Descriptive statistics & measures of association Lukas Lehotsky & Petr Ocelik ESS401 Social Science Methodology / MEB431 Metodologie sociálních věd 27th February 2017 Outline • Measures of central tendency, position, and variability • Graphic displays of descriptive statistics • Measures of association Descriptive statistics • The purpose is to summarize data. • Quantitative variables have two key features: - The center of the data - a typical observation. - The variability of the data - the spread around the center. Notation Mean Standard Deviation Variance Population o Sample X s S2 2, = "the sum of..." = number of pieces of data (population) = number of pieces of data (sample) x = mean (average) of data x. = each of the values in the data i x±fx1,x5,x^,„,xff (as f goes from 1 to h) Kittel 2013 Central tendency The statistics that describe the center of a frequency distribution for a quantitative variable. Shows a typical observation/case. Most common measures: mean, mode, an median. Central tendency: mode Value that occurs most frequently in the sample, Applicable at all levels of measurement. Used mainly for highly discrete variables such as categorical data. {"catholic", "Muslim", "Hindu" "catholic" "cathol "Muslim", "catholic", "catholic"} {1, 2, 3,1,1, 2,1,1} {"agree", "agree", "disagree", "agree", "neutral", "disagree", "disagree", "disagree", "agree"} {1,1, -1,1, 0, -1, -1, -1,1} Years of education. {13, 9, 9,18,13, 9,18,13, 9,13,13} Central tendency: median — Observation that is in the middle of the ordered sample (between 50th bottom and 50th upper percentile). - Splits data into two parts with equal # of observations. — For even sized samples: average value of the two middle observations. - Applicable at least at ordinal level. Central tendency: median - Identification of median: (n + 1) / 2 ; n = # of observations in the data - Odd numbered n\ {1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7,10, 39} - Median = (13 + l)/2 = 7th position = 5 - Even numbered n: {1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, S, 6, 6, 6, 7,10} - Median = (12 + l)/2 = 6.5th position = (6th + 7th position)/2 = (3 + 5)/2 = 4 Central tendency: median Set 1 8 9 10 11 12 Set 2 8 9 10 11 100 Set 3 0 9 10 10 10 Set 4 8 9 10 100 100 Finlan & Agresti 2009: 43 Central tendency: mean Arithmetic mean 1 JL «.=1 Properties: — Center of gravity of a distribution. — Can be used only for metric scales — Strongly influenced by outliers. Central tendency • Mode • Median • Mean • {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 10, 39} Central tendency • Mode • Median • Mean • {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7,10, 39} Position • The measures of central tendency are not sufficient for description of data for a quantitative variable. • Does not describe the spread of the data. • Position measures: describe the point at which a given percentage of the data fall below or above that point. Position: percentile • Percentile. The pth percentile is the point such that p% of the observations fall below that point and (and 100 - p)% fall above it. - E.g. 89th percentile = indicates a point where 89% of observations lie below and 11% lie above it. - Median is a 50th percentile. - "Standard" percentiles: (25, 50, 75), or (10, 25, 50, 75, 90). Position: IQR * Interquartile range — Difference between the values of observations at 75% (upper quartile) and 25% (lower quartile). — Shows spread of middle half of the observations. {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 10, 39} Median = (13 + l)/2 = 7th observation = 5 Ql = (6 + l)/2 = 3.5th observation = (2 + 2)/2 = 2 Q2 = (6 + l)/2 = 3.5th observation = (6 + 7)/2 = 6.5 IQR = Q3 - Ql IQR = 6.5 - 2 = 4.5 Position: quartile * Quartile - Values of observations at 25% (Ql), 50% (Q2), and 75% (Q3) of a distribution. {1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 10, 39} Ql (25 %) = 2 Q2 (50 %) = 5 Q3 (75 %) = 6.5 Variability • The measures of central tendency are not sufficient for description of data for a quantitative variable. • Does not describe the spread of the data. • Variability measures: describe the deviations of the data from a measure of center (such as mean). - With exception of a range. Variability Relative Frequency Nation B Nation A 10 1U 30 AQ Yenrly Income (thousands of dollars) Finlan & Agresti 2009: 46 Variability: range • Range: difference between largest and smallest value. • The simplest measure of variability. • Does not describe deviations from the mean. {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6,7, 10, 39} Range = 39 - 1 = 38 Variability Relative Frequency 0 10 20 30 40 50 Yearly Income (thousands of dollars) Finlan & Agresti 2009: 47 Variability: deviation * Deviation — Difference between value of observation and mean. (Xi - li) (xf-x) {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6,1, 10, 39} (1-7), (1-7), (2-7), ...,(39-7) -6, -6, -5, -5, -4, -4, -2, -1, -1, -1, 0, 3, 32 Variability: deviation * Deviation — Difference between value of observation and mean. — Positive deviation: observation value > mean — Negative deviation: observation value < mean — Zero deviation: observation value = mean. — Since sum of deviations = 0, the absolute values or the squares are used in measures that use deviations. 1 • Var.: 0.009945 SD: 0.099725 10 15 20 Observation Lehotský 2016 CM 00 ö to d ö CM d o d 0 10 15 20 Observation Lehotský 2016 Variability: variance • Mean is usually not very indicative for data dispersion: {4, 4, 6, 6}; mean = 5; sA2 = 1.33 {0, 0,10,10}; mean = 5; sA2 = 33.33 • Therefore we need other measures such as variance (sA2). Variability: variance Variance — Squared mean deviation from mean. n 1 71 1 i=l population = {1, 3, 6,10} % * ((1 - 5)A2 + (3 - 5)A2 + (6 - 5)A2 + (10 - 5)A2) % * ((-4)A2 + (-2)A2 + 1A2 + 5A2) % * (16 + 4 + 1 + 25) = % * 46 = 11.5 Variability: variance * Variance — Squared approximate mean deviation from mean. 1 " sample = {1, 3, 6,10} 1/3 * ((1 - 5)A2 + (3 - 5)A2 + (6 - 5)A2 + (10 - 5)A2) 1/3 * ((-4)A2 + (-2)A2 + 1A2 + 5A2) 1/3 * (16 + 4 + 1 + 25) = 1/3 * 46 = 15.33 Variability: standard deviation * Standard deviation j— - Measure of average deviation. S = V S — Typical distance of observation from the mean. - Sensitive to outliers. sample = {1, 3, 6, 10} sA2 = 15.33 s = sqrt(15.33) = 3.92 Variability: standard deviation • Properties -s >= 0 — s = 0 only when all observations have same value. — The greater variability around mean, the larger s. — If data are rescaled, the s is rescaled as well. — E.g. if we rescale s of annual income in $ = 34,000 to thousands of $ = 34, the s also changes by factor of 1000 from 11,800 to 11.8. Variability: standard deviation * Interpretation - Scale dependent. - E.g. assume that average amount of points received in this course is 35 points graded on a scale 0 to 40. — s = 0 extremely unlikely (no differences in performance). — As well as m = 20, s > 15 (huge differences in performance). Frequency distribution • Frequency distribution: table or visual display of the frequency of variable values. 