08.04.2014 1 UNDERSSTANDING PROENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOUR II Environmental values, attitudes and behaviour: Theory and evidence Proenvironmental behavior: The case of Household energy consumption HEN5972014 1 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOUR: IS THERE A LINK? A look at concepts, models, theories, evidence Examples Environmental attitudes and attitudes towards predators Hosuehold energy comsumption HEN5972014 2 HEP VERSUS NEP (DUNLAP & VAN LIERE, 1978; DUNLAP ET AL., 1992) "Human Exemptionalism Paradigm" (HEP): Human beings are exempt from the laws of nature and rulers over the physical world. New Environmental (or Ecological) Paradigm: Today, the HEP is assumed to be replaced by a new world view more compatible with environmental limits, hereafter NEP HEN5972014 3 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE-ORIENTATIONS AS BASIS FOR ACTION Stern & Dietz (1994): a tripartite model Egoistic:perceived personal threat from environmental problems is most important Altruistic:negative consequences for others is most important Biospheric:perceived consequences for the biosphere HEN5972014 4 08.04.2014 2 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES AND VALUES AS PREDICTORS OF BEHAVIOUR In general relatively weak relations between environmental attitudes and behaviourt Scott & Willits (1994): acceptance of parts of the NEP concept is associaed with the enactment of both consumer and political behaviours focused on protecting the environment Widegren (1998): personal norm a better predictor of proenvironmental behavior and willingness to pay than the NEP scale Bamberg (1996): General attitudes towards traffic-policy have no direct impact on car-using behavior, but a strong direct impact on the situationand behavior-specific cognitions HEN5972014 5 GENERAL ATTITUDES/MOTIVES: ECOCENTRISM/ANTHROPOCENTRISM SCALE Thompson & Barton (1994): Different reasons or motives for acting environment-friendly. Anthropocentrism: protection of nature related to maintaining or improving the quality of life for people includes egoistic and social-altruistic values (cf. Stern & Dietz, 1994) Ecocentrism: valuing nature for it’s own sake Nature should be protected because it has intrinsic value HEN5972014 6 GENERAL ATTITUDES/MOTIVES: NEW ENVIRONMENTAL PARADIGM (NEP) Dunlap & Van Liere (1978): First version of the NEP-scale (twelve items) Three broad themes: Humanity's ability to upset the balance of nature Limits to growth for human societies Role of humans relative to the rest of nature HEN5972014 7 NEP-R (DUNLAP ET AL.,1992) 15 item scale Five facets Limits to growth Anti-anthropocentrism The fragility of nature's balance Rejection of exemptionalism The possibility of an ecological catastrophe HEN5972014 8 08.04.2014 3 SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES Schahn & Holzers (1990) 21 item scale: Theoretical concepts: Affective evaluation, attitudes (in a narrower sense), and self-reported behaviors. Content areas: Reduced energy consumption, energy used for transportation, environmentally responsible purchases, societal involvement, recycling, water consumption, protecting own health. HEN5972014 9 SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES AS PREDICTORS OF BEHAVIOUR Diekman & Preisendörfer (1998): Considerable inconsistencies between specific environmental attitudes and behavior Lober (1995): Attitudes towards the siting of a recycling center differed significantly from behaviour in a study of behavioural and attitudinal dimensions of public opposition using inperson surveys and observed measures of behaviour. Steel (1996): Attitude intensity was correlated with self-reported environmental behaviour and political activism in environmental issues. HEN5972014 10 RESPONSIBILITY AS PREDICTOR OF BEHAVIOUR Kals, Schumacher & Montada (1998): Ecologically relevant decisions based on responsibility related beliefs and emotions, and on attributions of responsibility HEN5972014 11 KNOWLEDGE AS PREDICTOR OF BEHAVIOUR Diekman & Preisendörfer (1998): Ecological knowledge affects environmental behavior directly and indirectly Higher inconsistency in young people HEN5972014 12 08.04.2014 4 CULTURE AS A PREDICTOR OF BEHAVIOUR Laroche, Toffoli, Kim, & Muller (1996): Determinants of environmental behaviours may vary across cultures HEN5972014 13 FIELDING, MCDONALD & LOUIS (2008): INCORPORATING IDENTITY CONSTRUCTS INTO THE THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOUR (TPB) TO INVESTIGATE