Proliferace jaderných zbraní: technologie, teorie, kontrola

Francie, Izrael, ČLR 12. 4. 2016

Klíčová témata:

  • Případy proliferace Francie, Izraele a ČLR

Povinná literatura:

Hymans, Jacques C. (2006): The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation, Cambridge University Press, pp. 85-113

Gordon, Philip H. (1999): Charles De Gaulle and the Nuclear Revolution, in: John Gaddis et al. (eds.), Cold War Statesmen Confront the Bomb: Nuclear Diplomacy Since 1945, Oxford University Press, pp. 216-235.

Chansoria, Monika (2013): The Political History of China’s Nuclear Bomb, in: CLAWS Journal, vol. 2013, no. 1, pp. 79-96