Nová média a politika

Týden 12 - Nová média a participace II

Offline a online politická participace, politická participace mladých lidí, online sociální sítě a blogy

Povinná literatura:

·         Polat, R. 2005. The Internet and Political Participation. European Journal of Communication 20(4): 435–59.

Doporučená literatura:

·         Bakker, Tom P. - de Vreese, Claes H. 2011. Good News for the Future? Young People, Internet Use, and Political Participation. Communication Research 38 (3): 451-470.

·         Cammaerts, B. 2008. Critiques on the Participatory Potentials of Web 2.0.Communication, Culture&Critique 1: 358–377.

·         Conroy, M. - Feezell, J.T. - Guerrero,M. 2012. Facebook and political engagement: A study of online political group membership and offline political engagement.Computers in Human Behavior 28: 1535-1546.



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