INTENTIONS TO ENGAGE IN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM Environmental group membership and self-identity were positive predictors of intentions More positive attitudes toward and a greater sense of normative support for environmental activism were related to greater intentions to engage in the behaviour. HEN5972014 14 Values Identity Attitude Intention Barriers/ opportunities Actual measure taken Factors assumed to influence choice of environment- friendly measure (adapted after Biel & Grankvist, 2005) HEN5972014 15 THE VALUE-BELIEF-NORM THERY OF ENVIRONMENTALISM (STERN ET AL, 2000) Biospheric Altruistic Egoistic Ecological Worldview (NEP) Adverse conse- quences for valued objects Perceiv -ed ability to reduce threat Sense of moral obligation to take pro- environ- mental actions Activism Non- activist public sphere behaviors so Private sphere behaviors Behaviors in organi- sations HEN5972014 16 08.04.2014 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES: SOME EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE DIVERGING ATTITUDES TOWARDS PREDATORS: DO ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES PLAY A PART? Kaltenborn, B.P. & Bjerke, T & Strumse, E.(1998) HEN5972014 17 THEME Environmental beliefs and attitudes towards large carnivores among sheep farmers, wildlife managers and research biologists in Norway HEN5972014 18 HUMAN ECOLOGY Managing the interaction of population, social organisation and technology in response to the environment The ability of humans to cope and adapt to a changing environment HEN5972014 19 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ISSUES How various interest groups perceive the environment Values and beliefs attached to the env. How environmental beliefs affect the position different actors take in conflict situations HEN5972014 20 08.04.2014 6 WILDLIFE AS CONFLICT ISSUE Human dominion versus concern over negative effect of human activity on ecological processes Norway: Sheep farmers demanding extermination of large carnivores versus groups supporting protection HEN5972014 21 KELLERT’S TYPOLOGY OF ATTITUDES TOWARD WILDLIFE Positive attitudes Ecologistic: Interest in ecological value of species and its rel to env Naturalistic: Interest in direct outdoor contact w. species Moralistic: Opposition to harm toward spoecies Negative attitudes Dominionistic: Interest in mastery over animals Negativistic: Fear, dislike Utilitarian: Interest in use for the benefit of humans HEN5972014 22 EARLIER RESULTS (NORWAY) Wildlife managers and research biologists: High on Ecologistic and naturalistic attitudes Sheep farmers: High on dominionistic, negativistic and utilitarian attitudes HEN5972014 23 MAIN RESEARCH QUESTIONS How strong is the support for an ecological world view in sheep farmers, wildlife managers and research biologists in Norway? Are differences in attitudes towards wildlife related to more fundamental differences in environmental values or beliefs? HEN5972014 24 08.04.2014 7 METHOD Participants: 1129 sheep farmers, wildlife managers and research biologists (response rate = 66.5%) Instruments: 35 statements measuring attitudes towards large carnivores 15item NEP scale HEN5972014 25 RESULTS Eight items expressing the ”New Ecological Paradigm”(NEP) received the highest mean ratings Seven items expressing the ”Human Exemptionalism Paradigm” (HEP) received weakest support HEN5972014 26 RESULTS NEP: Group differences Sheep farmers: higher than other groups on HEP-items. Lower than other groups on NEP- items Support/rejection of HEP and NEP HEN5972014 27 RESULTS HEP Research biologists: Clearest rejection Wildlife managers Rejection, yes, …but less strong Sheep farmers Close to a neutral pos. NEP: No distinction betw. wildlif man. and res. biol., who agree with the NEP. Sheep farmers: Significantly lower HEN5972014 28 08.04.2014 8 RELATIONS BETWEEN NEP, HEP AND THE SIX ATTITUDE SCALES Overall sample: NEP correlates pos. w. the positive attitude domain, and neg. with neg. attitudes HEP: opposite pattern: neg. corr. with pos. attitudes, pos. corr. with neg. attitudes Relations between NEP, HEP and the six attitude scales HEN5972014 29 RELATIONS BETWEEN NEP, HEP AND THE SIX ATTITUDE SCALES Sheep farmers: Pos. corr. between NEP and ecologistic, moralistic and naturalistic att. Pos. corr. between HEP and dominionistic, negativistic and utilitarian att. Wildlife managers: NEP correlated pos. with positive att. and neg. with neg. att. HEPcorrelated neg. with positive att. and pos. with neg. att. Research