ACADEMIC SKILLS REVIEW Session I Mgr. Martin Jirusek, Ph.D. Structure of the lecture □ Academic genres essay review literature review - position paper - policy paper fact sheet research paper - poster - SWOT analysis thesis □ Formal aspects of written texts Introduction Conclusion Structuring a text Annotation, abstract, resume keywords, content and annexes Division of genres in social sciences □ Normative & subjective SWOT + recommendations Policy paper (position paper) □ Non-normative a) Subjective Review Essay Position paper b) Objective Research paper Poster Factsheet Literature review Thesis Essay □ „Development of a line of argument strongly supported by reference to a literature" — similar to a position paper (which is more normative) and (partly also) to literature review □ Usually shorter articles -> often need for arbitrary reduction of a broader topic □ Subjective & usually non-normative □ Essay is based on author's opinion. A plain literature/opinion review/description is NOT an essay! □ Should include literature/opinion review □ Should be rather brief Essay — typical structure □ Introduction context - important terms, concepts, opinion review author's opinion/position/confrontation with other opinions (use references/provide evidence when building an argument) □ Conclusion the most interesting/significant findings implications of findings should NOT include anything new (that has not been stated in the text) — applies for conclusions in general! Review Assessing a text from a subjective point of view Non-normative & subjective 1) Identification and introduction — presumed main aspects of the text 2) Summary of a content 3) Author's opinion — critical analysis of the book and its main features/aspects Conclusion, addressing initial expectations Literature review □ Usually in initial stages of a research or writing □ Non-normative & objective (does not provide opinion but is influenced by the purpose of the research) □ Depends on the rationale behind the research □ To provide overview of published articles/studies □ To show awareness and knowledge □ To present gaps/unsolved issues in the literature □ To present the need for further examination □ To justify your research (used in a purpose statement) □ To organize knowledge Literature review □ Process depending on researcher's experience (can start from 1, 2 or 3) discovering what is it all about 1) 2) 3) differentiating what is important sorting according to relevance Position paper Subjective and usually non-normative □ To outline your viewpoint on an issue □ Formally inform others of your position □ (To present a unique solution or approach to a specific issue) □ To demonstrate your awareness of the issue (used in courses curricula) Position paper 1) Introduction, review of the situation 2) Presenting your position 3) Developing your arguments Conclusion (recommendation) □ Usually shorter in length (approx. 2 pages) □ Includes literature/opinion review □ Proves familiarity with the topic □ Addresses existing literature/opinions critically Policy paper Normative & subjective □ To suggest implementation of a certain approach □ To provide an alternative to a certain policy □ To supplement the targeted audience with enough data to make a decision □ To make a clear statement of how to change stg. □ Has to deal with current topics/policies assessment of past policies/issues is NOT a policy paper Policy paper 1) Overview of current situation/policies 2) Purpose statement (reasons for change) 3) Suggested options 4) Evaluation of suggested options (+/-) 5) Recommendation of a particular solution + reasoning 6) Implementation plan 7) Conclusion Fact Sheet Non-normative & objective □ Presenting data in brief form using tables, bullet points, graphs, etc. □ Quite often one page in length □ Must be self-contained and easy to digest To present information & data □ To familiarize targeted audience with facts Household Energy Use in Arizona A closer look at residential energy consumption Ail datnfrom ElArs20O9 ffasidonSoJ f nerqy Consumption Sumy,' Arizona households use 66 mil lion Btu off energy per home, 26% i-b-as than the U 5. average. The combination of lower than average site consumption of all energy but above average electricity which is relatively expensive, results in Arizona households spendi ng 3% less for energy than the U.S. average. More reliance on aw condrtiorirg keeps average site electricity consumption in the state high relative to other parts of the U_5_ DlVISION: Mountain South (Mnt|S)) STATES INCLUDED: Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico ALL ENERGY average per household (oxd. transportation! Site Consumption million Btu Expenditures dollars ELECTRICITY ONLY average per househoia Site Consumption kilowatthours Expenditures dollars US Mnt|S) AZ US r/Tt|5| az us ut^s;i az US Mn^S) AZ US 13% Mnbls) AZ 17« 11« :::: 25% 25« 17« 40*1. 