Sociologie bydlení v mikroperspektivě

Týden 13: What makes a house a home? Materiality, practices, relationships and identity

Externí vyučující: Dr. Vanessa May, School of Social Sciences, The University of Manchester

"This lecture considers the notion of home from the perspective of people’s sense of belonging, that is, people’s sense of connectedness with their social, cultural and material environments. This sense of belonging tends to be associated with notions of 'being at home’, which is taken to mean a sense of familiarity and comfort with one’s surroundings. The lecture will explore what this sense of being at home consists of and how people achieve it within their forms of dwelling. In other words, we consider how a house is made into a home with a particular focus on a range of aspects including materiality, domestic practices, and intimate relationships. We also discuss the significance that such a feeling of ‘being at home’ has for people’s sense of self or identity, using gender and social class as empirical examples."


Přednáška se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 14. 5. 2015, v 11:30 v učebně U34.

Prezentace Vanessy May pro přednášku

Povinná literatura:

Wilson, Sarah, Houmøller, Kathrin & Bernays, Sarah (2012) ‘“Home, and not some house”: Young people’s sensory construction of family relationships in domestic spaces’, Children’s Geographies, 10(1): 95-107.

Pink, Sarah (2012) Situating Everyday Life, London: Sage. Chapter 4 ‘Beyond doing the dishes: Putting kitchen practices in place’ (pp. 48-65).

Doporučená literatura:

Wise, J. Macgregor (2000) ‘Home: Territory and identity’, Cultural Studies, 14(2): 295-310.


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