Linear regression Lukáš Lehotský & Petr Ocelík ESS401 Social Science Methodology / MEB431 Metodologie sociálních věd 6th February 2017 Outline • Refresh: Pearson’s r correlation • (Simple) linear regression Refresh: Pearson’s r • Pearson’s rho product-moment correlation coefficient (r). • Pearson’s r measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. • Ranges within <-1,1> – Perfect positive linear relationship = 1 – Perfect negative linear relationship = -1 – No linear relationship = 0 • Value does not depend on variables’ units. • It is a sample (aggregative) statistic. Pearson’s r: assumptions • Normal distribution of X and Y • Histograms and descriptive statistics • Linear relationship between X and Y • Scatterplot • Histogram of residuals • Homoscedasticity • Same as with linear relationship • Correlation = covariance / combined total variance. Association vs. causation Association does not imply causation! Correlation vs. causation – X causes Y and Y causes X (bidirectional causation): • Democracies trade more, therefore trade increases democracy. – Y causes X (reverse causation): • The more firemen is sent to a fire, the more damage is done. – X and Y are consequences of common cause: • There is a correlation between ice cream consumption and street criminality (both more prevalent during summer). – There is no connection between X and Y (coincidence): • Number of meaningless “funny correlations”. – More examples here: Models • All models are wrong; some models are useful (Box 1976). • Models (not only mathematical!) reduce and represent the real-world phenomena. Mean as a model Statistical models • We need a mathematical function for statistical prediction. Function changes input (values of predictor variable) to an output (value of outcome variable) according to specific rule(s). Y = f(X); Y = 2*X if X = 2, then Y = 4 • For different relationships between quantities, different functions might be used. wikimedia commons (Linear) regression • Regression is a statistical method used to predict scores on an outcome variable based on scores of one ore more predictor variables. • Linear regression: models linear relationship. • Bivariate (simple) linear regression: uses only one predictor variable. • Multivariate (multiple) linear regression: uses more than one predictor variable. Regression: terminology / notation X Y cause effect independent variable dependent variable predictor variable outcome variable explanatory variable response variable α, a, b, β0, B0, m β, B, b ε, e intercept slope error / residual constant coefficient alpha Beta Linear relationship • A relationship where two variables are related in the first degree; i.e. the power of variables is 1. • Linear relationship is represented by formula: outcome (dep. var.) = constant + coefficient*predictor + error Y = β0 + β1X + ε ; population regression function Y = a + bX + e ; sample regression function Y’ = 0.75 + 0.425*X + 2.791; sample regression line • Linear relationship is graphically represented by a straight line. Linear regression: assumptions • Independence of observations (random sampling). • Normal distribution of Y. • Linear relationship between X and Y. • Normal distribution of residuals. • Homoscedasticity. • Independence of residuals (over time). • Applicable to metric level of measurement. • Sensitive to outliers. The standard normal distribution Lehotský 2016 wikimedia commons Normal distribution of residuals Draper & Smith 1998 Independence of residuals OriginLab 2015 Linear relationship • A relationship where two variables are related in the first degree; i.e. the power of variables is 1. • Linear relationship is represented by formula: outcome (dep. var.) = constant + coefficient*predictor + error Y = β0 + β1X + ε ; population regression function Y = a + bX + e ; sample regression function Y’ = 0.75 + 0.425*X + 2.791; sample regression line • Linear relationship is graphically represented by a straight line. Fitting a straight line Fitting a straight line Fitting a straight line Fitting a straight line Ordinary least squares • Ordinary least squares (OLS): estimates parameters (intercept and slope) in a linear regression model. • Minimizes squared vertical distances between the observations (Y) and the straight line (predicted value of Y = Y’). • Residual = (Y - Y’) • ∑ (Y - Y’) = 0 ; ∑ (Y - Y’)^2 >= 0 • OLS: Y’ = min ∑ (Y - Y’)^2 Ordinary least squares • Comparison of mean and OLS estimation. wikimedia commons Linear regression: example • Assume we have two variables: X and Y. • To what extent X explains Y? X Y 1 1 2 2 3 1.3 4 3.75 5 2.25 Linear regression: example • Statistics for calculating regression line: • The slope (b): r(x, y) * (s(Y)/s(X)) ; same as  • The slope (b): ∑(x – m(x))*(y – m(y)) / ∑((x – m(x))^2) • The intercept (a): m(Y) – b*m(X) • b = 0.627 * 1.072 / 1.581 = 0.425 • a = 2.06 – 0.425 * 3 = 0.75 m(X) m(Y) s(X) s(Y) r(X, Y) 3 2.06 1.581 1.072 0.627 Linear regression: example • Fitting a straight line by using OLS. Total / unexplained / explained variation n.a. Linear regression: example • Residual: difference between observed values Y and predicted values Y’ . X Y Y’ Y – Y’ (Y – Y’)^2 1 1 1.21 -0.210 0.044 2 2 1.653 0.365 0.133 3 1.3 2.060 -0.760 0.578 4 3.75 2.485 1.265 1.600 5 2.25 2.910 -0.660 0.436 sum 0 2.791 Linear regression: example • Model is a representation of the relationship between variables. Linear regression model predicts (models) values of Y based on values of X. • Model is represented by formula in a form of linear equation: Y’ = a + bX + e. • Model in example: Y’ = 0.75 + 0.425*X + 2.791. • R command: lm() Linear regression: interpretation • Model in example: Y = 0.78 + 0.425*X • Intercept: value of Y when value of X = 0. • Slope: change in Y when X increases by 1 unit. • Error: unexplained variance of Y. • What is the Y’ for X = 2? • Y’ = 0.75 + (0.425)*2 • Y’ = 0.75 + 0.850 = 1.6 Coefficient of determination • CoD (R^2) indicates proportion of Y explained variation (SSM) to Y total variation (SST) = SSM / SST. • SST = SSM (explained var.) + SSR (unexplained var.) Coefficient of determination • Unexplained variation = difference between observed values of Y and predicted values of Y’ (regression line) = sum of squares of residuals (SSR). • Explained variation = difference between predicted values of Y’ and mean of Y = sum of squares of model (SSM). • Total variation = difference between observed values of Y and mean of Y = SSE + SSR = sum of squares of total variation (SST). • Explained variation (%) = SSM / SST = coefficient of determination = R^2 Coefficient of determination: example • SST = SSM + SSR = 1.81 + 2.791 = 4.59 • R^2 = SSM / SST = 1.81 / 4.59 = 0.39 = 39 % Y’ mean Y (Y’ – mY) (Y’ – mY)^2 1.210 2.06 -0.850 0.72 1.653 2.06 -0.425 0.18 2.060 2.06 0 0 2.485 2.06 0.425 0.18 2.910 2.06 0.850 0.72 sum (SSM) 1.81 Y Y’ Y – Y’ (Y – Y’)^2 1 1.210 -0.210 0.044 2 1.653 0.365 0.133 1.3 2.060 -0.760 0.578 3.75 2.485 1.265 1.600 2.25 2.910 -0.660 0.436 sum (SSR) 2.791 Coefficient of determination • CoD (R^2) indicates proportion of Y explained variation (SSM) to Y total variation (SST) = SSM / SST. • SST = SSM (explained var.) + SSR (unexplained var.) Rationale for multiple regression • But: What if the outcome variable is influenced by more than one predictor variable? • (Always the case...) • E.g.: Income can be predicted by completed years of education and gender.  Idea of statistical control Statistical control: confounding effect • Confounding effect: third variable affects the relationship between predictor(s) and outcome variable. • A confounder is a variable that correlates both with predictor(s) and outcome variable. • E.g.: Relationship between income (predictor) and risk of heart attack (outcome) may be confounded by age (confounder). Wu 2010 Multiple regression: assumptions • Independence of observations (random sampling) • Normal distribution of Y • Linear relationship between X and Y • Normal distribution of residuals • Homoscedasticity (variance of error is constant) • Independence of residuals (over time) • No high collinearity between predictors Collinearity • Collinearity (multicollinearity) = two or more predictors are correlated. rXZ = 0 rXZ > 0.9 ZX Y X Z Y • Correlation matrix of IVs as a simple diagnostic Multiple linear relationship • We add further coefficient*predictor terms into the formula: outcome (dependent variable) = constant + coefficient1*predictor1 + coefficient2*predictor2 + error Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + ε ; population regression function Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + e ; sample regression function Y’ = 0.75 + 0.425*X1 + 0.132*X2 + 2.791; sample regression line Fitting a plane Slope in multiple regression • Slope gives us information about the change of the outcome variable caused by the predictor while controlling for other predictors in the model. • E.g.: what is the effect of education (predictor) on income (outcome variable) when we control for age (predictor)? income <- 6000 + 500*education + 100*age • Interpretation: for each change in one unit of education (e.g. year), the average unit change of income is 500 unit (i.e. 500 Kč) if age is not changing. Interpretations • If the coefficients are statistically significant: • If X and Z uncorrelated  reduction to bivariate slopes (X and Z are independent on each other) • If X correlates with Y more than Z  effect of X is stronger (while controlling for Z) • If Z correlates with Y more than X  effect of Z is stronger (while controlling for X) • If X and Z (almost) perfectly correlated  denominator close to 0, resulting values approach infinity (non-interpretable)  problem of collinearity (reduction to one variable) Conclusions • Linear regression allows us to go beyond associations measurement – Prediction – Statistical control • Models are always imprecise! – Reduction as well as measurement • Extensions of regression framework – Logistic regression (binary category outcome variable) – Multinomial logistic regression (multiple category outcome variable) – Ordinal regression (ordinal outcome variable) – etc.