biologists: Pos. corr. between NEP and ecologistic, moralistic and naturalistic att. HEP correlated neg. with positive att. and pos. with neg. att. HEN5972014 30 CONCLUSIONS Respondents tended towards pro-ecological beliefs Negative attitudes towards carnivores are most typically found in groups whose economic interests are threatened by these animals The three groups express similar structure of environmental beliefs, but there is a difference of degrees: Sheep farmers’ ecological beliefs are weaker Sheep farmers: Carnivores are perceived as an outgroup cognitively dissociated from other animals and the ecosystem: Thus, pro-ecological beliefs go together with neg. attitudes towards predators HEN5972014 31 METHODS STRENGTHENING THE RELATION BETWEEN ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOUR 32 HEN5972014 08.04.2014 9 REMINDERS Overcomes internal barriers for action such as lazyness, forgetfulness etc Must be: Specific Close to the target behaviour in time and space Tailored to suit it’s audience 33 HEN5972014 INFLUENCE INTERNAL BARRIERS BY A FOCUS ON ATTITUDES AND NORMS Make people aware of the attitudes and norms they already have, but do not relate to the present situation When people’s attitudes already are in favour of environmental protection, it is useful to remind them about this in a subtle way Campaigns are well suited for this purpose 34 HEN5972014 STRATEGIES STRENGTHENING THE RELATION BETWEEN ATTITUDES, INFORMATION, ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOUR Increasing participation in a recycling project: Four experimental conditions Control group (not contacted) 2% participation Information (folder describing project) 10% participation Information + reminder before pick up 21% participation Information + reminder + personal contact 28% participation 35 HEN5972014 INFORMATION HAS MORE EFFECT WHEN IT ATTRACTS ATTENTION THROUGH: a personal approach rumours making the invisible visible using a powerful medium careful design of the message message close to behaviour in time and space message designed to match the target group using the local groups 36 HEN5972014 08.04.2014 10 CREDIBILITY It must be possible to check the information Use of social networks Use of opinion leaders to introduce desired behaviour 37 HEN5972014 CREATE ENGAGEMENT Commitment increases engagement Norm activation increases engagement Crises can increase engagement 38 HEN5972014 BEHAVIORAL KNOWLEDGE FROM INTERVENTION STUDIES HEN5972014 39 LEHMAN & GELLER (2004):REVIEW OF THE APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS APPROACH TO ENCOURAGING PROENVIRONMENT BEHAVIOR Argues that behavior analysis can play a greater role in solving environmental problems through (a) reexamination and expansion of intervention targets, (b) increased focus on long-term maintenance of proenvironment behavior, and (c) more effective dissemination of intervention strategies and research findings. HEN5972014 40 08.04.2014 11 INTERVENTION STRATEGIES. Antecedent Strategies (a) information/education (b) verbal or written prompts (c) modeling and demonstrations (d) commitment (e) environmental alterations. HEN5972014 41 CONSEQUENCE STRATEGIES Rewards Notable behavior change, but behaviors drop to baseline levels when the reward was removed Feedback: providing information to participants about their environment-relevant behaviors modest but consistent energy savings HEN5972014 42 PROBLEM: LONG-TERM BEHAVIOR MAINTENANCE Solution startegies focus on behaviors that do not need to be maintained implement intervention evaluations of appropriate length and design, so factors which increase response maintenance can be discovered design interventions that can continue indefinitely HEN5972014 43 BOYCE AND GELLER (2001): KEY FACTORS RELATED TO BEHAVIORAL MAINTENANCE Reward schedules should be large enough to get a behavior started, but not so large as to serve as complete justification for performing a behavior When a behavioral commitment is requested, it should be accompanied by information that provides a sound rationale for the behavior. HEN5972014 44 08.04.2014 12 INFORMATION CAMPAIGNS: CAN THEY INCREASE ECOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR? What can psychology tell us about the the effects of information campaigns? Which type of campaign works best? When does information work? What are the conditions for strong relations among attitudes and behaviours? Are attitude campaigns sufficient for attitude change? Changing environmental attitudes: Effective strategies 45 HEN5972014 INFORMATION- AND ATTITUDE CAMPAIGNS: POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS + May increase people’s awareness and change attitudes - Lead only occassionally to behavioural change How can we increase the effectiveness of campaigns? 