Introducing the course What is this course discussing? How to profit from this course? How is it relevant to your further studies? Aims I. •„This course aims to provide students with some of the key concepts and discussions in the field of popular culture, subculture studies, youth and consumerism studies.“ • •Why should we study popular culture, subcultures, youth and consumption? How and why did these fields of interest emerge? Aims II. •Is popular culture a specific type of culture? How is it different? How is it perceived? By whom? •What do you think of when you think of a subculture? •Does youth form a group with particular characteristics? Do we think of adults as a group? Why would it be useful to do so? •How does consumerism relate to popular culture, subcultures and youth? • Key vocabulary •A concept • •A theory • •A discussion • •An argument How to profit from this course and not get frustrated? •Too much of new info? (consult the books on key concepts, introductions to readers, e-mail me!) •Dense texts? (let’s discuss efficient reading strategies!) •Confusing or irrelevant? (contextualize, historicize, personalize… how does this course’s material speak to your specialization?) • • • Requirements •Your active participation: readings, preparation, discussions participation •Only 2 absences allowed! •2 reactions papers to be submitted on time! (week 6 and week 11) •What is a reaction paper? (FAQ: Is it a summary of a text or rather your own opinion on the text? Should you concentrate on one text or bring in more texts? Etc.) •