European Integration

PP1 + Problems of the integration process in the 1960s, Luxembourg compromise (March 7, Havlík)

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Homework - position paper I
Deadline for submission: March 5 (23:59)
Length: 2500-3000 signs
Content: Think about the design of the EEC (established 1958). 1/ Was it according to your opinion an ambitious effort, or could the fathers of integration have gone even further? If yes, in which aspects (policy fields?)? 2/ Look at the character of the institutional setting - was the EEC rather supranational or intergovernmental?
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.