46 HEN5972014 INFORMATION ALONE HAS VERY LIMITED EFFECT, BECAUSE: Removes only information related barriers Does not remove external barriers (such as economic ones) Increases at best only low cost/less demanding behaviours 47 HEN5972014 WHEN IS INFORMATION EFFECTIVE? Feedback: Via the energy meter at home Via electronic devices (feedback every minute, hour, etc…) This works, because: The information is directly related to behaviour Straight-forward application of behavioural psychology (operant learning theory): all behaviours leading to rewards will be repeated Feedback is at it’s most effective when available immediately before and after the target behaviour (here: energy saving behaviour) Limitation: Participants must be highly motivated 48 HEN5972014 08.04.2014 13 MODELING/OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING Ex.: Video of a young couple demonstrating how they can save energy in the home Combines behavioural psychology and communication research Experiments have demonstrated energy savings of more than 20% Cost-effective: video is a one-time cost that may be used in an unlimited number of households Limitation: Participants must be motivated 49 HEN5972014 THE POTENTIAL OF INFORMATION CAMPAIGNS Works when the most important barriers are internal to the individual May have important indirect effects over time Influences only attitudes and behaviours compatible with people’s more fundamental values The effect increases if one builds upon psychological principles of communication and focuses the campaign directly towards relations between attitudes and behaviours Works best in combination with other strategies (such as organisational change, economic incentives, etc) 50 HEN5972014 ADDRESSING FIELDS OF RATIONALITY – A POLICY FOR REDUCING HOUSEHOLD ENERGY CONSUMPTION? H. WESTSKOG, CICERO, OSLO T. WINTHER, SUM, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO E. STRUMSE, LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HEN5972014 51 FACTORS INFLUENCING BEHAVIOUR ON THE INDIVIDUAL LEVEL Material conditionsSkills, knowledge Attitudes, personal norms Beliefs, values, identities Energy behaviour HEN5972014 52 08.04.2014 14 WHAT CONDITIONS PEOPLE’S preferences behaviour HEN5972014 53 PREFERENCES: A PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Descriptive approach: preferences as the likes or dislikes the individual may have in a certain domain, Reasonable Person Model: People are satisficers, not maximizers People can be reasonable, depending upon the circumstances People often possess extremely limited information. People’s needs are many and varied HEN5972014 54 FOCUS ON SELECTED COGNITIVE, AFFECTIVE (AND MATERIAL) FACTORS Underlying factors for understanding preferences in economic theory Factors partly accounting for the motivations pushing or pulling the individual to perform various measurable behaviours: Skills and knowledge Attitudes and personal norms Beliefs, values and identities HEN5972014 55 IMPORTANT FINDINGS ON PREDICTORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIORS A strong intention to act can be seen as resulting from a large variety of environmentally relevant thoughts and emotions, such as Attitudes Perceived behavioural control Personal norms Problem awareness Feelings of guilt Attributions: Beliefs about responsibilities and causes HEN5972014 56 08.04.2014 15 META-ANALYSES ON PSYCHO-SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF PRO-ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOUR. Hines, Hungerford & Tomera’s (1987) meta – analysis of 128 studies - Results from a subset of studies focusing of psycho-social variables: mean correlations with pro-environmental behaviour (PEB) Proenvironmental attitudes: r = .38 Locus of control/self-efficacy: r = .37 (15 studies) Felt moral obligation to behave in a proenvironmental way: r =.33 (6 studies) Pro-environmental behavioural intention: r =.49 (6 studies) HEN5972014 57 BAMBERG & MÖSER (2007): NEW META-ANALYSIS OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF PROENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOUR Based on 57 samples/studies Results: Mean correlations similar to those reported by Hines et al. Structural equation modelling (SEM): Meta-analytic