Ruská federace a Evropa

5. 5. Etnické konflikty jižního Kavkazu a jejich vnější aktéři (s důrazem na Rusko a EU) – přednáška Mgr. Zinaidy Shevchuk


Caspersen, Nina (2012): Regimes and peace processes: Democratic (non)development in Armenia
and Azerbaijan and its impact on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Communist and
Post-Communist Studies
Vol. 45, Issues 1–2, p: 193–200.

Coppieters, Bruno (2004): The Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict, Chapter 5, (29 pages),
Avaliable at:

Ellison, Brian, J. (2011):  Russian Grand Strategy in the South Ossetia War,
Academic journal article from Demokratizatsiya, Vol. 19, No. 4, p:

Literatura pro PP 6 na 12.5. (nutno odevzdat do 11.5. 18:00):

Nice, A. (2012): Playing Both Sides: Belarus between Russia and the EU, DGAP analyse, March 2012, Nr. 2.

Nygren, B. (2010): The Rebuilding of Greater Russia. Putin´s foreign policy towards the CIS countries. London: Routledge, s. 66 – 81

Shevtsova, L. (2014): The "Besieged Fortress" Virus. Eurasia Outlook, April 8, 2014, Carnegie Moscow Center. On-line:

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