Political parties and the party system The end of communism •Renescence of political pluralismu •„Small Bill on Political Parties“ – recognition of some political parties • •Number of new political parties: 1.Already existing (OF, KSČ, ČSL) 2.Renewned (ČSSD) 3.Genuinely new (SZ, ODA, SPR-RSČ,…) • Joke parties • •Friends of Beer Party • • •Independent Erotic Initiative The 1990 general election •Struggle over the character of the régime • •Clear victory of OF • •Legitimity of KSČ confirmed • •Number of new parties elected • • Development of political parties in a nutshell •1991 – breakup of OF and emergence of ODS, OH and ODA •1992 election won by ODS-KDS and formation of the centre-right cabinet (V. Klaus) –Fragmentation of the parliament (LSU, HSD-SMS, ČSSD, SPR-RSČ, KSČ) •1996 – the electoral success of ČSSD; formation of the centre-right minority cabinet (V. Klaus) •Tendency to a bipolar pattern of competition BUT not repeated patterns of alteration (see later) •Four main parties established • OF and its effects on party system formation • •Initially a very broad (anti-communist) movement •Conflict over the character of the movement (and politics) •Social-liberal Civic Movement •Conservative-liberal Civic Democratic Party •The role of political parties, civic society, attitude to economy… • The „Big Four“ •Civic Democratic Party (ODS) •Conservative (values) liberal (economy), soft-Euroscepticism •Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) •Left-centre in economic terms, split in value dimension, pro-European •Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) •Unreformed, anti-capitalist, Eurosceptic, the issue of the past •Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People`s Party (KDU-ČSL) •Social-conservative party, religious values, economically in the centre, existence of internal disputes Development of political parties in a nutshell •1997/8 – splitting of ODS and the emergence of Freedom Union (US) •1998-2002: reduction of the number of parliamentary parties, „opposition agreement“ (Coalition of Four project) •2002-2006: left-centre cabinets (ČSSD, KDU-ČSL, US-DEU) •2006 – parliamentary dissapearence of US-DEU, entry of the Green Party (SZ), centre-right-green cabinet •2009 – fall of the cabinet (a caretaker cabinet till 2010) •2010 – the rise of (quasi-)new parties TOP 09 and Public Affairs (VV), weakening of the two major parties, parliamentary departure of SZ and KDU-ČSL, centre-right cabinet Electoral results (1990-2010, number of seats) Data source: volby.cz, *Czech National Council election • http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/files/2013/10/Slide3.jpg Zdroj: Haughton, Novotná, Deegan-Krause 2013 Party system stability in CZE – a systemic approach •„the system of interactions resulting from inter-party competition“ (Sartori 1976) •A party system change occurs „when a party system is transformed from one class or type of party system into another“ (Mair 1997: 51-52) •A stable party system = stable and predictable patterns of party competition •How to measure these patterns? •Cabinets composition? Polarity? Polarization? Cabinets formation and patterns of party competition in the Czech Republic •Since 1998 – the absence of clear, predictable government alternatives: •The position of KSČM – very limited coalition potential, unprobable but not impossible cooperation of left political parties, determinates interactions among the rest of the parties •Pivotal position of KDU-ČSL (participation in both right-centre and left-centre cabinets) •„Opposition agreement“ and after 2006 elections bargaining – (possible) cooperation of the two major rival parties •Uncertainty related to (quasi)new political parties – SZ (2006) and VV, ANO, Úsvit (2010) – presence of new actors contributes to uncertainty and unpredictability of the patterns of competition •Variability of (possible) real coalition options - instability of the Czech party system Conclusion •Stable parties and unstable party system in the Czech Republic – necessary to distinguish between parties stability and party system stability •Unstable parties due to the recent electoral earthquakes •Dominant unidimensional competition (supplemented by some other relevant issues) •Unstable party system – lack of well-established patterns of conflicts and cooperation •Roots of low stability: –Character of parties (mostly top-down institutions) –Atmosphere in society –Economic turbulence –Quality of political representation • •