titl CZ OPVK_MU_rgb Název prezentace v zápatí 1 Media Society and Culture zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 2 Alternative Media * Definition: Media delivering information that isn’t covered by corporate media * * Challenging actual concentrations of media power. Opposition to “Culture Industry” * * * Community media: Participatory media that allow local people to access communication technologies * * Democratizing the discourse and structure of modern communication outlet – Building local public sphere * * Encourage public discourse, empower citizens to act, discuss subjects ignored by mainstream * • • zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 3 * A historical change caused by a convergence of social and technical phenomenon: * Emergence of bourgeois capitalism; * New composite social class - mercantile class (backed by working class) * Knowledge (Science, Education and Encyclopedia) * Information: Mass circulation media (pamphlets and newspapers) * Discussion: Tea, Coffee, and Salon – * Facilitated a new form of political identity (Liberal, Egalitarian, Decentered…) * * Came into being in a particular historical situation and damaged by the same processes that facilitated it. * The rise of Fascism (Depression, National sentiment, Classification, Darwinism, Radio) * The age of culture industry (Mass consumption, entertainment, dramatized politics…) * * * Public Sphere zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 4 * New technologies seen as a means by which Public Sphere can be recovered, restored or revitalised. * This happens as new communication technologies possess unique qualities not present in ‘mass media’ forms: * Interactivity; * User production of content; * Individualised consumption of media; * Peer-communication. * These characteristics of new media means it challenges the ‘monopolization’ of media by corporate enterprises and state intervention. * They allow new channels by which citizens are able to communicate and be ‘political’ outside of the the corporate and state world(s). * BUT Neoliberalism + Globalization + New communication + multi-channel communication + more fragmented life + more consumption + less public activities + more public communication ……..= what? * * Public Sphere