Ruská federace a Evropa

24. 2. Evropská dimenze v zahraničněpolitických a bezpečnostních koncepcích a doktrínách (Jelcin, Putin, Medvěděv). Rusko a EU


Casier, Tom (2013): The European Union and Russia: Partners by Default? In: Cierco, Teresa (ed.): The European Union Neighbourhood. Challenges and opportunities. Surrey: Ashgate, s. 123 – 141.

Fernandes, Sandra (2013): The European Union Institutional Balance: Assessment of its Impact on the Relationship with Russia. In: Cierco, Teresa (ed.): The European Union Neighbourhood. Challenges and opportunities. Surrey: Ashgate, s. 153 – 171.

Doporučená literatura:

Frumkin, Boris (2010): Russia - EU relations. The economic dimension. In: Engelbrekt, Kjell; Nygren, Bertil: Russia and Europe: building bridges, digging trenches. Abingdon: Routledge, s. 131 - 155.


Literatura k vypracování seminární přípravy na 3. 3. 2014 (nutno odevzdat do 2. 3. do 18:00):

Torbakov, Igor (2013): The European Union, Russia and the „In-between Europe“: Managing Interdependence. In: Cierco, Teresa (ed.): The European Union Neighbourhood. Challenges and opportunities. Surrey: Ashgate, s. 173 – 189.

Trenin, Dmitri (2014): A Practical Approach to EU-Russian Relations. Carnegie Moscow Center, January 23, 2014. On-line:

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