Grand Strategy Session One Introduction to Grand Strategy and Unit and Systemic Influences 20 March 2017 Professor Bradley A. Thayer, Ph.D. Course: Grand Strategy Department of International Relations and European Studies Masaryk University Spring 2017 Objectives •  Introduction to grand strategy •  Why is it important •  Grand strategic options for the U.S. •  Systemic Influences •  Unit Level Influences What is grand strategy? •  How a state defines its – Interests •  Fundamental interests of the state – the threats to those interests •  Internal threats •  External Threats – The means to address threats •  Diplomatic •  Economic •  Military Interests •  Essential Interests – Protection from external and internal threats – Economic growth – Coherence of society, culture – Spreading ideology, democracy? •  Desirable Interests – Environmental – Humanitarian Threats •  External Threats – Peer competitors, e.g. China – Major state threats, e.g. Russia – Nuclear proliferators, other WMD, e.g. Iran – Terrorism •  Internal Threats – Terrorism – Domestic Unrest Means to address threats •  •  •  •  Diplomatic (State Department) Economy (Commerce and State Department) Ideology (State Dept., Hollywood, popular culture) Military –  Airpower (Air Force) –  Seapower (Navy) –  Landpower (Army and Marines) –  Covert Action/Forces (Special Operations Command-CIA) –  Conventional vs. strategic forces (nuclear weapons, missile defense) •  Intelligence Community –  CIA-Central Intelligence Agency –  DIA-Defense Intelligence Agency –  NSA-National Security Agency, the biggest intelligence agency –  NRO-National Reconnaissance Office –  NGA-National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency •  Allies (NATO) Why Is Grand Strategy Important •  Big Impact on International Politics—Makes War or Peace More Likely •  Fundamental Issues –  What Motivates the United States to Act as It Does –  With Whom Does U.S. Ally –  When Does U.S. Fight Wars, Use Force, Intervene –  How Much Force (Including Nuclear Weapons) •  Big Impact on Your Life—Terrorism, Iraq, maybe Iran, Possibility of Nuclear War with China •  So, You May Not Be Interested in Grand Strategy but Grand Strategy May Be Interested in You Grand Strategic Options •  Primacy –  Emphasis on maximizing power, every area of the world matters, and military commitments there •  Selective Engagement (and Offshore Balancing) –  Emphasis on sufficient power, only areas of economic power matter, military commitments there (no landpower commitment for offshore balancing) •  Isolationism –  Emphasis on power for physical security of U.S., no military commitments Levels of Analysis •  The car crash—the driver (individual), the car (state), or environment, road conditions (system) •  First level of analysis—The individual –  Psychological approaches, great men theories •  Second level of analysis—The state –  Attributes of states—ideology, economic system •  Third level of analysis—The international system –  The result of anarchy in international politics State (Unit Level) Interests •  Interests – Security – Debate over how to achieve security—power sufficiency or power maximization – Kenneth Waltz, defensive neorealism, sufficiency, selective engagement – John Mearsheimer, offensive neorealism, maximization, hegemony, primacy State Threats •  Depends on Interests – Fewest threats for isolationism—America fundamentally secure – Fewer threats for selective engagement— America and Allies relatively easy to defend – More threat for hegemony—interests are universal, many threats, great concern for credibility, e.g. Iraq, Vietnam The Impact of the Int’l System •  Big Impact on grand strategy •  Anarchy causes the security dilemma –  Under anarchy, the steps a state takes to make itself secure (arming, alliances) cause other states to arm: making all states armed but not secure –  Influenced by geography (New Zealand) and military technology (nuclear weapons) •  Concern for security requires arming (creating militaries, intelligence communities) and forging alliances •  Constant security competition and sometimes war System Causes Dominant State to be Concerned over Rising Powers •  The Theory of Hegemonic War – 4 aspects: Hegemonic war, stability, divergent growth rates, increased security competition, hegemonic war – Athens and Sparta, Rome and Carthage, Germany and Russia, Britain and Germany – U.S. and China Systemic Problems of Alliances •  The Abandonment Problem –  Weaker state’s concern that the stronger will abandon it –  Poland, Georgia, today •  The “Chain Gang” Problem –  A state’s security depends on its ally –  Germany, Austria-Hungary in World War One •  The “Buck Passing” Problem –  States want others to address the threat –  France and Great Britain in World War Two Unit Level Influences •  Ideology •  Culture/Strategic Culture •  History •  Economic System •  Nationalism •  Technology •  Interest Groups •  Military Effectiveness •  Type of military power—Conventional or Strategic (Nuclear, Biological or Chemical [NBC] Weapons, also called Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD]) Unit Level Influences: Nuclear Weapons •  Deterrence may be nuclear or conventional •  Three theories of nuclear deterrence (1-mutual assured destruction [Jervis], 2-counterforce [Kahn], 3-manipulation of risk [Schelling]) •  Primacy requires counterforce capabilities •  Nuclear deterrence –  Secure second strike capabilities allow deterrence to obtain •  Nuclear forces –  Survivable Triad •  Nuclear command and control –  Detection of attack, dissemination of orders, connectivity •  Low risk of nuclear inadvertence Nuclear Forces •  Multiple delivery systems—Triad – Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) – Submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) – Bombers, cruise missiles •  Accuracy vs. Survivability •  Counterforce vs. Countervalue •  New Triad—Triad plus defenses and responsive infrastructure Command and Control •  Always/Never Dilemma –  Nuclear must always be able to be used with proper authority but never otherwise •  Possibility of decapitation –  Destroying the command and control system to prevent ability to detect and respond to attack •  To prevent decapitation, advanced detection (BMEWS, DSP) and command (Looking Glass, E-6 aircraft, ELF, much redundancy) Safeguard against nuclear inadvertence •  Ensure always/never dilemma •  Risks of stolen nuclear weapons, accidents, and unauthorized launch •  Environmental Safety Devices (ESDs) •  Permissive Action Links (Pals) Basic Neutron Reactions •  Fission –  the splitting of a nucleus into two parts (called fission products), accompanied by the release of energy and neutrons –  Fission fragments are intensely radioactive and tend to have excess neutrons –  Most neutrons are “prompt,” some are “delayed” 92U235 n 36 Kr90 n n 56 Ba143 n Before: After: * Fission fragments vary Chain Reactions •  Neutrons produced in the fission reaction can go on to cause more fissions. Chain Reactions - Termination•  If the neutron escapes the system or is captured by another process, the chain reaction terminates. Chain Reactions - Branching •  If more than one neutron from each fission goes on to produce more fissions, the chain reaction can grow rapidly. •  Delayed neutrons make control of this rate of branching possible. Chain Reactions •  To maintain a critical state, must balance neutron production with losses (from leakage and capture) –  To increase branching, limit termination •  Remove materials that compete for the neutrons •  Reflect escaping neutrons back into the system •  Increase the density of the nuclear fuel •  Increase the probability that the target material will capture the neutron and then fission (e.g., use a moderator to slow the neutrons down to energy where the fission cross section is larger). –  To limit branching, increase termination •  Introduce materials that absorb neutrons •  Arrange the system to allow more neutrons to escape to Uranium •  U-235 is the only naturally occurring fissile isotope. •  However, it is less than 1% of naturally occurring uranium. •  U-238 competes with U-235 for neutrons, thus interfering with the chain reaction. –  enrichment separates these isotopes to increase the proportion of U-235. •  U-238 can absorb neutrons to produce Pu-239, which is also fissile. 99.28 0.72 0.01 U-238 U-235 U-234 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (MeV) Crosssection (barns) Total Fission Scattering 235U Plutonium 1 0 92 238 239 92 0 0 92 239 239 93 −1 0 0 0 * 239 93 239 94 −1 0 0 0 * n+ U→ U+ γ U→ Np+ β Np→ Pu+ β + ν + ν •  U-238 absorbs a neutron, becoming U-239, which decays to Pu-239. •  When exposed to neutrons, some of the Pu-239 will fission and some will absorb neutrons to become Pu-240, which presents problems in a weapon. •  Therefore, to obtain relatively pure Pu-239, one must limit time in the reactor. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Energy (MeV) Crosssection(barns) Total Fission Scattering 239Pu Fission Nuclear Materials - 2 Basic Choices •  Uranium Enrichment –  To get fissile U-235, must enrich natural uranium. –  Because all isotopes of Uranium are chemically identical, enrichment must utilize the slight mass difference. •  Plutonium Production & Reprocessing –  Since all other fissile materials must be produced through neutron absorption, they can only be found in material previously irradiated in a reactor. –  Reprocessing refers to chemical processing of irradiated material, which is needed to extract the fissile material. Criticality •  Sub critical - Net production of neutrons is less than is needed to sustain chain reaction •  Super critical - Net production of neutrons is more than sufficient to sustain chain reaction •  Prompt Super Critical Production of prompt neutrons alone are more than sufficient to sustain the chain reaction (delayed neutrons are excess) 1 2 2 21 (and so on …) 3 3 3 3 Incident neutron •  Critical - Net of one neutron per fission (prompt + delayed) produces another fission (stable) Incident neutron Incident neutron (and so on …) 1 2 3 4 235U or 239Pu nucleus fission neutron capture Fission Weapon Concepts Propellant •  Gun Type –  rapidly bringing together two subcritical masses to achieve a prompt supercritical mass •  Implosion Type –  compressing a subcritical sphere of special nuclear material to form a prompt supercritical mass Fusion •  Process in which nuclei of lightweight elements combine to form a more tightly bound nucleus with the simultaneous release of energy Fusion Fuels •  Deuterium (H-2, “D”) –  0.015% of naturally occurring Hydrogen –  separable from water as D2O •  Tritium (H-3, “T”) –  produced by bombarding lithium with neutrons –  half-life of 12.3 years •  Energy produced per kg of fuel in “D”-”T” fusion is four times that of U-235 fission + - + - 2 3 1 1 2 4 1 0H+ H→ He+ n Fusion Reactions •  These reactions don’t take place simply by mixing the ingredients together –  The nuclei (not neutrons) must come together –  Very strong electrostatic repulsion must be overcome –  Thermonuclear reactions can be induced by high density and high thermal energy, requiring temperatures on the order of 100,000,000 °K(180,000,000 °F!) + + - - Fusion Weapon Concepts •  A nuclear fission reaction is needed to produce the necessary temperatures for nuclear fusion to take place •  X-rays from the fission reaction are used to compress the secondary to cause fusion before the primary disassembles Primary Secondary