Olexandra Loshenko, Ph.D. C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\index 1.jpg C:\Users\Оля\Desktop\logo.png C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\logo_Erasmus_plus.png C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\338_logo.jpg Psychology of Self-knowledge 2 lecture •Reiteration •Self-knowledge is a complex multilevel process, that is individually expanded over time. Man learns the environment and at the same time – himself, through active interaction with the world. •Self-knowledge is a dynamic process that never ends, because, firstly, there is a constant development of cognitive abilities itself; secondly, the object of cognition – person - changes itself. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Reiteration •Three important meanings of self-knowledge: §for religious person self-knowledge is a way to unite with God through the knowledge of a Divine origin in himself; §on the facile psychological level self-knowledge is as means of the fullest usage of own abilities, skills in life and activities or as means of managing other people; §on a deep psychological level, which the science is trying to uncover, self-knowledge - is the way of gaining mental and psychological health, harmony and maturity, capacity for self-development and self-actualization. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • Experience of different emotions that accompany the processes of self-knowledge, forms a human attitude. Knowledge of himself, combined with a certain attitude toward himself is self-esteem. • C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\999999.jpg Self-esteem Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Types of self-esteem • Global and partial Adequate and inadequate Understated or overestimated Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Human self-esteem is influenced by various factors •This is the comparison between image of real "Self" and image of ideal "Self". •This is also appropriation of human estimates and standards, which he receives from others, especially from his immediate environment. •Finally, this is a success of human actions - both real and imaginary. Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\illustrated-scale-for-measuring-children-s-growth-with-dragon-and-giraffe -just-print-out-the-vector-1-1_94704022.jpg Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Method for determining emotional self-esteem •(by Zaharov) • Instruction: Imagine that represented in figure number of circles - are people. Describe where you are. C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\9554aa0833724a63f6d76450c87fe5aa.gif Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Results •The third and fourth circle on the left - it is a normal self-esteem. The man adequately perceives features of the “Self-image", realizes its value and accepts himself. •If you specify fifth and further circles – it is a low self-esteem. •If you specify the first circle – it is a high self-esteem. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories Indicators of low self-esteem • The main feature - the attitude of others towards you • The tendency consistently recollect own failures in life, self-pity C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\0020-020-Sobaka-spit-v-kresle-300x247.jpg • Applying of false masks C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\untitled-65-188x300.jpg C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\untitled-18-199x300.jpg •Lack of close friends • Lack of confidence AND SO ON…. Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories Indicators of high self-esteem • The desire to look better • Arrogant behavior • Painful perception of criticism • Self-assertion at the cost of others • Rejection of help C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\kakie_privichki_ponizhajut_samootsenku-624x447.jpg C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\3628639_w640_h640_motivations_master.jpg AND SO ON…. Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Self-Regulation • Regulation of personality traditionally is considered as a streamlining of his properties and bringing them in the line with his requirements. • Modern psychology recognized levels of personal and mental regulation. The level of mental regulation that associated with the mobilization of mental activity, serves as a subjective condition of person's real activity. Personal level encompasses methods of including person in activity, his attitude towards it. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •The structure of regulation •experience •purpose •subjective model of significant conditions of activity •assessment of controlled conditions of activity •the selection of tactical plan •preparation for it’s implementation •the immediate implementation of the program • correction Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • Self-management should be understood as self-tuning, optimization of mental state, increasing the level and stability of the mood of the person. These aspects are the core of mental regulation. This helps to preserve mental health, positive dynamics of all processes. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Types of Self-management • qoperational (daily) qprospective (caused by distant goal) Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • • Mainly the problem of self-understanding was mentioned in connection with the study of self-consciousness. Self-understanding was considered as a synonym for self-consciousness, self-knowledge, function of self-consciousness, as a sign of a certain level of self-knowledge. Self-understanding C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\557.jpg Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • • What is the difference between self-knowledge and self-understanding? C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\question.jpg Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • The main function of self-understanding is to interpretate reality and the meaning of existence of his "Self" through awareness and understanding of "self-image" and "self-concept". • Self-knowledge is concerned with the search for knowledge, accumulation, analysis, categorization information about himself. • Self-understanding is concerned with understanding this information, providing of content, its explanation, considering possible causes and effects. It functions as a process of building and correcting the image of "Self". • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • A person should know himself from three sides: • Firstly, self-understanding is a understanding himself as an individual, as a man who has a personality. • Secondly, self-understanding is a understanding himself as a member of the public life, the man who has one faith, one homeland, laws, language and customs with the others. • Thirdly, self-understanding is a understanding himself as creature of God. Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • However, self-understanding acts as the mechanism of social formation and development of personality. In the process of self-understanding occurs cognitive and emotional harmonization of existing ideas about himself with objective reality, which makes it possible to be adequate to the situation, independent from it, makes the man capable for purposeful activity in external changing conditions. There is a certain connection between self-knowledge and self-understanding Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Indicators of formed self-understanding • • if he is autonomous, concerns to himself with respect, able to express himself • if he can understand the motivations and drivers of behavior and their impact on his life • if he recognizes beliefs, settings that are destroying the harmony of his relationship with himself and the world Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Differences between the phenomena of "self-knowledge" and "self-understanding". • C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\vnimanie.jpg In self-knowledge – type of questions: "What am I ?" or "What do I know about myself ?" In self-understanding - type of questions: "Why did I do so" ?, "Why do I not like this person ?“ The result of self-knowledge is a new knowledge. The result of self-understanding is a new sense of what man already knows about himself. Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories •Self-attitude • • Self-attitude is a global feeling "for" or "against" himself in the form of self-esteem, autosympathy, self-interest, expected attitude from others. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • Such characteristics of personality as communicative, emotional, volitional, motivation (achievement, affiliation), characterological features (dominance, self-control) are personal and activity, education, social environment, age, stressful situations, situations of deprivation - situational determinants of self-attitude. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories • A number of studies have established a close relationship between the attitude of the individual to himself as the subject of life relationships and his behavior. High self-attitude of the individual is a condition of maximum activity, productivity in it, realization of creative potential and also impacts on freedom of feelings expression, the level of self-disclosure in communication. Positive and stable self-attitude is the foundation of human faith in his capabilities, independence, energy, linked to its willingness to take risks, makes optimistic expectations regarding the success of their actions in a situation of uncertainty. • Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories The structure of self-attitude Positive evaluative self-attitude or self-respect Positive emotional self-attitude or autosympathy Negative self-attitude or self-abasement •"openness“ •"confidence" •"self-management“ •"reflected self-attitude" •"intrinsic value“ •"self-acceptance“ •"self-affection" •"self-incrimination" •"internal conflictness" • • •Workshop • • Observation method is one of the oldest methods in studying emotions. Observation methods suggest studying emotions by tracking changes in facial expressions, gestures, vocal response to emotional stimuli. Changes in the face (smile, moodiness, etc.) are an important aspects of social interaction. • Objective: To determine the features of assessment emotional experience by facial movements. • Material of the test consists of 14 photographs with images of the same girl who conveys different emotions. The study is carried out in three stages. üanger üfear üsadness üdisgust ücontempt üsurprise üpleasure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 • •Check the answers of each series •Calculate the percentage of correct answers • • • Analyze which emotional feelings are rated most difficult and why. Provide an explanation of how and why the time of assessment of emotional feelings affects the outcome of this evaluation. ANd9GcRbWIqqq-Y7xD4gBnmbN2CcvkFMJIaG6j5iE6I1qMAb-sjv8mvt6A QUESTIONS? YOUR TASK C:\Users\Сашулька\Desktop\Thank-You.png Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories