American Political Science Review Vo1. 89, No. 2 Tune 1995 THE IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH DESIGN IN POLITICAL SCIENCE GARY KING, ROBERT 0.KEOHANE, and SIDNEY VERBA Harvard University Receiving five serious reviews in this syrnposium is gratifymg and confirms our belief that research design should be a priority for our discipline. We are pleased that our five distinguished reviewers appear to agree with our unified approach to the logic of inference in the social sciences, and with our fundamental point: that good quantitative and good qualitative research designs are based fundamentally on the same logic of inference. The reviewers also raised virtuallyno objections to the main practical contribution of our book--our many specific procedures for avoiding bias, getting the most out of qualitative data, and making reliable inferences. However, the reviewsmake clear that although our book may be the latest word on research design in political science, it is surely not the last. We are taxed for failing to include important issues in our analysis and for dealing inadequately with some of what we included. Before responding to the reviewers' most direct criticisms, let us explain what we emphasize in Designing Social Inquiry and how it relates to some of the points raised by the reviewers. WHAT WE TRIED TO DO Designing Social Inquiry grew out of our discussions while coteaching a graduate seminar on research design, reflecting on job talks in our department, and reading the professional literature in our respective subfields. Although many of the students, job candidates, and authors were highly sophisticated qualitative and quantitative data collectors, interviewers, soakers and pokers, theorists, philosophers, formal modelers, and advanced statistical analysts, many nevertheless had trouble defining a research question and designing the empirical research to answer it. The students proposed impossible fieldwork to answer unanswerable questions. Even many active scholarshad difficulty with the basic questions: What do you want to find out? How are you going to find it out? and, above all, How would you know if you were right or wrong? We found conventional statistical training to be only marginally relevant to those with qualitative data. We even found it inadequate for students with projects amenable to quantitative analysis, since social science statistics texts do not frequently focus on research design in observational settings. With a few important exceptions, the scholarly literatures in quantitative political methodology and other social science statistics fields treat existing data and their problems as given. As a result, these literatures largely ignore research design and, instead, focus on making valid inferences through statistical corrections to data problems. This approach has led to some dramatic progress; but it slights the advantage of improving research design to produce better data in the first place, which almost always improves inferences more than the necessarily after-the-fact statistical solutions. This lack of focus on research design in social sciencestatisticsis as surprising as it is disappointing, since some of the most historically important works in the more general field of statistics are devoted to problems of research design (see, e.g., Fisher (1935) The Design of Experiments). Experiments in the social sciences are relatively uncommon, but we can still have an enormous effect on the value of our aualitative or quantitative information, even withoui statistical corrections, by improving the design of our research. We hope our book will help move these fields toward studying innovations in research de- sim." We culled much useful information from the social science statistics literatures and qualitative methods fields. But for our goal of explicatingand unifying the logic of inference, both literatures had problems. Social science statistics focuses too little on research design, and its language seems arcane if not impenetrable. The numerous languages used to describe methods in qualitativeresearch are diverse, inconsistent in jargon and methodological advice, and not always helpful to researchers. We agree with David Collier that asvects of our advice can be revhrased into some of the languages used in the q;alitative methods literature or that used by quantitative researchers. We hope our unified logic and, as David Laitin puts it, our "common vocabulary" will help foster communication about these imvortant issues among all social scientists. But we bekeve that any coherent language could be used to convey the same ideas.- - - - We demonstrated that "the differences between the quantitative and qualitative traditions are only stylistic and are methodologically and substantively unimportant" (p. 4). Indeed, much of the best social science research can combine quantitative and qualitative data, precisely because there is no contradiction between the fundamental processes of inference involved in each. Sidney Tarrow asks whether we agree that "it is the combination of quantitative and qualitative" approaches that we desire (p. 473). We do. But to combine both types of data sources productively, researchers need to understand the fundamental logic of inference and the more specific rules and procedures that follow from an explicationof this logic. Social science, both quantitative and qualitative, seeks to develop and evaluate theories. Our concern is less with the development of theory than theory evaluation-how to use the hard facts of empirical reality to form scientific opinions about the theories and generalizationsthat are the hoped for outcome of Review Symposium June 1995 our efforts. Our social scientist uses theory to generate observable implications, then systematically applies publicly known procedures to infer from evidence whether what the theory implied is correct. Some theories emerge from detailed observation, but they should be evaluated with new observations, preferably ones that had not been gathered when the theories were being formulated. Our logic of theory evaluation stresses maximizing leverage-explaining as much as possible with as little as possible. It also stresses minimizing bias. Lastly, though it cannot eliminate uncertainty, it encourages researchers to report estimates of the uncertainty of their conclu- sions. Theory and empirical work, from this perspective, cannot productivelyexist in isolation. We believe that it should become standard practice to demand clear implications of theory and observations checking those implications derived through a method that minimizes bias. We hope that Designing Social lnquiy helps to "discipline political science" in this way, as David Laitin recommends; and we hope, along with James Caporaso, that "improvements in measurement accuracy, theoreticalspecification, and research should yield a smaller range of allowable outcomes consistent with the predictions made" (p. 459). Our book also contains much specific advice, some of it new and some at least freshly stated. We explain how to distinguish systematic from nonsystematic components of phenomena under study and focus explicitly on trade-offs that may exist between the goals of unbiasedness and efficiency (chap. 2). We discuss causality in relation to counterfactualanalysis and what Paul Holland calls the "fundamental problem of causal inference" and consider possible complications introduced by thinking about causal mechanisms and multiple causality (chap. 3). Our discussion of counterfactualreasoning is, we believe, consistent with Donald Campbell's "quasi-experimental" emphasis; and we thank James Caporaso for clarifying this.' We pay special attention in chapter 4 to issues of what to observe: how to avoid confusion about what constitutes a "case" and, especially, how to avoid or limit selection bias. We show that selection on values of explanatory variables does not introduce bias but that selection on values of dependent variables does so; and we offer advice to researchers who cannot avoid selecting on dependent variables. We go on in chapter 5 to show that while random measurement error in dependent variables does not bias causal inferences (although it does reduce efficiency), measurement error in explanatory variables biases results in predictable ways. We also develop procedures for correcting these biases even when measurement error is unavoidable. In that same chapter, we undertake a sustained analysis of endogeneity (i.e., when a designated "dependent variable" turns out to be causing what you thought was your "explanatory variable") and omitted variable bias, as well as how to control research situations so as to mitigatethese problems. In the final chapter, we specifyways to increasethe informationin qualitative studies that can be used to evaluate theories; we show how this can be accomplished without returning to the field for additional data collection. Throughout the book, we illustrate our propositions not only with hypothetical examples but with reference to some of the best contemporary research in political science. This statement of our purposes and fundamental arguments should put some of the reviewers' complaints about omissions into context. Our book is about doing empirical research designed to evaluate theories and learn about the world-to make inferences-not about generating