SEM (MASEM) Pro-environmental behavioural intention mediate the impact of all other psycho-social variables on pro-environmental behaviour (27% explained variance). Attitude, behavioural control and personal moral norm all predict pro-environmental behavioural intention (52% explained variance) Problem awareness: important indirect determinant of proenvironmental intention mediated by moral and social norms, guilt and attribution processes. HEN5972014 58 STERN (2008): REVIEW OF THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL LITERATURE ON HOW CONSUMER CHOICES ARE AFFECTED BY VARIOUS INTERVENTION APPROACHES The strongest influences are often contextual. Psychologists rarely examine more than a few of these The more a behavior is shaped by technology, infrastructure, regulation, financial cost, convenience, and other contextual factors, the weaker the effect of personal variables The favored variables of psychologists and economists have limited importance HEN5972014 59 INFORMATION: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION MESSAGES (LUTZENHISER, 2009) Should be intelligible to the consumer Should be concrete, vivid and impactful, personalized, action-oriented, and offering advice about choice and behaviour that is perceived to be fair, just, and equitable. People process information in different ways The messenger affects the perceived legitimacy, credibility, and trustworthiness of the information. HEN5972014 60 08.04.2014 16 INFORMATION PRESENTATION AND CHOICE OF ELECTRICITY (GREEN OR NOT) The format of information presentation assumed to have a strong effect on choice of electricity People choose the electricity offered as the default Results: In a field study, people did choose green el. when it was the default This was also the result in one experiment (Pichert & Katsikopoulos, 2008) HEN5972014 61 HOW STRONG ARE THE INFLUENCES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS? The more a behaviour is shaped by contextual factors, the weaker the effect of personal variables (Stern 1999) Often highly indirect effect- can potentially influence a wide variety of behaviours Some specific psychological factors(Stern 2009) Personal commitment Perceived personal costs and benefits of actions Behaviour-specific beliefs and norms HEN5972014 62 PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS Should target the ‘niches’ between powerful structural variables: when the people – environment configuration is particularly open to change when behaviour is not strongly constrained by regulation, habit, matters of economic cost, convenience, and the like. HEN5972014 63 STRUCTURES Energy behaviour Human resources Non-human resources Social norms Culture HEN5972014 64 08.04.2014 17 FIELD OF RATIONALITY: CONFIGURATION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING BEHAVIOUR Material conditions Energy behaviour Human resources Non-human resources Social norms Culture Group norms Group values Capacity, competences Skills, knowledge Attitudes, personal norms Beliefs, values, identities Material conditions Material conditions HEN5972014 65 EXAMPLE: MOVING FROM NORWAY TO FRANCE HEN5972014 66 EXAMPLE OF FIELDS OF RATIONALITY: CONSUMERS VERSUS CITIZENS Sagoff (1988), Sen (1985) and Nyborg (2000) Rationalities exist in paralell Ex. Parents picking up children in the kindergarten (Gneezy and Rustchini 2000) Policies may change the ”logic” for behaviour: field of rationality HEN5972014 67 EXAMPLE: APPEAL TO ”THE CITIZEN”: RENEWABLE CERTIFICATES, BARENTS ENERGI Treatment A Five sentences + link to NVE Confusion, suspicions Treatment C Emissions = car use ”Bad consciousness, good” Treatment E The story of a role model ”I think she has a point” HEN5972014 68 08.04.2014 18 STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE Regulations: shifts in norms and relevant values (incandescent light, smoking) Taxes: know how they co-work with other factors Information: potential shift in field of rationality, but requires clear ”translation” Policies must take into account the logic with which people act (made up of more factors than material constraints) HEN5972014 69 RESEARCH PROJECT (NFR 2009-2011): DO CUSTOMER INFORMATION PROGRAMS INFLUENCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION? :Westskog, Winther and Strumse 2011): ”Addressing fields of rationality: A policy for reducing household energy consumption?” In Markandya, A. et al.: Handbook of Sustainable Use of Energy. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. HEN5972014 70