NEOCLASSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS 27.3.2015 Filip Černoch Environmental aspects of energy Energy in modern societies Households energy costs (electricity): UK 5 %, Germany 2,5 %. 2 Economic policy  = refers to the actions that govt takes in the economic field. It covers taxation, budget, the money supply, interest rates, labor market, national ownership…  Macroeconomic stabilisation policy  Trade policy  Support of growth and development  Redistribution of income, property (wealth)  Regulatory, anti-trust, industrial…policy 3 Neoclasical economics (NE)  Sources distributed in markets through supply and demand (rational choice theory).  Emphasis on economic growth = labor + capital (+ natural resources, mainly land)  Energy as an input is marginalised = market forces arrange sufficient supply through substitution or other measures. 4 Neoclassical economics – cyclical model 5 Neoclassical economics - extended c. model 6 Neoclassical economics  Infinite economic growth possible  Individuals act rationally  Primarily concerned with efficient allocation of resources  Economy is the whole, ecosystem a part  Natural capital can be replaced with technology or human capital 7 Neoclassical economics 8 Zdroj: Eos- intelligence Environmental economics critique 9 Classical econmists assume that the economy exists in a vacuum, a complete little private universe that can be understood on its owh, without considering externalities in the form of the resources that cycle in and the waste that cycle out… They assume that needed resources will magically arise because the market place demands them… The only world in which conventional economics make sense is in a world without limites, where no resource constraints exist… Order and complexity arise in any open system if and only if energy is consumed… Once fossil fuels are consumed our economy´s growth in complexity will also stall at first and then go into reverse… Environmental economics (EE) 10 Environmental economics (EE) 11 Energetika v ekonomice 12 13 NE EE Infinite economic growth possible and desirable Growth constrained by material and energy stocks and flows, and waste accumulation. Market growth may be undesirable due to encroachment on non-market benefits Individuals act rationally Individuals sometimes act for other than rational motives Primarily concerned with efficient allocation of resourses Primarily concerned with scale of economy and justice of distribution; secondarily concerned with efficient allocation of resources Economy is the whole, ecosystem a part Economy exists within global ekosystem and is subject to ecological constraints Natural capital can be replaced with technology or human capital Thermodynamics rules about matter and energy Approaches to energy  NE: Technology-based substitution 14 Approaches to energy EE: Thermodynamics argumentation: 1) energy can neither be created nor destroyed 2) Evergy transformation always losses at least a little energy in the form of diffuse heat (entropy) 3) In any process some energy is always needed – full suplementation of energy with technology is not possible (Steam engine – from 0,5% efficiency to 60 % efficiency at best). 15 Approaches to energy  NE: New sources of known energy  EE: EROEI = usable energy output/energy consumed  Net energy = energy output – energy consumed  Global EROEI is declining (= you need to produce more gross energy to satisfy the same consumption) 16 17 Approaches to energy  NE: New source of energy  EE: Is „somewhere out there“ the new source?  EE: Path dependence 18