European Integration

Seminar I (seminar task) (April 18, Havlík) - PC25

EU and the Lisbon Treaty. Working with the original documents of the current EU primary law.

! THE SEMINAR WILL TAKE PLACE IN room PC25 ! (2nd floor)

The seminar task will be assigned and presented during the Seminar I.
The students will be divided INTO GROUPS and their tasks will include answering of particular questions concerning the content of the EU primary law. The aim of this task is to make the students acquaint with the current norms and documents of the EU primary law, to teach them reading, searching in and working with the original documents of the EU primary law. The students will be required to elaborate their particular tasks in groups and present the results in the class.

You will work with the following documents of the EU primary law:

Treaty on European union (Consolidated version 2016)

Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Consolidated version 2016)

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2016)