hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Far Right in the Balkans Věra Stojarová CDS 441 Far Right and Left Parties hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Identity and nation/state building •History •Language •Culture •Religion •Common feeling • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowShort.png Main features of Slovenia and the Western/Eastern Balkan states si-flag croatia_flag_w Bosnia_flag macedonia_flag srbsko ALBA0001 bg romania •What is Balkan? Western Balkan, southern, eastern?? • •Dates: (395, 1054, end of 14, century, 1453) • •Dissolution of yugoslavia into what?? - •Nations, ethnics, religions, language, script, lliteracy, life standard montenegro_flag kosovo flag hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Timeline •1991 Slovenia •1991-95 Croatia •1992-95 BiH •1997 Anarchy in Albania •1998-99 Kosovo •2000 Presevo valley •2001 Macedonia •2003 Belgrade agreement •2006 Montenegro •2008 Kosovo • • • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowShort.png Slovenia n10 days war nItalian, Austrian, Hungarian national minority n2.3.2004 NATO n1.5.2004 EU nSlovenian national party – very weak far right nvery weak coalition potential, since 2011 out of parliament nFractions, splits nAnti-Roma, legalisation of weapons, Greater Slovenia, euroscepticism nMainstreaming of nationalism by Slovenian democratic party n msloven hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Croatia n1991-1995 civil war n12% serbian population drop 5 % n1990-1999 president Franjo Tudjman, authoritative regime, semipresidentialism, suppresion of serbian minority, strongest HDZ nNATO 2009 n2013 EU nHSP – very weak nMainstreaming of nationalism nWWII, Ustaša, state symbols, chessboard, kuna, Day of Victory, Jasenovac,Serbs, Romas, homosexuals, nNames of squares and streets nPopular culture- Thompson nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdcA-lGKvmk nWar veterans https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=13&v=lL4jwt_1WN8 n mapa hr hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Bosnia and Herzegovina n3 ethnics: 17%Croatians, 31% Serbs,44 %Bosniaks nCivil war 1991-1995 nBiH divided into 2 entities Federation of BiH and RS nHigh representative (since 2009 Valentin Inzko) nUN protectorate, missions NATO (IFOR, SFOR, SFOR II), EU Althea nSarajevo agreement 2002 changed Dayton – all institution have to reflect the ethnics according to the census in 1991 n3 main parties based on the ethnicity: HDZ, SDS, SDA. nAll main parties based on nationalism bosnia_herzegovina_pol97 hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png FRY: Serbia (and Monte Negro) nFRY nSlobodan Milošević (1989 -1997 president of Serbia, 1997-2000 president of FRY authoritative regime nWar in Croatia, BiH nKosovo: Serbian forces vs. KLA 1996-1998; war of NATO vs. Serbia 1999) nDecentralisation of Vojvodina nBelgrade agreement 2003 n2006 – independence of Montenegro n2008 – independence of Kosovo n Srbija_okruzi hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Monte Negro n Milo Djukanovic forever nOrganized crime, nepotism, clientelism nOrientation towards east as well west n undemocratic régime Key to stability nNo far right n n n D:\82653\Desktop\map_of_montenegro.jpg hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Macedonia nIndependence complicated : nGreece n Bulgaria n Serbia n Albanian irredentism 2001 Ohrid peace agreement nFar right marginal 750x750_macedonia_m hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Albania nGegs vs. Tosks nThe only national minority nFar right marginal n map alb hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Kosovo •Autonomous province of Serbia •Great powers since 1974 •Limitation of the authonomy since the 1980´s •1996-99 war alb vs srb •1999 NATO air campaign (bombing) •2003 Constitutional framework •17 February 2008 self-proclaimed independence •111 UN member states recognized independence •Far right??? kosovo flag hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Romania nHungarian and Roma minority nMoldova issue nGreater Romania Party n RomaniaCountiesMap hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Bulgaria n2004 NATO n2007 EU nTurks nTurkish Movement for the rights and liberties n2009 GERB nAtaka bulgaria hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Moldova nTransnistria nCommunist party in power till 2009 nDemonstrations for unification with Romania D:\82653\Desktop\moldova-map.gif hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png •The most successful far-right parties--the case of Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria, •far-right parties gain a smaller number of mandates every election– the case of Croatia, Montenegro and Albania •Unsuccessful far-right parties ─ the case of Macedonia • • • • •Gra I: Percentage Vote Share of Far Right Parliamentary Political Parties in the Balkans since 2000[1] •[1] Data retrieved from the Adam Carr Archive and Šedo 2007 and rounded up. Data for 1992 Croatia related to the proportional portion of the votes won, data for the 1997 elections in Albania to the total percent proportion (both the proportional and majority components) of seats for the party. None government representation since 2000 Second Ataka and PRM The only parties consistently winning seats since 1992 – SRS, HSP, PRM Presidential elections – very close for SRS and Ataka, PRM Weaker to their counterparts in WE No WE party reached 29 percent as SRS (FPO 27percent 1999), SVP 26,6 in 2003 hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Ideology and country specifics •the position of the countries concerned during the World War II •the question of national minorities •position towards the West and globalization