Nuclear Fuel Diversification in CEE PhDr. Tomáš Vlček, Ph.D. International Relations and Energy Security Department of International Relations and European Studies Introduction  European Energy Security Strategy (May 2014) - utilities to diversify their nuclear fuel supply sources  Euratom opened call NFRP-16-2015 to support the licensing of Western nuclear fuel for reactors in VVER units in December 2013, with an application deadline of November 2014  Six months later, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC led a group that won €2 million in backing from the EU to diversify nuclear fuel supplies to these reactors, with a focus on licensing alternative nuclear supplies for Russian-designed pressurized water reactors operating inside the EU  The Euratom Supply Agency understands the importance of the security of supply, mandating that there should always be at least two alternative fuel designs from two different suppliers qualified for each reactor Nuclear Fuel Cycle Front End Price Break-down (2013) Uranium 9.0 kg U3O8 $ 50 per lb $ 990 Conversion 7.6 kg U $ 13 per kg $ 99 Enrichment 7 SWU $ 150 per SWU $ 1050 Fabrication 1 kg $ 300 per kg $ 300 Total $ 2439 Need about 20 tonnes of enriched uranium for an average large reactor refuel, so cost will be about $ 50 million Total front end world market is now worth about $ 25 billion annually Source: Steve Kidd, World Nuclear Association Nuclear Fuel Economy The reactor fuel buyers fight hard to save every last cent because this is cost they feel they can influence. It has however minor role on the NPP operating costs. Impact of 50 % increase in fuel costs on generating costs Source: Global Energy Decisions, ERI, Inc.; IEA WEO 2006; in Steve Kidd, 2010, Nuclear Fuel: Myths and Realities Uranium Agency / Year Low / GWe High / GWe IAEA 2030 435 722 IEA 2040 620 OECD NEA 2035 399 678 According to WNA, as of 31 December 2014 there were 437 nuclear reactors operational in 30 countries generating 377.8 GWe of electricity. There were 70 nuclear reactors under construction in 14 countries (52 in top five: China, Russia, India, South Korea and USA). Uranium  Rising NPP capacity factors (10 % in 1990s)  Rising enrichment levels (up to 5 % U235)  Uranium price levels limit usable deposits exploration and extraction (proven reserves vs. pure guesses) – U from oceans  According to Red Book, there is 7,635 Mt of Identified resources of U, not counting resources with current production price above 260 USD/1 kg  400 junior uranium companies emerged recently (largely still in exploration stage)  Stockpiles of natural and enriched uranium  RepU (expensive U = pressure on reprocessing)  P239 (Spent fuel, weapons)  Down-blended weapons-grade uranium  Re-enriched uranium tails assay (currently 0.25-0.3% U235)  Higher enrichment (expensive U = pressure on higher enrichment/U235 extraction)  Breeder reactors (U238 to P239)  Fusion (?)  Extreme short-term measures (lowering NPP production output means longer fuel campaigns) Uranium Production Perspective Uranium Production Perspective Source: CRU Strategies Source: Euratom Supply Agency -China´s capacity is expected to grow considerably in 2025 and beyond -Plan to develop Ulba plant in Kazakhstan (12 000 tU) Conversion Source: World Nuclear Association Nuclear Fuel Report 2013 & 2105, Areva 2014 Reference Document for most 2013 figures. Enrichment SWU calculator: Difference to every other step:  1) Fabrication is a highly specialised service rather than commodity (barrier for newcomers enetring the market)  2) TVEL offers full front end process as a product (i.e. fuel) vs. steps in the fuel cycle  3) Main technology (NPP) suppliers are also main fuel producers  4) Fuel is manufactured according to public tenders specifing the product in details  5) VVER technology was developed paralelly with western technology (legacy of cold war)  6) Markets were opened 25 years ago with no experience on both sides  7) The nuclear fuel quality is critical for NPP production. The financial implications of reduced plant performance would quickly outweigh any benefit from potentially lower fuel prices Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication OperatingVVER Design Nuclear Units Outside Russian Federation Country Reactor Type In Operation From End of