15% 43ft CONSUMPTION BY END USE A quarter of the energy <~ac ' A-coia v T»iis "V ar contfrtioning, which is more than Four times the national average, in Arizona homes, space heating accounts for just 15%of total energy use. Water heating ^| Appliances.. elecTonics.. lighting Space heating MAIN HEATING FUEL USED uao% .:c:: 60% COOLING EQUIPMENT U5ED 40% 20% C:: None I Other I Electricity I Natural Gas US VritiSl AZ Compared to the U.S. average, a greater share of Arcona residents (5>8%) use electricitYfor heating. SOft 60ft 40ft 20« Oft rjc le I window/wall units only I Central air conditioning US Mnt|S) AZ More than 90« of Arcana households use air conditioning, and 86« of homes have central air conditioning for cooling. cia Research paper (Non)normative & objective □ Normativity depends on the research subject □ Presentation of research outcomes and how they were collected □ Presents the whole research process □ Published in academic journals □ Stressing what is important □ Coherent and easy to follow Research paper 1) introduction introduction to the issue purpose statement theoretical context (sometimes separately as no. 2) aim of the research 2) sources and methods 3) results 4) interpretation/discussion □ Follows the „what-why-how" structure (see further) □ Usually does not include detailed description of the whole process Poster □ Objective & (non)normative □ Used at conferences, conventions, exhibitions,... □ Presentation of a research/ research plan in brief and comprehensive way □ Similar to a fact sheet in the way the information is presented (tables, graphs, pictures,...) □ Prepared to be presented and understood in a multi-disciplinary environment □ Follows the process of research paper in concentrated form (objective, purpose, methods, results, discussion/further work) Evolving Context of Smart Grid: Technology and Policy across States and Utilities Clark Koenigs1. Mudita Sun1, Elizabeth Wilson1 Tarla R. Peterson', Jennie C. Stephens1 University of Minnesota: Twin Cities' Defining Smart Grid | Background to States & Utilities v*. lsiA\i>.-jl ird *>:oJ chirfa Miuimd * it naatlfl & t«lj*i r.\ trti tvr«| r( t Wer of, :c«-r.jTt«,j• Mt ' *'-C. ** «««XV ■•'•■•*. ----^ f rtafaCtai >Wr< V**Sl«S tjU •fl'MVVKtin, M>«M« Methodology ■ - • j ' » ■ -1 ^: i . . i . , ■. ., '. i .. ■ i'«y-> »»j il*tr> .<*:is 'tvt ifatn Via. lt««Cx UrfttfA MiucUum and V»mi*t «m Mdjad If* #«*i**<*l* * T*MtfK «»»Ol*« M*Cf ***i"v: mC an tha fecto-Aofltca mkatfcn t* l**f> «t >«a|l>4 ICO «(4^(5 rV(m Haw +r«J tßli* Mt ("(*" »ir<»«i \r In« Gnc" r»J *3rr«l Uw' jnd Ork**] tt#0 h% ftMlf .*A **>»»|T*M fct/wlaal ai uaad. *rd t>« uciktrtu. rocati dDTjncm by «*»-aca: rw>j«, bw I» Policy Analysis inlfOti» *c be*1** *■*•«• Mrwt («V»«.-»* >l>»»c*V ciii'm'ij tor wir ««< e«j*on trcf alt?* Hm ttww (*!:.n tVnX Iran GlUT f« f t>,n* r > i: •. r ■. k] ABT M*l Vtt wrunia* ii»»t«v«l ttfhkJtBn on dtfttwvd pnnn:(. rwt mpuMi ..-.>.,■.. ...» iirtMH »mUbni*Jr4i «nd i»iv»l dwvnrtt) crtawd t ■ Sir* (r«(f, :rr. *t jnd F\M< ml:, ::»ir,u,ni v.1 Ulla* «- netar* »w *»e>« rvm «»« r»t *m«K»0« *** <.»at»v» w* law/ um * wr »n|m fr*k* MM h*»u»i>r fwiit Results: Utilities Discussion and Conclusions • hltum 1*1 i/» (.-<>* (•-. UtfjiM**, 1 ft UrmWitlfi tntVoiri •-.■-*■)-(■) Wn f*««m*1k ■ id\MM**1 k)rf^ *S*vsjt O'if 1*^4<»*«0rt>»«; #*| titnt:»i tapfcti, \<.it: wn WWo> —IÜ KiilHi »• j 1 VT "i fa-* w« itai VC*w«* Pureed ncttt ■ >^ *ti« i»* (to »tatet ft **a»c »w oU<* stain, ov «!• DKOT ;rx. artd MIO )V4V, l^rwraiai PmomUm Mtl I +**rtoj&Ki »«J * <«»»»M*(.at<* a hteo wjiti m mi «t«c*m r*«n itxii* iiw itw ir**> ■xU M >Vr»i*iM« rafocii/ > FMjJU cC rN« ifin« certrtMM m >i>av#adu>4artund11 :• i»i K*r* im t»*f Ol 'V«ort ijtiif #r«<*)M«>' «I WM?*>* ■dt« hi t»v «talr>. a^J 't|«'i References Acknowledgments University of Minnesota *,i:«„,Gh,uw,,»„ Driven to Discover SWOT analysis Subjective & normative (if recommendations are included) □ Structured method used for assessing a particular issue □ Presenting Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in comprehensive and understandable manner □ Use precise and verifiable statements (no impressions, feelings!) □ Prioritizes influencing factors □ Recommendations should be derived from clear outcomes Strengths 1. Excellent and quality products 2. Good relationship with employees 3. Number of stores are there in UK 4. Long term relationship with suppliers 5. Procedures aresimplifiedto increase efficiency of operational processes 6. The updated technological envelopment in the c:: = -r.';r prove::: cs ::=-='"'c'5 *"cr ::5S= c*' the organization Weaknesses 1. Clarity in marketing strategies are lacking 2. Bureaucratic cultural organization 3. Customer service is poor 4. Technology is poor, M&S is unable to provide an accurate readings of its stock in each of its stores 5. Demands of every segment were not utilized instead it viewed market as a whole z-ZzT.'-Z"-: ■. eregl'.e" - z--tZz'-comparison to strategic planning Opportunities 1. Keeping inline with the competitors. M&S must enter e-busines in. an effective way 2. Rapid changes intechnology. M&S reeos to keep ahead of its competitors 3. Increase in power of M&S for developing customer aro supplier base due to the availability of tools such as internet, e-commerce. 