Developing an Eco-social Enterprise Session 4 Friday, 31 March, 2017 Tim Crabtree, Schumacher College Tim Ingold: The “firming of form” Tim Ingold suggests that the “hylomorphic” model, whereby a form is created in the mind then applied out in the world, needs to be replaced by an approach inspired by, amongst others, Paul Klee: “Form is the end, death, Form-giving is life” Ingold argues “that what Klee said of art is true of skilled practice in general, namely that it is a question not of imposing preconceived forms on inert matter but of intervening in the fields of force and currents of material wherein forms are generated. Practitioners, I contend, are wanderers, wayfarers, whose skill lies in their ability to find the grain of the world’s becoming and to follow its course while bending it to their evolving purpose.” Robin Murray For the spread of a social innovation what is needed is to establish the relative autonomy of new practices from the prevailing ‘contextual forces’ and attract others into this emerging sub-system - extending its strength and deepening its complexity Ten characteristics of ‘enlivened’ civil economy i.driven by idea (purpose or mission). ii.Formation/formacion iii.process as significant as outcomes iv.strong element of the voluntary as mobilisation. vi.collective intelligence & sharing of know how vii.human centred technology viii.not scale but organic distributed growth. ix.expansion of network rather than expansion of enterprise financing From scaling to complexity Starting point not a particular project or technology but emerging ecology of projects each of which has its own generative capacity, and constanly creating new networks with other projects Capra’s principles of ecology: • Networks • Cycles • Solar energy • Partnerships • Diversity • Dynamic balance The 1,318 transnational corporations that form the core of the globalised economy - connections show partial ownership of one another, and the size of the circles corresponds to revenue. The companies 'own' through shares the majority of the 'real' economy Mondragon, Spain 84,000 employed in 256 co-operatives Supported by Mondragon Co-operative Corporation Operations: Inputs: Waste Recycling Consumers Natural Physical Social Human Financial Primary Production Processing Distribution Retail/Food service Marketing Operations: Inputs: Waste Recycling Consumers Natural Physical Social Human Financial Primary Production Processing Distribution Retail/Food service Marketing Operations: Inputs: Waste Recycling Consumers Natural Physical Social Human Financial Primary Production Processing Distribution Retail/Food service Marketing Operations: Inputs: Waste Recycling Consumers Natural Physical Social Human Financial Primary Production Processing Distribution Retail/Food service Marketing Operations: Inputs: Waste Recycling Consumers Natural Physical Social Human Financial Primary Production Processing Distribution Retail/Food service Marketing Operations: Inputs: Waste Recycling Consumers Natural Physical Social Human Financial Primary Production Processing Distribution Retail/Food service Marketing Operations: Inputs: Waste Recycling Consumers Natural Physical Social Human Financial Primary Production Processing Distribution Retail/Food service Marketing Local Food System Individual enterprise Linking with other enterprises in the local food system Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption 1. Collaboration around inputs 4. Collaboration around “closing loops” 3. Collaboration around demand & consumption 2. Collaboration around operations 1. Collaboration around resources Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Collaboration to provide Financial Capital Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Wessex Community Assets a secondary structure helping communities raise local finance through share issues and loans £152,775 raised £105,000 raised Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Collaboration to provide Human Capital Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Manchester Land Army Offers a solution to a number of challenges faced by local organic growers including: • Labour issues and costs for local growers at busy periods e.g. harvest time. • Lack of skilled labour for illness and holiday cover. • More growers are needed to meet future demand. • Lack of a way into growing commercially for individuals. • Lack of opportunity for practical involvement in sustainable food systems. Growing Communities: Urban Apprentice Scheme Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Collaboration to provide Physical Capital Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Dorset Small Producers’ Network – Processing Barn at Five Penny Farm Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Collaboration to provide Natural Capital Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption New ways of accessing land + Collaboration Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption 2. Collaboration around operations 2. Collaboration around operations There are different strategies which can be employed: • Dissemination / sharing learning • Social franchising or licensing • Spin offs • Secondary structures • Joint ventures Dissemination Unicorn Grocery: “Grow A Grocery” Guide Social Franchising & Licensing: Growing Communities – Start Up Programme Spin offs: Mondragon, Spain 84,000 employed in 256 co-operatives Supported by Mondragon Co-operative Corporation Eroski Supermarkets Secondary Structure: Hostetin Apple Juicing Plant, Czech Republic Veronica Foundation Hostetin Apple Juicing Plant Raised funds Leased to White Carpathians Traditions Apple Juicing Social Enterprise Runs Apples Small farms Joint Venture: Grameen – Danone Yogurt Business Grameen-Danone Shoktidoi yogurt factory in Bangladesh Collaboration Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption 3. Collaboration around consumer engagement Farmers’ Markets - a collaborative marketing mechanism Taste Tideswell: Using branding to promote local producers Colne-U-Copia Bringing consumers into the system • Consumers can provide more than just cash. • They can become part of the “social capital” of the organisation – as members or supporters. • They can provide loans and equity: • Real Food Store (community shares) • Unicorn & Glebelands (loan stock) • They can provide human resources: • Village shop volunteers • Non-executive directors Collaboration Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption 4. Collaboration around “closed loop” cycles Cwm Harry Land Trust and Anaerobic Digestion: Collaborating to create “closed Loop” processes The AD system installed at Trill. The digester on the right is of 220 litres capacity, the bladder (behind the sun screen) a nominal 3 cu M, and the pv station 380 Wp. Collaboration in local food systems Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption Operations Inputs: The 5 Capitals Waste Demand & Consumption 1. Collaboration around inputs 4. Collaboration around “closing loops” 3. Collaboration around demand & consumption 2. Collaboration around operations Patricia Shaw We are used to thinking/seeing/experiencing in terms of a world of separate THINGS apart from ourselves that need to be managed. • Things are clearly defined, identifiable, separate, bounded, stable, graspable, measurable, countable entities. • They may be material things or intangible conceptual things such as organisations, jobs, managers, systems, leaders, resources, strategies, plans, goals, targets, budgets, meetings, cultures, visions…… • Such things can be connected, arranged, ordered, organised by design into structures. • Such ordering connections are universal, linear, rational, sequential, predictable, neutral. Complexity invites us to think/see/experience in terms of a world of PATTERNED FLOW in which we are inextricably immersed. • This dynamic flow is not uniform but patterned as events and activities emerging in webs of interdependent relating. • Patterning (irregular regularities) emerges spontaneously through self-organisation at many scales simultaneously. • Such self-patterning processes are local, reciprocal, non-linear, lateral, unpredictable, improvisational in which both individual and social identities are emerging simultaneously. • Continuity and change are emerging simultaneously as exploration of the adjacent possible with all its creative / destructive potential.