unemployed people in the target group, resulting in a estimate of the average frequency of interviews. For Question 5.d, which focuses on intensive interviews that occur on a voluntary basis, it may be useful to consider the possible reasons that jobseekers request an interview e.g. for help with writing a letter, for vocational guidance, for advice on benefit eligibility issues, or to ask for a place on a training programme. 6. Collective information sessions Collective information sessions are usually like small seminars, often with 8, 10 or 15 jobseekers attending a presentation about PES procedures, job-search techniques, or employment incentives and labour market programmes. Multi-day job-search training courses may also be included here. 89 7. Individual action plans Actions plans have various names (employment plan, guidance plan, individual assessment and service plan, job-seeking plan or agreement, activity agreement) in different countries. An action plan is a written document that describes some aspects of the situation of the unemployed person and foresees some actions to be taken. It is normally first discussed in a one-to-one interview with the unemployed person. Often, the action plan is signed by both parties and the actions foreseen are considered to be obligations. 8. Procedures for entry to labour market programmes In this section the concept of an active labour market programmes (ALMP) refers to longer-term programmes (e.g. remedial basic education, vocational training, job creation). For Question 8.a, examples of procedures or rules which eventually make participation in a labour market programme obligatory for people who remain unemployed are Denmark's "active period of benefits" (unemployed adults after one year must participate in a labour market programme, over most of the remaining benefit period), and the United Kingdom's New Deal 25 Plus (unemployed adults after 18 months enter a "gateway" period, and must later participate in a programme for three to six months). However, many countries have no such procedures or rules. 9. Targeting of particular groups of unemployed for more intensive intervention Criteria used for targeting particular groups for more intensified intervention may include: age (intensified intervention for youths, in several European countries); statistical "profiling" of new claimants (in Australia and the United States); demographic, work history and regional criteria (e.g. immigrants, inner city residents, workers displaced from long-tenure jobs, workers without basic education). Only relatively large target groups (e.g. representing 5% or more of the stock or flow of unemployed) need be mentioned. In answering Question 9.b, it may be useful to reconsider Questions 1-8 with the target group in mind (i.e. consider whether the target group is required to report independent job search, draw up an action plan, etc., more frequently or earlier in the unemployment spell than the typical or average unemployed person). 90 LIGNES DIRECTRICES DESTINÉES AUX AUTEURS DES RÉPONSES AU QUESTIONNAIRE i) Certaines des questions ne sont pas valables pour tous les pays. Par exemple, s'il n'existe pas, dans votre pays, d'obligation pour les chômeurs de rendre compte de leurs efforts personnels de recherche d'emploi, passez la question suivante. ii) La plupart des questions sont de nature quantitative. Dans la mesure o elles seraient disponibles, veuillez nous fournir les statistiques ou encore utiliser des mots-clés afin de décrire les pratiques courantes : habituellement = 80 % des cas ou davantage ; souvent = 60 80 % des cas ; assez souvent = 30 60 % des cas ; parfois = 10 30 % des cas ; rarement = moins de 10 % des cas. iii) Des informations générales sont souvent nécessaires. Dans les cas o une réponse par oui ou par non , par habituellement ou l'aide d'un chiffre risquerait de prter confusion, il conviendrait d'en justifier la raison. Lorsque cela est possible, veuillez fournir une réponse résumant la situation, et qui n'excderait pas plus de deux paragraphes. iv) La réponse aux questions 1 7 doit porter sur un chômeur recevant des allocations chômage, ou qui y prétend, et qui représente le chômeur type ou moyen quant l'âge, aux aptitudes (il s'agit d'une personne qui N'EST PAS officiellement classée comme jeune , travailleur âgé , handicapé , ou difficile placer ), et la région. Toutefois, la réponse ces mmes questions doit faire état des modifications de la nature et de la fréquence des contacts en fonction de la DURÉE de chômage de l'individu (l'application des rgles pour les chômeurs de longue durée, par exemple). A la question 4, il est demandé de répondre en termes de procédures pour des offres d'emploi courantes, c'est--dire des offres pour des emplois salariés qui devraient durer plusieurs mois ou davantage. Exceptionnellement, la question 8.a (qui concerne les dispositifs pour une participation obligatoire un programme actif du marché du travail), lorsqu'elle sera pertinente, devra rendre compte aussi bien du cas des jeunes chômeurs que de celui des adultes (dans certains pays, ces dispositifs s'appliquent particulirement aux jeunes). v) Les réponses doivent porter sur les contacts avec toutes les institutions du SPE. Pour certains pays, cela signifie qu'il faut prendre en compte les contacts que le chômeur a avec l'administration chargée des prestations, en vue d'actualiser sa situation de demandeur d'emploi, de rendre compte des efforts personnels qu'il fait pour trouver du travail et de prendre part des entretiens approfondis. vi) Les réponses doivent se rapporter la situation actuelle (2004) et peuvent tre étayées, le cas échéant, par des statistiques récentes (2002, 2003 ou 2004). 