4. Increasing shopping requirement in order to bring changes in lifestyle of customers 5. International accessibility to supply channels Threats 1. Competition becoming intense 2. Internet technology enables consumers to shop from home 3. Expansion in international markets less successful for M&S 4. Variation of the trading rules, conditions, custom duties and taxation among countries 5. Domination of international markets cue to global brands from longtime Thesis □ Similar to writing an article/research paper, only much worse □ Keep that WHAT-WHY-HOW structure □ Mind the structure of the whole text... introduction, purpose, literature review, methods, results, discussion & conclusion (conclusion mirroring introduction and addressing ALL questions from the introduction) □ at least 2 paragraphs per page □ ...and paragraph topic sentence, body (supporting sentences) - at least 5-7/paragraph, concluding sentence (addressing the topic sentence) □ paragraph = hamburger - able to make sense on its own Probably the most important thing to remember... □ Research paper & thesis should not only present outcomes of the research but should also serve as description of the research process. □ The aim is to provide a description enabling reader to replicate the research and come up with the same conclusions. □ This enhances reliability of the research. Formal aspects of written texts JORGE CHAM ©THE STANFORD* DALY ? h <* *ta n *"<> r cJ.e, a «/c © <« 11 s Introduction □ To familiarize the targeted audience with the topic, its importance and research methods (sometimes as individual chapter) □ „WHAT-WHY-HOW" structure 1) Introduction to the issue 2) narrowing of the topic 3) purpose statement 4) aim of the work (review of previous work) clarifiying the time frame and other characteristics (methods and sources) (risks) (division of the work) Introduction II □ ...should catch reader's attention □ ...should address theory, methodology and realization □ ...should be structured □ Its length should correspond with the body of the text □ ...may include expectations regarding outcomes □ ...may include concerns regarding possible risks Conclusion □ Should reflect introduction and address all questions/hypotheses □ No new information should be included in the conclusion □ Length should correspond with the body of the text 1) Summary of the issue and conclusion which is then further elaborated 2) Specific outcomes and how we reached them 3) Answer to research questions/verification of hypothesis 4) Risks and limits that occured during the course of the research and how we adressed them Abstract □ Traditionally used in English speaking countries □ Precedes longer academic text, informs about the content and examined issue □ Short & concentrated form (1/2 page) □ No citations/references can be presented individually as a stand-alone text □ depersonalized □ Linear/non-linear □ Including/not - including results Resume/summary □ Originates in French tradition □ Similar to linear abstract including results usually longer (1 -1,5 pages) □ „mini version of the text" □ includes results linear Annotation □ Used with longer works (books) □ Characteristics of the work (including genre, author's bio, targeted audience, etc.) □ Does not include information about results and/or main arguments and findings □ Used on book covers/bookmarks to attract and inform 1) annotation in a scientific journal — information about a newly published book 2) Publisher's annotation — highlighting features of the book, persuasive, very brief Considering the content... resume/summary - abstract - annotation always — sometimes - never Keywords □ Words or terms (energy, energy security,...) □ Characterize the text/issue □ Used for searching and orientation □ Nouns, nouns + adjectives □ At least 3, max. 6 (usually) Content □ Should address important parts of the text □ Enhances orientation in the text □ Usually up to 3 levels Annexes □ Related to references & reliability same rules as applied to the actual text □ Research should be replicable! annexes include materials used during the research Maps, figures, tables, charts, ... □ Statement of availability if annexes are not included for a good reason („ls available on demand...") Home assignment □ Poster presenting a research project □ Students can use their earlier work (bachelor/master thesis) a research topic with proper description and reasoning and research question □ Supplemented with a literature review (submitted separately) at least 1 0 relevant sources out of which there will be: 3 books, 5 articles and 2 sources of different nature each source will be followed by short description (2-3 sentences) justifying its relevance □ Students should consult their project with the lecturer. □ Must be uploaded into the Information System by March 9 23:59 - PDF, JPEG,... □ Poster will be presented at the 3rd session 1 0 min each + Q&A Thank you for attention irusek.martin®