theories to evaluate.We believe that researchers who understand how to evaluate a theory will generate better theories-theories that are not only more internally consistent but that also have more observable implications (aremore at risk of being wrong) and are more consistent with prior evidence.If, as Laitin suggests, our singlemindedness in driving home this argument led us implicitly to downgrade the importance of such matters as concept formation and theory creation in political science, this was not our intention. Designing Social Inquiry repeatedly emphasizes the attributes of good theory. How else to avoid omitted variable bias, choose causal effects to estimate, or derive observable implications? We did not offer much advice about what is often called the "irrational nature of discovery," and we leave it to individual researchers to decide what theories they feel are worth evaluating. We do set forth some criteria for choosing theories to evaluate-in terms of their importance to social science and to the real world-but our methodological advice about research design applies to any type of theory. We come neither to praise nor to bury rational-choice theory, nor to make an argument in favor of deductive over inductive theory. All we ask is that whatever theory is chosen be evaluated by the same standards of inference. Ronald Rogowski's favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, explainsclearly how to evaluate a theory (which he refers to as a "guess"): "If it disagrees with [the empirical evidence], it is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is-if it disagrees with [the empirical evidence] it is wrong. That is all there is to it" (1965, 156).' One last point about our goal:we want to set a high standard for research but not an impossible one. All interesting qualitative and quantitative research yields uncertain conclusions. We think that this fact ought not to be dispiriting to researchers but should rather caution us to be aware of this uncertainty, remind us to make the best use of data possible, and energize us to continue the struggle to improve our stockof valid inferencesabout the politicalworld. We show that uncertain inferences are every bit as scientific as more certain ones so long as they are accom- American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 2 panied by honest statements of the degree of uncertainty accompaning each conclusion. OUR ALLEGED ERRORS OF OMISSION The major theme of what may seem to be the most serious criticism offered above is stated forcefullyby Ronald Rogowski. He fears that "devout attention" to our criteria would "paralyze, rather than stimulate, scientific inquiry." One of Rogowski's arguments, echoed by Laitin, is that we are too obsessed with increasing the amount of information we can bring to bear on a theory and therefore fail to understand the value of case studies. The other major argument, made by both Rogowski and Collier is that we are too critical of the practice of selecting observations according to values of the dependent variable and that we would thereby denigrate major work that engages in this practice. We consider these arguments in turn. Science as a Collective Enterprise Rogowski argues that we would reject several classic case studies in comparative politics. We think he misunderstands these studies and misses our distinction between a "single case" and a collection of observations. Consider two works that he mentions, The Politics of Accommodation, by Arend Lijphart (1968), and The Nazi Seizure of Power, by William Sheridan Allen (1965). Good research designs are rarely executed by individual scholars isolated from prior researchers. As we say in our book, "A single observation can be useful for evaluating causal explanations if it is part of a research program. If there are other observations, perhaps gathered by other researchers, against which it can be compared, it is no longer a single observation" (p. 211; see also secs. 1.2.1,4.4.4, the latter devoted entirely to this point). Rogowski may have overlooked these passages. If we did not emphasize the point suf€iciently, we are grateful for the opportunity to stress it here. Lijphart: The Case Study that Broke the Pluralist Camel's Back What was once called pluralist theory by David Truman and others holds that divisions along religious and class lines make polities less able to resolve political arguments via peaceful means through democratic institutions. The specific causal hypothesis is that the existence of many cross-cutting cleavages increases the level of social peace and, thus of stable, legitimate democratic government. In The Politics of Accommodation, Arend Lijphart (1968) sought to estimate this causal effe~t.~In addition to prior literature, he had evidencefrom only one case, the Netherlands. He first found numerous observable implications of his descriptive hypothesis that the Netherlands had deep class and religious cleavages, relatively few of which were cross-cutting. Then-surprisingly from the perspective of pluralist theory-he found considerable evidence from many levels of analysis that the Netherlands was an especially stable and peaceful democratic nation. These descriptive inferences were valuable contributions to social science and important in and of themselves, but Lijphart also wished to study the broader causal question. In isolation, a single study of the Netherlands, conducted only at the level of the nation at one point in time, cannot produce a valid estimate of the causal effect of cross-cutting cleavages on the degree of social peace in a nation. But Lijphart was not working in isolation. As part of a community of scholars, he had the benefit of Truman and others having collected many prior observations. By using this prior work, Lijphart could and did make a valid inference. Prior researchers had either focused only on countries with the same value of the explanatory variable (many cross-cutting cleavages) or on the basis of values of the dependent variable (high social conflict). Previous researchers therefore made invalid inferences. Lijphart measured social peace for the other value of the explanatory variable (few crosscutting cleavages) and, by using his data in combination with that which came before, made a valid inference. Lijphart's classicstudy is consistent with our model of good research design. As he stressed repeatedly in his book, Lijphart was contributing to a large scholarly literature. As such, he was not trylng to estimate a causal effect from a single observation; nor was he selectingon his dependent variable. Harvesting relevant information from others' data, although often overlooked, may often be the best way to obtain relevant information. By ignoring the place of Lijphart's book in the literature to which it was contributing, Rogowskiwas unable to recognize the nature of its contribution. Rogowski's alternative explanation for the importance of this book and the others he mentions-that "(1) all of them tested, relied on, or proposed, clear and precise theories; and (2) all focused on anomalies" (p. 469)-suggests one of many possible strategies for choosingtopics to research; but it is of almost no help with practical issues of research design or ascertaining whether a theory is right or wrong. Indeed, the only way to determine whether something is an anomaly in the first place is to follow a clear logic of scientific inference and theory evaluation, such as that provided in Designing Social Inquiry. Allen: Distinguishing History From Social Science The Nazi Seizure of Power is an account of life in an ordinary German community during the Nazi seizure of power. Allen is not a social scientist: In his book, he proposes no generalization, evaluates no theory, and does not refer to the scholarlyliteratures on Nazi Germany; rather, he zeroes in on the story of what happened in one small place at a crucial moment in history, and he does so brilliantly. In our terms, he is Review Symposium June 1995 describing historical detail and occasionally also conducting very limited descriptive inference. We emphasize the importance of such work: "Particular events such as the French Revolution or the Democratic Senate primary in Texas may be of intrinsic interest: they pique our curiosity, and if they were preconditions for subsequent events (such as the Napoleonic Wars or Johnson's presidency) we may need to know about them to understand those later events" (p. 36). In our view, social science must go further than Allen. The social scientist must make descriptive or causal inferences, thus seeking explanation and generalization. Indeed, we think even Rogowski would not accept Allen's classic work of history as a dissertation in political science. Allen's work is, however, not irrelevant to the task of explanation and generalization that is of interest to us. In the hands of a good social scientist, who could place Allen's work within an intellectual tradition, it becomes a single case study in the framework of many others. This, of course, suggests one traditional and important way in which social scientists can increase the amount of information they canbring to bear on a problem:read the descriptive case study literature. The Perils of Avoiding Selection Bias We agree with David Collier's observationthat, if our arguments concerning selection bias are sustained, then "a small improvement in methodological selfawareness can yield a large improvement in scholarship" (p. 461). Indeed, because qualitative researchers generally have more control over the selection of their observations than over most other features of their research designs, selection is an especially important concern (a topic to which we devote most of our chap. 4).4 Rogowski believes that we would criticize Peter Katzenstein's (1985) Small States in World Markets or Robert Bates's (1981) Markets and States in Tropical Afrrca as inadmissibly selecting on the dependent variable. We address each book in turn. Katzenstein: DistinguishingDescriptive Inference from Causal Inference Peter Katzenstein's (1985) Small States in World Markets makes some important descriptive inferences. For example, Katzenstein shows that small European states responded flexibly and effectively to the economic challenges that they faced during the 40 years after World War 11; and he distinguishes between what he calls "liberal and social corporatism" as two patterns of response. But many of Katzenstein's arguments also imply causal claims-that in Western Europe "small size has facilitated economicopenness and democratic corporatism" (p. 80), and that in the small European states, weak landed aristocracies, relatively strong urban sectors, and strong links between country and city led to cross-classcompromise in the 1930s, creating the basis for postwar corporatism (chap. 4). Katzenstein seeks to test the first of these causal claimsby comparing economicopenness in smalland large states (1985, table 1, p. 86). To evaluate the second hypothesis, he compares cross-class compromise in six small European states characterized by weak landed aristocracies and strong urban sectors, with the relative absence of such compromisein five large industrialized countries and Austria, which had different values on these explanatoryvariables. Much of his analysis follows the rules of scientific inference we discuss-selecting cases to vary the value of the explanatory variables, specifying the observable irnplications of theories, seeking to determine whether the facts meet theoretical expectations. But Katzenstein fudges the issue of causal inference by disavowing claims to causal validity: "Analyses like this one cannot meet the exacting standards of a social science test that asks for a distinction between necessary and sufficient conditions, a weighting of the relative importance of variables, and, if possible, a proof of causality" (p. 138). However, estimating causal inferences does not require a "distinction between necessary and sufficient conditions, a weighting of the relative importance of variables," or an absolute "proof" of anything. Katzenstein thus unnecessarily avoids causal language and explicit attention to the logic of inference which results. As we explain in our book, "Avoiding causal language when causality is the real subject of investigation either renders the research irrelevant or permits it to remain undisciplined by the rules of scientific inference" (p. 76). Remaining inexplicit about causal inference makes some of Katzenstein's clauns ambiguous or unsupported. For example, his conclusion seems to argue that small states' corporatist strategies are responsible for their postwar economic success. But because of the selection bias induced by his decision to study only successful cases, Katzenstein cannot rule out an important alternative causal hypothesis-that any of a variety of other factors accounts for this uniform pattern. For instance, the postwar international political economy may have been benign for small, developed countries in Europe. If so, corporatist strategies may have been unrelated to the degree of success experienced by small European states. In the absence of variation in the strategies of his states, valid causal inferences about their effects remain elusive. Had Katzensteinbeen more attentive to the problems of causal inference that we discuss, he would have been able to claim causalvalidity in some limited instances, such as when he had variation in his explanatory and dependent variables (as in the 1930s analysis). More importantly, he would also have been able to improve his research design so that valid causal inferences were also possible in many other areas. Rogowski is not correct in inferring that we would dismiss the significance of Small States in World Markets. Its descriptions are rich and fascinating, it elab- American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 2 orates insightful concepts such as liberal and social corporatism, and it provides some evidence for a few causal inferences.It is a finebook, but we believe that more explicit attention to the logic of inference could have made it even better. Bates: How to Identify a Dependent Variable Rogowski claims that Robert Bates's purpose in Marhts and States was to explain economic failure in tropical African states and that by choosing only states with failed economies and low agricultural production, Bates biased his inferences. If agricultural production were Bates's dependent variable, Rogowski would be correct, since (as we describe in Designing Social lnquiy and as elaborated by Collier), using-but not correctingfor-this type of case selection does bias inferences. However, low agricultural production was, in fact, not Bates's dependent variable. Bates's book makes plain his two dependent variables: (1)the variations in public policies promulgated by African statesand (2)differencesin thegrouprelations between the farmer and the state in each country. Both variablesvary considerably across his cases. Bates also proposed several explanatory variables, which he derived from his preliminary descriptive inferences. These include (1)whether state marketingboards were founded by the producers or by alliances between government and tradinginterests, (2)whether urban or rural interests dominated the first postcolonial govemment, (3)the degree of governmental committrnentto spending programs, (4) the availability of nonagricultural sources for governmental funds, and (5) whether the crops produced were for food or export. These explanatoryvariablesdo vary, and they helped account for the variations in public policy and statefarmer relations that Bates observed. As such, Bates did not select his observations so they had a constant value for his dependent variable. Moreover, he did not stop at the national level of analysis, for which he had a small number of cases and relatively little information. Instead, he offered numerous observable implications of the effects of these explanatoryvariables at other levels of analyses within each country. As with many qualitative studies, Bates had a small number of cases but an immense amount of information. We believe one of the reasons Bates's study is-and should be-so highly regarded is that it is an excellent example of a qualitative study that conforms to the rules of scientific inference. In sum, Rogowski says that Bates had an excellent book that we would reject. If the book were as Rogowski describes it, we very well might reject it. Sinceit is not--and indeed is a good example of our logic of research design-we join Rogowski in applauding it.5 TRIANGULAR CONCLUSIONS We conclude by emphasizing a point that is emphasized both in Designing Social Inquiy and in the reviews. We often suggest procedures that qualitative researchers can use to increase the amount of information theybring to bear on evaluatinga theory. This is sometimesreferred to as "increasing the number of observations." As all our reviewers recognize, we do not expect researchers to increase the number of full-blown case studies to conduct a large-n statistical analysis: our point is not to make quantitative researchers out of qualitativeresearchers. In fact, most qualitative studies already contain a vast amount of information. Our point is that appropriately marshaling all the thick description and rich contextualization in a typical qualitative study to evaluate a specific theory or hypothesis can produce a very powerful research design. Our book demonstrates how to design research in order to collect the most useful qualitative data and how to restructure it even after data collection is finished, to turn qualitative information into ways of evaluating a specific theory. We explain how researchers can do this by collecting more observations on their dependent variable, by observing the same variable in another context, or by observing another dependent variable that is an implication of the same theory. We also show how one can design theories to produce more observable implications that then put the theory at risk of being wrong more often and easily. This brings us to Sidney Tarrow's suggestions for using the comparativeadvantages of both qualitative and quantitative researchers. Tarrow is interested specifically in how unsystematic and systematic variables and patterns interact, and seems to think that principles could be derived to determine what unsystematic events to examine. We think that this is an interesting question for any historically-sensitive work. Many unsystematic, nonrepeated events occur, a few of which may alter the path of history in significant ways; and it would be useful to have criteria to determine how these events interact with systematic patterns. We expect that our discussions of scientific inferencecould help in identrfylngwhich apparently random, but critical, events to study in specific instances, and we are confident that our logic of inference will help determine whether these inferences are correct;but Tarrow or others may be able to use the insights from qualitativeresearchers to specify them more clearly. We would look forward to a book or article that presented such criteria. Another major point made by Tarrow is that all appropriate methods to study a question should be employed. We agree: a major theme of our book is that there is a singleunified logic of inference. Hence it is possible effectivelyto combinedifferentmethods. However, the issue of triangulation that Tarrow so effectively raises is not the use of different logics or methods, as he argues, but the triangulation of diverse data sources trained on the same problem. Triangulation involves data collected at different places, sources, times, levels of analysis, or perspectives, data that might be quantitative, or might involve intensive interviews or thick historical description. The best method should be chosen for each data Review Symposium June 1995 source. But more data are better. Triangulation, then, is another word for refering to the practice of increasing the amount of information to bear on a theory or hypothesis, and that is what our book is about. Notes The table of contents, preface, and chapter 1 of Designing Social Inquiry are available via Gopher from hdc-gopher.har- 1. To clarify further, we note that the definition of an "experiment" is investigator control over the assignment of values of explanatory variables to subjects. Caporaso emphasized also the value of random assignment, which is desirable in some situations (but not in others, see pp. 124-8) and sometimes achievable in experiments. (Random selection and a large number of units are also desirable and also necessary for relatively automatic unbiased inferences, but experimenters are rarely able to accomplish either.) A "quasi4xperiment" is an observational study with an exogenous explanatory variable that the investigator does not control. Thus, it is not an experiment. Campbell's choice of the word "quasiexperiment" reflected his insight that observational studies follow the same logic of inference as experiments. Thus, we obviously agree with Campbell's and Caporaso's emphases and ideas and only pointed out that the word "quasiexperiment" adds another word to our lexicon with no additional content. Its a line idea, much of which we have adopted; but it is an unnecessary category. 2. Telling researchers to "choose better theories" is not much different than telling them to choose the right answer: it is correct but not helpful. Many believe that deriving rules for theory creation is impossible (e.g., Popper, Feynman), but we see no compelling justification for this absolutist claim. As David Laitin correctly emphasizes, "the development of formal criteria for such an endeavor is consistent with the authors' goals." 3. Lijphart also went to great lengths to clarify the precise theory he was investigating, because it was widely recognized that the concept of pluralism was often used in conflicting ways, none clear or concrete enough to be called a theory. Ronald Rogowski's description of pluralism as a "powerful, deductive, internally consistent theory" (p. 10) is surely the first time it has received such accolades. 4. Selectionproblems are easily misunderstood. For example, Caporaso claimsthat "if selectionbiases operate independently of one's hypothesized causal variable, it is a threat to internal validity; if these same selection factors interact with the causal variable, it is a threat to external validity" (p. 9). To see that this claim is false, note, as Collier reemphasizes, that Caporaso's "selection factors" can also be seen as an omitted variable. But omitted variables cannot cause bias if they are independent of your key causal variable. Thus, although the distinction between internal and external validity is often useful, it is not relevant to selectionbias in the way Caporaso describes. 5. Subsequently, Bates pursued the same research program. For example, in Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa he evaluated his thesis for two additional areas-- colonial Ghana and Kenya (1983, chap. 3). 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Weber, Marianne. 1988. Max Weber:A Biography. Trans. Harry Zohn. New Brunswick: Transaction. Review: Disciplining Political Science Reviewed Work(s): Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research by Gary King, Robert O. Keohane and Sidney Verba Review by: David D. Laitin Source: The American Political Science Review, Vol. 89, No. 2 (Jun., 1995), pp. 454-456 Published by: American Political Science Association Stable URL: Accessed: 08-03-2017 16:59 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at American Political Science Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Political Science Review This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 16:59:28 UTC All use subject to American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 2 June 1995 THE QUALITATIVE-QUANTITATIVE DISPUTATION: GARY KING, ROBERT O. KEOHANE, AND SIDNEY VERBA'S DESIGNING SOCIAL INQUIRY: SCIENTIFIC INFERENCE IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. By Gary King, Robert 0. Keohane, and Sidney Verba. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. 238p. $55.00 cloth, $19.95 paper G ary King, Robert 0. Keohane, and Sidney Verba (KKV) have provoked much impassioned debate at conventions and over the information superhighway with a simple but controversial argument: the logic of good qualitative and good quantitative research is essentially the same. Their book shows how to design qualitative (small-n) studies so that they satisfy the canons of scientific inference. We asked five senior scholars, each of whose work mixes qualitative and quantitative data and methods, to evaluate the success of KKV's attempt to unify political science. David Laitin is a skeptic who wonders whether anyone can "discipline" us unruly political scientists. James Caporaso offers cautious reminders about the many varieties of qualitative research and the many meanings of falsification. David Collier examines KKV's treatment of selection bias, arguing that many of their recommendations correspond to conventional understandings that are already well-established in the field of comparative method, and that qualitative researchers sometimes have a different perspective on basic trade-offs involved in research design. Ronald Rogowski throws down the gauntlet: political scientists who have a strong theory may properly ignore some of KKV's pet "canons." Finally, Sidney Tarrow suggests that triangulating qualitative and quantitative approaches involves much more than considerations of research design. In a rejoinder, KKV reaffirm their belief that political scientists who slight design considerations ultimately hurt their own work. They conclude with a message to the discipline: good design-assuming there is good theoryproduces good qualitative and quantitative political science. DISCIPLINING POLITICAL SCIENCE DAVID D. LAITIN University of Chicago If political science is ready to be disciplined, King, Keohane and Verba's Designing Social Inquiry (KKV) can do that disciplining. By this I mean that the book contains a set of concepts, rules of inference, and methodological precepts that apply to all researchers who seek a generalized and systematic understanding of politics. This does not mean that we all should be doing the same sort of research. Indeed, the rules elucidated in this book have relevance to statistically minded scholars, formal modelers, comparativists, thick describers, and interpretivists. What it does mean is that we all must remain conscious about the degree to which our own research answers an important question, so that we can accurately signal to fellow members of our discipline how much of the picture we have filled in. If we all share a common vocabulary and common standards for evaluation of evidence in light of a theory, we can become a community of scholars in common pursuit of valid knowledge. More bluntly, if we could agree upon standards of scientific inference, we could better identify our colleagues who are guilty of scientific malpractice-which, if regularly done, is a good operational indicator of a discipline. We need not, as Almond (1990) has suggested, eat at "separate tables" any longer; it is now possible productively to consume across cuisines. Designing Social Inquiry is not itself a methodological breakthrough. Very little in it will be new or surprising to moderately well trained students in political science. What is truly innovative about this book is its catholicity. Its goal is not to exclude the "soft" side of political science from a discipline controlled by "hard-line" statisticians. Rather, its central thesis is that at root, quantitative and qualitative research in political science share a "unified logic" (p. 3). With that viewpoint, KKV's critiques of the methodological problems faced in actual qualitative research show a generosity of spirit. The book has high praise for qualitative work containing elements of good scientific practice. It also has feasible suggestions that would have improved other work that failed to meet reasonable scientific standards. Indeed, the primary goal of the book is to demonstrate to those of us on the soft side that we can approximate the standards of our brethren on the hard side if we 454 This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 16:59:28 UTC All use subject to American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 2 June 1995 make such an attempt. It must be noted that those veterans in quantitative work who on principle ignore "soft" research as unscientific will be disabused from their narrow viewpoint. The achievement of this book, then, is that it sets a reasonable disciplinary standard without using the young A. J. Ayer's (1946) tactic of calling all work on the soft side "metaphys- ics." But disciplining has its down side, as Foucault insists in his analysis of those "discursive formations" that transcend or deconstruct disciplines (1972, 178-81). Many political scientists eagerly entered our field, perhaps from unfortunate or boring experiences in the disciplines of economics or psychology, precisely because we have been eclectic, undisciplined, and willing to tolerate a multitude of discursive formations. Brilliant young students who wish to travel to exotic places, read the classics, work out a personal utopia, or promote a political cause enter political science programs. These students may find the disciplining constraints imposed by rules of inference to be an unnecessary burden. Sensitive colleagues are willing to indulge these students, in large part because they themselves were to some extent attracted to political science because its lack of discipline was so inviting. Students of Bakhtin would make a complementary critique. Bakhtin argued that linguistic assimilation, which is part and parcel of disciplining, leads to the emergence of "canonical" or "authoritative utterances," which themselves are capable of undermining dissent (1986, 88). A common vocabulary, from a Bakhtinian viewpoint, is never neutral. Accepting KKV's "statistical" vocabulary as bedrock could consequently lock us into a cultural framework. Indeed, their call to engage in disciplinary discourse in a language most qualitativists see as "foreign" is surely the source of anger felt by many practitioners who have read this book. Although I am personally sympathetic with the Foucauldians and Bakhtinian's amongst us, it must be remembered that sharing a language promotes not only effective communication but also focused debate across subdisciplines. While the language of statistics does have its biases, KKV provides a conceptual apparatus that has referents in virtually all domains of our discipline. Scholars writing an article for disciplinary journals in the narrative mode, for example, will be able to use KKV's apparatus to justify its scientific merit in political science's division of labor and thereby raise its chances of appearing in these august and prestigious pages, with concomitant disciplinary rewards. Even more: scholars who strongly disagree with the statistician's bias will, after reading this book, have the tools to show its limitations to practitioners in all of political science. This book is surely the icon that iconoclasts should lust after. It could still be objected-(along the lines I argued in Laitin 1994)-that maybe it will bring higher expected utility if statisticians learned the language of nonquantitative researchers, rather than the other way around. To this I reply that as of now, there is no contending universal vocabulary for ascertaining whether our research findings are valid. However, I would welcome a counterhegemonic project along the lines of the present one, with an alternative critical language of scientific evaluation that would be applicable in all domains of our discipline. But my welcome of alternatives in no way diminishes my admiration of the three authors of this volume for having centrally positioned their own hegemonic design. Causes and Concepts KKV's hegemonic project is to highlight the making of valid causal inferences as the highest goal for social inquiry. To make such inferences, researchers need to combine theory with observations in such a way as to demonstrate a causal effect. With a disciplinary division of labor, the search for valid causal inferences invites participation of scholars on both sides of our present disciplinary divide. On the one hand, the discipline is open to pure describers. Historical and anthropological interpretation are potentially fundamental for us, just so long as researchers in this mode seek to distinguish what is systematic-and what, random-in the particular events they are interpreting. Assessments of this nature will help other scholars use those studies to construct more general theory. On the other hand, the discipline must include formal modelers, if only to demonstrate through the use of mathematics the internal inconsistencies in proposed theories. But within political science, these modelers must subject their stories to systematic and unbiased tests and alter assumptions or set parameter conditions for their models when data do not confirm their theories. Historians need not make general theory; modelers need not collect systematic data; but if both are members of a common discipline, they will do their work in such a way that scholars on the other side of the divide will be able to make reasonable and productive use of their work to ensure that science advances. The summum bonum of political science, despite KKV's admirable formulation, has never been valid causal inferences. The founders of modern social theory indeed thought otherwise. Max Weber has suggested that the essence of social theory is in the "creation of clear concepts" (Weber 1988, 278). And Emile Durkheim (1938) was especially concerned with the identification of "social facts" Indeed, concepts such as "charisma" and "the division of labor" have been longer-lasting than any valid claims about the causal effects of these concepts. It is hard to think about the political world without them, even if their causal role in any political process remains obscure. And many-other such concepts guide our thinking and theorizing today, such as cross-cutting cleavages, social mobility, prisoner's dilemma, exit/voice/loyalty, social mobilization, political culture, median voter, and hegemony. Such concepts are theoretical in the sense that they combine discrete facts common to our daily 455 This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 16:59:28 UTC All use subject to Review Symposium June 1995 life into a category, helping us to see the confusing universe in which we live in a more patterned way. Although Designing Social Inquiry is at its weakest in analyzing the role of concept formation in political science, there is every reason to maintain that the development of formal criteria for such an endeavor is consistent with the authors' goals. Suppose, for example, prisoner's dilemma captures elements of reality in everyday life, in international relations, and in congressional committees; but we can make no useful inferences for what people will do-cooperate or defect-if they find themselves in a prisoner's dilemma. Does this mean that the concept has failed and should not be included in our theories of conflict and cooperation? Probably not. Implied by the framework provided in KKV, what we should require of researchers is that they set clear criteria to identify a prisoner's dilemma and continue to search for regularities in outcome depending on the context in which the game is played. Compelling concepts need not be part of a valid causal inference to be powerful; but to remain powerful, these concepts must be part of a research agenda that seeks to identify their systematic implications, revealing their link on a causal chain. KKV may have undervalued the crucial role of conceptual formulation in social inquiry; but this by no means is an argument to reject the disciplining that their work demands. Critiques from within the Discipline At a symposium devoted to Designing Social Inquiry held at the 1994 annual conference of the American Political Science Association, leading scholars in our discipline were far less enthusiastic than I in regard to the success of this book. Larry Bartels pointed out that the authors treated many statistical conventions (which, in reality, cover over unresolved issues) as solutions to complex epistemological problems. Reliance on these conventions, Bartells inferred, is hardly a solution to the related problems that qualitative researchers have long been addressing with their own conventions. Peter Lange argued that researchers in the area-studies tradition do not seek generality of explanation, because they hold that the "context" in which politics get played out is highly determinative of outcomes yet itself not subject to variable analysis. And Ronald Rogowski argued that some of the best work in the comparative field ignored KKV's injunctions (e.g., on never choosing cases based on codings on the dependent variable); and yet those works' high scientific status can still be justified. The criticisms made at the APSA convention have merit. I believe two of the critiques are so fundamental as to require future revision of the text. First, KKV focus too much attention on selection criteria within a single study and undervalue the scientific practice of strategically choosing observations based upon knowledge of cases from parallel studies. If the community of scientists, rather than the individual researcher, is the unit of evaluation, some of the selection problems that King, Keohane, and Verba identify in particular studies would be partially washed away. Second, in undervaluing theory, they do not address the issue that selection criteria may be different when theory is strong as opposed to when theory is weak. The judgment of APSA panelists was harsh indeed. But it ought to be remembered that the criticisms came from scholars who share an understanding of the bedrock concepts of our discipline that are elaborated fully in KKV. This made the criticisms powerful and interesting and allowed for focused debate. Their critiques confirmed, rather than undermined, the importance of this material for the construction of a scientific discipline. A Plea for Utopia This review has become something of a plea, or to use Henry Brady's label at the APSA symposium in regard to KKV, a "homily". I would hope that all of our political science curricula include the material developed in Designing Social Inquiry. Assigning the book in a required "logic of research" course is only one route to this goal. An alternative is to present the material in lectures, while assigning important articles and books to the students, with the goal of scrutinizing these studies to see how their authors dealt with fundamental issues of descriptive or causal inference. However presented, the concepts and precepts outlined in this book ought to become part of what Bourdiqu (1984) would call our intellectual habitus. Mutual acknowledgement of work transcending the quantitative and qualitative divide should ensue. This can only spawn-and need not stifle-creativity. And there are additional rewards for living in such a habitus. Suppose it became common practice at job talks, reviews for journals, and panels at disciplinary meetings to ask authors how they addressed issues of endogeneity, of multicollinearity, of possible missing variable bias, of alternative observable implications of their theory, or of their judgment concernin the number of observations necessary for valid causal inference. Such a disciplinary practice would impel all researchers to think systematically about these issues in the course of their research. They need not follow all the rules in this book. KKV recognize that in most real-world research environments, this would be impossible. But all researchers must have good scientific reasons for disregarding or modifying a particular rule. And these reasons must be made available to potential critics. The goal of making political science a discipline seems utopian, but KKV show that it is within our reach. There is little reason, however, to be sanguine. The reaction to this book at the APSA convention gives me the impression that there is little interest in-and great opposition to-our becoming a discipline. This book will stand, then, as merely a useful exposition of statistical solutions to epistemological questions for those of us who are not statisticians. A pity that a book with such potential will play such a limited role! 456 This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 16:59:28 UTC All use subject to Review: Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide in Political Science Reviewed Work(s): Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research by Gary King, Robert O. Keohane and Sidney Verba Review by: Sidney Tarrow Source: The American Political Science Review, Vol. 89, No. 2 (Jun., 1995), pp. 471-474 Published by: American Political Science Association Stable URL: Accessed: 08-03-2017 17:19 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at American Political Science Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Political Science Review This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:19:01 UTC All use subject to American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 2 June 1995 BRIDGING THE QUANTITATIVE.QUALITATIVE DIVIDE IN POLITICAL SCIENCE SIDNEY TARROW Cornell University In Designing Social Inquiry, Gary King, Bob Keohane and Sidney Verba (KKV) have performed a real service to qualitative researchers. I, for one, will not complain if I never again have to look into the uncomprehending eyes of first-year graduate students when I enjoin them (pace Przeworski and Teune) to "turn proper names into variables." The book is brief and lucidly argued and avoids the weighty, musclebound pronouncements that are often studded onto the pages of methodological manuals. But following KKV's injunction that "a slightly more complicated theory will explain vastly more of the world" (p. 105), I will praise them no more but focus on an important weakness in the book. Their central argument is that the same logic that is "explicated and formalized clearly in discussions of quantitative research methods" underlies-or should-the best qualitative research (p. 4). If this is so, then they really ought to have paid more attention to the relations between quantitative and qualitative approaches and what a rigorous use of the latter can offer quantifiers. But while they offer a good deal of generous (at times patronizing) advice to qualitatively oriented scholars, they say very little about how qualitative approaches can be combined with quantitative research. Especially with the growth of choicetheoretic approaches, whose users often illustrate their theories with stories, there is a need for a set of ground rules on how to make intelligent use of qualitative data. KKV do not address this issue. Rather, they use the model of quantitative research to advise qualitative researchers on how best to approximate good models of descriptive and causal inference. (Increasing the number of observations is their cardinal operational rule.) But in today's social science world, how many social scientists can be simply labeled "qualitative" or -quantitative"? How often, for example, do we find support for sophisticated game-theoretic models resting on the use of anecdotal reports or on secondary evidence lifted from one or two qualitative sources? More and more frequently in today's social science practice, quantitative and qualitative data are interlarded within the same study. A recent work that KKV warmly praise illustrates both that their distinction between quantitative and qualitative researchers is too schematic and that we need to think more seriously about the interaction of the two kinds of data. Marinating Putnam In Robert Putnam's (1993) analysis of Italy's creation of a regional layer of government, Making Democracy Work, countless elite and mass surveys and ingenious quantitative measures of regional performance are arrayed for a 20-year period of regional development. On top of this, he conducted detailed case studies of the politics of six Italian regions, gaining, in the process, what KKV recommend as "an intimate knowledge of the internal political manoeuvering and personalities that have animated regional politics over the last two decades" (p. 5) and Putnam calls "marinating yourself in the data" (Putnam 1993, 190). KKV use Making Democracy Work to praise the virtues of "soaking and poking," in the best Fenno tradition (p. 38). But Putnam's debt to qualitative approaches is much deeper and more problematic than this; for after spending two decades administering surveys to elites and citizens in the best Michigan mode, he was left with the task of explaining the sources of the vast differences he had found between Italy's north-central and southern regions. To find them, his quantitative evidence offered only indirect evidence; and he turned to history, repairing to the halls of Oxford, where he delved deep into the Italian past to fashion a provocative interpretation of the superior performance of the northern Italian regional governments vis-A-vis the southern ones. This he based on the civic traditions of the (northern) Renaissance city-states, which, according to him, provide "social capital" that is lacking in the traditions of the South (chap. 5). A turn to qualitative history (probably not even in Putnam's mind when he designed the project) was used to interpret cross-sectional, contemporary quantitative findings. Putnam's procedure in Making Democracy Work pinpoints a problem in melding quantitative and qualitative approaches that KKV's canons of good scientific practice do not help to resolve. For in delving into the qualitative data of history to explain our quantitative findings, by what rules can we choose the period of history that is most relevant to our problem? And what kind of history are we to use; the traditional history of kings and communes or the history of the everyday culture of the little people? And how can the effect of a particular historical period be separated from that of the periods that precede or follow it? In the case of Making Democracy Work, for example, it would have been interesting to know (as Suzanne Berger asked at the 1994 APSA roundtable devoted to the book) by what rules of inference Putnam chose the Renaissance as determining of the North's late twentieth-century Italian civic superiority. Why not look to its sixteenth-century collapse faced by more robust monarchies, its nineteenth-century military conquest of the South, or its 1919-21 