Hi guys, I apologize if I didn't mention before: Doing an environmentally friendly action, you will send me your "critical commentary" by email. So don't print anything. Thanks. By the way, I have seen some of you have had problems to write a "critical commentary". You could just Google (copy and paste): how to write a critical analysis of a documentary site:.edu But, I recommend you to follow this checklist: http://books.google.com/books?id=XozYluGMB1oC&pg=PA123 Specially, points 3 to 8. By instance: I picked up this argument from a documentary: "unhealthy food in schools' cafeteria promotes obesity". And my critical commentary could be this one: Not all schools have a cafeteria, and not all of them provide unhealthy food (I am here following point 3 in the book: assumption). Then, if schools' cafeterias promote obesity, they will do it sparsely, and indirectly (by creating unhealthy food habits). In addition, they say that there is a profit interest behind, rather than a health interest, in selling this kind of food in schools' cafeteria. Yes, that' an option (point 4: it's a point of view), but they are overlooking the fact (point 5: data, evidence), that many of these schools are public schools located in 'food deserts' (i.e. in places where there are few or any healthy food choices available around) [point 6: 'key concepts': the idea of 'food deserts' is a key concept]. This is just an EXAMPLE, but just try to keep a critical point of view. A critical commentary hasn't need to be negative, it could be positive (constructive), or just a commentary that adds evidence or data 'overlooked', etc. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question. Carlos A. Almenara carlos.almenara@mail.muni.cz PSY221P121 Eating- and weight-related problems - risk factors assessment