Life- Cycle Fuel Supplier Fuel Contract Until Armenia Metsamor2 VVER-440/V-270 1980 2026 OAO TVELB 2026 Bulgaria Kozloduy 5 VVER-1000/V-320 1987 2017A OAO TVEL 2020 Kozloduy 6 VVER-1000/V-320 1991 2019A OAO TVEL 2020 China Tianwan 1 VVER-1000/V-428 2006 2046 OAO TVEL 2023C Tianwan 2 VVER-1000/V-428 2007 2047 China Jianzhong Nuclear Fuel Company, Ltd. (CNNC) 2047C Czech Republic Dukovany 1 VVER-440/V-213 1985 Indefinite OAO TVEL 2028 Dukovany 2 VVER-440/V-213 1986 2016A OAO TVEL 2028 Dukovany 3 VVER-440/V-213 1986 2016A OAO TVEL 2028 Dukovany 4 VVER-440/V-213 1987 2017A OAO TVEL 2028 Temelín1 VVER-1000/V-320 2000 2020 OAO TVEL 2020 Temelín2 VVER-1000/V-320 2002 2022 OAO TVEL 2020 Finland Loviisa1 VVER-440/V-213 1977 2027 OAO TVEL 2027D Loviisa2 VVER-440/V-213 1980 2030 OAO TVEL 2030D Hungary Paks 1 VVER-440/V-213 1982 2032 OAO TVEL 2032 Paks 2 VVER-440/V-213 1984 2034 OAO TVEL 2034 Paks 3 VVER-440/V-213 1986 2016A OAO TVEL 2016E Paks 4 VVER-440/V-213 1987 2017A OAO TVEL 2017E India Kudankulam1 VVER-1000/V-412 2013 2073 OAO TVEL 2073F Kudankulam2 VVER-1000/V-412 2016 2076 OAO TVEL 2073F Iran Bushehr 1 VVER-1000/V-446 2011 2071 OAO TVEL 2021 Slovak Republic Jaslovské Bohunice V2 1 VVER-440/V-213 1984 2024A OAO TVEL 2021 Jaslovské Bohunice V2 2 VVER-440/V-213 1985 2025A OAO TVEL 2021 Mochovce1 VVER-440/V-213 1998 2028 OAO TVEL 2021 Mochovce2 VVER-440/V-213 2000 2030 OAO TVEL 2021 Ukraine Rivne 1 VVER-440/V-213 1980 2030 OAO TVEL 2030G Rivne 2 VVER-440/V-213 1981 2031 OAO TVEL 2030G Rivne 3 VVER-1000/V-320 1986 2016A OAO TVEL 2030G Rivne 4 VVER-1000/V-320 2004 2034 OAO TVEL 2030G Khmelnitsky1 VVER-1000/V-320 1987 2017A OAO TVEL 2030G Khmelnitsky2 VVER-1000/V-320 2004 2034A OAO TVEL 2030G South Ukraine 1 VVER-1000/V-302 1982 2023 Westinghouse EC LLC 2020G South Ukraine 2 VVER-1000/V-338 1985 2025 Westinghouse EC LLC 2020G South Ukraine 3 VVER-1000/V-320 1989 2019 Westinghouse EC LLC 2020G Zaporizhzhya1 VVER-1000/V-320 1984 2015A OAO TVEL 2030G Zaporizhzhya2 VVER-1000/V-320 1985 2016A OAO TVEL 2030G Zaporizhzhya3 VVER-1000/V-320 1986 2016A OAO TVEL 2030G Zaporizhzhya4 VVER-1000/V-320 1987 2017 OAO TVEL 2030G Zaporizhzhya5 VVER-1000/V-320 1989 2019 OAO TVEL 2030G Zaporizhzhya6 VVER-1000/V-320 1995 2025 OAO TVEL 2030G AlternativeFabricatorsof VVER Design NuclearUnits Fuel ReactorType Company Previous Experience Current Contracts Operationalexperience and Limitations VVER-440 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC* Nova E-3 fuel type for Loviisa NPP Unit 1 (Finland) in 1998-2007 - The fuel performed in accordance with expectations during operation. BNFL signed a contract with Finnish NPP operator IVO and Hungarian Paks NPP in 1996 for the design, development, licensing and supply of test fuel assemblies for the VVER-440 reactor at Loviisa NPP. At the same time, Hungarian Paks NPP was considering using an alternative supplier for at least one reactor. But no BNFL fuel was ever loaded into Hungarian reactors (likely because of the Hungarian-Russian contract for fuel supply until the end of plant´s life-cycle) and BNFL´s fuel was licensed in Hungary only until 2008. VVER-1000 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC VVANTAGE-6 fuel type for Temelín NPP (Czech Republic) in 2000-2009; VVANTAGE-6 (TVS-W) fuel type for South Ukraine NPP (Ukraine) in 2009-2014; TVS-RW fuel type for South UkraineNPP since 2015 South Ukraine NPP (Ukraine)until 2020 Temelín NPP experienced massive malfunctions related to the geometric stability of the fuel that eventually led to premature unloading of all of Westinghouse's fuel assemblies despite financial losses, and replacement with TVEL fuel. Problems with fuel recurred in Ukraine to a lesser extent, but still enough to cause a lengthy unscheduled outage at two of the units, which eventually led to technological adjustments to the fuel and consequent relabeling to Robust (TVS-RW). China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) - Tianwan NPP (China) until the end of plant´s life-cycle As part of the 2008 contract with TVEL and CNNC, TVEL sold production technology for TVS-2M fuel for VVER- 1000 units. China's Yibin fabrication plant will thus produce the fuel for Tianwan Units 1 and 2 and future Units 3 and 4 (currently under construction) from fourth refuel onwards. The contract is for