91 NOTES RELATIVES AU QUESTIONNAIRE Section : 2. Pointage ou actualisation de la situation de demandeur d'emploi de façon périodique Parmi les réponses possibles la question 2.a, le chômeur doit régulirement rendre compte de sa situation et l'actualiser : i. En se présentant directement au bureau de placement, au poste de police de son quartier, etc. ; ii. En envoyant par la poste une déclaration signée ; iii. Par téléphone ou par Internet ; iv. Sans avoir de démarche particulire accomplir, l'actualisation de la situation de demandeur d'emploi s'effectuant l'occasion des entretiens réguliers (tel que spécifié la section 5) ; v. La situation de demandeur d'emploi n'est pas confirmée intervalles réguliers (autrement dit, tant que le concerné n'a pas déclaré un changement, il est supposé rester toujours au chômage et ayant droit aux allocations). 3. Efforts personnels de recherche d'emploi Les efforts personnels de recherche d'emploi sont des initiatives que prend lui-mme le chômeur pour trouver un emploi, souvent en sollicitant des emplois vacants qui n'ont pas été déclarés au SPE. Quelques réponses possibles la question 3.a, concernant la déclaration ou la preuve des efforts personnels de recherche d'emploi, sont : i. Le chômeur doit régulirement présenter des documents sur lesquels des employeurs ont déclaré qu'il s'est adressé eux pour solliciter un emploi ; ii. Le chômeur doit régulirement fournir le nom et l'adresse (ou des renseignements équivalents) des employeurs qu'il a contactés ; iii. Le chômeur doit régulirement déclarer qu'il a fait des démarches pour trouver du travail et en préciser la nature. iv. Le chômeur doit régulirement déclarer qu'il a fait des démarches pour trouver du travail sans avoir en préciser la nature (en cochant une case a recherché un emploi sur un formulaire de déclaration continue, par exemple) ; v. Les recherches d'emploi accomplies sur une période de quelques mois sont passées en revue l'occasion d'entretiens spécifiques, le chômeur étant tenu de fournir des preuves matérielles de ses efforts, telles qu'un journal personnel des demandes d'emploi qu'il a faites ou encore les lettres qu'il a envoyées aux employeurs ou les réponses qu'il a reçues d'eux ; vi. Comme précédemment, la seule différence que le concerné n'est pas tenu de fournir des preuves matérielles de ses efforts ; 92 vii. l'occasion d'entretiens approfondis, les recherches d'emploi sont passées en revue, ainsi que d'autres questions (décrits la section 5). 4. Orientation vers les emplois vacants l'occasion d'une orientation directe vers un emploi, le chômeur est sélectionné en fonction d'une offre d'emploi précise, et il lui est demandé de se présenter directement l'employeur, ou au bureau de placement en vue d'un entretien de présélection. Cette méthode est notamment appliquée dans le cas des offres d'emploi diffusion restreinte, pour lesquelles le service de l'emploi est chargé de rechercher lui-mme des personnes ayant le profil correspondant dans le fichier des demandeurs d'emploi, ds lors qu'une nouvelle offre d'emploi est inscrite. Cependant, l'orientation directe peut également s'effectuer l'occasion d'un entretien de conseil, si l'on propose au candidat une offre d'emploi non satisfaite du fichier des demandeurs d'emploi. Les offres d'emploi sont publiées lorsqu'elles sont publiquement notifiées (sur un panneau d'affichage, sur Internet, dans les journaux ou par le biais de la télévision). Des courriers ciblés relatifs des offres d'emploi, adressés aux chômeurs sélectionnés partir du fichier des demandeurs d'emploi en vue d'un rapprochement vers un emploi précis, devraient constituer un dispositif intermédiaire (similaire l'orientation directe vers un emploi, dans la mesure o le SPE vérifie que les demandeurs d'emploi potentiels sont effectivement candidats, le cas échéant). En ce qui concerne la question 4.a, il peut tre utile de considérer si les employeurs sont autorisés demander une diffusion restreinte des offres qu'ils présentent (c'est--dire la présélection des candidats par le SPE, plutôt que la publication des offres d'emploi), ainsi que la fréquence de cette demande ; et combien d'offres d'emploi sont appariées au fichier des demandeurs d'emploi parce que difficiles pourvoir aprs expérience, ou pressenties difficiles pourvoir. Il serait utile de vérifier si certaines données se réfrent au nombre d'avis d'offres d'emploi, ou au nombre de postes déclarés vacants (un employeur peut soumettre un seul avis d'offre d'emploi lorsqu'il embauche plusieurs employés des postes identiques). Dans les questions 4.c et 4.d, une orientation encadrée apparaît dans le cas d'une offre d'emploi semi-publique lorsque le conseiller du SPE vérifie si le demandeur d'emploi est qualifié pour l'emploi auquel il prétend, ou sollicite l'employeur afin d'organiser un entretien d'embauche, ou encore remet au demandeur d'emploi une lettre d'introduction personnalisée. 