Brexit James Beeson Head of Policy British Embassy Prague Outline •The vote •The negotiations •Legislation •The Withdrawal Agreement + Political Declaration •UK Parliament procedure •Next Steps •Future Relationship •No Deal • • • The Vote – 23/6/2016 • The negotiations •UK preparation to start negotiations •Conservative Party leadership elections •Theresa May becomes leader of party – 11 July •DExEU formed – 14 July •Launch Article 50 – 29 March 2017 •Two year deadline set p=all&zoom=1&resize=644%2C429&ssl=1 The Withdrawal Agreement + PD •Withdrawal Agreement •Two year transition Period •Continues relationship •Backstop for Northern Ireland •Political declaration •Sets out terms for future relationship •Finally agreed on 25 November 2018 •European Council UK Parliamentary Procedure •Three things needed to ratify agreement: •Meaningful Vote – agree in principle to WA & PD •Passage of Brexit Legislation – put legislation in place for WA •CRaG – To ratify an international treaty • UK Parliamentary Procedure •Stuck on the Meaningful Vote •The backstop . . . Related image • ng?ssl=1 Next Steps •Secure support for a Meaningful Vote •Put legislation in place •Negotiate Future Relationship Next Week •Currently finding solution to the backstop •Meaningful vote – by 12 March •No Deal vote – 13 March •Article 50 Extension – 14 March Turnouts and Problems • Some problems exist • Weakest points on the track due to joints and fastenings. Safety becomes mai... No Deal •UK would cease to be an EU country after 29 March •Drop out of EU institutions and frameworks •Impact on •People •Business • Future Relationship •Withdrawal Agreement gives time to agree a future relationship •Political Declaration gives the structure for this •Implementation period runs to end-December 2020 •One opportunity to extend this by 2 years – agree by July 2020 •