Today •Health beliefs, health behaviors, and behavior change •Addressing the main goals of interventions •Social Ecological Framework •Health beliefs •Addictive behaviors •Eating behavior, exercise behavior •Theoretical foundation of interventions •Why do we need theory to guide interventions? •What are the most commonly used theories of health behavior? •When in the process of intervention planning do we use theory? •Evaluating the impact of interventions •RE-AIM > Goals of Behavioral Interventions > Approaches to Health Promotion How do we go about promoting healthy behaviors? > Approaches to Health Promotion Policy Individual Social Physical Environmental Schematic representation of the ecological framework for understanding different influences on personal health behaviors > Approaches to Health Promotion (1)Behavioral and social approaches -Individually-adapted health behavior changed programs -Social support interventions in community settings -Family-based social support -School-based enhanced health education and practice (2)Campaign and informational approaches -Community-wide campaigns -Mass media campaigns -Classroom-based health education focused on providing information (3)Environmental and policy approaches > Focus on Theory-Based Interventions > Facilitators Barriers Health Priorities Physical Activity Priorities What are the main reasons that make it difficult for you to reach your health goals? WHY DO WE NEED THEORY? > Atheoretical Approaches: Motives and Barriers •Descriptive •Typically large-scale surveys of attitudinal and motivational factors •Useful for providing baseline data, plotting trends, or generating ideas and research directions •Do NOT explain why individuals hold these beliefs Clarification…. •Theory •A generalized statement aimed at explaining a phenomenon/behavior •The basis for creating a model •Model •Purposeful representation (symbolic, verbal, visual) of reality or a concept •Models can serve as the structure for the step-by-step formulation of a theory •Framework •Way of organizing information about the field (e.g., the health onion) •Similar to paradigms but looser > Clarification •Theories of health behavior •Linear •Derived from observational studies •Mainly explain status, do not predict change in behavior well •VS •Theories of health behavior change •Cyclical, dynamic •Must be tested in experimental context •Help understand process, goal is to predict change in behavior > Health Behavior Theory •Only 22.5% of interventions explicitly based on health behavior theory (Davis et al., 2010) •Most commonly used theories emphasize individual or interpersonal factors; physical and social context often ignored •Davis at al. (2015) •Identified 82 theories of behavior with potential for use in health behavior change •4 theories accounted for 174 (63%) of articles •Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM; N = 91; 33%) •Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB; N = 36; 13%) •Social Cognitive Theory (SCT; N = 29; 11%) •Information-Motivation-Behavioural-Skills Model (IMB; N = 18; 7%) > t2.png t.png t1.png Health Belief Model (Becker & Maiman, 1975) • • • The likelihood of behavior depends on the person’s perception of the severity of health risks and appraisal of the costs and benefits of taking action. > Health Belief Model (HBM) Perceived Susceptibility Perceived Seriousness Perceived Threat of Disease Cues to Action Demographic Variables Perceived Benefits minus Perceived Barriers Likelihood of Taking Health Action > Limitations of Health Belief Model •Illness-avoidance orientation •Limited use in some behaviors (e.g.,PA/exercise) – individuals often engage in behaviros for reasons other than prevention of chronic disease •May be more useful for explaining avoidance of negative behaviors rather than engagement in positive health behaviors • > Discussion •Grandahl et al. (2016) > Self-Determination Theory (SDT) •Deci & Ryan (1985) • Autonomy Competence Motivation Behavior Relatedness • Individuals possess different types of motivations but all are related to three fundamental human needs Affect Cognition Motivation continuum Self-determined (autonomous) Controlling SDT - Motivation •Intrinsic •for the enjoyment of the activity itself •Identified regulation •you identify with it (i.e., self-initiated and of some personal relevance or value) •Introjected regulation •wanting to avoid punishment or guilt •External regulation •for some external reward or due to pressure to do so (e.g., from significant others) •Amotivation > Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1988) • • Exercise behavior can be explained by • •intentions •subjective norms and attitudes •perceptions of ability to control behavior > Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) •Developed from Theory of Reasoned Action • Attitude Subjective Norm Behavioral Intention Behavior Beliefs, value, likely outcomes Beliefs of significant others + motivation to comply with such beliefs Perceived Behavioral Control Perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior Limitations of TPB •The model is unidirectional •Does not account for past behavior •Focus on social psychological perceptions •Typically explains