The Schengen Roadmap: adapting EU’s justice and home affairs to new challenges

The legal framework of justice and home affairs

Format: lecture & seminar
The second lecture provides an overview of the legal framework that defines and regulates the competences, the decision-making process, the scope of policies and their implementation in the various policy fields of justice and home affairs.  In overviewing the legal framework, the lecture also discusses the erstwhile third pillar framework and the relevant modifications introduced by the Lisbon Treaty.
Question for a short position paper and subsequent in-class discussion (question is based on reading): What is interesting in the interplay between EU institutions and Member States in the area of freedom, security and justice?
  • Steve Peers, Steve Peers, EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011, pp. 41-52, 73-82, 90-92.
  • Estella Baker, Christopher Harding, ‘From Past Imperfect to Future Perfect? A Longitudinal Study of the Third Pillar’, European Law Review, 2009, 34:1, pp. 28-37, 43-47.
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), Title V: Area Of Freedom, Security And Justice (arts. 67-89) (