GOOD LUCK for SPRING 2016! lINTRODUCTION lYou self lYour motives lYour expectations l lWHY ARE YOU HERE??? > Masaryk University Brno Spring 2016 NATIONAL SECURITY in regional perspective Prof. Lidiia Kuliabina Department of Political Science and Political Governance UDMURT STATE UNIVERSITY Case study of RUSSIA Theory. Definitions National S Civil S State S National security: case of Russia Population: 144 millions people Languages: Russian is official throughout the country; 27 other languages - co-official in various regions, 100 nationalities 11 time zones Cities: 1000 cities and towns, 13 cities with population over 1 million Percentage of ethnic Russians by region in 2010 >80% 70—79% 50—69% l l l l Digital Dreams: March 2008 10 Largest Countries By Population National security: case of Russia l l l l l l l l Map of federal subjects of Russia (2014).svg > РОССИЙСКОЕ СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОЕ ПЛАНИРОВАНИЕ  2014 Зимние Олимпийские Игры в Сочи 2020 Результаты реализации Стратегии развития России Выборы: 2016 Государственная Дума 2018 Президент В.А. Орлов  2014-2015 Председательство России в ШОС  2015 Председательство России в БРИКС  2018 ЧМ по футболу  RUSSIAN STRATEGIC PLANNING 2014-2020 l > Index of social moods National security: case of Russia •Economic situation in the country 59 •Political situation 71 •General vector of development 78 October, 2014 Index of Social wellbeing l National security: case of Russia October, 2014 •Satisfaction with life 69 •Social optimism 63 •Financial state 72 Terms and definitions lKhan network lNuclear sharing lThird positional district lAnti-ballistic missile defense system lNational values lNational interests lNational-state-civil security lSustainable development lGlobal governance lFailed state lBalance of forces lCockeyed lens in NS lDanger in Security theories lThreat in Security theories lChallenge in Security theories lWeapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) lStrategic offensive weapons lInternational Documents lTreaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT, 1968) lChemical Weapon Convention (CWC, 1997) lBiological Weapon Convention (BWC, 1975) lComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT, 1996) lPan-European security treaty (proposal, 2009) lStrategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I, 1992, START II, 1996, New START III, 2010) lIntermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF , 1987) lInternational and regional organizations lInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, 1957) lCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS, 1991) l lEurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC, 2000-2014) lEurasian Economic Union (EAEU or EEU, 2015) lCollective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO, 2002) lShanghai Cooperation Organization (ShCO, 1996) lOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE, 1975) lBRICS (2009) lRussia-NATO Council (2002) lPrograms lCooperative Threat Reduction Program (Cooperative Threat Reduction (Nunn-Lugar, CTR, 1991)) lPartnership for Peace (PfP, 1994) lRussian Documents lNational Security Strategy 2015 lNational Security Strategy to 2020 lNational Security Concept 1997/2000 lMilitary Doctrine of Russian Federation 2010 lFood Security Doctrine 2010 lEnergy Security Doctrine 2012 lEnergy Security Strategy to 2030 lInformation Security Doctrine 2000 lRussia’s NS Structures lSecurity Council of RF lPresidential Executive Office lFederal Security Service lMinistry for Foreign Affairs lMinistry for Domestic Affairs lDefense Ministry Federal Custom Service lArmed Forces lFederal Intelligent Service lFederal Drug Control Service lMinistry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Natural Disasters Relief l National security: case of Russia > 1. MARCH 7 lIdea and content overview. lSkills and assessments. lDefinition list (10 min) lCurrent event methodology (45 min) lTheory and definitions. lLevels of security lNS in globalized world, post-security. lSoft and hard lSecurity components (foreign policy, military, intelligence, etc). lCorrelation of internal and external security(80 min). lWork in groups: threats list (45 min). l lAssessment: 1.Currents news. l 2.Position paper/short speech (1-3 pages/2-3 min) about one of the threats or challenges for Russian NS (what exactly means, dynamic of growth/reducing, variants of symmetrical / asymmetrical answer). 3.Reading. 4.Looking at SC faces 5.Watch a film l > 2. March 14 lWarming up: current news discussing (20 min). lDiscussion: treats and challenges (20 min) lReports on reading (20 min) lLecture: lSecurity structure, institutes lfaces in contemporary Russia (80 min). lAlgorithm of official security documents analyzing (40 min). l lAssessment: 1.Currents news. 2.Reading. 3.Work on paper comparative analyze of (by choice) lA) Russia’s NS Strategy to 2020 and Russia’s NS Strategy 2015 lB) Russia’s NS Strategy 2015 and Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2015 (or national state of your’s citizenship) lC) Russia’s NS Strategy 2015 and US National Security Strategy 2015 lUse a scheme!!! l4. Choose a personality! l Assessment: 1. Currents news. 2. Reading. 