• Diversity in general 물건, 개체이(가) 표시된 사진 높은 신뢰도로 생성된 설명 마스크, 의류이(가) 표시된 사진 매우 높은 신뢰도로 생성된 설명 사진, 다른, 음식이(가) 표시된 사진 매우 높은 신뢰도로 생성된 설명 •Height •Eye color •Favorite food Diversity in social work : Diversity which is important to society and makes a difference in people's lives. BASIC & SECONDARY DIMENSIONS OF DIVERSITY (Loden & Rosener, 1991) •Basic dimensions Changeable Invisible •Secondary dimensions Unchangeable Visible (except sexual orientation) . The diversity that employs social workers is one that is important to society and make a difference in people's lives. BASIC & SECONDARY DIMENSIONS OF DIVERSITY (Loden & Rosener, 1991) 1. Basic dimensions are elements that have some ability to change. We can also choose whether to reveal or hide these features. 2. Secondary dimensions are aspects of ourselves that we can not change. Things that others know about us before we even open our mouths, because it is visible (except sexual orientation). Gender Identity (Healy, 2014) •reflects a deeply felt and experienced sense of one’s own gender •consistent with the sex assigned to them at birth • Transgender People •Inconsistency between their sense of their gender and the sex they were assigned at birth. •Often their characteristic may conflict with society’s expectations of gender-normative behavior Transvestite (In dictionary Miriam Webster-online) •A person who wears clothes designed for the opposite sex •Usually they are identified as straight people -reflects a deeply felt and experienced sense of one’s own gender -connsistent with the sex assigned to them at birth Trasgender people For trasgender people is an inconsistency between their sense of their own gender and the sex they were assigned at birth and offten their characteristic may conflict with society’s expectations of gender-normative behaviour. Tranvestite (in dictionary Miriam Webster - online) -a person who wears clothes designed for the opposite sex -he do not usually identify as transgender—most identify as straight men Laura Erickson-Schroth •Sexual Orientation (Healy, 2014) •A person’s physical, romantic or emotional attraction toward other people •Integral to a person’s identity •Heterosexual •are attracted to individuals of a different sex from themselves • •Homosexual •are attracted to individuals of the same sex from themselves - refers to a person’s physical, romantic or emotional attraction towards other people -everyone has a sexual orientation, which is integral to a person’s identity Homosexual - are attracted to individuals of the same sex as themselves Heterosexual (sometimes known as ‘straight’) -are attracted to individuals of a different sex from themselves Bisexual -may be attracted to individuals of the same or different sex => Sexual orientation is not related to gender identity •Sexual Orientation •Bisexual •are attracted to individuals of the same or different sex from themselves •Queer •attracted atoms and two sexes and / or transgendered (transgendered) atoms •Asexual •Does not feel sexual attraction Queer: attracted atoms and two sexes and / or transgendered (transgendered) atoms Asexuall: does not feel sexual attraction •“Big wall to break” 건물, 실외이(가) 표시된 사진 매우 높은 신뢰도로 생성된 설명 > Most of Korean LGBT are afraid of coming-out •(Ipsos global;2015) •Hong Seok-cheon •An actor and famous celebrity in Korea •Fired from his TV programs and advertisements • •No longer landed any major acting roles • •Faced massive stigma • •After he revealed his homosexuality • •Still he is the first and the last celebrity who did coming out in Korea 사람, 벽, 실내, 남자이(가) 표시된 사진 매우 높은 신뢰도로 생성된 설명 Hong Seok-cheon is an actor and tv star in Korea. In 2000, Hong was asked a question regarding his sexuality on a variety show, and he chose to answer honestly that he was gay. After Hong revealed his homosexuality, he was fired from his network television programs and advertisements amidst public uproar, and no longer landed any major acting roles. He faced massive stigma after becoming the country's first openly gay celebrity, and later said he experienced shunning, verbal abuse and discrimination that he rarely stepped out of his social circle Nowadays he appears regulary on the TV show again and loved by Korean with a nickname of "Korean top gay". Still he is the first and last celebrity who did "coming out" in Korea. •“Existent but dormant” • • a) indifference on the part of non concerned parties • b) deception and lack of trust on the part of parties •directly concerned (LGBTs and their organizations). • existent but dormant. One may observe a) indifference on the part of non concerned parties and b) deception and lack of trust on the part of parties directly concerned (LGBTs and their organisations). This tacit acquiescence to homophobia is nurtured by a number of factors which are peculiar within Greek society. At least six factors may be pointed out: 6 factors which made the tacit acquiescence to homophobia a) the main role of the Greek Orthodox Church in Greek society and its influence in the homophobic stance b) the homophobic stance of the majority of politicians. c) the negative imagery Thematic study Greece 6 put forward by the media, d) the role of the police, e) the absence of sexual education in schools and f) the unwillingness of all the governments to pay attention to substantiated LGBT claims and to legislate in accordance. (Vasilis Hatazopoulos, 2010) put forward by the media, a.The main role of the Greek Orthodox Church in Greek society and its influence in the homophobic stance b.The homophobic stance of the majority