155-160 3 160-165 2 165-170 9 170-175 7 175-180 10 180-185 5 185-190 5 190-195 1 195-200 0 10 8 o QJ 6 13 cr P £ 4 2 0 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 height Frequency distribution • Absolute frequency: # of the observations of a category. • Relative frequency: proportion of the observations of a category over total # of observations. • Percentage: proportion multiplied by 100. 155-160 3 0.07 7% 160-165 2 0.05 5% 165-170 9 0.21 21% 170-175 7 0.17 17% 175-180 10 0.24 24% 180-185 5 0.12 12% 185-190 5 0.12 12% 190-195 1 0.02 2% 195-200 0 0 0% The standard normal distribution CO d o Distribution Lehotský 2016 The standard normal distribution Distribution Bar chart • The columns are positioned over values of categorical variable (U.S. states). • The height of the column indicates the value of the variable (per capita income). New New Mew New Jersey Hampshire York Mexico Histogram • The columns are positioned over a values of quantitative variable. • The column label can be single value or range of values. • The height of the column indicates the value of the variable. 20- 15- Of O-10- 5- i i i r □ 12 3 Number of Older Siblings Stattrek.COITI Boxplot • Splits data into quartiles (position measure) • Box: from Ql to Q3. • Median (Q2): line within the box. • Whiskers: indicate the range from: - Ql to smallest non-outlier. - Q.3 to largest non-outlier. • Outlier > 1.5 * (Q3 - Ql) from Ql or Q3 • Outliers are represented separately. Measures of association (MA) • Examination of a single variable (distribution) -> univariate statistics. • Examination of associations among variables (distributions) -> bivariate (and multivariate) statistics. • MA: variety of coefficients that measure the size (and/or direction) of associations between the variables of interest. • MA typically range within <0,1> or <-l,l> intervals. Measures of association (MA) level of measurement coefficient nominal Jaccard's index ordinal Kendall's tau metric (interval & ratio) Pearson's rho Measures of association (MA) • There are many measures of association. • Correlation coefficients represent just one of the subsets of the MA. • Correlation is not causation. • Causation can be based on different types of associations. Medzihorsky 2016 Pearson's rho correlation coefficient • Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient (r). • Pearson's r measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. • Ranges within <-l,l> - Perfect positive linear relationship = 1 - Perfect negative linear relationship = -1 - No linear relationship = 0 • Value does not depend on variables7 units. • It is a sample statistic. Pearson's r: description Pearson's r strength Description 0.00-0.19 very weak 0.20-0.39 weak 0.40-0.59 moderate 0.60-0.79 strong 0.80-1.00 very strong Evans 1996 Pearson's correlation • Assumptions and limitations: — Metric (at least interval) level of measurement — Normal distribution of X and Y — Linear relationship between X and Y — Homoscedasticity — Sensitive to outliers The standard normal distribution CO d o Distribution Lehotský 2016 Anscombe's quartet II □niMcedasticity lleteroscedasticity Pearson's correlation: example • Assume we have 2 variables: X and Y. X Y 1 0 2 1 1 4 6 8 7 4 • What is correlation (r) of these two variables? covariance / combined total variance * First: we calculate variance of variables. mean(x) = 3.4; mean(y) = 3.4 2 5 = 1 " w-1 ,=1 X (x-m) dev. dev.A2 Y (y-m) dev. dev.A2 1 (1-3.4) -2.4 5.76 0 (0-3.4) -3.4 11.56 2 (2-3.4) -1.4 1.96 1 (1-3.4) -2.4 5.76 1 (1-3.4) -2.4 5.76 4 (4-3.4) 0.6 0.36 6 (6-3.4) 2.6 6.76 8 (8-3.4) 4.6 21.16 7 (7-3.4) 3.6 12.96 4 (4-3.4) 0.6 0.36 sum 0 0 33.2 sum 0 0 39.2 • sA2(X) = 33.2 / 4 = 8.3; sA2(Y) = 39.2 / 4 = 9.8 • Second: we calculate covariance of variables. • Covariance is a sum of deviation products of two variables divided by n-1. |.