07.04.2014 1 Understanding proenvironmental behaviour I Spring 2014 Psychol persp on people and env 2014 1 Premises for the role of psychology in addressing anthropogenic global environmental change Human behaviour is the major cause of the problems – human behaviou is also the solution ◦ Psychology is the study of human behaviour ◦ Focus on behaviours that affect environmental problems through each individual’s behaviour Technological solutions are not likely to provide a sufficient basis for action within a short enough time span. Psychol persp on people and env 2014 2 Main themes The ecological self: A model of the self promoting a more caring attitude towards our surroundings The moral circle When environmental problems are behavioural problems ◦ Problems, Driving Forces, and Research Topics. The tragedy of the commons, social dilemmas, resource dilemmas:A psychological approach Psychol persp on people and env 2014 3 THE ECOLOGICAL SELF: A PSYCHOLOGICAL/ECOPHILOSOPHICAL INTRODUCTORY PERSPECTIVE ON ANTHROPOGENIC ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Psychol persp on people and env 2014 4 07.04.2014 2 Model of the self in mainstream psychology A self with a strong sense of being something else than or apart from the surroundings The sense of a separate self: proof of having reached maturity inWestern culture Harmful environmental change appears to be made possible by this view of the self: ◦ A need for models of the human psyche promoting a more caring attitude towards our surroundings. ◦ The core concept of this model is the ecological self, proposed by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess Psychol persp on people and env 2014 5 Historical changes in views of the human-nature relation Mythical age: nature and humans experienced as one single unit Antiquity: two-sided view of nature - inner, actively creative vs. outer, passive Medieval age: the natural world as a principle counteracting the true and real world of ideas After the Renaissance: nature as an object of human domination and control, as dead matter, thing, object Psychol persp on people and env 2014 6 Modes of environmental experience • The environment experienced as external, physical location • The environment experienced as social system • The environment experienced as emotional territory • The environment experienced as a setting for action • The environment experienced as self Psychol persp on people and env 2014 7 The environment as self: The ecological self Environments can be experienced as integrated parts of self-identity through a process of identification The self as broad, field-like or expansive as whatever the person identifies with. Consequence:one will naturally (i.e., spontaneously) protect the natural (spontaneous) unfolding of this expansive self (i.e. the ecosphere,the cosmos) Psychol persp on people and env 2014 8 07.04.2014 3 Some possible characteristics of the ecological self The ecological self can be defined as whatever the individual identifies with. Identification is understood as the experience of similarity and commonality (but not identity) with a unit. Expansion of the sense of self is seen as a process of development through identification, disidentification, transcendence and integration. Identification with specific physical environments constitutes a part of self-identity. Psychological bonds to specific environments are both emotional and cognitive in character, and can transcend the relation to one specific, circumscribed environment. Psychol persp on people and env 2014 9 More characteristics of the ecological self Experiences resulting in identification with environments may be direct, or indirect (vicarious) Environmental sense of self may be related to specific value priorities and behavioral tendencies. Cognitions based upon direct or vicarious environmental experiences may develop into generalized environmental beliefs and representations. A threat towards an environment that is experienced as part of one's identity, may be perceived as a threat towards self and self-identity. Psychol persp on people and env 2014 10 Human Behavior and Environmental Sustainability: Problems, Driving Forces, and Research Topics. (See: Vlek & Steg, 2007) Psychol persp on people and env 2014 11 Main points Global trends: environmental quality and resource use Five broad driving forces of global environmental change: population, prosperity, technology, institutions, and culture; these forces are seen in the light of critical transformations during the evolution of human societies By means of a four phase model approach to resource dilemmas, a number of themes for research on and political support of sustainable development at different scales are described Discussion of multidisciplinary cooperation and desired developments within environmental psychology Psychol persp on people and env 2014 12 07.04.2014 4 “Sustainable development” Since 1987: includes economic, social and environmental dimensions of our common future (WCED, 1987) Here: focus on environmental sustainability and relations to quality of life positive and negative qualities of living environments Psychol persp on people and env 2014 13 Environmental sustainability as a social problem Environmental status ◦ In general, the world has become more aware of the need for renewable energy resources ◦ Still, we can observe a clear quantitative and qualitative reduction of environmental resources ◦ A number of environmental problems are, basically, social and behavioural problems Psychol persp on people and env 2014 14 The state of the environment Many of the problems are already solved: ◦ Lead is removed from fuel ◦ DDT is removed from pesticides ◦ Asbestos is removed from building materials ◦ Hazardous waste is treated more responsibly ◦ There is a common understanding of the need for renewable energy Psychol persp on people and env 2014 15 The state of the environment