ethnic-yugo hashOverlay-FullResolve.png Ideology of Balkan Far Right Parties HSP* SRS VMRO-NP BK VMRO Ataka PRM Nationalism – external exclusivity X X - X X - X Nationalism – internal homogenisation X X X X X X X Xenophobia X X X X X X X Law and Order X X X X X X X Welfare Chauvinism X X NN partially partially X X Populism X X X X X X X Antisemitism - X - - - X X Anti-comunism - X - X X - - Glorification of communism - - - - - - X Negative relation towards EU and NATO X X - - - X - Support for integration into EU and NATO - - X X X - X Anti-islamism - X - - X X - Economic liberalism NN NN partially - partially - - Socialist values (nationalisation, Equal wages etc.) NN NN - - - X X • Economy – secondary feature, most support nationalisation, while VMRO neoliberal partially Similar ideological patterns as their counterparts in WE (nativism, strong state, populism revised mudde) -Not necessarily anti-NATO and EU as in WE, some even support NATO,EU -As immigration not issue, also different to WE hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png The causes of the success and political opportunity structures •Position, tactics and strategies of the main political parties •the electoral system •the political boundaries of states •ethnic boundaries •ethnic minority group with strong political representation •Other political and economic variables have supporting function. • Each country is unique and it is always a unique set of variables. Cultural variables are fundamental prerequisite in particular in the case of Romania, Serbia, and Bulgaria while the international factor is important in particular in the case of Albania and Serbia. Level of unemployment not important Post-materiál dimension as in WE not important Internatinal factor – humiliation in Serbia hashOverlay-FullResolve.png Internal organisation and party leadership • HSP SRS VMRO-NP BK VMRO Ataka PRM Charismatic leadership - x - - - x x Efficient mechanism for strenghtening party discipline x x x x - x x Centralized organizational structure x x x x - x x Šešelj skilful orator in front of ICTY Party leaders have exklusive privilages, low number of female members, the only party with woman on high rank - ´BK Leadership of the parties not changed since the foundation Vadim Tudor long speeches, demonizing opponents hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Strategy and tactics • http://www.srs.org.yu/images/vsrbija.jpg tadic traian basescu emil boc Traian Basescu and economic crisis - Amor is a very big Media – books, tv, internet Volen Siderov close to Skat television, PRM very influential newspapers, strong in municipalities – anti-Hungarian emotions (igen, mathias rex –hungarorum) Language, emotions, fear, conspiracy theories Rallies, protests hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Voters of the Far Right •Electorate composed by young men, with the exception of Romania •Electorate strongly religious (in contrast to Far Right electorate in Western Europe) •Mainly peasants and blue – collar workers with lower level of achieved education Romania – old longing for ceausescu régime Lack of university education similar with WE hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Far Right and Legislative implementation in practice •Anti-discriminatory legislative being adopted slowly •The enforcement of hate-speech and anti-discriminatory legislation in Romania and Bulgaria the best •Rest of the countries – enforcement remains poor - Banning the party very rare – czech republic workers party in 2010 but setting new party - 1966 UN INT Convention on elimination of all forms of racial discrimination - Constitutions prohibiting formation of parties based on racial ehtnic or religious grounds - Vadim Tudor: „during the 1993 pogrom, the Romanians were just defending their ‘ honour ’ against the ‘ gypsy rapists and thieves ’ who wanted to ‘ slaughter ’ them and called on the state authorities to protect the ‘ peaceful villagers ’ against ‘ the bloody anger of a few brutes ’. – Tudor having parliamentary immunity hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png In terms of conclusion… •The Far Right Party family is very heterogenous group •Softer variant: VMRO-NP, Ataka (the only parties displaying nationalism only in terms of internal homogenisation) •Harder variant: SRS, SRS CG, HSP, BK, VMRO, PRM, PNG-CD (both internal homogenisation as well as external exclusivity) •CATHEGORISATION REMAIN FLUID •Cooperation between parties utopia, only mother parties • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png In terms of Conclusion… •Far Right in WE gains higher percentages in the elections, however no WE far right party received 29 % as SRS did in 2008, 2009 •the only successful parties: SRS, Ataka and the PRM •influence on the political scene has a decreasing tendency •FAR RIGHT PARTIES NOT PARTICULARLY SUCCESSFUL •Illiberal tendencies and EU fatigue • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Seminar: Draw best multicultural/multilevel state •Choose any real or imaginatory state (yugoslavia, ussr, bih, panslavia, panbalkania, mitteleuropa, austro-hungarian empire etc..) •At least three different ethnics/religions/languages (e.g.30%,20%,50%) •political system (executive, legislative, judicial powers, based on percentage/wealth) •identity (religion, state holidays, language, schools) •IDs, passports, street signs, communication with state etc., teaching of history, state symbols,interaction and intermarriages •Belgium constitution https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Belgium_2014.pdf?lang=en •Yugoslavia consitution 1974 http://www.worldstatesmen.org/Yugoslavia-Constitution1974.pdf •India consituttion http://lawmin.nic.in/olwing/coi/coi-english/coi-4March2016.pdf