of politicians c.The negative imagery Thematic put forward by the media d.The role of the police e.The absence of sexual education in schools f.The unwillingness of all the governments to pay attention to substantiated LGBT claims and to legislate in accordance. •(Vasilis Hatazopoulos, 2010) • •6 factors which made the tacit acquiescence existent but dormant. One may observe a) indifference on the part of non concerned parties and b) deception and lack of trust on the part of parties directly concerned (LGBTs and their organisations). This tacit acquiescence to homophobia is nurtured by a number of factors which are peculiar within Greek society. At least six factors may be pointed out: 6 factors which made the tacit acquiescence to homophobia a) the main role of the Greek Orthodox Church in Greek society and its influence in the homophobic stance b) the homophobic stance of the majority of politicians. c) the negative imagery Thematic study Greece 6 put forward by the media, d) the role of the police, e) the absence of sexual education in schools and f) the unwillingness of all the governments to pay attention to substantiated LGBT claims and to legislate in accordance. (Vasilis Hatazopoulos, 2010) •From 1990 according to the law (Act 175/1990 Sb) homosexuality was made equal to heterosexuality • • •From 2006 was adopted the law (Act 115/2006 Sb) •about registered patnership • •(Procházka, Gaupner 2005) • from 1990 according to the law (Act 175/1990 Sb) homosexuality was made equal to heterosexuality (Procházka, Gaupner 2005) from 2006 was adopted the law (Act 115/2006 Sb) about registered patnership •The perception of homosexuality •by Center for Public Opinion Research 2016 (Czech CVVM) •Proponent of homosexuality is mostly from people in the ages 15-44 years with education (especially absolvents from college) •opponents are usually people over 60 year, retiree, low-waged education and by Roman Catholic religion •Since 2008 - 2009 these groups are quite balanced and tolerant of their presence (for example in the neighborhood) since 2008 has increased The perception of homosexuality by Center for Public Opinion Research 2016 (Czech CVVM) are: -promotion of homosexuality is the most from people in the ages 15-44 years with education (especially absolvents from college) -opponents are usually people over 60 year, retiree, low education and by Roman Catholic religion -Since 2008 - 2009 these groups are quite balanced and tolerance of their presence (for example in the neighborhood) since 2008 has increased •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4u4gqRgAag • •What tools should social workers use ? •Support •Intersectionality •Participation •to understand a social situation •of those people • •in struggle to society like stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in gender view Social workers should be use a tools like a participation and a view of intersectionality to understand a social situation those people and also to support them in struggle to society like stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in gender view too. For example: In the Czech is a non-profit organization called Stud*, which supported all people who fall under LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) in their rights and equalization. In social work we can see it like a community work, which empowers this group to gain their cohesion, solidarity based on the civil rights. In Corea ? In Greece? *link here: http://www.stud.cz/o-nas.html •Non-profit organization which support all people who fall under LGBT in their rights and equalization. • •Empower this kind of group •to gain their cohesion, solidarity •Based on their civil rights. •Our suggestion Social workers should be use a tools like a participation and a view of intersectionality to understand a social situation those people and also to support them in struggle to society like stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in gender view too. For example: In the Czech is a non-profit organization called Stud*, which supported all people who fall under LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) in their rights and equalization. In social work we can see it like a community work, which empowers this group to gain their cohesion, solidarity based on the civil rights. *link here: http://www.stud.cz/o-nas.html -Healey, J. (2014). Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Thirroul, N.S.W.: Spinney Press. link here: http://eds.a.ebscohost.com/eds/ebookviewer/ebook/bmxlYmtfXzgxODI1N19fQU41?sid=4a0728b5-6f1d-479b-ac a6-10d2361d044f@sessionmgr4007&vid=1&format=EB&rid=3 00378. ISBN 9781922084569 -PROCHÁZKA, I., GRAUPNER, H. 2005. Historie právních postojů k homosexualitě.[online] Praha: Econnect. Dostupné z: . - Zákon č. 115/2006 Sb. o registrovaném partnerství a o změně některých souvis. zákonů. [online] Praha: Ministerstvo vnitra. [cit.06. 04. 2017]. Dostupné z: . -Center for Public Opinion Research. 2016. public attitudes to the rights of homosexuals.(online).[cit.06. 04. 2017].link here: http://cvvm.soc.cas.cz/media/com_form2content/documents/c1/a7579/f3/ov160725.pdf -“tranvestity” Merriam Webster - dictionary [online].link here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transvestite . [cit.06. 04. 2017]. -Legal Study on Homophobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,Hatzopoulos,V.(2010)file:///C:/Users/N%CE%99%CE%9A%CE%9F%CE%9B%CE%91%CE%9F%CE%A3/Downloads /1352-LGBT-2010_thematic-study_EL.pdf •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmaHOui33SE •