Much left to do ◦ Population growth results in intensified material consumption and thus quantitative and qualitative deterioration of environmental resources ◦ Reasons to worry Fragmentation of the natural environment Loss of biodiversity Lack of freshwater Overfishing Global warming Extreme weather Urban air pollution, Noise Psychol persp on people and env 2014 16 07.04.2014 5 The state of the environment Less industrialized regions: Poverty degrades both people and environment ◦ Deforestation ◦ Lack of drinking water ◦ Floods in coastal areas ◦ Serious air pollution in the cities ◦ The wild animals of Africa will be extinguished outside of national parks Psychol persp on people and env 2014 17 The state of the environment A large number of the problems are in a fundamental sense social and environmental problems Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA, 2005) ◦ During the last 50 years human activity has altered vital ecosystem services faster and more comprehensively than during any other comparable historical period ◦ Effective measures to ensure sustainable resource management will demand considerable change in institutions and regulations, economic policies and incentives, social and behavioural factors, technology and knowledge Psychol persp on people and env 2014 18 The evolution of environmental resource use Steadily increasing population, consumption and technological strength are overshadowing environmental innovations Increasing consumption is particularly related to the incresing use of motorized vehicles for transportation of passengers and goods since WWII. Travelling is the primary cause of growth in carbon emissions in rich industrial countries: Life style changes driven by increasing income levels – particularly increased “automobility” Psychol persp on people and env 2014 19 Driving forces of society behind environmental deterioration Ehrlic & Holdren (1971):Total environmental resource use is a multiplicative function of population,consumption and technology: ◦ Impact = P (population) x A (average Affluence: consumption per person) x T (average resource intensity for Technology applied per production unit) Other important forces: ◦ Institutions: the organisation of society supports these processes ◦ Culture: general values, norms and beliefs Psychol persp on people and env 2014 20 07.04.2014 6 Driving forces of society behind environmental deterioration Takács – Santa (2004): long term trends in the evolution of human societies ◦ Clearing of more and more vegetation for buildng purposes ◦ Increased separation of human societies and the natural environment ◦ Development of technological efficiency and capasity ◦ Intensified use of raw materials and fossile energy sources ◦ Proliferation of transport infrastructure and vehicles ◦ In addition: Mass motorisation and the computer revolution However:The total effect of human activities may be reduced via a consistent policy to change the driving forces described above Psychol persp on people and env 2014 21 Driving force 1: Population Assumed to increase to 9 billion about 2050 Population control is an obvious means to prevent increased poverty and reduce environmental problems Experts believe that higher living standard leads to reduced population growth – social psychological theory may contribute here Psychol persp on people and env 2014 22 Driving force 2:Affluence In affluent countries increased consumption is due to a gradual transition from satisfaction of basic needs to satisfaction of endless temptations (”luxury fever”): household equipment, exotic travels, SUV’s retc There is a need for considerable changes in consumer behaviour, production and distribution of gods and services and people’s ability to fulfill their needs and values in a sustainable way through non-material measures of quality of life Most consumers are locked into social structures and processes resulting in environmentally harmful cmsumption patterns: Psychological changes are necessary Psychol persp on people and env 2014 23 Driving force 3:Technology There is a great potential for more efficient materials, energy saving, waste reduction The benefit from environment-friendly technologies depends mainly on how they are used ◦ The rebound-effect: the degree to which increased demand for a product is exceeding the increase in production efficiency per enhet Psychol persp on people and env 2014 24 07.04.2014 7 Driving force 4: Institutions In industrialized countries the transition to a sustainable society depends upon major changes in fundamental beliefs about welfare, quality of life and related political goals We need an economy providing better quality of life independent of resource consumption Psychol persp on people and env 2014 25 Driving force 5: Culture A prominent feature of human societies is environmental short-sightedness both in a physical and social sense Sustainabel development requires: ◦ A long term perspective ◦ A more collectivistic culture ◦ Environmental awareness and environmental responsibility ◦ Understanding that humans are parts of nature ◦ Understanding that non-human nature is of crucial economic and social importance Considerable psychological and sociological changes are necessary Psychol persp on people and env 2014 26 Managing our common resources A psychological perspective on commons dilemmas Psychol persp on people and env 2014 27 Commons dilemmas ◦ A social situation in which a collective risk or cost is generated via the combined negative eksternalities from many individuals acting independently ◦ The external effects of many individually optimal (”rational”) decisions may in combination lead to a suboptimal (”irrational”) result that no-one really wants Psychol persp on people and env 2014 28 07.04.2014 8 Factors in individual use of natural resources including refined products ◦ Rate: can normally be quantified Ex.: water consumption ◦ Quality