5. Entretiens approfondis Un entretien approfondi est une rencontre en tte--tte entre le demandeur d'emploi et un conseiller du travail, afin de discuter de questions telles : les résultats de ses initiatives récentes de recherche d'emploi, de réfléchir sur les méthodes qu'il utilise pour mener sa recherche et les moyens de résoudre les difficultés qu'il peut rencontrer, de parler du type d'emploi qu'il souhaite obtenir et des postes disponibles, ou d'envisager sa participation des stages de courte durée ou des PAMT de longue durée. Les entretiens qui sont réalisés dans le seul but d'établir une relation entre le candidat concerné et une offre d'emploi (voir ci-dessus) et le fait de participer des séances d'information collective (voir ci-dessous) ne sont pas comptabilisés ici. Si les entretiens, tels qu'ils viennent d'tre définis, s'inscrivent dans le cadre d'un plan d'action ou de processus d'entrée dans les programmes du marché du travail (relevé ci-dessous), il convient de le préciser. La réponse la question 5.b doit tenir compte de l'intervalle de temps maximum, ou supposé tel, qui doit se dérouler entre deux entretiens avec le chômeur, selon la législation ou les lignes directrices relatives 93 la gestion du SPE, compte tenu du fait que ces intervalles sont habituellement plus ou moins fréquents. Il convient également de répondre la question 5.b en divisant le nombre total d'entretiens par mois et par année par le stock de personnes au chômage dans le groupe cible, estimant ainsi la fréquence moyenne des entretiens. Pour répondre la question 5.d, qui porte sur les entretiens intensifs qui ont lieu la demande des chômeurs, il serait utile de prendre en compte les raisons pour lesquelles les demandeurs d'emploi sollicitent un entretien (en vue d'obtenir une aide dans la rédaction d'une lettre, pour une orientation professionnelle, pour des renseignements détaillés sur les droits prestation, ou pour solliciter une place au sein d'un programme de formation, par exemple). 6. Séances d'information collectives Les séances d'information collectives sont généralement comparables de petits séminaires auxquels prennent part 8, 10 ou 15 demandeurs d'emploi qui assistent une présentation au sujet des dispositifs mis en place par le SPE, des techniques de recherche d'emploi ou des mesures d'aide l'emploi ainsi que des programmes actifs du marché du travail. Les cours de formation la recherche d'emploi sur plusieurs jours peuvent également figurer ici. 7. Plans d'action individuels Les plans d'action portent des noms divers (plan d'emploi, plan d'orientation, bilan individuel d'évaluation et de services, plan ou accord de recherche d'emploi, accord d'activité) selon les pays. Il s'agit d'un document qui décrit certains aspects de la situation du chômeur et énonce certaines initiatives prendre. En principe, le plan d'action est d'abord examiné lors d'un entretien individuel avec le chômeur. Fréquemment, il est signé par les deux parties, aprs quoi les mesures envisagées sont normalement considérées comme obligatoires. 8. Processus pour intégrer les programmes du marché du travail Dans cette section, le concept de programmes actifs du marché du travail (PAMT) fait référence des programmes long terme (formation élémentaire de rattrapage, formation professionnelle, création d'emploi, par exemple). En ce qui concerne les procédures ou dispositifs qui rendent obligatoire la participation aux programmes du marché du travail des personnes restant au chômage, abordés la question 8.a, on peut prendre comme exemple au Danemark la période active d'indemnisation (les adultes au chômage depuis plus d'une année sont tenus de participer un programme du marché du travail, au cours de la plupart de la période restante d'indemnisation), ou au Royaume-Uni le programme New Deal 25 plus (les adultes au chômage depuis 18 mois au moins franchissent une période préliminaire, l'issue de laquelle ils sont tenus de participer un programme pendant 3 ou 6 mois). La plupart des pays n'ont cependant pas mis en place de tels dispositifs. 9. Ciblage de catégories particulires de chômeurs en vue d'une intervention plus poussée Le ciblage de catégories particulires de chômeurs en vue d'une intervention plus poussée peut reposer sur les critres suivants : l'âge (dans plusieurs pays d'Europe, les jeunes bénéficient d'une action renforcée), le profil décelé chez certains des nouveaux demandeurs par un outil statistique (en Australie et aux États-Unis) et certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les antécédents professionnels et les caractéristiques régionales (l'immigration, le fait de résider au centre d'une zone urbaine, les travailleurs ayant une ancienneté considérable victimes de suppression d'emploi, les travailleurs sans formation initiale, par exemple). Seules les catégories relativement importantes de chômeurs faisant l'objet d'un 94 ciblage (représentant, par exemple, plus de 5 % de l'ensemble du stock ou des flux de chômeurs) seront ici considérées. Lorsque vous répondrez la question 9b, il serait sans doute opportun de passer en revue, pour le groupe cible en question, les différents points sur lesquels portent les questions 1 8 (c'est--dire de préciser si les membres de ce groupe sont tenus de rendre compte de leurs efforts personnels de recherche d'emploi, d'élaborer un plan d'action, etc., plus souvent ou plus tôt au cours de leur période de chômage que le chômeur type ou le chômeur moyen).