COMMON ENERGY MARKET – INTERCONNECTORS 26.03.2014 Filip Černoch FSS MU Drivers of investment  Development of common energy market (+ security reasons)  Development of renewables  Binding targets – 20 % of RES by 2020 2 Common market and energy lines „Despite… Directive 2009/72/EC … and Directive 2009/73/EC …the market remains fragmented due to insufficient interconnections between national energy networks and to the suboptimal utilisation of existing energy infrastructure. However, Union-wide integrated neworks and deployment of smart grids are vital for ensuring a competitive and properly functioning integrated market, optimal utilisation of energy infrastructure, increased energy efficiency …“ Regulation 347/2009  Art. 194 TFEU:  1) Ensuring the function of the energy market  2) Ensurign security of supply in the Union  3) Promoting energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of energy  4) Promoting the interconnection of energy networks 3 Estimated investments (2010 – 2020) 4 1) Electricity sector – TYNDP (2010) stipulates about 70 bn. euro for transmission infrastructure, of which 28 bn. euro to be devoted to cross border interconnections. 2) Gas sector – 28 bn. euro for import pipelines, 21 bn. for intra-EU interconnectors. 3) CO2 pipelines infrastructure – 2,5 bn. Euro. Investments - challenges 5 2 problems: Financing Permition and administration procedures (incl. local opposition) And the rising role of the EU in dealing with them. EU financing 6 Economically viable – economically non-viable interconnectors (esp. cross-border – case of CZ/PL gas pipeline) TSO´s own equity financing complemented by loans from commercial banks and international financial institutions (EIB etc.) Advantage of domestic transmission and distribution over crossborder interconnectors or multiple-country cross-continental pipeline projects. = role of the EU in the economicaly non-viable coross-border interconnectors EU financing  TRANS-EUROPEAN ENERGY NETWORK – TEN-E  Since 90s, enhanced in 2006 by Decision 1364/2006/EC.  Limited budget of about 22 million euro annually, with a total of 155 million euro for the period 2007-2013.  Too many candidates for too small an amount of funding.  Support mainly to feasibility studies and studies related to the project (up to 50 % of costs). The project itself only up to 10 %.  Mainy gas and electricity sector.  Inclusion of a given project in TEN-E means the chance to gain resources from other EU instruments (EIB, structural funds, Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance EIA, European Neighbourhood Policy, RTD Framework programs). 7 . EU Financing -EIB 8 . Major source of EU infrastructure financing Plays an important role in facilitating the implementation of the TEN-E – in 2007-2009 up to 6 bn. euro (3,4 bn. natural gas, 2,6 bn. electricity). In addition to the conventional loan financing also Trans-European Network Investment Facility – for priority TEN projects (0,5 – 1 bn. euro per year for energy) Structured Finance Facility – since 2001, high-risk profile projects. Infrastructure Equity Fund, JESSICA, JASPERS… EU financing  The European Economic Recovery Plan  A special one-time impetus aimed at boosting EU economies (due to the financial crisis 2008) through a combination of short-term measures to stimulate demand and long-term investments in strategic sectors.  Regulation 663/2009, aim was to co-finance projects in energy infrastructure, offshore wind energy and CCS. Rapid allocation,96,3 % (3,8 bn. euro out of 3,9 by the end of 2010 in the form of commitments to 59 projects.  44 gas and electricity projects, 9 offshore wind farms and 6 CCS. 9 18 gas infrastructure projects= 1,440 million Central and South East Europe = 310 million EERP 10 Protracted permit granting procedures  Difficult and time consuming procedures  Public opposition  ENTSO-E = new power generation equivalent to 1/3 of present capacity will be built in the EU (220 out of 250 GW net increase from RES). 100 grid bottlenecks are expected to the end of the decade .  53300km of new and upgraded high-voltage routes (104 bn.euro) needed. 1/3 of those investments are being delayed „…mostly because of social resistance and longer than initially expected permitting procedures…they are lengthy and often cause commmissioning delays…it is of utmost importance to smooth the authorisation processes“.  GB: a 2005 proposal to expand a 200km transmission line carrying wind power across Scottish mountains to south cities attracted 20 244 objections. (approval in 2010). 11 Energy Infrastructure Package  2011, with the aim to speed up and complete EU transmission infrastructure (strategic energy networks and strage facilities) by 2020.  Regulation No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure  12 priority corridors and areas covering electricity, gas, oil and carbon dioide transport networks.  Projects of Common Interests (PCIs) – label for the projects contributing to implementing these priorities. Projects displaying economic, social and environmental viability, with at least 2 MS.  Streamlining of bureaucracy and permitting procedures to reduce their duration for PCI, increase public participation and acceptance of the implemantation of such projects. Facilitating the regulatory treatment of PCI, providing market-based and direct EU financial support. 12 Energy Infrastructure Package  In the field of energy the amount of EU financial support shouldn´t exceed 50 % of the eligible cost of studies and/or works. Co-financin rates may be increased to a maximum of 80 % for actions with a high degree of regional or EU-wide security of supply or strenghten solidarity of the EU or comprise highly innovative solutions.  Co-financing rates may be increased by up to 10 % for actions having cross-sector synergies, reaching climate mitigation objectives, enhancing climate resilience or reducing the greenhouse gas emissions.  Source: CRPM 13 Energy Infrastructure Package  The following financial instruments may be used:  (a) equity instruments, such as investment funds with a focus on providing risk capital for actions contributing to projects of common interest;  (b) loans and/or guarantees facilitated by risk sharing instruments, including sharing enhancement mechanism to project bonds, issued by a financial institution on its own resources with a Union contribution to the provisioning and/or capital allocation;  (c) any other financial instruments.  Source: CRPM 14 Energy Infrastructure Package Connecting Europe Facility  Plan to invest 50 bn. euro (9,12 and then 5,1 bn. euro to energy infrastructure).  Providing the financial resources for the PCI. 15 Energy Corridors  In the electricity sector four EU priority corridors are identified:  An offshore grid in the Northern Seas and connection to Northern and Central Europe to transport power produced by offshore wind parks to consumers in big cities and to store power in the hydro electric power plants in the Alps and the Nordic countries.  Interconnections in South Western Europe to transport power generated from wind, solar, hydro to the rest of the continent.  Connections in Central Eastern und South Eastern Europe, strengthening the regional network.  Integration of the Baltic Energy Market into the European market.  In the gas sector, three EU priority corridors are identified:  Southern Corridor to deliver gas directly from the Caspian sea to Europe to diversify gas sources.  Baltic Energy Market Integration and connection to Central and South East Europe  North-South corridor in Western Europe to remove internal bottlenecks and enable best use of possible external supplies.  16 Energy Corridors  Priority Oil Corridor  Oil supply connections in Central Eastern Europe ("OSC")  3 priority thematic areas  Smart grids deployment: adoption of smart grid technologies across the Union to  efficiently integrate the behaviour and actions of all users connected to the electricity network, in particular the generation of large amounts of electricity from renewable or distributed energy sources and demand response by consumers;  Electricity highways: first electricity highways by 2020, in view of building an electricity highways system across the Union;  Cross-border carbon dioxide network: development of carbon dioxide transport  infrastructure between Member States and with neighbouring third countries in view of the deployment of carbon dioxide capture and storage. 17 PCIs 18 PCIs 19 PCIs 20 PCIs 21 PCIs 22