Can water consumption be defended? ◦ Who manages ? Society/macro level Individual/micro level Psychologically interesting: From microlevel upwards 29Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Resource management at the micro level Individuals monitor own consumption, observe effects, and are aware of the consumption of others Important: management at the micro level sums up to the macro level 30Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Resource management and sustainability as a commons dilemma The commons are established on the assumption that the supply of this resource can meet the demands of the community Earlier one did not realise that the commons were limited, so unlimited exploitation was allowed ”The invisible hand” would make sure that the entire society would benefit from free exploitation 31Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Hardin (1968):The tragedy of the commons http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/162/3859/1243 ”Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit – in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination towards which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest” The commons is any desirable resource held jointly by a group of individuals Althoug we know that natural resources are about to be depleted,exploitation of them is in fact increasing Hardin:The only solution is to put an end to the freedom of the commons and agree upon the introduction of mutual coercion, i.e. laws and regulations 32Psychol persp on people and env 2014 07.04.2014 9 Local management of the commons: Two success stories The mountain villageTörbel, Switzerland ◦ Successful common management of forest and pastures with regulations going back to 1483 Lobster fisheries in Maine, USA ◦ State government decided restrictions on size and sex of the lobster ◦ Informal control: Fishermen were given specific territories 33Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Community management Self - organised Resource users develop their own management rules, accept these rules voluntarily, and may alter them collectively The rules become shared social norms that people follow because they believe in them (internalisation) Little need for external control or coercion Transferability/generalisation: Limited to small scale conditions 34Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Community managment Group needs have priority over narrow self interest without depleting the resources and without coercion Independent of information and attitude campaigns Does not require deep religious or moral commitment 35Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Self-interest and the public interest Commons dilemma ◦ The choice between acting in self-interest and in the public interest. ◦ Environmental psychologists: Under which conditions do individuals act in self-interest? 36Psychol persp on people and env 2014 07.04.2014 10 Commons dilemma Overuse of natural resources as a result of a conflict between individual and group interests When the natural resource is extracted faster than it’s renewal 37Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Social trap Temporal trap. Caused by the fact that individuals or societies give in to immediate rewards that has built-in and gradual costs becoming very large over time ◦ Ex.: Smoking, the use of DDT 38Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Social dilemma (Dawes) Includes the commons dilemma, social traps and the prisoner’s dilemma Central features ◦ Each participant profits more from acting in self-interest than in the public interest ◦ Participants as a group benefit more if all act in the public interest than if they all choose to defect (act in self-interest) 39Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Research strategies Field experiments ◦ Very difficult to control the resource and the situation Field studies ◦ Lack of control: Difficult to know which explanation is the right one 40Psychol persp on people and env 2014 07.04.2014 11 Simulations as research strategy • Defection versus cooperation - 3 alternative situations that can be studied in simulations 1. If one participant acts in self-interest (defects) while all others act in the public interest (cooperate) the defector will have the highest payoff 2. If everyone cooperates, everyone will receive a higher payoff than if everyone defects 3. If everyone defects the commons will be destroyed 41Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Simulations :Are they realistic? Not enough knowledge Some observations indicate reasonable validity 42Psychol persp on people and env 2014 What influences sustainability-related behaviour such as resource management? Four categories of influences ◦ The resource: Is it important, almost depleted or relatively plentiful? ◦ The participants as individuals:Age, experience,value orientation etc ◦ The participants as group members: Number, mutual trust, do they know each other? ◦ The structure of the dilemma: Relative payoff for cooperation versus self-interest,is it possible to communicate, are choices made public, are they informed about the nature of social dilemmas, are there leaders or not… 43Psychol persp on people and env 2014 The natural resource management process 44 Outcome •Extinction •Sustain- ability The structure of the dilemma •Payoff •Rules •Communication Cognitive processes during harvesting •Fear •Ignorance etc The resource: •Value •Degree of depletion Participants : •Experience •Cooperative ? The group: •Number •Trust? •Friendship? Psychol persp on people and env 2014 07.04.2014 12 Simulations of resource dilemmas Some general findings (see for example Gifford (2007), or Gardner & Stern (2003)) Psychol persp on people and env 2014 45 The resource Must be desirable, not depleted Size of resource ◦ Uncertainty about size influences harvesting Cooperation decreases with importance