ZUR 393n: The American West and the Western Film Spring 2016 / Masaryková Univerzita Reading Response Papers You will be responsible for submitting FIVE Reading Response papers for this class. Each Reading Response should be 1-2 pages in length (preferably using 1.5 line spacing). The papers are due at the start of class (15:15), either as hard copies or submitted electronically, on the following dates: 10 March 24 March 14 April 28 April 12 May Your overall task in these Reading Response papers is to link theory (an argument or explanation) with specific verbal and/or visual content drawn from relevant film scenes. You may either start with a quotation from the readings or with a film scene, but in either case, you need to be able to draw clear, persuasive, and insightful connections between the two. Film scenes may be drawn from examples shown in class (though be certain to offer new insight in your discussion of previously screened clips), linked on the course website, or from your own viewing of Western films. Please follow this format for the Reading Response papers: 1. Copy a specific quotation from the assigned readings for that week (name the author, essay, and cite the exact page number) OR identify a specific film scene that you wish to analyze (name the film, director, year, and a short identifying name for the scene. 2. Briefly restate/explain the author's argument in your own words OR offer a brief description of the film scene you have chosen, identifying the characters, setting, and summarizing key the action that takes place or information conveyed through dialogue. 3. FOR QUOTATIONS: offer an extended reflection on the quotation you have chosen, either supporting the author's argument by presenting further evidence from one or more relevant film scenes (NOT discussed by the author) to illustrate the argument OR challenging the author's argument by presenting counter evidence drawn from film scenes. FOR FILM SCENES: offer an analysis of the scene, making an argument about a specific detail in the setting, costuming, or dialogue, etc. that is important to understanding either an individual character or a key theme or feature of the Western genre. In addition to using specific details from the scene itself, be sure to link your argument to arguments found in the assigned readings. Cite appropriate page numbers from the readings. Please note that the final exam for the class will follow much the same format as these Reading Response papers, and so treating these bi-weekly assignments seriously will help ensure your success on the final exam.