Economics of energy corporations Depletable resources V. Hajko 2015 V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 1 / 33 1 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use 2 Peak oil debate Definitions Production limitations V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 2 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Outline 1 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use 2 Peak oil debate Definitions Production limitations V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 3 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Depletable resources and scarcity A term in Environmental economics / Natural resources economics in general applicable to anything valuable (anything with a price recall the basic terms) Scarcity of resources vs. unlimited human needs (recall the non-decreasing property of utility functions) Strictly speaking, every resource is somehow limited (e.g. consider "renewability" of sun?) E.g. Dyson sphere: hypothetical megastructure encompassing a star and capturing most or all of its power output Often confused with conventional and unconventional energy sources (though conventional energy sources are often non-renewable) Conventional sources: typically being used since a long time, used frequently Non-conventional sources: not really widespread V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 4 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Non-renewable and renewable resources, definitions (Non-)Renewable resources: most often discussed in relation with energy resources Resources classified as “Depletable” (or Non-Renewable): the sum over time of all possible production is finite, or the stock of the resources is not replaceable in a reasonable timeframe Fossil fuels (Crude oil, natural gas, coal) are typical examples (optional classification: Recyclable non-renewable resources: can be partially recovered from their prior use) Non-depletable resources: their stock can replenish in time Geothermal, water, wind, solar, biomass(?) V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 5 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Energy vs. exergy The First Law of Thermodynamics: energy can be neither created nor destroyed; but energy can be converted between various forms (energy is not scarce!) The Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is impossible to extract all heat from a hot reservoir and use it all to do work (a change of state is associated with an increase in entropy - i.e. exergy is ‘consumed’ in conversion processes, it is mostly lost in the form of low temperature heat) no perpetuum mobile is possible. There is a limit on the maximum efficiency of heat engines: η = useful energy output energy input or Carnot’s efficiency: ε = TS −T0 TS , where the TS is the temperature of energy source and T0 is the temperature of the sink (the ambient temperature of the heat system). Why do people care? Using energy for (thermodynamic) work Work performed by a system is the energy transferred by the system to another system → a generalization of the concept of mechanical work in physics In summary: people do not care about the energy, but about exergy (energy that is available to be used) V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 6 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Exergy relation to fuels The quality of energy type: how easily can it be converted to another type (e.g. electricity: easily converted to mechanical work, heat etc.; vs. heat: difficult to convert to electricity) Higher quality is associated with more exergy Energy ladder: Typical progression to increased use of higher quality energy (often associated with higher costs and lower (or internalized) externalities) V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 7 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Table : Exergy quality indexes of different forms of energy Form of energy Quality index (Percentage of exergy) Potential energy 100 Kinetic e. 100 Electrical e. 100 Chemical e. about 100 Nuclear e. 95 Sunlight 93 Hot steam 60 District heating 30 Waste heat 5 Heat radiation from Earth 0 Source: Wall (1977), adapted from Davidsson (2011) V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 7 / 33 Figure : Energy ladder: End uses and fuels used by households at different income levels Source: World Energy Outlook (2002) Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Sustainability World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) states: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Life Cycle Exergy Analysis can be used to describe direct and indirect exergy use and generation during the source life cycle Sustainability: matching exergy inputs and exergy outputs in the long-run a persistent supply of exergy (e.g. energy from the sun) offsets or compensates for the “exergy” drawn from the finite pool of fuels If exergy resources are consumed faster than they are renewed: not sustainable "depletion of resources" The use of fossil fuels is often considered not sustainable Because the direct exergy input (e.g. wind) of renewable sources is disregarded - if not used, natural exergy flows will be wasted and lost On the other hand, the direct exergy input of fossil fuels is calculated (because it is decreasing the fossil fuel stocks) V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 9 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use Outline 1 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use 2 Peak oil debate Definitions Production limitations V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 10 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use Optimal allocation In analogy with consumer’s optimization problem, the basic question is: what is the optimal allocation of quantity for consumption, if we gain utility from the consumption and we consume in more than one time period? "How much of the asset should we consume now and how much should we store for the future?" Hotelling (1931): one of the most influential theoretical studies of optimal depletion rates and associated pricing rules V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 11 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use Hotelling’s pricing rule Formally: max ∑T t=0 βt (ptqt − c (qt )), subject to: Rt+1 − Rt = −qt, c, q, R ≥ 0, ∀t βt = 1 1+r is the discount factor (with r being risk-adjusted interest rate), p is price, q is production, c (q) are extraction costs, R is the remaining supply of a resource Non-renewable, exhaustible resource with completely known stock, no discoveries possible, no alternatives, no recycling, private ownership and constant costs of extraction: the price of the resource will increase at the interest rate over time (Hotelling’s ‘r-percent’ rule: pt+1 = pt (1 + r)) it can be shown the price at any given point in time, price must equal total marginal cost of extraction (the opportunity cost plus the cost of incremental production) V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 12 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use Hotelling’s pricing rule Application of Hotelling’s rule in the late 1970s and early 1980s contributed to (incorrect) predictions of increasing fuel (and non-fuel) commodity prices Side result of Hotelling’s pricing: the sustainability (welfare levels non-decreasing over time) is only possible for one growth path: zero consumption forever (for any other feasible path consumption and therefore also utility must fall) If extraction costs are increasing with time, the opportunity cost of extraction is diminishing. Then the transition to a new source of energy arises due to prohibitive costs rather than physically running out. V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 13 / 33 Figure : Optimal price path of a depletable resource with constant extraction costs Figure : Oil price development 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 70 80 90 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 r=3% r=4% r=2% OIL_N OIL_R Depletable/Non-renewable resources Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use Historical links, "The dismal science of economics" Thomas Malthus and the "Iron Law of Population" (An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1796): continued population growth would lead to poverty: Conclusion: the population should be held within resource limits: by positive checks (raising the death rate) and preventive checks (lowering the birth rate) William S. Jevons: The Coal Question (1865): coal essential to production, supply limited: "rate of growth will before long render our consumption of coal comparable with the total supply. In the increasing depth and difficulty of coal mining we shall meet that vague, but inevitable boundary that will stop our progress." Coal mined in other areas + partial coal phase-out (by oil and gas) The Club of Rome and The Limits to Growth (1972): simulation of exponential economic and population growth with finite resource supplies "Exponential index" of consumption: leading to a prediction of the number of years until the world would "run out" of various resources V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 16 / 33 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use Historical links Environmentalist Paul R. Ehrlich: The Population Bomb (1968): inevitable ecological collapse due to overpopulation "In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now" Governments must curb population growth to mitigate (otherwise inevitable) ecological and social disasters. Simon–Ehrlich wager: 1980, betting on a mutually agreed-upon price measure of 5 commodities: Simon: prices would decrease, Ehrlich: prices would increase (depletion + scarcity would lead to higher price (shift of market supply to the left and demand to the right) V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 17 / 33 Figure : Exergy allocation in the past century Source: Ayres et al. (2003) Figure : Energy consumption by types, MTOE 0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Total World 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 OECD 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 NON-OECD 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 EU 0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 RES_TOTAL NUCLEAR COAL GAS OIL Former Soviet Union Peak oil debate Definitions Outline 1 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use 2 Peak oil debate Definitions Production limitations V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 20 / 33 Peak oil debate Definitions Reserves vs. resources Oil resources: Contingent resources: quantity of petroleum to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations (but not interesting enough for commercial development - e.g. technical, economical, political or social events Prospective resources: quantity estimated to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations in future development Oil reserves: quantity of technically and economically recoverable petroleum Proven reserves (P90): recoverable under existing technology and economic and political conditions; recovarable with at least 90% confidence Unproven reserves: estimates (typically) based on geological data Probable reserves (P50): usually in known accumulations 50% probability