3. Work on paper Russia’s Security Strategies Comparative Analyze. > 3. April 4 lWarming up: current news discussing (20 min) lReports on reading (20 min) lLecture: Regional and global agenda for Russia’s NS. Main streams (Ukraine, ISIS, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan etc.), membership in regional organizations(G8, G20, Russia-NATO Council). Russia and EU in security context. Russia and former soviet members (CIS, CSTO, Customs Union). Internal security agenda for Russia. Economic development (natural resources/high technologies), political “stabilization” (United Russia party, Putin’s personality, opposition), human dimension (migration, brain drain, ethnic confrontations), etc. (120 min) lExplanations on Simulation process (20 min) l lAssessment: 1.Currents news. 2.Reading for cyberday. 3.Simulation preparations l > 4. April 11 lWarming up: current news discussing (20 min). lReports on reading (20 min) lLecture: lCyber Security day. lDefinitions, main approaches. lGlobal internet governance lFreedom, privacy, intelligence (110 min) l lAssessment: 1.Currents news. 2.Reading. 3.Simulation preparations l > 5. April 18 lWarming up: current news discussing (20 min). lReports on reading (20 min) lSimulation: Weekly Russian Security Council meeting (90 min). Discussion on results (30 min) lDiscussion on student’s papers. Recommendations for feather experience (20 min) l lAssessment: lEXAM!!! 1.Currents news. 2.Test on terms and definitions. l > lNEWS l lHarold D. Lasswell l > NEWS lwhen happened? lwhere? lwhat happened? l lWho tells? lWhom tells? lWhat about? lWhat channel is used? lWith what effects? l+ pre-story ldetails levidences lexpert’s comments lPrognoses l lcompare the sources ltry to weed out the propaganda lformulate ??? for the shortfall of information l > ‘Make-up…military-style’: Russian servicewomen compete in speed and strength l l 6 Mar, 2016 22:54 > 56dc2761c461889b328b45c8.jpg READING for March14 lPRIMAKOV, Yevgeny. Perception of Russia in the World, Russia in global affairs, 2013 (3 lRyabkov S. Nonproliferation as number one priority, Security Index, №1, Winter 2014. P. 17-25 lIran in the Regional and Global Perspective. Moscow, 2015 l > National security: case of Russia Steve A. Yetiv National Security through a Cockeyed Lens: How Cognitive Bias Impacts U.S. Foreign Policy (Johns Hopkins University Press, November 2013). Agenda For what For whom Who Theoretical points Documents Structures National security: case of Russia «Please name 5-6 politicians, whom you trust most» (open-ended question) February 7, 16 February 14, 16 February 21, 16 February 28, 16 Putin V. 62 58 57 58 Lavrov S. 9 10 8 8 Shoygu S. 6 7 5 8 Medvedev D. 8 8 6 8 Zhirinovsiky V. 5 6 6 6 Zyuganov G. 3 4 4 5 Mironov S. 1 1 1 1 Prokhorov M. 0 0 0 0 Question: «Please name 5-6 politicians, whom you trust most» (open-ended question). THEORETIC POINTS lDANGER lTHREAT lCHALLENGE lGLOBAL lINTERNATIONAL lREGIONAL lNATIONAL lLOCAL lPERSONAL l HARD SOFT National security: case of Russia > Cockeyed lens lNATO near the border lTerrorizm lReducing oil prices l Dependence from row energy export lCollaborationists and foreign agents of influence lIllegal migration luneven distribution of the population across the country lDisproportions in region’s development lConflicts on the border lenvironmental degradation l l l l l l l lHumanitarian expansion lInterethnic tensions lTitle nation discrimination lLosing of national identity lSocial deceases lAlcoholism lDrug addiction lCorruption lEducation and medical service system degradation lLaw nihilism l l National security: case of Russia Theory. Definitions. lS ¨Person ¨Nature ¨Technogenic ¨Social group ¨Society ¨State ¨Group of states ¨ ¨ lO ¨Person ¨Nature ¨Technogenic ¨Social group ¨Society ¨State ¨Group of states ¨ National security: case of Russia ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ______________ __________________ > Theory. Definitions lNational Security lThe indicator of the state of the nation, lmeaning that lthe cumulative impact of internal and external factors üDoes not create threats to its existence ümay not significantly reduce the quality of the life l lState Security lThe indicator of the situation with state and its institutions, lmeaning that lthey are able to perform its functions in relation to society. lThe state needs: ØProtection from other States ØFrom civil society ØFrom the destructive activities of officials National security: case of Russia Theory. Definitions labilities lTo anticipate lTo prevent lTransfer lTo recover from lADVERSE EFFECTS limplementation lThe national strategy l programs that are not associated explicitly with a total document National security: case of Russia Criteria of NS providing the dominance of common interests even if there are internal conflicts National security: case of Russia National interests Arena of providing NI ¨External ¨Internal ¨Borders National security: case of Russia goals and values conscious Functioning regimes l O - ordinary M - military C- catastrophe National security: case of Russia Zones of S providing l The impact zone is the area within which the security system can greatly affect the circumstances. The impact zone is wider then responsibility zone and may be wider than the monitoring zone. National security: case of Russia > Documents l l1992 Federal Law “About Security” l1996 President's annual address to the Federal Assembly (!first NS!) lNS Consept l1997 1st edition l10.01.2000 edition lNS Strategy 2020 lNS Strategy 2015 l National security: case of Russia > l