Block 3: Part 1: EU and Ukraine (cont.) + Group debate 1 (Ukraine) (March 6)
Events following the summit in Vilnius (November 2013) in the context of EU – Ukraine relations. Ukrainian situation as a challenge for the future of the EaP?
Oxford debate: “EU policy towards Ukraine – present and future”. Group 1 prepares, develops and explains at least 5 arguments why the EU policy towards Ukraine (concerning the tightening of relations between the EU and Ukraine, the instruments of the EaP, which were used for strengthening mutual relations, the association agenda etc.) is proper and good and why the EaP is successful there. Group 1 shall also present particular elements of the EU policy towards Ukraine, which should be definitely preserved. Group 2 prepares and develops a counter-thesis containing at least 5 arguments why the EU policy towards Ukraine is wrong in a long-term perspective. Group 2 shall also present recommendations of particular changes of the EU and EaP policy in the case of Ukraine. Group 3 serves as jury – summarizes both positions and decides whose arguments were better.
Groups may also use PPT presentation for presenting their arguments.
Written version of the group positions (in doc. format, min. 5000 characters long) should be submitted to the Information system (Submitted student work).
Deadline: March 5 (written positions of the opposing groups) and March 8 (written position of the jury)
For other details concerning the group debates, please, see the Syllabus of the course. For materials see the folder "Materials - Group debate 1" in Study materials (Assigned Reading) and also the file "Block 2 Part 2" in Study materials (Assigned Reading).
Readings (Materials for Group debate 1):
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2015): Ukraine. On-line: (
- Casier, T. (2013): The EU´s two-track approach to democracy promotion: the case of Ukraine. In: Lavenex, S., Schimmelfenning, F. (eds.; 2013): Democracy Promotion in the EU´s Neighbourhood. From Leverage to Governance? London: Routledge, pp. 72 – 93. (Total 22 pages)
- European Union. External Action (2015): The EU´s relations with Ukraine. On-line: (
- Tyshchenko, Y. (2011): Ukraine. In: Duleba, A., Bilčík, V. (eds.): Taking Stock of the Eastern Partnership. Bratislava: SFPA, pp. 10 - 58.