of recovery Possible reserves (P10): at least a 10% probability of recovery V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 21 / 33 Figure : Reserves vs. resources Source: EIA Figure : OPEC proven (?) reserves, 1986 jump (after introducin quota system allocation) Peak oil debate Definitions What is Peak oil? Describes a point in time when the rate of crude oil extraction is at its maximum (following the peak oil is a continuous decline in the extraction rates) Not the same as oil depletion (decreasing reserves, as in Hotelling’s rule) Rising prices = running out of crude oil Rising prices if demand is increasing faster than supply It is difficult to assess the rates of both future demand and even more difficult to assess future extraction Note that in reality, Reserves-to-production ratio (R/P ratio, or inverse of depletion rate, in other words years the reserves will last at given rate of extraction) is changing in time as the production continues (for individual wells) - the reserves are always estimated (not known with certainity) Nevertheless, given the estimation technique, the timing of Peak Oil does not change radically (within span of decades) with different V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 24 / 33 Peak oil debate Production limitations Outline 1 Depletable/Non-renewable resources Definitions Basic concepts associated with non-renewable fuel use 2 Peak oil debate Definitions Production limitations V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 25 / 33 Peak oil debate Production limitations Hubbert peak theory In 1956 M. King Hubbert (geologist at Shell Oil Company) formulated a prediction: US oil peak production will peak roughly around 1970. The world’s oil peak expected to happen in 1995 Qt = ¯Q 1 + aebt NOT an economic theory, but physical description of the production life (note what variables are entering the calculations) To calculate the peak, collect annual production (P) and cumulative production (Q) Fit linear regression (i.e. P Q = a + b.Q), and compute Q∗, such that P Q = 0), Q∗ thus indicates maximum cumulative production that will ever be achieved Essentially Hubbert curve (showing P over time) is a derivative of logistic oil accumulation function Assumes the rate of change of annual oil production is known,the equation of the oil production curve is the derivative of the logistic equationV. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 26 / 33 Peak oil debate Production limitations Hubbert peak theory - calculation To determine the curve, collect annual production (P) and cumulative production (Q) and fit linear regression (i.e. P Q = a + b.Q), then compute Q∗, such that P Q = 0) Q∗ thus indicates maximum cumulative production that will ever be achieved If we rewrite the linear relationship asP = a.Q + b.Q2, and if P = 0→Q = QT , then b.Q2 T = −aQT or b.QT = −a, thus QT = −a b or b = − a QT we can substitute to original equation: P = a.Q − a QT .Q2 → P = aQ 1 − Q QT term 1 − Q QT represents the fraction of oil that is remaining to be produced V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 27 / 33 Peak oil debate Production limitations Hubbert peak theory, empirical evidence The empirical results are controversial historically, the oil was supposed to already reach the peak several times not all peak theory studies follow the simple curve fitting method originally suggested by Hubbert Estimates of depletion (point of falling reserves): even more difficult there is no way for precise measurement (especially for unconventional oil reserves) In 2004, Shell had to adjust its balance sheet by 20% (which could not be classified as proven reserves at the time) In 2012, SandRidge Energy Inc. adjusted reserve forecasts from from 456 000 barrels per well to 422 000 barrels per well; In 5 months, it readjusted to 369 000 barrels volumes typically announced by producer / owner of the oil field - an incentive to overestimate (e.g. to draw additional investors and/or "satisfy" the stakeholders) - see the OPEC reserves jump V. Hajko (FSS MU) Introduction to Economics 28 / 33 Figure : Oil peak estimates Source: Caruso (2005) Figure : World ultimate recovery estimates Published Estimates of World Ultimate Recovery 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Trillions of Barrels USGS 5% 2000 USGS Mean 2000 USGS 95% 2000 Campbell 1995 Masters 1994 Campbell 1992 Bookout 1989 Masters 1987 Martin 1984 Nehring 1982 Halbouty 1981 Meyerhoff 1979 Nehring 1978 Nelson 1977 Folinsbee 1976 Adams & Kirby 1975 Linden 1973 Moody 1972 Moody 1970 Shell 1968 Weeks 1959 MacNaughton 1953 Weeks 1948 Pratt 1942 Source: Caruso (2005) Figure : Peak estimate, EIA, source: Caruso (2005) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 2075 2100 2125 BillionBarrelsperYear History Mean Low (95 %) High (5 %) Peak Range 37 yrs 2031 2068 USGS Based Estimates of Ultimate Recovery Ultimate Recovery Probability BBls -------------------- --------- Low (95 %) 2,793 Mean (expected value) 3,338 High (5 %) 3,947 Conventional Oil Resources, All Nine Scenarios (>10o API and <10000 cP Viscosity) Peak Year of Mean Estimate 2044 1 Percent Growth per Year 2 Percent Growth per Year 3 Percent Growth per Year Source: Caruso (2005) Figure : Oil production 0 40,000 80,000 120,000 160,000 200,000 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 PRODUCTION_EU production_Former Soviet Union production_NON-OECD production_NON-OPEC PRODUCTION_OECD PRODUCTION_OPEC Thousand barrels daily Figure : Oil proved reserves 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 RESERVES_EU reserves_Former Soviet Union reserves_NON-OECD reserves_NON-OPEC RESERVES_OECD Billion barrels