Introduction to Assessment of Developmental Disabilities Dr. Penny Tok Contents for today • Introduction to this course • Assessments • Discussion • Definition 'disability' • Why and how we assess North Atlantic Ocean \fenez jela «nbla hjU Brazl 2000 mi 2000 km I Norway Turkey Russia Pakistan Japan South Korea Saudi Arabia india í 2r tí Thalland Sľi SOUŕŕT Atlantic Ocean Angola Namibia Botswana South Africa Tanzania Indonesia Pauua \ew nea Madagascar Indian Ocean ajpua Guin Australia North Pacific Ocean New Zealand Southern Ocean South Pacific Ocean Traffic United Stat Map data ©2012 MapLink. Tele Atlas 1 K, A little about me... • Facebook: • Email: • Room: 2.53 but meetings by appointment only My current research projects • Brno, Czech Republic - Inner speech use in Autism: Influence on False Belief Understanding Just completed in Singapore: - The link between religious behaviour, theory of mind (ToM) and autism. Assessment Guide & Criteria Assignment typ % of total course mark ONE (1) in-class tests (short answer questions) 20 marks 20% ONE (1) autism experience participation 30 marks 30% ONE (1) 1,000 word report based on autism experience 30 marks 30% ONE (1) 1,000 word essay 20 marks 20% Essay 1,000 words 1. REFERENCING - APA style (in-text and bibliography) 2. PLAGIARISM 3. LATE SUBMISSION Autism experience In this course... Theory + practice WHAT IS A DISABILITY? WHAT IS A DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY? Developmental disability is a term that refers to a permanent cognitive and/or physical impairment that usually occurs in the early years of life but can occur anytime before the age of 18 years. Functional limitations in at least 3 of the following: SELF-CARE RECEPTIVE AND EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING MOBILITY SELF-DIRECTION CAPACITY FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY Causes of disability BEFORE. DURING OR AFTER BIRTH. BEFORE: genetic problems, poor prenatal care, or exposure of the fetus to teratogens- toxins including drugs and alcohol. DURING BIRTH: such as restricted oxygen supply to the infant, or accidents after birth can also cause traumatic brain injury resulting in developmental disabilities. AFTER BIRTH: malnutrition and social deprivation. DSM - IV Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood adolescence Mental retardation (coded on axis II) Learning disorders Motor skills disorder Communication disorders Pervasive developmental disorders Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood Tic disorders Elimination disorders IS THERE A CURE FOR DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES? HOW DO WE KNOW IF A CHILD HAS A DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY? Your many roles Scherzer, A. L, Chhagan, M., Kauchali, S., & Süsser, E. (2012). Global perspective on early diagnosis and intervention for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 1-6. doi:10.1111/j'.1469-8749.2012.04348.x 5 POINTS RAISED: A. BROAD UNDERSTANDING AND AWARENESS OF TRANS-CULTURAL CHILD DEVELOPMENT- THINK DEVELOPMENTALLY, REFER EARLY B. HEALTH CARE AS ON-GOING DEVELOPMENT- NOT RESTRICTED TO MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY C. NEED FOR SIMPLE, CULTURALLY RELEVANT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS D. IMPROVE EDUCATION AND TRAINING E BROAD COMMUNITY PLANNING AND INVOLVEMENT WHY we assess SCREENING INSTRUCTIONAL DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAMME EVALUATION/ACCOUNTABILITY Sources of information PARENTS SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS HOW TO assess A. STANDARDISED ASSESSMENTS B. NORM-REFERENCED ASSESSMENTS C. CURRICULUM- REFERENCED ASSESSMENTS D. READINESS ASSESSMENTS How to assess? * STANDARDISED ASSESSMENT: NORM OR CRITERION REFERENCED - SINGAPORE- PSLE, GCE '0' AND A' LEVELS - NZ: NATIONAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT (NCEA) Standardised assessment Predetermined set of assessment items that represent "standards" of knowledge and/or skills. Items are presented to all children in the same sequence, using the same administration procedures and materials. HOW TO ASSESS? NORM-REFERENCED ASSESSMENT: Compares a child's scores to the scores of a group of same-age peers (norm group). Only meaningful if the norm group includes children who share the same language, culture, and/or disabilities of those being assessed. HOW TO ASSESS? CRITERION REFERENCED Measures a child's performance against a pre-determined set of criteria, generally developmentally sequenced or task analysed skills. Yields performance profiles and numerical scores that reflect the number of skills mastered, (may be standardised) HOW TO ASSESS? CURRICULUM-REFERENCED Criterion-referenced instruments that are packaged with an aligned set of curriculum goals. Serves to place children in a curriculum sequence and the same items are used to monitor progress towards learning objectives. Important concepts RELIABILITY: ACCURACY AND STABILITY OF THE ASSESSMENT SCORES. VALIDITY: AN INDICATION OF HOW CLOSELY THE ASSESSMENT MEASURES WHAT IT IS INTENDED TO MEASURE. TECHNICAL ADEQUACY: DESCRIBES THE DEGREE OF DEMONSTRATED RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE TEST. THIS INFORMATION IS OFTEN INCLUDED IN THE ASSESSMENT GUIDE. Essential readings Statement, E. C. (2012). Prevention of communication disorders - screening preschool and school-aged children for problems with hearing, vision and speech: European Consensus statement. SO LY L SO, 18(4), 17-21. Naglieri, J. A. (2003). Current advances in assessment and intervention for children with learning disabilities, 16(03), 163-190. Scherzer, A. L, Chhagan, M., Kauchali, S., & Süsser, E. (2012). Global perspective on early diagnosis and intervention for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 1-6. Now Create a list of places where a parent might seek help for their child in Brno How much does it cost? How long does it take? Do they see a team of people? I.e. paediatrician, psychologist and speech therapist? What are the various organisations here to support people with developmental disabilities? List as many as you can. Watch: Homework - 1 (for next week) Summarise and present your findings for: 1. Screening procedures in the Czech republic: benefits and potential problems 2. If a problem is identified- what happens next? 3. Government support for disabilities: 0-18 years 4. Summarise the cultural issues in the Czech Republic : access to services, testing procedures, cultural views on disabilities Homework - 2 (for next week) Submit a proposal for the autism experience-Age groups Goals - theme Student to children ratio Length of time Activity Contingency plans Materials required Homework - 3 for 11/3/2013 Mental retardation (coded on axis II) Learning disorders Motor skills disorder Communication disorders Pervasive developmental disorders Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood Tic disorders Elimination disorders * Two slides maximum * Video clips allowed * 5 minutes total