ASSIGNMENT 2 Case Study: Physical Activity Counseling “Primer” (10 Points) The purpose of this assignment is to help you evaluate your current applied knowledge related to working with clients interested in health behavior change. Specifically, you are asked to script a 30-min physical activity counseling session for a potential client. You will select a specific case from the case list provided to you. Then, you will work with your classmates in groups to determine how you would conduct the first 30 min counseling session, bearing in mind that your ultimate goal is to develop a tailored physical activity intervention for this client. During your group discussions, you are encouraged to take your own notes. The written assignment will then be completed individually and submitted on IS. Specific Instructions: 1. Select a case study based on your interest. 2. Discuss in a group the potential elements that your first counseling session with your client should contain. How would you spend the 30 min? What would you evaluate? What additional information would you obtain? Why? How? Ø You are encouraged to make use of all the knowledge you have (individually and collectively), but you should not be consulting any external sources (web, textbooks, notes, etc.). The point here is to apply the knowledge that you have accumulated in your studies to date in terms of your ability to help individuals change their behavior. 3. Discuss in a group what would be the most appropriate intervention approach for your client. Provide as much detail as you can. 4. Individually write a 3-5 page paper summarizing the information. Be sure to include all the following elements: brief summary description of your case (who is your client?); overview of your counseling session (how would you spend your first 30 min with your client and WHY?); what additional information would be useful to obtain about the client (how and WHY?); what intervention approach would you recommend and WHY? (Be sure to provide as much detail as you can about the intervention - consider setting, length, frequency/duration/intensity; intervention content, methods, strategies, evaluation, etc.). YOU ARE ASKED NOT TO CONSULT ANY EXTERNAL SOURCES. YOUR RESPONSES SHOULD DRAW FROM ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR STUDIES AND LIFE/WORK EXPERIENCES BUT MUST BE WELL THOUGHT-OUT AND CLEARLY PRESENTED. Format: The written case study should be 3-5 pages double-spaced with 1 inch margins and 11 or 12 point font. Due Date: Assignment 2 must be submitted by Mar 29 on IS. Evaluation Criteria: Criteria Weight Scope (all elements answered with sufficient detail) 4 points Thoughtfulness (clear links between “what” and “why”) 3 points Clarity and quality of writing 2 points Grammar, spelling, format 1 point Total 10 points Criteria Assigned Point Value Scope [4 points] All elements answered in sufficient detail [3 points] One element missing or insufficient detail in some [2 points] >1 element missing and insufficient detail provided [0-1 points] Most (3+) elements missing; none or insufficient detail provided Thoughtfulness [3 points] “What” is to be done is clearly linked to “why” across all elements [2 points] “What” is to be done is linked with “why” only for some elements [0-1 points] Does not describe or describes insufficiently “what” is to be done and “why” Clarity and quality of writing [2 points] Thoughts are presented clearly; exemplary organization of ideas with cohesive flow [0-1 points] Thoughts not clearly presented; disorganized ideas with poor flow Grammar, spelling, format [1 point] No grammatical or spelling errors; Adheres to specified format and length [0 points] Grammatical or spelling errors; does not adhere to specified format and length Total 10 points