of resource ◦ When the resource becomes very important (fresh air during a cinema fire) ◦ Not when payoff for cooperation/punishment for defection is large ◦ Cooperation increases in half-polluted commons How fasts the resource is depleted ◦ Slow depletion leads to increased exploitation ◦ With little trust, harvesting was about the same regardless of how fast the resource disappeared, with more trust harvsting was higher at slow depletion Plentiful resource ◦ Harvesting more 46Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Participants : Individual characteristics Age ◦ Up to age 16 there is an increased comprehension of the value of cooperation, after this cooperation depends upon other factors Gender ◦ Not clear results, although women probably are raised to cooperate more Personality ◦ Tre types:Those who always cooperate, those who always refuse to cooperate and those between the two extremes ◦ 1/nth personality – the tendency to cooperate or choose strategies for the common good High 1/nth personality females cooperated more 47Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Participants : Individual characteristics Social values ◦ Cooperativeness (”maximize mine and your profit”) Moderat harvesting from the resource ◦ Competitiveness (” maximize my profit relative to yours”) ◦ Individualism (”I maximize my profit and does not care about yours”) ◦ Altruism (”maximize your profit relative to mine”) ◦ Murder-suicide (”minimize mine and your profit”) 48Psychol persp on people and env 2014 07.04.2014 13 Participants : Individual characteristics Experience and knowledge ◦ Better understanding of commons dilemma results in more cooperation ◦ Earlier experience with one-person resource management had a larger effect than group experiences 49Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Participants: Group characteristics Conformity ◦ Doing as the others : playing safe ◦ Anti-conformist behaviour may lead to resource protection: When one person took a loss others conserved more The number of harvesters ◦ Self-interest increases with group size, because The harm from single defectors is diluted Defection becomes less visible The effect of the harm done is less visible to the defector Negative feedback to the defector is difficult to sustain in a large group Friendship ◦ Friends know each other’s needs, they share experiences of giving and taking, they wish to continue their friendship – so they cooperate! 50Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Participants: Group characteristics Trust: Generally a weak effect, but works through other factors ◦ Trust leads to more cooperation only in small groups and when knowing how much others cooperate Sense of community ◦ Easily created Equality and reputation ◦ Conformity – ”if others do it, I will, too” ◦ Reputation as a cooperator may get others to cooperate 51Psychol persp on people and env 2014 The structure of the dilemma Reward and punishment ◦ Cooperation increases with higher economic payoff or with punishment for defection ◦ The complexity of the dilemma may lead to egoistic behaviour – one gives up trying to understand the rules! 52Psychol persp on people and env 2014 07.04.2014 14 The structure of the dilemma Communication: Leads usually to better management and serves a number of functions Clarifying payoffs Reaching agreement on harvesting Reduces distrust Promotes group identity Promotes public commitment to cooperation Penalties for not following agreements Promotes promises to cooperate 53Psychol persp on people and env 2014 The structure of the dilemma Public disclosure ◦ Knowing what others do increases cooperation and trust Resource partitioning ◦ Eks.: Groups get responsibility for a certain territory Governance: structural solutions ◦ Popular when the resource has been overused 54Psychol persp on people and env 2014 The commons dilemma: Solutions? Dictatorship? Ecological Utopia governed by the principles of behavioural psychology? Laws that impose cooperation in the commons? A decentralised society based on friendship, trust and communication? 55Psychol persp on people and env 2014 Recommendations (Gifford, 2007) The management of a part of the resource should be given to each participant Trust and friendship must be supported The total amount of participants should be kept at a low level Participants must be encouraged to communicate,make choices openly, and egoistic decisions should be punished 56Psychol persp on people and env 2014 07.04.2014 15 Future perspectives: Psychology in an Age of Ecological Crisis From Personal Angst to Collective Action (Stokols, Misra, Runnerstrom, and Hipp) Main points in the paper About the the recent technological,geophysical, and societal forces that have fundamentally altered the structure and functioning of human environments: ◦ The Internet ◦ Global environmental change ◦ Widening gaps among the have’s and the have not’s ◦ The influence of these conditions on individuals’ cognition, behavior, and well-being. New questions are raised and conceptual frameworks proposed New directions for psychological research and practice aimed at reducing global threats Introduction Negative health impact of the coverage of global environmental issues in mass media and in scientific reports: ◦ Leads to daily worries in the lives of people throughout the world The paper addresses the roles that psychological research and practice can play in ◦ better management of environmental change (EC) ◦ reducing negative impacts of EC on population health and societal cohesion. How individuals perceive, experience, and respond to global threats Psychological processes determine how global threats influence individuals’ psyche and behavior Solutions to global problems depend on the ways in which individuals and government leaders perceive these threats and undertake collective efforts to resolve them. 07.04.2014 16 Global sources of change