European Integration

PP3 + Eastern enlargement and the way towards the Lisbon Treaty (April 4, Kuchyňková)

The first part of the lecture will be devoted to the key events, which preceded the Eastern enlargement of the EU (in 2004).
The second part will focus on the beginning of the 21st century, when the Member states’ representatives initiated a wide discussion about the future of Europe, which led to the establishment of the European Convention and subsequently to a proposal for “a Constitution for Europe.” But the proposal was not approved due to negative results of referenda in France and the Netherlands.

Beach, D. (2012): "The Constitutional Treaty: The Failed Formal Constitutionalisation". In: Lursen, Finn (ed.): Designing the European Union. From Paris to Lisbon. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 2017-243. (27 pages)
Habermas, J. (2001): "Why Europe Needs a Constitution." New Left Review 11, Sept/Oct 2001, pp. 5-26. (22 pages)
Sedelmeier, U. (2010): “Enlargement. From Rules for Accession to a Policy towards Europe.” In: Wallace, H.; Pollack M. A.; Young, A. R. (eds.), Policy-Making in the European Union. Oxford University Press, pp. 401-429 (29 pages).

The Future of the European Unioin (Laeken Declaration),
Laeken, 15 December 2001, SN 273/01
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Homework - position paper III
Deadline for submission: April 2 (23:59)
Length: 2500-3000 signs
Text for the PP3:
Epstein, Rachel, A. and Jacoby, Wade (2014): Eastern Enlargement Ten Years On: Transcending the East–West Divide? Journal of Common Market Studies, 2014 Volume 52. Number 1. pp. 1–9.
The text for the PP3 is an introduction of a special issue of Journal of Common Market Studies devoted to the consequences of the European Union’s eastern enlargement. Please, read especially the pages 1-9 and try to reflect in your PP the following questions: What were the main positive effects of the eastern enlargement both for the EU and for the newcoming states? What are the persisting problems in your view? Have the eastern enlargement helped to overcome differencies between the "West" and the "East" of Europe? Why yes/not? Try to present your own ideas a and viewpoints.
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