(x._x)(y.-y) (x-m) (y-m) cross-prod. (1-3.4) (0-3.4) 8.16 (2-3.4) (1-3.4) 3.36 (1-3.4) (4-3.4) -1.44 (6-3.4) (8-3.4) 11.96 (7-3.4) (4-3.4) 2.16 0 0 24.2 cov(X, Y) = 24.2/4 = 6.05 Third: we divide X, Y covariance by square rooted product of X and Y variances. - r = cov(X, Y) / sqrt(var(X) * var(Y)) - r = 6.05 / sqrt(8.3 * 9.8) = 0.67 Correlation X and Y 0 2 4 6 X covariance / combined total variance Kendall's tau correlation coefficient Kendall's tau (i) used for ordinal data (e.g. attitude scales). A non-parametric measure of association between two ordinal variables. Accommodates also small samples and many values with the same order/ranking. Ranges within <-l,l> - Perfect agreement (variables are identically ordered) = 1 - Perfect inversion (variables are ordered in exactly reversed way) = -1 - No ordered relationship = 0 KT represents the degree of concordance between two ordinal variables. - xa does not correct for tied values - xb corrects for tied values E.g.: is there an ordered association between the income level and attitudes towards climate change? cases (N) X: income Y: attitude A 1 (low) 1 (disagree) B 2 (middle) 1 (disagree) C 2 (middle) 2 (neutral) D 3 (high) 3 (agree) We have n*(n - l)/2 pair combinations; i.e. 4*(4-l)/2 Specifically: (A,B), (A,C), (A,D), (B,C), (B,D), (C,D). Concordance: Xf > Xj AND Yj > Y^; or: Xf < Xj AND Yf < Yj Discordance: Xf > Xj AND Yf < Yj; or: Xf < Xj AND Y, > Yj Neither (tied values): Xf = Xj OR Y, = Yj - Pair (A,B) = neither (tied); YA = YB - Pair (A,C) = concordant; XA < Xc & YA < Yc - Pair (A,D) = concordant; XA < XD & YA < YD - Pair (B,C) = neither (tied); XB = XC - Pair (B,D) = concordant; XB < XD & YB < YD - Pair (C,D) = concordant; Xc < XD & Yc < YD cases (N) X: income Y: attitude A 1 (low) 1 (disagree) B 2 (middle) 1 (disagree) C 2 (middle) 2 (neutral) D 3 (high) 3 (agree) • We have n*(n - l)/2 pair combinations; i.e. 4*(4-l)/2 = 6. - Pair (A,B) = neither (tied) - Pair (A,C) = concordant - Pair (A,D) = concordant - Pair (B,C) = neither (tied) - Pair (B,D) = concordant - Pair (C,D) = concordant Ta = (# of concordant pairs - # of discordant pairs) / # of all pairs Ta = nc-nd/(n*(n-l)) Ta = 4 - 0 / (4 * (4 -1)) = 4 / 6 = 0.66 • We have n*(n - l)/2 pair combinations; i.e. 4*(4-l)/2 = 6. - Pair (A,B) = neither (tied) - Pair (A,C) = concordant - Pair (A,D) = concordant - Pair (B,C) = neither (tied) - Pair (B,D) = concordant - Pair (C,D) = concordant Tb = (# of concordant pairs - # of discordant pairs) / # of all pairs xb = (nc-nd)/sqrt((N-n1)*(N-n2)) N = (n * (n - l))/2; total # of pairs ni ~ li * (li" tx = # of tied values in the first set/variable n2 = t2 * (t2 - l))/2; t2 = # of tied values in the second set/variable nx = 2 * (2 - l)/2 = 1 (income var: middle/middle) n2 = 2 * (2 - l)/2 = 1 (attitude var: disagree/disagree) Tb = (4 - 0) / sqrt((6 -1)*(6 -1)) = 4 / sqrt(25) = 4 / 5 = 0.8 Jaccard (similarity) index J used for categorical binary data (e.g. gender) Measures similarity between two samples. sample B present absent sample A present a (A n B) b absent c d J = the size of the intersection (a = A n B) by the size of the union (a + b + c = A U B) of the samples. J = a / (a + b + c) Does not account for observations missing in both samples (d). wikimedia commons Jaccard (similarity) index: example Similarity of the CR and Germany based on presence/absence of int. environ. NGOs. lENGOs Czech Republic present absent Germany present 21(a) 56(b) absent 13 (c) 101 (d) J = a / (a + b + c) J = 21 / (21 + 56 + 13) = 21 / 90 = 0.23 = 23% B wikimedia commons