Adoption by Homosexual Couples Markéta Tvrdá Gender in Social Work Content •Introduction •Theoretical Concept •Arguments (pros/cons) •Research / Results •Conclusion • • • • •Have you ever thought about adoption of homosexual couples? • • •Who agree with the adoption by homosexual couples? Theoretical Concept •The dilemma of neutrality and favoritism •prof. PhDr. Libor Musil, CSc. • •1989 – Discussions about Homosexuality •1997 – Efforts for a law on register partnership •2006 – Registered Partnership Law •2016 – Adoption allowed within children from the institutions • • •Increasing number of homosexual couples aplicate for adoption • Arguments •Rights, best interests of a child and his needs •No preferring of rights and interest adults against children‘s • • • • • • Arguments - CONS •Violence •Partnership stability •Promiscuity •Stigmatization of children •Motives, interests, assumptions Arguments - PROS •Sexual orientation is not a prove of good or bad characteristics of a human •Gay and lesbian can be as good parent as heterosexual •Lack of love and damaged relationships in a family influence children more then sexual orientation of their parents Research •4 social workers •1 psychologist •5 friends • •What do you imagine within „best interest of the child?“ •Which characteristic should have a „good parent?“ •What is your opinion about adoption by homosexual couples? Results •Best interest of the child •Rights •Flourishing • •Mental needs of children •Stimulation •Meaningful world •Love – emotional security •Identity •Life perspective • Results •Good parent •Prepare child for adulthood •Protection from pathological phenomena •Good role model •Rational •Spend a lot of quality time with a child •Take care about child (economical, social, physical) Results •Opinions for adoption by homosexuals couples •Better way then institution •Children have home and feel that belong somewhere • •Stigmatization and bullying •Absence of the „normal family“ •Fear of child sexual orientation • Conclusion - What to do? •Application should be proved more by one worker •Application should be judged individually •Workers self-reflection •Prevention at school (tolerance) •Prevention at our homes •Workshops, seminars, conferences… • • •„Love, that child need is not conditional by the gender or sexual orientation of parents.“ Sources •BARLOW, R. 2013. Gay Parents as good ad straight ones. [on-line]. [15.5.2017]. Dostupné z: •CRETELLA, M., TRUMBULL, D. 2013. Sexual Parenting: Is It Time For Change? [on-line]. [15.5.2017]. Dostupné z: -is-it-time-for-change •FIFKOVÁ, H. O sexu s Hankou. Praha: Grada. 1998. ISBN 80-7169-673-0. •INFORMACE PRO NÁHRADNÍ RODIČE. Základní psychické potřeby dítěte. [on-line]. [15.5.2017]. Dostupné z: •MUSIL, L. ,,Ráda bych Vám pomohla, ale“. Dilemata práce s klienty v organizacích. Brno: Marek Zeman, 2004. 243 s. ISBN 80-903070-1-9. •Zákon č. 89/2012 Sb. Občanský zákoník •