Tianwan NPP only. VVER-1200 - - - * This contract was operated by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL), owner of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC between 1999 and 2006. All Westinghouse’s nuclear power business was restructured by BNFL, including ABB Group's nuclear power business, bought and merged into Westinghouse in 2000. In 2007, BNFL sold Westinghouse Electric Company LLC to Toshiba Corporation and Toshiba sold shares of the company to minorities (20% to The Shaw Group and 3% to Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.; later in 2007 10% to Kazatomprom) leaving the Japanese company with 67% share. When BNFL bought Westinghouse, it was decided that the reload fuel for Loviisa NPP Unit 1 would be assembled via a manufacturinglicense by Enusa Industrias Avanzadas, S.A. in Spain instead of at Westinghouse´s Springfieldsplant in UK. Source: public sources; company information;compiledby T. Vlček. What is it for?  Potentially the biggest single obstacle to fuel market diversification is the license.  It is here that Euratom makes its entrance. The Euratom funding noted earlier is targeted directly at diversifying the VVER-440 fuel market by qualifying a second supplier for the EU’s VVER-440 reactor fleet. The program will chiefly focus on establishing the methods and methodology required to license a VVER-440 fuel design.  To support the business of a Western nuclear company by removing market barriers to allow entry to the relatively small EU market for VVER- 440 reactors—fourteen in operation, two in construction—seems nonsensical from at least two vantage points.  The Euratom funding is targeted directly at diversifying the VVER- 440 fuel market by qualifying a second supplier for the EU’s VVER- 440 reactor fleet.  The Dukovany NPP in the Czech Republic, the Loviisa NPP in Finland, and the Paks NPP in Hungary all have lifetime fuel contracts with OAO TVEL for all their VVER-440 units.  Only at the Jaslovské Bohunice and Mochovce NPPs in Slovakia do the contracts expire in 2021.  There are thus no contractual obstacles to changing suppliers in subsequent years, and the plants will continue in operation well beyond that point: up to 30 years for Mochovce NPP Units 1 and 2; up to 10 years for Jaslovské Bohunice V2 Units 1 and 2; and up to 60 years for Mochovce NPP Units 3 and 4. Euratom Grant as a Direct Market Support I  Since Westinghouse Electric Company LLC truly is the sole alternative provider of fuel for VVER-440 reactors, the evidence also backs the argument that financial support for the diversification of fuel to VVER reactors in fact constitutes direct support of one private company on the market.  But this is not the key reason for Euratom’s grant scheme, nor for the European Commission’s diversification efforts. It is a mere corollary outcome; Westinghouse is indeed the only alternative supplier of nuclear fuel for this region.  Finally, we may expect the instalment of Lead Test Assemblies in a VVER-440 reactor in the near future. It may occur either at Ukraine’s Rivne NPP, since Westinghouse already has a commercial presence in Ukraine, or at Slovakia’s Jaslovské Bohunice and Mochovce NPPs. Euratom Grant as a Direct Market Support II  The Slovak Government has discussed the possibility of cutting dependency on Russian nuclear fuel, and in November 2014, information emerged about a contract for uranium fuel supply being signed with a non-Russian company  Additionally, in 2014 Slovakia began a diversification effort targeting not only uranium enrichment, but also nuclear fuel manufacture, crude oil and natural gas infrastructure, and military equipment based on Resolution 146 of the Committee of the Slovak Republic National Council for Defence and Security However:  “Our business with TVEL has always been very smooth. Slovenské Elektrárne has never experienced any technical problems with the fuel, not even small leakages, which may occur in one out of a thousand fuel assemblies. The quality has been outstanding, and even during this period of tension we have not experienced any delivery disruptions. When the situation was especially tense, we used aerial transport to avoid passing through Ukraine by train.” Nicola Cotugno, general-director of Slovenské Elektrárne What is it for?