generation of fascism (not to mention its 1980s corruption-fed pattern of economic growth)? None of these are exactly "civic" phenomena; by what rules of evidence are they less relevant in "explaining" the northern regions' civic superiority 471 This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:19:01 UTC All use subject to Review Symposium June 1995 over the South than the period of the Renaissance city-states? Putnam does not tell us; nor do KKV. To generalize from the problem of Putnam's book, qualitative researchers have much to learn from the model of quantitative research. But their quantitative cousins who wish to profit from conjoining their findings with qualitative sources need, for the selection of qualitative data and the intersection of the two types, rules just as demanding as the rules put forward by KKV for qualitative research on its own. I shall sketch some useful approaches to bridging the quantitative-qualitative gap from recent examples of comparative and international research. Tracing Processes To Interpret Decisions One such rule that KKV cite favorably is the practice of process tracing, in which the researcher looks closely at 'the decision process by which various initial conditions are translated into outcomes'" (p. 226, quoting George and McKeown 1985, 35). But even here, KKV interpret the advantages of process tracing narrowly, assimilating it to their favorite goal of increasing the number of theoretically relevant observations (p. 227). As George and McKeown actually conceived it, the goal of process tracing was not to increase the number of discrete decision stages and aggregate them into a larger number of data points but to connect the phases of the policy process and enable the investigator to identify the reasons for the emergence of a particular decision through the dynamic of events (George and McKeown 1985, 34-41). Process tracing is different in kind from observation accumulation and is best employed in conjunction with it-as was the case, for example, in the study of cooperation on economic sanctions by Lisa Martin (1992) that KKV cite so favorably. Systematic and Nonsystematic Variable Discrimination KKV give us a second example of the uses of qualitative data but, once again, underestimate its particularity. They argue that the variance between different phenomena "can be conceptualized as arising from two separate elements: systematic and nonsystematic differences," the former more relevant to fashioning generalizations than the latter (p. 56). For example, in the case of conservative voting in Britain, systematic differences include such factors as the properties of the district, while unsystematic differences could include the weather or a flu epidemic at the time of the election. "Had the 1979 British elections occurred during a flu epidemic that swept through working-class houses but tended to spare the rich," they conclude, "our observations might be rather poor measures of underlying Conservative strength" (pp. 56-57). Right they are, but this piece of folk wisdom hardly exhausts the importance of nonsystematic variables in the interpretation of quantitative data. A good example comes from how the meaning and extension of the strike changed as systems of institutionalized industrial relations developed in the nineteenth century. At its origins, the strike was spontaneous, uninstitutionalized, and often accompanied by wholecommunity "turnouts." As unions developed and governments recognized workers' rights, the strike broadened to whole sectors of industry, became an institutional accompaniment to industrial relations, and lost its link to community collective action. The systematic result of this change was permanently to affect the patterns of strike activity. Quantitative researchers like Michelle Perrot (1986) documented this change. But had she regarded it only as a case of "nonsystematic variance" and discarded it from her model, as KKV propose, Perrot might well have misinterpreted the changes in the form and incidence of the strike rate. Because she was as good a historian as she was a social scientist, she retained it as a crucial change that transformed the relations between the strike incidence and industrial relations. To put this more abstractly, distinct historical events often serve as the tipping points that explain the interruptions in an interrupted time-series, permanently affecting the relations between the variables (Griffin 1992). Qualitative research that turns up "nonsystematic variables" is often the best way to uncover such tipping points. Quantitative research can then be reorganized around the shifts in variable interaction that such tipping points signal. In other words, the function of qualitative research is not only, as KKV seem to argue, to peel away layers of unsystematic fluff from the hard core of systematic variables but also to assist researchers to understand shifts in the value of the systematic variables. Framing Qualitative Research within Quantitative Profiles These two uses of qualitative data pertain largely to aiding quantitative research. But this is not the only way in which social scientists can combine quantitative and qualitative approaches. Another is to focus on the qualitative data, using a systematic quantitative data base as a frame within which the qualitative analysis is carried out. Case studies have been validly criticized as being based on often dramatic but frequently unrepresentative cases. Studies of successful social revolutions often possess characteristics that may also be present in unsuccessful revolutions, rebellions, riots, and ordinary cycles of protest (Tilly 1993, 12-14). In the absence of an adequate sample of revolutionary episodes, no one can ascribe particular characteristics to a particular class of collective action. The representativity of qualitative research can never be wholly assured until the cases become so numerous that the analysis comes to resemble quantitative research (at which point the qualitative research risks losing its particular properties of depth, richness and process tracing). But framing it within a quantitative data base makes it possible to avoid generalizing on the occasional "great event" and points to less dramatic but cumulative- historical trends. Scholars working in the "collective action event" 472 This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:19:01 UTC All use subject to American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 2 history tradition have used this double strategy with success. For example, in his 1993 study of over seven hundred revolutionary years in over five hundred years of European history, Charles Tilly assembled data that could have allowed him to engage in a large-N study of the correlates and causes of revolution. Tilly knows how to handle large time-series data sets as well as anybody. But he did not believe that the concept of revolution had the monolithic quality that other social scientists had assigned to it (1993, chap. 1). So he resisted the temptation for quantification, using his data base, instead, to frame a series of regional time-series narratives that depended as much on his knowledge of European history as on the data themselves. When a problem cried out for systematic quantitative analysis (e.g., when it came to periodizing nationalism), Tilly (1994) was happy to exploit the quantitative potential of the data. But the quantitative data set served mainly as a frame for qualitative analysis of representative regional and temporal revolutionary episodes and series of episodes. Puffing Qualitative Flesh on Quantitative Bones These examples are possibly exotic to the traditions of much of American social science practice. But an American sociologist, Doug McAdam, has shown how social science can be enriched by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to the same data base. McAdam's 1988 study of Mississippi Freedom Summer participants was based on a treasuretrove of quantifiable data-the original questionnaires of the prospective Freedom Summer volunteers. While some of these young people eventually stayed home, others went south to register voters, teach in "freedom schools" and risk the dangers of Ku Klux Klan violence. Two decades later, both the volunteers and the no-shows could be interviewed by a researcher with the energy and the imagination to go beyond the use of canned data banks. McAdam's main analytic strategy was to carry out a paired comparison between the questionnaires of the participants and the stay-at-homes and to interview a sample of the former in their current lives. This systematic comparison formed the analytical spine of the study and of a series of technical papers. But except for a table or two in each chapter, the texture of Freedom Summer is overwhelmingly qualitative. McAdam draws on his interviews with former participants, as well as on secondary analysis of other people's work, to get inside the Freedom Summer experience and to highlight the effects that participation had on their careers and ideologies and their lives since 1964. With this combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, he was able to tease a convincing picture of the effects of Freedom Summer activism from his data. As I write this, I imagine KKV exclaiming, "But this is precisely the direction we would like to see qualitative research moving-toward