titl CZ OPVK_MU_rgb Název prezentace v zápatí 1 Media Society and Culture zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 2 Media Effect * Laswell’s Model of Mass Communication * * Who * Says What * In Which Channel * To Whom * With What Effect * => Propaganda Analysis (1920s) * * Strong Technological Determinism * * * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 3 Media Effect * Walter Lippmann * * Public Opinion (1922) => Citizen survey * * We see the world as "pictures in our heads” * * Media shape perception of things we have not experienced personally * * Urban expansion and Global Affairs * * * * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 4 Media Effect * Powerful Effects Theory • * Media have immediate, direct influence * Assumes people are passive and absorb media content uncritically & unconditionally * * “Hypodermic Needle” model * The media (needle) injects the message into audience mind and it causes changes in audience behavior and psyche towards the message. * “Magic Bullet” model * The media (magic gun) fired the message directly into audience head without their own knowledge. zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 5 Media Effect * Minimalist Effects * Paul Lazarsfeld’s Erie County study (1940) * * Mass media had hardly any direct effect * * Personal contact more important than media contact * * Media effects mostly indirect * * Two Step Flow Model * Media affect individuals through opinion leaders * Opinion leaders are those who influence others * Clergy, teachers, neighborhood leaders, etc. * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 6 Media Effect * Status Conferral * Media coverage can create prominence for issues & people * * Framing * selecting and highlighting some facets of events or issues and making connections among them so as to promote a particular interpretation, evaluation, and/or solution * * Agenda Setting * Media tell people what to think about – but not what to think * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 7 Media Effect * Cumulative Effects Theory * Media influences are gradual over time * Effects are often more powerful * But not easily measurable * * * Spiral of Silence (Noelle-Neumann) * Vocal majority intimidates others into silence * or Bandwagon effects (Free riders) * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 8 Active Audience * Uses & Gratifications * People choose media that meet their needs & interests * Needs, such as * Surveillance (wanna know about..) * Media provide information about what’s going on * Both news & entertainment * Diversion (wanna get relaxed) * Media as entertainment Stimulate / Relax / Release * Socialization (wanna be) * Mass media can help initiate people into society * Demonstrate dominant behaviors and norms * “Observational learning” *