Brexit: Politics, Policies and Processes

Week 5: Road to the Leave vote_renegotiations and referendum campaign

Assigned readings

  • Glencross, Andrew (2018). Cameron’s European legacy: How Brexit demonstrates the flawed politics of simple solutions. In: Martill, Benjamin a Staiger, Uta (eds) Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe. London: UCL Press, pp. 22-28.

  • Study questions
  • What simple solutions did Cameron make?
  • How come that the referendum seemed like a low-risk option back in 2013?
  • In what sense did the Remain campaign ignore the warnings of recent EU referendum?
  • Why is the referendum temptation hard to resist? 

  • Smith, Julie (2018). Gambling on Europe: David Cameron and the 2016 referendum. British Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1–16.


  • Study questions 
  • Which factors contributed to precisely the outcome Cameron did not want (i.e. losing
  • office; country looking set to the leave the EU; and the divisions within his party more apparent than ever)?
  • What do you know about Cameron’s pledge to take the Conservative Members of the European Parliament out of the group of the European People’s Party? Why was it important?
  • In which way(s) did Cameron lose his timing?
  • Were Cameron’s EU renegotiations successful?
  • The Leave campaign outstripped Remain in three key areas: message, money and media. Explain each. 

Presentation no I: Possible scenarios for the UK-EU relations: Norway, Canada, Turkey and others (Which one is the most likely?)

Presentation No. II: The Irish backstop: why does it cost so much trouble?