2. March 14 lWarming up: current news discussing (20 min). lDiscussion: threats and challenges (20 min) lReports on reading (20 min) lLecture: lSecurity structure, institutes lfaces in contemporary Russia (80 min). lAlgorithm of official security documents analyzing (40 min). l lAssessment: 1.Currents news. 2.Reading. 3.Work on paper comparative analyze of (by choice) lA) Russia’s NS Strategy to 2020 and Russia’s NS Strategy 2015 lB) Russia’s NS Strategy 2015 and Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2015 (or national state of your’s citizenship) lC) Russia’s NS Strategy 2015 and US National Security Strategy 2015 lUse a scheme!!! l4. Choose a personality! l Assessment: 1. Currents news. 2. Reading. 3. Work on paper Russia’s Security Strategies Comparative Analyze. > 3. April 4 lWarming up: current news discussing (20 min) lReports on reading (20 min) lLecture: Regional and global agenda for Russia’s NS. Main streams (Ukraine, ISIS, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan etc.), membership in regional organizations(G8, G20, Russia-NATO Council). Russia and EU in security context. Russia and former soviet members (CIS, CSTO, Customs Union). Internal security agenda for Russia. Economic development (natural resources/high technologies), political “stabilization” (United Russia party, Putin’s personality, opposition), human dimension (migration, brain drain, ethnic confrontations), etc. (120 min) lExplanations on Simulation process (20 min) l lAssessment: 1.Currents news. 2.Reading for cyberday. 3.Simulation preparations l > NEWS lwhen happened? lwhere? lwhat happened? l lWho tells? lWhom tells? lWhat about? lWhat channel is used? lWith what effects? l+ pre-story ldetails levidences lexpert’s comments lPrognoses l lcompare the sources ltry to weed out the propaganda lformulate ??? for the shortfall of information l > Theory. Definitions. lS ¨Person ¨Nature ¨Technogenic ¨Social group ¨Society ¨State ¨Group of states ¨ ¨ lO ¨Person ¨Nature ¨Technogenic ¨Social group ¨Society ¨State ¨Group of states ¨ National security: case of Russia ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ______________ __________________ > Theory. Definitions lNational Security lThe indicator of the state of the nation, lmeaning that lthe cumulative impact of internal and external factors üDoes not create threats to its existence ümay not significantly reduce the quality of the life l lState Security lThe indicator of the situation with state and its institutions, lmeaning that lthey are able to perform its functions in relation to society. lThe state needs: ØProtection from other States ØFrom civil society ØFrom the destructive activities of officials National security: case of Russia Theory. Definitions labilities lTo anticipate lTo prevent lTransfer lTo recover from lADVERSE EFFECTS limplementation lThe national strategy l programs that are not associated explicitly with a total document National security: case of Russia PRINCIPLES OF NS ENSURING lThe preservation of diversity (the adaptation factor) lThe accumulation of reserves, creation of reserve capacity, industrial capacity lThe growth of the potential manageability lThe growth of intelligence of society lMaintaining optimum level of consumption lTo teach the society to fight with difficulties lProviding attractive prospects, the General "bright future" National security: case of Russia > Criteria of NS providing the dominance of common interests even if there are internal conflicts National security: case of Russia National interests Arena of providing NI ¨External ¨Internal ¨Borders National security: case of Russia goals and values conscious Functioning regimes l O - ordinary M - military C- catastrophe National security: case of Russia Zones of S providing l The impact zone is the area within which the security system can greatly affect the circumstances. The impact zone is wider then responsibility zone and may be wider than the monitoring zone. National security: case of Russia > WMD l l National security: case of Russia http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Uploads/Graphics/000/05/000-0506164300-womd2.gif > Biological Weapon Convention (BWC, 1975) l l {{{image_alt}}} > Chemical Weapon Convention (CWC, 1997) l l {{{image_alt}}} > l l https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/CW_stored_in_Russia.png https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Russian_CW_stockpiles.gif > l l http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/The_Spread_of_Weapons_of_Mass_Destruction_(1998) .GIF > Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT, 1968) l l {{{image_alt}}} > NPT “PILLARS” > l http://ww1.hdnux.com/photos/31/43/20/6698020/3/rawImage.jpg > l Global zero (black background).png >