National Guard functions: · Participation jointly with the bodies of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the protection of public order, ensuring public safety and state of emergency · Participation in the fight against terrorism and in ensuring the legal regime of counter-terrorist operations · Participation in the fight against extremism · Participation in the territorial defense of the Russian Federation · Participation in the protection of important state objects and special cargoes · Assisting border control authorities of the Federal security service in guarding the state border of the Russian Federation · The implementation of Federal state control (supervision) over observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of trafficking in weapons and in the field of private security activities, as well as the implementation of private security National Guard rights · to check the documents of citizens and detain them · to cordon off areas of land, including the suppression of the riots · during the state of emergency to prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, to use the cars of citizens to travel to the emergency or chasing criminals The order of use of weapons · It is prohibited to use firearms against women with visible signs of pregnancy, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors, except cases of rendering by the specified persons of armed resistance, commit a group or another assault threatening the life and health of citizens or the serviceman of national guard troops · It is prohibited to use firearms, a large gathering of citizens if as a result of its application can suffer a random person · Allowed to use firearms for self-defense when someone try detainees closer "naked with cold or firearms or objects with which the soldier of the National Guard troops can be inflicted bodily injury while reducing the distance specified military personnel, as well as when someone try to touch his firearms" · Soldier of the national guard to use physical force, special means and firearms shall be obliged to inform the persons in respect of which it is supposed (their) application, ... that he is part of the military troops of the National Guard, to warn them of your intention and give them the opportunity and time to meet the legal requirements of the soldier troops of the National Guard · The exception would be a situation when delay in using physical force or special means "poses a direct threat to the life and health of a citizen or soldier of the troops of the national guard or may entail other grave consequences" · Soldier should act "taking into account the existing situation, nature and severity" of the actions of persons subjected to physical force, weapons or restraints, but "shall strive to minimize any damage" and affected citizen - first aid Who will be part of the new unit Units of OMON, SOBR Divisions of private security FSUE "Protection" The center for special purpose rapid reaction force and aviation Ministry of internal Affairs The national guard will consist not only of contractors but also from recruits Subordination New Federal authority is the Executive authority, therefore, the National Guard should be an independent body, which, like all security departments, subordinate to the President The head of the national guard will report directly to the President of Russia