Rotated Component Matrix^a Component 1 2 3 Q2f Personally important: help other people ,831 Q2g Personally important: a job useful to society ,825 Q2i Personally important: contact with other people ,612 Q2d Personally important: an interesting job ,491 ,320 ,383 Q2b Personally important: high income ,784 Q2a Personally important: job security ,324 ,704 Q2c Personally important: opportunities for advancement ,611 Q2h Personally important: decide time of work ,767 Q2e Personally important: work independently ,719 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.^a a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations. Rotated Component Matrix^a Component 1 2 3 Q2f Personally important: help other people ,831 ,033 ,144 Q2g Personally important: a job useful to society ,825 ,075 ,063 Q2i Personally important: contact with other people ,612 ,102 ,277 Q2d Personally important: an interesting job ,491 ,320 ,383 Q2b Personally important: high income -,175 ,784 ,221 Q2a Personally important: job security ,324 ,704 -,253 Q2c Personally important: opportunities for advancement ,218 ,611 ,296 Q2h Personally important: decide time of work ,104 ,132 ,767 Q2e Personally important: work independently ,269 ,046 ,719 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.