GUIDE TO THE READING FOR LECTURE 5 Those highlighted yellow are uploaded to your student material site. Those highlighted green are available online. These are the main texts I referenced in the lecture. Smith, R. (2010). Beyond growth or beyond capitalism? real-world economics review, issue no. 53 (NB you can find a blog from Daly in response here: Lawn, P., 2011. Is steady-state capitalism viable? A review of the issues and an answer in the affirmative. In: Costanza, R., et al. (Ed.), Ecological Economics Reviews, 1219. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, pp. 1–25. Blauwhof, F. (2012), Overcoming accumulation: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible? Ecological Economics, Volume 84, December 2012, Pages 254–261 Gordon, M., and Rosenthal, J. (2003). Capitalism’s Growth Imperative. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 27: 25-48 For a detailed comparison of Participatory Economics and Market Socialism see Hahnel, R, and Wright, E. (2014). Alternatives to Capitalism: Proposals for a Democratic Economy. New Left Project. E-book. for_a_democratic_economy This book is free to download for kindles but I’ve uploaded a PDF draft of this book to the website in case you don’t have a kindle!) (NB On pp 64-65 Erik Olin Wright offers one possible way of distinguishing a ‘capitalist’ system from a ‘socialist’ or ‘statist.) Other texts that may be useful: Foster, JB. (2011). Capitalism and degrowth: An impossibility theorem. Monthly Review, January 2011, Volume 62, Number 8. Available here: Boillat, S., Gerber, J-F., Funes-Monzote, F. R. (2012). What economic democracy for degrowth? Some comments on the contribution of socialist models and Cuban agroecology. Futures. Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 600–607. NB pp601-2 of this article very briefly introduces a few different‘socialist’ models that might be more compatible with degrowth than capitalism. You can follow the references for more details. Johanisova, N. and Wolf, S. (2012). Economic democracy: A path for the future? Futures 44 (2012) 562–570 Some high profile books which explicitly or implicitly make a judgment about the compatability of sustainability and capitalism. You may not have time to read the whole books, so I’ve provided some links to summaries/extracts below: Naomi Klein (2014). This Changes Everything. See extract in The Guardian: Jonathan Porritt (2005). Capitalism as if the world matters And here is an article where he summarises his position: Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins (1999). Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution "A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism" (Downloadable PDF-745k) readable summary of the book's basic business case: