Case 2 – Allotment gardens as a luxury •small scale food self-suply systems as part of sustainable localisation (Segfang, 2007) • •(allotment) gardens - sustainable – because they represent mainly de-materialised consumption (of leisure time, distance, resources), but not organic, also public space is being privatised Obrazek PICT2161 Basic statistics: •The Czech Union of Allotment and Hobby Gardeners – 260 000 members, facilities, •Allotment gardens – up to 400 m2, shed – 16 m2, •Brno – (400 000 inhabitants): •1980s – 14 000 members, 650 ha •2004 – 6 000 members • • Ideal goals: •- the creation of leisure garden sites; •- the protection of nature and environment; •- the sustainable development in accordance with the recommendations of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992; •- the sensitization of children and young people for the respect of nature; •- the support of socially weaker persons by putting garden plots at their disposal; •- the integration of handicapped and elderly people in society by gardening and the associative life; •- a meaningful leisure time occupation for the whole family, especially for unemployed, pensioners; •- compensation and relaxing from a monotonous work; •- the stimulation of family life and fellowship. • •(Office International du Coin de Terre et des Jardins Familiaux, Luxembourg, 2007) Less food production DSC_0006 CIMG6770 DSC_0050 Crop selectivity DSC_0002 CIMG6773 PICT2177 Leisure time IMG_1780 PICT1407 DSC_0044 IMG_1790 Rumunsko 007 DSC_0120 People Rumunsko 018 Rumunsko 019 PICT2120 PICT1320 DSC_0095 PICT2173 PICT2166 PICT2150 DSC_0078 DSC_0152 DSC_0165 DSC_0098 DSC_0067 IMG_1795 PICT2186 DSC_0017 Animals DSC_0070 DSC_0029 DSC_0102 DSC_0036 Neglected space DSC_0007 DSC_0055 CIMG6753 CIMG6758 Future? DSC_0039 DSC_0037 DSC_0004 Thank you DSC_0005