Political Campaigns Around the Globe: Selected Case Studies France Michal Pink 12. 4. 2016 Presidential election •1962 – referendum, direct vote •1965 – first election, seven years •TV become the „member of home“ •Development of quantitative research, survey •Journal L´Express introduce first reports of preference every month before 1958 •Philippe Jean Maarek identify year „0“ in to the presidential election 1965 •Not very famous candidate hired own adviser for campaign: Jean Lecanuet and Michel Bongrand Campaign in France •14 days before the first round of election •Long time without any regulation and law restiction •UK, Germany, Italy earlier, first regulation in France 1988 •In 1990. 1993, 1995 and 1996 laws regulating presidential, national, regional, EP, local elections • Regulation of electoral campaign •Restriction of of all private TV media source during the three months before elections •During 90 days before election it is strictly forbidden any presentation in private media include phone marketing •Restriction of large bilboards (reality?) •The rule of three third (president/government/ oposition) •Since 2000 two half government/opossition •But since 1881 written newspapers with „open political opinion are out of this regulation and can inform all the time until the end of campaign French newspapers Newspaper Frequency Political alignment Circulation Website L'Express weekly centre-right to right-wing 437,800 http://www.lexpress.fr L'Humanité daily communist/far-left 52,800 http://www.humanite.presse.fr/ La Croix daily centre/Catholic 104,901 http://www.la-croix.com/ La Tribune Internationale daily Centrist 87,800 http://www.inttribune.com/fr Le Figaro daily right-wing 321,500 http://www.lefigaro.fr/ Le Monde daily centre-left to left-wing 314,000 http://www.lemonde.fr Libération daily center-left 134,800 http://www.liberation.fr/ 1965 Candidate I. Round II. Round Ch. De Gaulle 44,65% 55,20% F. Mitterrand 31,72% 44,80% Jean Lecanuet 15,57% J.L. Tixier Vignancourt 5,20% P. Marcilhacy 1,71% Marcel Barbu 1,15% De Gaulle 1965 De Gaulle and media 1965 Francois Mitterand 1965 Jean Lecanuet 1965 Jean Lecanuet •Candidate – no name •Agency „Service et Méthodes24“ Michel Bongrand •During the campaign increase the popularity •First large introduction of bilboards •General campaign was for the first time base on image and not at the program •83 % voters knows him in the day of elections 1969 Candidate I. Round II. Round G. Pompidou 44,47 % 58,21 % Alain Poher 23,31 % 41,79 % Jacques Duclos 21,27 % Gaston Deffere 5,01 % Michel Rocard 3,61 % Louis Ducatel 1,27 % Alain Krivine 1,06 % 1969 – Pompidou 1969 – Poher 1974 Candidate I. Round II. Round François Mitterrand 43,25 % 49,19 % Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 32,60 % 50,81 % Jacques Chaban-Delmas 15,11 % Jean Royer 3,17 % Arlette Laguiller 2,33 % René Dumont 1,32 % Jean Maria Le Pen 0,75 % 1974 •Short time for campaign, same 1969 •Announce of candidat in the time of „state sadnes“ •First was FM, folowed by JCHD and VGD •New TV programs and colour TV at the home! •„Face à face“, first TV program about politics • February 1970 „À armes égales“ (At the same swords) •Two politician with different opinions •„La voix de la France“ (Voice of France) •„Cartes sur table“ (Cards on the table) •VGD – ministr of finance from last decade, married, four childrens •VGD won the elections - 420 000 votes (1,82%) 1974 VGD •Michel Poniatowsky „special personal assistant“ •Activ participation of whole family •National committee of young generation, actvities (Sunday afternnon run, bicycle race, etc.) •Valérie-Anne Giscard d´Estaing daughter of VGD •„Conduisez votre avenir – Votez Giscard“ • • V. G. D´Estaign 1974 VGD 1974 1974 newspapers •Each newspaper has own „candidate“ •Journal L´Aurore - Valéry Giscard d´Estainga •Le Figaro a Les Echos, - J. Chabana-Delmas, • second round Valéry Giscard d´Estainga •Valéry Giscard d´Estainga – TV and first „image of candidate“ •Journal L´Unité (PS) and Le Mond - FM •Vous n'avez pas le monopole du cœur •„(You have not the monopol for heart)“ •10.5. 