in human environments The rapid emergence of the Internet and digital communications technologies over the past two decades. ◦ Settings have become more polyfunctional: residential, work, and recreational functions are now accommodated within the same environment. Global sources of change in human environments Global shifts toward planetary warming, environmental pollution,and the depletion of natural resources. altering people’s sense of security Global sources of change in human environments The widening disparities among different socioeconomic,racial, religious,and ethnic groups. Environmental injustice,terrorism,and longstanding struggles among groups with competing worldviews increased concerns about personal and collective safety within a wide range of environments These sources of global change are synergistic Combined as well as separate influences on behavior and well-being ◦ Continual exposure to information about these problems can engender anxiety and passivity ◦ Digital technologies also have been used for criminal activities However: Huge constructive potential of the Internet and wireless communications ◦ May enable people to better understand global problems and coordinate their efforts to solve them. 07.04.2014 17 Structural Changes in Behavior Settings During the Early 21st Century Striking features of human environments in the context of modernity ◦ The rapidity with which they change and the diverse range of activities carried out by participants in various settings ◦ Increasingly polyfunctional (they combine diverse behavioral programs) ◦ Both place-based and cyber-based (or virtual) components The boundaries of many settings extend beyond specific geographical coordinates to the expanding domain of cyberspace ◦ Hybridization of human environments residential settings that are wired to enable residents to work at home on a daily basis workplaces that now offer various domestic and recreational services coffee shops and Internet cafes that are often populated by solitary computer workers etc Behavioral, Psychological, and Health Impacts of Environmental Change ◦ Internet-supported behaviors have made people’s daily lives more convenient and enjoyable ◦ But:There are a number of behavioral costs, psychological burdens, and health challenges Daily routines have become more fragmented Knowledge workers experience little time on one task before switching and encounter frequent interruptions Behavioral fragmentation and “continuous partial attention” also evident in residential and family domains Increasing experience of distraction and information overload in workplaces and other settings greater self-reported stress, poorer health status, reduced productivity, and less time devoted to contemplative activities Internet use and it’s detrimental effects on interpersonal orientations States of “absent presence” may undermine social cohesion and moral understandings in local communities People’s conceptions of friendship may become more superficial and diluted in the context of networking sites (facebook etc) Psychological perspectives on peopleenvironment relations in a turbulent world Being regularly confronted by urgent warnings about ecological disasters etc and by the frenetic pace of modern life attentional fatigue, helplessness, avoiding social contacts with others in local community 07.04.2014 18 Need for new theory and research New conceptualizations of human response to ecological, social, and technological change are needed, particularly those that (a) address the links between local and global events (b) include collective as well as individual efforts to cope with impending threats Psychological Perspectives on the Relationships Between Local and Global Environments Factors that encourage people to identify with places and populations that are geographically distant from their own How remote environmental conditions influence experiences of stress,coping,and psychological restoration. New conceptualizations of restorative environment addressing interdependencies between the psychological restoration experienced by individuals in low-stress settings and environmental restoration efforts undertaken by collectivities to improve the quality of community and global environments. From Individualist to Collectivist Analyses of Human Response to Environmental Change Complex ecological, technological,and social crises, cannot be averted through isolated individual efforts Analyses of psychological stress due to environmental change must confront the social and political dimensions of global crises and wellbeing. A new science of transdisciplinary action research is needed to address global problems Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing Contemporary Ecological Challenges How people conceptualize the links between their local environments and global events Why and when people begin to identify with cross-national as well as local interests and goals. Identify personal and situational factors that enable people to move from personal states of anxiety and passivity toward collective action to ameliorate local and global problems. 07.04.2014 19 The promise of internet – based communications Among the most promising and powerful strategies for promoting greater ecological and societal stability. Has changed the way collective concerns are pursued. Environmental educators and proponents of civic governance have created interactive Web sites for disseminating information about global ecology, environmental protection, an communityorganizing techniques Can encourage geographically dispersed people to broaden their awareness of global events, organize and participate in political protests, Well suited for promoting public participation in social movements and a collective sense of identity and community among people from across the globe Can be used to warn people of impending natural disasters and emergent crises.