Block 5: Part 2: Expert lecture/seminar – Dr. Zinaida Shevchuk (Masaryk University) + discussion about PP 2 (March 20)
Topic of the lecture: "South Caucasus and the EU as an actor in solving the frozen conflicts"
Discussion about PP 2: “EU´s Neighbourhood policy and its instruments for solving the frozen conflicts in South Caucasus”
- Fix, L. (2014): Georgia Knocking on Europe´s Door. Russia, Georgia and the EU Assocaition Agreement. DGAP, N. 10., June 2014. (Total 8 pages)
- Kobzova, J.; Alieva, L. (2012): The EU and Azerbaijan: beyond oil. Policy memo, ECFR/57, May 2012. (Total 13 pages)
- Kopeček, V. (2011): European Neighbourhood Policy: Does the tool work? Area study of the South Caucasian countries, Contemporary European Studies 1/2011, pp. 5 – 22. (Total 18 pages)
- Ochoa, E., L. (2014): EU - Armenia Relations. Possible future Developments and Prospects. In: European Union Foreign Affairs Journal. N. 2/2014, pp. 20 – 32. (Total 13 pages)
- Valiyev, A. (2014): Azerbaijan´s Elite between Scylla and Charybdis: EU or Customs Union? In: The Vilnius Moment, PONARS Eurasia Policy Perspectives, March 2014, pp. 49 – 52. (Total 4 pages)
- Nygren, B. (2010): The Rebuilding of Greater Russia. Putin´s foreign policy towards the CIS countries. London: Routledge, pp. 101 - 153
Readings for Position Paper 2:
Popescu, N. (2011): "The EU’s non-involvement in Nagorno-Karabakh," chapter 5 in Popescu, N.: EU Foreign Policy and Post-Soviet Conflicts, Stealth intervention, Routledge: London and New York, pp. 95-115. (Total 20 pages).
Wilson, A., Popescu, N. (2009): “Russian and European neighborhood policies compared,” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 317–331. (Total 14 pages).
- Whitman, R., G.; Wolff, S. (2010): The EU as a conflict manager? The case of Georgia and its implications. International Affairs 86: 1 (2010), pp. 87–107. (Total 21 pages)
Discussion about PP 2: “EU´s Neighbourhood policy and its instruments for solving the frozen conflicts in South Caucasus”
Deadline for uploading of PP 2: “EU´s Neighbourhood policy and its instruments for solving the frozen conflicts in South Caucasus” is March 19, 11 a.m.
Every student must submit individually short position paper, each approx. 5,500 characters long (+/– 10 %). Each position paper should consist of short summary of the assigned texts (max. 20 % of the text) and the main part of the text focuses on your own critique and reflection of the particular topic of the PP. Each PP should also include at least 2 questions for a seminar discussion. You should be ready to discuss the topic and your views in the seminars.
Students should upload all position papers to the Information System – folder “Submitted student work (Odevzdávárny)”