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The Schengen Roadmap: adapting EU’s justice and home affairs to new challenges
The Schengen and justice and home affairs
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Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
The first session provides first an introduction to the course. Students will be explained the requirements of the course as well as its content. Also, an introductory overview will be provided of the origins and shaping of both the Schengen area and the ‘flanking’ policies of justice and home affairs. It also proposes the key question that will be subject to discussion in the last session: what would be the costs of ‘non-Schengen’?
- Gert Vermeulen and Wendy De Bondt, EU Justice and Home Affairs. Institutional and policy development, Maklu-Publishers, Antwerp/Apeldoorn 2014, pp. 15-25, 28-47.
- Camino Mortera-Martinez, ‘Why Schengen matters and how to keep it. A five point plan’, CER Paper, London 2016.