expanding the number of observations and respecifying hypotheses to allow them to be tested on different units!" (see chap. 6). But would they argue, as I am, that it is the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods trained on the same problem (not a move toward the logic of quantitative analysis alone) that is desirable? Two more ways of combining these two logics illustrate my intent. Sequencing Quantitative and Qualitative Research The growth industry of qualitative case studies that followed the 1980-81 Solidarity movement in Poland largely took as given the idea that Polish intellectuals had the most important responsibility for the birth and ideology of this popular movement. There was scattered evidence for this propulsive role of the intellectuals; but since most of the books that appeared after the events were written by them or by their foreign friends, an observer bias might have been operating to inflate their importance in the movement vis-A-vis the working class that was at the heart of collective action in 1980-81 and whose voice was less articulate. Solid quantitative evidence came to the rescue. In a sharp attack on the "intellectualist" interpretation and backed by quantitative evidence from the strike demands of the workers themselves, Roman Laba showed that their demands were overwhelmingly oriented toward trade union issues and showed little or no effect of the proselytizing that Polish intellectuals had supposedly been doing among the workers of the Baltic coast since 1970 (1991, chap. 8). This finding dovetailed with Laba's own qualitative analysis of the development of the workers' movement in the 1970s and downplayed the role of the Warsaw intellectuals who had been at the heart of a series of books by their foreign friends. The response of those who had been responsible for the intellectualist interpretation of Solidarity was predictably violent. But there were also more measured responses that shed new light on the issue. For example, prodded by Laba's empirical evidence of worker self-socialization, Jan Kubik returned to the issue with both a sharper analytical focus and better qualitative evidence than the earlier intellectualist theorists had employed, criticizing Laba's conceptualization of class and reinterpreting the creation of Solidarity as "a multistranded and complicated social entity ... created by the contributions of various people" whose role and importance he proceeded to demonstrate (1994, 230-38). Moral: a sequence of contributions using different kinds of evidence led to a clearer and more nuanced understanding of the role of different social formations in the world's first successful confrontation with state socialism. Triangulation I have left for last the research strategy that I think best embodies the strategy of combining quantitative and qualitative methods-the triangulation of different methods on the same problem. Triangulation is particularly appropriate in cases in which quantitative data are partial and qualitative investigation is obstructed by political conditions. For example, Val- 473 This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:19:01 UTC All use subject to Review Symposium June 1995 erie Bunce used both case methodology and quantitative analysis to examine the policy effects of leadership rotation in Western and socialist systems. In Do New Leaders Make a Difference?, she wrote, "I decided against selecting one of these approaches to the neglect of the other [the better] to test the impact of succession on public policy by employing both methodologies" (1981, 39). Triangulation is also appropriate in specifying hypotheses in different ways. Consider the classical Tocquevillian insight that regimes are most susceptible to a political opportunity structure that is partially open. The hypothesis takes shape in two complementary ways: (1) that liberalizing regimes are more susceptible to opposition than either illiberal or liberal ones; and (2) that within the same constellation of political units, opposition is greatest at intermediate levels of political opportunity. Since there is no particular advantage in testing one version of the hypothesis over the other, testing both is optimal (as can be seen in the recent social movement study, Kriesi et al. 1995). My final example of triangulation comes, with apologies, from my own research on collective action and social movements in Italy. In the course of a qualitative reconstruction of a left-wing Catholic "base community" that was active in a peripheral district of Florence in 1968, I found evidence that linked this movement discursively to the larger cycle of student and worker protest going on in Italy at the same time (Tarrow 1988). Between 1965 and 1968, its members had been politically passive, focusing mainly on neighborhood and educational issues. But as the worker and student movements exploded around it in 1968, their actions became more confrontational, organized around the themes of autonomy and internal democracy that were animating the larger worker and student movements around them. Researchers convinced of their ability to understand political behavior by interpreting "discourse" might have been satisfied with these observations; but I was not. If nothing else, Florence was only one case among potential thousands. And in today's global society, finding thematic similarity among different movements is no proof of direct diffusion, since many movements around the world select from the same stock of images and frames without the least connection among them (Tarrow 1994, chap. 11). As it happened, quantitative analysis came to the rescue to triangulate on the same problem. For a larger study, I had collected a large sample of national collective action events for a period that bridged the 1968 Florentine episode. And as it also happened, two Italian researchers had collected reliable data on the total number of religious "base communities" like the Florentine one throughout the country (Sciubba and Pace 1976). By reoperationalizing the hypothesis cross-sectionally, I was able to show a reasonably high positive correlation (R = .426) between the presence of Catholic base communities in various cities and the magnitude of general collective action in each city (Tarrow 1989, 200). A longitudinal, local, and qualitative case study triangulated with the results of cross-sectional, national, and quantitative correlations to turn my intuitive hunch that Italy in the 1960s underwent an integrated cycle of protest into a more strongly supported hypothesis. KKV are not among those social scientists who believe that quantification is the answer to all the problems of social science research. But their singleminded focus on the logic of quantitative research (and of a certain kind of quantitative research) leaves underspecified the particular contributions that qualitative approaches make to scientific research, especially when combined with quantitative research. As quantitatively trained researchers shift to choice-theoretic models backed up by illustrative examples (often containing variables with different implicit metrics), the role of qualitative research grows more important. We are no longer at the stage when public choice theorists can get away with demonstrating a theorem with an imaginary aphorism. We need to develop rules for a more systematic use of qualitative evidence in scientific research. Merely wishing that it would behave as a slightly less crisp version of quantitative research will not solve the problem. This is no plea for the veneration of historical uniqueness and no argument for the precedence of "interpretation" over inference. (For an excellent analysis of the first problem, see KKV pp. 42-3 and of the second, pp. 36-41.) My argument, rather, is that a single-minded adherence to either quantitative or qualitative approaches straightjackets scientific progress. Whenever possible, we should use qualitative data to interpret quantitative findings, to get inside the processes underlying decision outcomes, and to investigate the reasons for the tipping points in historical time-series. We should also try to use different kinds of evidence together and in sequence and look for ways of triangulating different measures on the same research problem. KKV have given us a spirited, lucid, and well-balanced primer for training our students in the essential unity of social science work. Faced by the clouds of philosophical relativism and empirical nominalism that have recently blown onto the field of social science, we should be grateful to them. But their theoretical effort is marred by the narrowness of their empirical specification of qualitative research and by their lack of attention to the qualitative needs of quantitative social scientists. I am convinced that had a final chapter on combining quantitative and qualitative approaches been written by these authors, its spirit would not have been wildly at variance with what I have argued here. As it is, someone else will have to undertake that effort. Notes I wish to thank Henry Brady, Miriam Golden, Peter Katzenstein, David Laitin, Peter Lange, Doug McAdam, Walter Mebane, Robert Putnam, Shibley Telhami and Charles Tilly for their comments on drafts of this review. 474 This content downloaded from on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:19:01 UTC All use subject to