EU Foreign Policy: Eastern Dimension
Block 1: Part 2: EU and Russia (Introduction) (February 20)
Russia and Europe: historical perspective. Development and the key problems of the EU-Russia relations: Political, economic and energy security dimension. Russia and the EU member states: Western Europe and East-Central Europe.
- Bova, R. (2010): Russia and Europe after the Cold War. Cultural convergence or civilizational clash? In: Engelbrekt, Kjell; Nygren, Bertil: Russia and Europe: building bridges, digging trenches. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 19 - 38. (Total 20 pages)
- Tumanov, S., Gasparishvili, A., Romanova, E. (2012): Russia – EU Relations, or How the Russians Really View the EU. In Korosteleva (ed.; 2012): Eastern Partnership: A New Opportunity for the Neighbours, London: Routledge, pp. 122 – 143. (Total 22 pages)
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Deadline for uploading of PP 1: “EU and Russia: Clash of perspectives, clash of interests in the EU Eastern Neighbourhood?” is February 26, 11 a.m.
Materials for the PP1: See the file "Articles for PP 1" in Study materials (Assigned Reading).