In each system special measures are to be adopted to ensure allocation of the women quota seats. Key points · The quotas described in the law and constitution shall be provided for. · Approaches proposed in the recommended electoral systems ensure the opportunity for women to win more seats than the quota. · The Special Electoral Reform Commission endeavored to avoid an outcome of the Afghan elections from a win and lose situation; instead, it choose a win–win solution for both genders. · The approaches and mechanisms are designed to encourage groups to include women in their lists, and thus enhance their role in political parties WOMEN REPRESENTATION WITHIN THE PARALLEL AND MDR SYSTEM Different electoral systems offer different options. The SERC proposes Multi-Dimensional Representation (a fully proportional system) and the Parallel System which contains both SNTV (majoritarian) and Fixed List Proportional Representation (proportional) systems as two options. Recommendation of these two options shall make the decision making easier for leaders of the National Unity government to select one of these systems. In general, in both cases, the quota seats for women would be maintained and in addition they have the opportunity to win even more seats. SEAT ALLOCATION AND THE WOMEN QUOTA The number of seats to be assigned to women in each constituency will be pre-determined by the Independent Election Commission, based on the existing rules. Under the parallel system, the quota seats for women can be applied to the majoritarian SNTV component; in addition, they may compete in the proportional list component. Under the MDR system quota seats for women can also be applied, and they have the opportunity to win more seats than the quota. Nomination Requirement for Women UNDER the Parallel SYSTEMS · Under the Parallel System, the same as in the SNTV system, women nominate themselves as independent and individual candidates; also political parties will consider including women in their lists of candidates. Nomination Requirement for Women UNDER the mdr SYSTEM · Under the MDR system, women have different options for candidacy. They can nominate themselves as independent candidates; or prepare a list of female candidates; in addition, party lists and other lists have been obliged to include women in their lists proportionate to the number of the women quota seats in the respective constituencies. Seat Allocation · Under the Parallel system seat allocation to women is the same as in the SNTV system. Those women win that receive more votes than other women. The total quota seats are allocated in this manner. However, in the proportional component of the system, women receive seats only through competition with men on the equal footing, according to the proportional formula. · Under the MDR system, in case women do not receive seats based on the general formula of the system they will be allocated seats applying the SNTV’s majoritarian formula; the women that have received the highest number of votes at the respective constituency level wins the seat regardless of the fact that those women are part of a list or are independent candidates.