1974 TV http://www.ina.fr/video/I00017840 1974 FM 1974 François Mitterrand •Mitterand: less cultivated, less dynamic, less honest •His week competencies: foreign affaires, internatinal politics, economy, limit in solving the problems of the country •Best assesment – get on well with people •Candidate with best ability of understanding of every day problems •Social and family politics •Ex- minister before 1958, but without any personal experience with TV and modern media •VGD: more comunication skills for TV 1981 Candidate I. Round II. Round Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 28,32 % 48,24 % François Mitterrand 25,85 % 51,76 % Jacques Chirac 18,00 % Georges Marchais 15,35 % Brice Lalonde 3,88 % Arlette Laguiller 2,30 % Michel Crépeau 2,21 % 1981 •Increasing number of research •Who is better neighbour ?“ VGD or FM? Etc. •First round – VGD winner •One of the explication: VGD obtain good results in first round but… •FM: candidate without PCF support before first round of the election and long time before elections was very often in TV 1981 VGD •President since 1974 •TV show: „Les voeux présidentiels“„Elysée Portes Ouvertes: Visages d´un Président •„La France a l´Elysée“ 1977, group of 60 people, asking direct to president and he is ready to explain and describe it •In to the campaign was introduce much more wife of VGD Anne Aymone, born in to the aristocratic family, since 1974 togehter with VGD represent country VGD Incumbent president 1981 •Economic „crise“ and inflation •Unification of Europe and cooperation with Germany (EP elections) •Liberalisation (abortion) •Decease of activ voting age 18 - 21 •1977, first steps in campaign regulation •FM: problematic partnership with PCF, election 1978 and bipolar quadrille •VGD: candidat Jacques Chirac (RPR) •Elections in real time and date 1981 VGD •„candidate of hope“ and “ citizen candidate“ •VGD during the offical campaign use in formal speach „YOU“ •FM use in formal speach „we“ •Key point was II. round and overtaking of voters of J. Ch. and G.M. 1981 VGD • Negativ campaign 1981 VGD II. Kolo J. Chirac - RPR 1981 G. Marchaise – PCF 1981 1981 FM •Strategy of „ordinary citizen“ •In the TV discusion FM cooperate with „ordinary people“ together with academics (ecolo, enemployment, housing etc). •Between first and second round of presidential elections movie about the campaign – describtion of „Tour de France of FM“ •Role of Danielle Mitterrand, oposition of „madame VGD“ •10.5. 1981 pilgrimage around small village together with journalist 1981 •Bernard Cathelet, sociologist with own concept of „sociostyle“ – lifestyle in french society •Comunication strategy - „cultural change“ •La force tranquille – change but not modern •„L´Autre chemin. Une autre politice, un autre president“ •„Other way, other politics other president“ 1981 „La force tranquille“ 1981 - 1995 •New TV program „Ca nous interesse monsieur le Président“ - „It is of interest to us, Mister President“ •Bilateral talk show for „people“ •1995 J. Pilhan long time FM adviser and later join J. Chirac team 1988 – Géneration Mitterrand Election campaign - 2012 2007 Nicolas Sarkozy 2012 2012 NPA – Far left PS – Jospin, Royal, Hollande •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgLCqFmzzpQ •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVtpufFN95E&nohtml5=False •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy5yc6-E6gM&nohtml5=False • • UMP – Chirac, Sarkozy •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xsLo9zWJh4&nohtml5=False •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpttGntCPZM&nohtml5=False •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkuPdIK_6IE&nohtml5=False • Jean M. Le Pen •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP6Fr5GRmjg •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFRlkxwnHdg •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwnXx5Jv2c0 •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94GBLvwLWY4 •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loatjnSZtCk • Source •Institut national audivisuel, INA •La Politique.net •La Documentation Francaise •Christian Delport •Philippa Jeana Maarek •R. - G. Schwartzenberg •Jeana Stoetzel