more variance in intentions than in behavior • > Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986, 1997) Cognitive, affective, biological events Mediating mechanisms Fundamental human Beliefs capabilities > Elements of Social Cognitive Theory •Goals •Impediments or barriers •Outcome expectancies versus self-efficacy •Outcome expectancies •Judgments of the likely consequence/outcomes of one’s actions •Self-efficacy •people's judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain desired outcomes > Self-Efficacy Theory > Limitations of SCT •Too comprehensive? Cumbersome to implement •? •? •? • > Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) (Prohaska & DiClemente, 1983) • •Exercise behavior can be explained by •Stages of change •Processes of change (experiential versus behavioral) •Decisional balance •Self-efficacy (added later by Prohaska et al., 1994) > TTM Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Adopted from J. Adams & M. White: Br. J. Sports Med. 2003;37;106-114. Self liberation Self re-evaluation Reinforcement management Helping relationships Counterconditioning Stimulus control Consciousness raising Dramatic relief Environmental re-evaluation > Defining Stages of Change Stage Meeting criterion level of PA Current behavior Intention to meet criterion level of PA Precontemplation No Little or no PA No Contemplation No Little of no PA Yes Preparation No Small changes in PA Yes Action Yes Active for < 6 months Yes Maintenance Yes Active for > 6 months Yes > TTM Assumptions • Key • During exercise, behavior induction strategies are used during the different transtheoretical stages. (Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992) • Matching the intervention to the stage of change is effective in producing high levels of regular exercise, at least in the short term. • > Limitations of TTM •? •? •? • • > Discussion •Noia et al. (2010) > Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) (Schwarzer, 2003) > Motivation Phase Volition Phase Planning Coping Self-Efficacy Outcome Expectancies Action Self- Efficacy Intentions Risk Perception Physical Exercise What does this “two-phase” model mean from an intervention perspective? Bottom Line •When deciding on the best approach to •encourage INDIVIDUAL behavior change, maximize exercise adherence and long-term •maintenance of physical activity one must •take into account •…….one’s motivation to change •…….one’s abilities (actual and perceived) •one’s resources and opportunities to change b.png > Behavior Change Wheel b1.png (Michie et al., 2011) > WHICH THEORY IS BEST? > > Some Caveats… •It is unlikely that a single theory will universally explain physical activity behavior •Context-specific and population-specific considerations •Do we need gender-specific theories? •Existing theories should be scrutinized and revised based on available evidence •This is a very slow process •Efforts for transtheoretical paradigms •Theoretical Domains Framework (Cane et al., 2012, Michie et al., 2005) • > Common Mistakes When Using Theory •Focusing program too narrowly for expected outcomes •Selecting too few constructs (or only at one level of influence) – a program should be based on important influences on behavior •Focusing too broadly in relation to the resources available •Failure to consider the particular situation and target group •Using constructs from theories without considering implications (should aim for multiple levels if influence) •Overreliance on familiar methods and strategies •Overreliance on a favorite theory •Dismissing theory and relying on experience or intuition > How to Select a Theory •The social or health problem at hand (what are the needs?) •The behavior(s) to be targeted •Health behavior theory as blueprint identifying salient antecedents of behavior •The target population and their needs •Context in which the intervention will take place • •PLANNING MODELS CAN PROVIDE GUIDEANCE IN A SYSTEMATIC WAY •STARTING WITH NEEDS ASSESSMENT Approaches to Health Promotion Policy Individual Social Physical Environmental Schematic representation of the ecological framework for understanding different influences on health behavior > A Shift from a Clinical to a Public Health Approach •Clinical/Medical Approach •stresses convenience & efficiency of the provider • “waiting” approach – individuals must look for programs that meet their needs • serve mostly active and healthy (or patient populations) • takes place in structured settings •Community-based Approach •multi-level public health orientation • “seeking” approach – active approach to collecting and disseminating information to allow for tailoring to individual needs • target all segments of population, especially those who would particularly benefit (i.e., those at risk) • takes place in “real-life” environment •Seeks to instill changes in social networks and structures, organizational norms, policies • > Approaches to Health Promotion (1)Behavioral and social approaches -Individually-adapted health behavior changed programs -Social support interventions in community settings -Family-based social support -School-based enhanced health education and practice (2)Campaign and informational approaches -Community-wide campaigns -Mass media campaigns -Classroom-based health education focused on providing information (3)Environmental and policy approaches > Applying the RE-AIM Framework to Health Behavior Interventions •RE-AIM originally developed to evaluate the public health impact of health promotion efforts and potential for dissemination and sustainability •Today interventionists use this framework in the planning phases of interventions to maximize their public health impact and long-term effectiveness > Applying the RE-AIM Framework to Physical Activity Interventions •Central questions •How well does research translate into practice? •What is …Robustness •What is …Translatability •What is …Public health impact •Individual level •Institutional (or Setting) level > RE-AIM • • • • • • • • • > •Determine if acceptable program/policy will: •Reach large numbers of people, especially those who can benefit most •Be widely adopted by different settings using available “channels” of delivery •Be consistently implemented by settings and staff members reflective of local community •Produce relevant, replicable, long-lasting effects (with minimal negative impacts) at reasonable cost RE-AIM as a planning model: Designing for dissemination Klesges, et al Ann Beh Med 2005;29:S66-75. > RE-AIM – cont. R E A I M Reach Effectiveness Adoption Implementation Maintenance Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Glasgow, Klesges, Dzewaltowski, et al., Ann Behav Med, 2004 > RE-AIM Dimensions Dimension Definitions REACH 1. Participation rate among potential target group(s) 2. Representativeness of participants in terms of social, demographic, and health characteristics EFFICACY/ EFFECTIVENESS 1. Effects of intervention on primary outcome of interest 2. Impact on quality of life and negative outcomes 3. Robust outcomes (similar effects among targeted groups) > Clarification of Terms •Efficacy •Does the treatment/intervention cause an effect? •Does the treatment/intervention work under ideal circumstances? •Effectiveness • Does the treatment/intervention work under real-life circumstances? • > RE-AIM Dimensions (cont.) Dimension Definitions ADOPTION 1. Participation rate among possible settings and contexts 2. Representativeness of participating settings, intervention staff IMPLEMENTATION MAINTENANCE 1. Extent intervention was delivered as intended in protocol 2. Time & cost of intervention 1. Longer-term effects > 6 months (Individual) 2. Impact of attrition on outcomes (Individual) 3. Sustained delivery or modifications of intervention (Setting) > Some Challenges… •Reach •Not studying a relevant, high-risk, or representative sample •Remedy? •Efficacy or Effectiveness •Not thoroughly understanding outcomes or how they come about, e.g., no knowledge of mediators, conflicting or ambiguous results, or inadequate control conditions to rule out alternative hypotheses •Remedy? > Some Challenges – cont. •Adoption •Program not ever adopted or endorsed — or only used in academic settings •Remedy? •Implementation •Protocols not delivered as intended (type III error) •Remedy? •Maintenance •Program or effects not maintained over time •Remedy? > RE-AIM Resources •If we want more evidence-based practice, • we need more practice-based evidence. • L. W. Green, 2004 • •More information on RE-AIM at > Multiple Behavior Change Research •Efforts to promote two or more health behaviors •The interrelationships among health behaviors and interventions designed to promote change in more than one health behavior at a time •Presents a unique set of challenges • theoretical, methodologic, intervention, statistical, and funding issues > Rationale for MHBC Research • Approximately half of all causes of mortality in the United States are linked to social and behavioral factors such as smoking, diet, alcohol use, sedentary life-style, and accidents. Yet less than 5% of the approximately $1 trillion spent annually on health care in the United States is devoted to reducing risks posed by these preventable conditions. Behavioral and social interventions therefore offer great promise to reduce disease morbidity and mortality, but as yet their potential to improve the public’s health has been relatively poorly tapped. • — Institute of Medicine > Rationale for MHBC Research •The major causes of morbidity and premature mortality in the US (heart disease, cancer, and stroke) influenced by multiple health risk behaviors (including smoking, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity, and poor diet) •In the US, only 3% of adults meet all four health behavior goals of being a nonsmoker, having a healthy weight, being physically active, and eating 5 or more fruits and vegetables a day (Reeves & Rafferty, 2005) > Rationale for MHBC Research – cont. •Clustering of unhealthy behaviors •In the US, the majority of adults meet criteria for two or more risk behaviors (Fine et al., 2004; Pronk et al., 2004) •92% of smokers exhibit at least one additional risk behavior (Fine et al., 2004; Klesges et al., 1990; Pronk et al., 2004) •9 out of 10 overweight women at least two eating or activity risk behaviors (Sanchez et al., 2008) > Rationale for MHBC Research – cont. •Success in changing one or more lifestyle behaviors may increase self-efficacy to improve risk behaviors individuals have low motivation to change •PA as a gateway behavior to overall health full lifestyle? •Limited contact opportunities for health promotion – should aim for interventions that could simultaneously improve multiple risk behaviors •Interventions targeted at single risk behaviors, even if effective, will be limited in their impact > Methodological Issues in MHBC •Design issues •How many behaviors to target at once? •Specific combinations of specific behaviors? Are some more compatible than others? •Differential motivation to change different behaviors •Implications for timing? Introduce behaviors at the same time or sequentially? > Hyman et al. (2007) •Is sequential presentation of stage of change–based counseling to stop smoking, reduce dietary sodium level, and increase physical activity by at least 10 000 pedometer steps per week more effective than simultaneous counseling? •African Americans (N=289) with hypertension, aged 45 to 64 years, initially non-adherent to the 3 behavioral goals, were randomized: (1)1 in-clinic counseling session on all 3 behaviors every 6 months, supplemented by motivational interviewing by telephone for 18 months; (2)a similar protocol that addressed a new behavior every 6 months; (3)1-time referral to existing group classes (“usual care”). • •The primary end point was the proportion in each arm that met at least 2 behavioral criteria after 18 months. > Hyman et al. (2007) - results •At 18 months, only 6.5% in the simultaneous arm, 5.2% in the sequential arm, and 6.5% in the usual-care arm met the primary end point •Results for single behavioral goals consistently favored the simultaneous group •At 6 months, 29.6% in the simultaneous, 16.5% in the sequential, and 13.4% in the usual-care arms had reached the urine sodium goal •At 18 months, 20.3% in the simultaneous,16.9% in the sequential, and 10.1% in the usual care arms were urine cotinine negative > King et al. 2013 •Four intervention groups: a sequential exercise-first group, a sequential diet-first group, a simultaneous group, and a control group •12 months interventions; 4 months in between sequential behaviors •Telephone-based counseling (SCT, TTM); control received stress management advice > •The behaviors presented first, showed greater improvement in sequential interventions (suppression effect of “diet first” on physical activity) •In simultaneous group, changes in both behaviors comparable, the size of the effect similar to that of “first behavior” in the sequential group • Fruit & Vegetable Intake Calorie Intake from Sat. Fat MVPA Methodological Issues in MHBC •Measurement issues •Separate or composite measures? •Data analysis •Theory testing across behaviors •Participant burden > Behavior Change from the Perspective of Motivational Interviewing • •Motivational interviewing is a directive, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. Source: Miller WR, et al. Motivational Interviewing, 2nd ed. Guilford Press; 2002. Berger B. Motivational interviewing helps patients confront change. Available at: &article_id=450. > Originally developed for problem drinkers The Spirit of Motivational Interviewing •Collaborate with the patient •Evoke their readiness to take action (elicit “change talk”) •Develop patient’s autonomy to take responsibility for their own health • Behavior change can be facilitated but not coerced. > Strategies for Successful Interaction with Patients •Elicit-Provide-Elicit •Menu of Strategies •The Five Principles •READS •Helpful Tools •Readiness Rulers •The Envelope • Rollnick S, et al. Health Behavior Change: A Guide For Practitioners. Churchill Livingstone; 2003. Berger B. Motivational interviewing helps patients confront change. Available at: ticle_id=450 > Rollnick S, et al. Health Behavior Change: A Guide For Practitioners. Churchill Livingstone; 2003:109. Berger B. Motivational interviewing helps patients confront change. Available at: ticle_id=450. Accessed January 13, 2004. Strategies for Successful Interaction with Patients •ELICIT-PROVIDE-ELICIT •The good things and bad things •What do they like and dislike about the proposed changes? •What is their representation of the illness and its treatment? •Do they agree with the NP/MD? •Do they believe they can do what is asked? What will help? •What are the barriers? •IS THE PATIENT READY FOR THE CHANGE? > discussing patient’s lifestyle; how does the patient view it? A typical day? Needed for tailoring, Identifying Problems, Exercise Opening strategy: The good things and bad things What do they like and dislike about the proposed changes? What is their representation of the illness and its treatment? Do they agree with the MD? Do they believe they can do what is asked? What will help? What are the barriers? Five Principles of MI •Express empathy •Develop discrepancy •Avoid argumentation •Roll with resistance •Support self-efficacy • > Discrepancy between stated goals and current behavior (where I see myself at present and where I want to be Listen for reasons to change; use of objective feedback to develop discrepancy Goal to have client articulate – but not dwell on reasons not to change Building Motivation •Explore ambivalence and build motivation (1)Open-ended questions (2)Reflective listening (3)Affirmations (4)Summaries (5)Elicit self-motivational statements (change talk) • [USEMAP] > Reflective listening – involves making hypothesis and checking them out: avoid giving advice, providing solutions, persuading with logic, giving warnings about health Improved outcomes – mediated by increased adherence Issues: requires practice/ skill, dose issues; who should deliver? Peers/psychologists? Readiness to Change: Eliciting Change Talk [USEMAP] “If I handed you an envelope, what would the message inside have to say to get you to ________?” > Building Motivation •Goal is to get patient/client to articulate: • •The steps I plan to take are: •Challenges that may interfere: •How I will handle these challenge •I’ll know my plan is working if: • • > Reflective listening – involves making hypothesis and checking them out: avoid giving advice, providing solutions, persuading with logic, giving warnings about health Improved outcomes – mediated by increased adherence Issues: requires practice/ skill, dose issues; who should deliver? Peers/psychologists? MHBC Challenges • •Timing of treatment •Measuring changes in multiple behaviors •Theory testing across behaviors •Participant burden > Some Statistics (Lightwood & Glantz, 2007) •1% absolute reduction in smoking prevalence (AMIs and strokes) •In the first year, there would be 924±679 (mean±SD) fewer hospitalizations for AMI and 538±508 for stroke, resulting in an immediate savings of $44±26 million •A 7-year program that reduced smoking prevalence by 1% per year would result in a total savings of $3.20±0.59 billion in costs, and would prevent 13,100 deaths resulting from AMI/stroke. > that occur before people reach the hospital. Creating a new^ nonsmoker reduces anticipated medical costs associated with^ AMI and stroke by $47 in the first year and by $853 during the^ next 7 years (discounting 2.5% per year). Health Behavior The first area, “unhealthy behavior” is the largest in magnitude and is the subject of a large body of peer-reviewed research. The midpoint of the cost-savings estimates is $408 billion per year, equivalent to 17% of 2008 national health expenditures (NHE). The range of expected savings from the respective studies is $264 billion to $552 billion per year and includes several significant studies by the CDC and NIH.2-11 The costs of unhealthy behavior are those that could be avoided through lifestyle changes that would reduce disease and illness associated with alcohol and tobacco use and obesity. Obesity increases the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. The cost of obesity has been extensively modeled; estimates of potential cost-savings range from $72 billion to $216 billion per year. Tobacco increases the risk of cancer, heart diseases and pulmonary diseases; estimated cost savings range from $144 billion to $192 billion per year. Alcohol abuse contributes to acute and chronic health problems and injuries. Eliminating alcohol abuse is estimated to generate savings that range from $48 billion to $144 billion per year. Exhibit 3 shows the problems that make up the health behavior category and illustrates the respective cost savings using the midpoint of estimates. Some Statistics (The Lewin Group Review, 2009) •The midpoint of the cost-savings estimates is $408 billion per year, equivalent to 17% of 2008 national health expenditures (NHE) •The range of expected savings from the respective studies is $264 billion to $552 billion per year and includes several significant studies by the CDC and NIH > that occur before people reach the hospital. Creating a new^ nonsmoker reduces anticipated medical costs associated with^ AMI and stroke by $47 in the first year and by $853 during the^ next 7 years (discounting 2.5% per year). Health Behavior The first area, “unhealthy behavior” is the largest in magnitude and is the subject of a large body of peer-reviewed research. The midpoint of the cost-savings estimates is $408 billion per year, equivalent to 17% of 2008 national health expenditures (NHE). The range of expected savings from the respective studies is $264 billion to $552 billion per year and includes several significant studies by the CDC and NIH.2-11 The costs of unhealthy behavior are those that could be avoided through lifestyle changes that would reduce disease and illness associated with alcohol and tobacco use and obesity. Obesity increases the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. The cost of obesity has been extensively modeled; estimates of potential cost-savings range from $72 billion to $216 billion per year. Tobacco increases the risk of cancer, heart diseases and pulmonary diseases; estimated cost savings range from $144 billion to $192 billion per year. Alcohol abuse contributes to acute and chronic health problems and injuries. Eliminating alcohol abuse is estimated to generate savings that range from $48 billion to $144 billion per year. Exhibit 3 shows the problems that make up the health behavior category and illustrates the respective cost savings using the midpoint of estimates. Hyman et al. (2007) – results > Hyman et al. (2007) – results >